96.15% Elden Monarch [Dark Souls 2 SotFS X Elden Ring Crossover] / Chapter 25: Chapter 25 - Unfinished Business

章節 25: Chapter 25 - Unfinished Business

"Firstly, I would like to apologize for this unpleasant matter. It seems that Ensha acted hastily. As his master, I would like to express my regret. But now, Ensha is dead and gone, finished, forever." Gideon spoke apologetically, bowing politely.

"Hump! You speak as if it is not the first time that Ensha has perished." I exclaimed irritably, crossing my arms and leaning back in my seat. The second of hesitant silence I received in return was more than enough to confirm that I got something right.

"Ensha's situation is peculiar, to say the least." Gideon commented, readjusting his stance.

"I imagine, as there was nothing on the armor when I reduced half of Ensha to ashes, revealing it to be a puppet. I can think of two possibilities, the first being that you did not have full control of your servant. He acted on his own, making your apology genuine…" I replied, scratching my beard in deep thought.

"I'm glad you are a rational man since you found the most logical answer…" Gideon said relieved, probably hoping I would end the matter here and now, but I stopped him before he did.

"…Or, you have complete control over Ensha, and now you try to wash your hands of any blame. Which in my opinion is likely, as a puppet needs someone to pull its strings." I finalized my guess, waiting for the Round Table leader's response.

"Ensha was a promising and powerful Tarnished, just like you and me. A Monarch known as The Soulless King, Lord of the Lost and Desperate, however, the Grace resurrected Ensha centuries after his death and the fall of his kingdom." Gideon spoke suddenly, capturing my attention.

"I believe he awoke only to find forgotten ruins that were once his kingdom." I responded, noting the parallels between Ensha's story and the various fallen kingdoms I explored.

"Exactly, then Ensha learned of his new purpose in the world of the living, and headed to the Lands Between, but with a less than altruistic purpose. Ensha did not wish to become the new Elden Lord to restore order, but rather to utilize the resources he would acquire from such a feat and rebuild his ancient kingdom."

"I believe the Grace did not remain lasting in Ensha's eyes if these were the goals he had in mind." I said, making Gideon laugh slightly.

"Haha! Correct, I invited Ensha to the Round Table, where I helped him with my information, and eventually learned about his aspirations, although I warned him that it would lead him nowhere."

"But he ignored it." I said, already knowing the answer.

"Obviously, but that didn't stop him from trying anyway. But without Grace to aid him, death became more permanent for Ensha, and it soon arrived through the hands of the Omen who protected Stormveil Castle."

"He must have been happy to hear that I defeated Margit." I commented sarcastically.

"If Ensha felt something, then he did not show it, and remained silent, as he had done since his sudden return. Margit threw Ensha's corpse from the bridge where they fought, sending it to an underwater tomb, but he returned to the Round Table the next day, completely silent, as the man wearing the armor no longer existed, just a puppet with his own will." Gideon responded, seriousness creeping into his voice.

"And you didn't do anything about this unusual situation?" I asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"Oh, you underestimate me if you think I haven't done anything about the matter, in discovering who my former subordinate's mysterious benefactor is. Ensha swore his loyalty to me upon his return, but I always took that statement with suspicion, and I was right since he abandoned everything for a tiny chance of getting something from you." Gideon spoke arrogantly.

"And that something would be half of Miquella's Haligtree Medallion, the same half that belonged to the albinaurics massacred by the Omen Killer in your service?" I responded casually, making Gideon stiffen for a moment before clearing his throat and relaxing his posture.

"I see you are more observant than you seem." Gideon muttered, readjusting himself in his seat.

"You flatter me, but I wouldn't have discovered your hand behind the Killer's actions if he hadn't done such a precarious job." I spoke, maintaining my previous tone.

"Survivors, of course. I suppose the Killer didn't see the end of the day."

"Fortunately not, Nepheli, Rennala, and I made sure of that. Speaking of Nepheli, does she know what you did?" I asked again, hoping to further reduce Gideon's confidence and back him into a corner to extract more information, but I frowned at how calm he suddenly acted.

"Nepheli, I have no use for her anymore. Honestly, what a man can do?" Gideon shrugged with disturbing frankness.

"What did you do?" I demanded through clenched teeth, ready to stand up and pry the information from Gideon along with his teeth.

"Nothing, I just dismissed Nepheli, her services are no longer needed. She is free to do whatever she wishes now." Gideon responded, but I glimpsed his hand reaching for his staff.

"Hm… I doubt the other Tarnisheds will believe what I discovered, after all, you are Gideon Ofnir, The All-Knowing, a veteran of the Round Table and pious Tarnished who offered shelter and information to all competitors for the title of Elden Lord, and most importantly, Nepheli's foster father, although this doesn't seem to mean anything to you." I said, partially closing my eyes as I tried to calm the anger in my chest. Gideon at least had the decency to flinch slightly at my jab.

"You can try if you want, but you won't get results. Nepheli disobeyed my orders and went against my will; I have no use for those who act without thinking, just like Ensha. Talking about Ensha, we are getting off-topic, are we not? You came here demanding explanations about your attacker, not to listen to family feuds that don't concern you."

I stopped shortly and analyzed the situation, thinking of a response to Gideon's statements as I scanned my surroundings for anything I could use to my advantage, but there was nothing.

Using violence would only draw unwanted attention and create a misunderstanding impossible of explaining, so I clicked my tongue in frustration and signaled Gideon to continue.

"Hm… You are not a foolish brute. Continuing, the sorcerer known as Preceptor Seluvis was the one who brought Ensha back as a puppet." Gideon replied, making me widen my eyes slightly.

"Preceptor Seluvis, the same man under Ranni the Witch protection?" I asked surprised.

"I see you met him when you offered your services to the former Carian heiress."


"I have eyes and ears everywhere, do not think my title is unfounded, for I follow the journey of all the Tarnished of the Lands Between." Gideon spoke with a hint of arrogance, waving at the various tomes, books, and scrolls that surrounded us.

This man's boasting frustrated me more and more, but I did not express my opinions, preferring him to continue talking.

"An unpleasant and vile-hearted fellow, Seluvis was once part of the Round Table, but we had a disagreement involving another member of the Table, Dolores, The Sleeping Arrow… She was a… Dear companion of ours…" Gideon spoke, sadness and nostalgia taking his voice shortly.

I believe he considered her more than a companion but judging by his tone, the disagreement did not end well. Maybe Gideon was not this cold, results-focused man in the past.

"Seluvis left the Round Table, and Dolores soon after, as she did not agree with my methods, but we stayed in touch with each other. That is until she suddenly disappeared, she didn't die a permanent death or left the Lands Between, she just disappeared."

"And Seluvis is involved in her disappearance somehow."

"Correct. I confronted Seluvis about the matter, let us just say our conversation turned physical within minutes, but I came out on top, and what I discovered shocked me. Seluvis turned Dolores into a puppet, not just her, but other women and men who captured his interest. Seluvis does things to people he turns into puppets, I don't think I need to explain what." Gideon spoke seriously, uttering Seluvis's name with venom in his voice.

I remembered the puppets at the Earthen Peak, but I always had doubts as to whether they came from scratch, or made with the corpses of those who dared to invade the construction. Now I know that it is possible to turn people into puppets.

"Probably due to a type of sorcery he developed, and since I found Seluvis some time ago, that means you failed to kill him." I responded, and Gideon nodded.

"Yes, rage overcome me and I tried to kill Seluvis with my own hands instead of casting a spell, and that was all he needed to hurl a flaming potion towards me and escape while I tried to put out the flames. There's the answer you wanted, Seluvis turned Ensha into a puppet, but kept the man's mind trapped in the armor, allowing him to act of his own free will."

I remained silent, processing and reviewing all the information I acquired during this conversation. What was supposed to be an explanation turned into a long discussion, and now I thought about whether I should do something about it.

Ranni will certainly be furious if I killed one of her subordinates without proof, but I do not feel comfortable knowing that I will have to work alongside such a man.

"I have two last questions before I leave."

"Ask." Gideon responded.

"Where is Rennala? I did not find her when I returned to the Round Table. And who are the new Tarnisheds I saw when I arrived?"

"Hm… The first question is difficult to answer. I suppose the trap Ensha set by interfering with the Grace only supported two people, and he never expected a third, so Rennala could have landed in a different location, be it in the middle of the sea, or dozens of meters above the ground. But I can use my connections to try to locate her if you wish; based on the respect I have for you in acquiring two Great Runes."

"Please do, I would be grateful for it." I responded, and Gideon nodded, writing something on a parchment before dispersing it with magic.

"The second question is easier to answer. The new Tarnisheds are, for the most part, former prisoners of Godrick who escaped from Stormveil Castle after the death of the Demigod, while others are those who cowardly fled when encountering the dangers present in the Lands Between. Most of them are missing arms and legs, but I recommend you be careful anyway, as some of them can be quite entitled."

"I believe I have heard enough." I said, getting up.

"The search for Rennala may take a while, so I recommend that you continue with some matters that you still have open, such as visiting D's friend, or your mission with the Half-Wolf. But if I may say so, I suggest you stop your habit of talking alone in public, I don't care about your sanity as long as you continue your mission, but the other Tarnisheds may think you're unfit for duty and try to replace you." Gideon commented, surprising me again, but he pointed to the eyes and ears that adorned his armor, answering my questions before I even asked.

I sighed tiredly and turned my back to the Tarnished, making a mental note to remain aware of my surroundings from now on.

"Well, that was quite a conversation." Godwyn spoke surprised, floating beside me.

"It would take more words to describe it, but your affirmation is an acceptable summary." I responded, stopping near the hallway that led to where Gideon's office was.

"Do you think we should trust his words? We should punish him for what he did to the albinaurics, and for employing an Omen Killer." Godwyn replied irritably.

Hm... Again, I feel that Godwyn has some kind of relationship with the Omens, as he seems to care more about them than simple kindness.

However, I left these thoughts behind and removed an object from my bag, a medallion consisting of a partially broken stone ring with a yellow eye in its center, the eye stared at me and blinked before I pointed it towards Gideon's office.

"What is that?" Godwyn asked, staring into the eye with a mixture of curiosity and disgust.

"My Crushed Eye Orb. Remember our conversation in Raia Lucaria, about how I discovered that one of my teachers was the Invader who tried to kill me repeatedly?" I said, waiting for some kind of reaction from the eye.

"Yes." Godwyn responded hesitantly.

"I found this orb in a place called The Undead Crypt, this artifact can identify traitors, dishonorable criminals, by writhing unsteadily in the presence of one."

"And I believe it showed such a reaction when you approached your teacher." Godwyn muttered surprised as several expressions crossed his face.

"Yes, however, the eye does not appear to view Gideon as a traitor. This proves that I can trust him for now." I replied, hiding the discomfort I felt upon remembering Licia.

"How is this possible, even after everything he's done?" Godwyn asked revolted.

"I suppose despite everything he did. Gideon genuinely wants to become Elden Lord, or for someone else to become one, and restore order. Hiding the truth from Nepheli, and dismissing her, and betraying Nepheli are completely different things." I said, storing the orb and walking away.

"Could you replicate this orb? You have no idea how useful this would have been in the past! Having the ability to identify traitors would have speeded up many trials and prevented revolts." Godwyn exclaimed, following me.

"Yes, with the necessary resources and materials." I shrugged.

"Well, what do we do now?"

"First, I will upgrade my weapons and spirits, then I will search for Nepheli, and then… There is no shortage of things to do. I can't believe I left so much open, but I can't help but worry about Rennala." I replied, crossing the Round Table and receiving strange looks from the new Tarnisheds.

It did not take long to find Hewg and Roderika, although I was not the only one there, as other Tarnished had their weapons and spirits upgraded.

I saw a man wearing oriental armor, similar to Sir Alonne, a woman wearing blue clothes, a turban, and carrying scimitars, a hooded man wrapped in black clothes, and many others.

However, I did look away in respect when I saw a woman wearing nothing but her underwear and carrying a club, similar to certain annoying invaders I have dealt with in the past.

I decided to approach Roderika first as she had the shortest line.

"New faces, and some even pretty. Did any of them capture your interest?" Godwyn teased, smiling from ear to ear.

"Please don't tell me you're going to continue your dull teasing." I exclaimed tiredly.

"What did you say?" The woman in front of me, wearing heavy armor and carrying a long sword, asked, turning towards me.

"Nothing!" I responded quickly while smiling, receiving a frown and a muttered insult in return.

"HAHAHA! You need to be more assertive! You've made progress with Melina and Rennala, but you'll only get a maiden in a hundred years at this rate!" Godwyn laughed, punching my shoulder playfully.

"Don't you have anything better to do than annoy me?" I asked the Demigod.

"Excuse me?" The knight asked, turning towards me again.

"What?" I asked back, acting as if I did not understand what she meant, and receiving a withering look back.

"My congratulations, you have already ruined your chances with the maiden in front of you. How about trying with the other one talking to Hewg?" Godwyn suggested, pointing to the woman in question with his thumb, and I saw it was the poorly dressed one from before.

"By the Gods, have some respect! She probably had her equipment stolen! Who in their right mind would walk around like that?" I asked, although I may have spoken louder than I should have, as everyone in the room turned towards me.

I had no answer this time, so I could only shrug and smile nervously.

"Weirdo!" The knight commented before leaving, breaking the silence and allowing me to approach Roderika. I wasted no time in talking to her to escape this situation.

"Roderika, you can't imagine how happy I am to see you again!" I said, bowing politely.

"Likewise, Alden! It has been some time! I believe you are here to upgrade your Spirit Ashes." Roderika responded, returning the gesture.

"Exactly, but I would also like to know if you could create another Ash from the spirits that accompany me."

"I can try as I feel my skills are improving, but don't expect anything too grandiose." Roderika spoke with some doubt.

"Coming from you, I can only expect the best." I replied, reassuring the girl who nodded with determination.

I gave her the Warhawk, Wolves, Jellyfish, and Godrick's Soldiers Ashes, which she upgraded in a few minutes. Then I offered my hand to Roderika, repeating the same actions as before.

Roderika held my hand and concentrated in effort as sweat ran down her face. A light shone in the palm of our hands, and when the light disappeared, we separated, revealing a Spirit Ash in the palm of my hand.

The Ash represented a tall knight wearing lion-themed armor and carrying a large cross-shaped spear, the Old Dragon Slayer. My combat against the flying lizards will become easier from now on.

"The spirit is eager to hunt dragons just like her old teacher. Don't keep her waiting, Alden." Roderika spoke, catching her breath.

"Thank you very much Roderika! Thanks for everything!"

"You're welcome, Alden! Come back when you need my services and I will do my best!" Roderika replied.

Exchanging one last wave, I walked away from Roderika and stepped in the end of the line leading to Hewg, ignoring the comments Godwyn made as I intended to avoid another incident.

I do not know how much time passed, as I remained lost in my thoughts until I found myself in front of Hewg, who coughed audibly, catching my attention.

"If you're going to daydream, then you might as well do it somewhere else." Hewg said amusedly.

"Sorry, my mind wandered off to escape from a certain someone's annoying rants." I replied, facing Godwyn, and celebrating internally when he frowned.

"Hump! The feeling is mutual. You have no idea the nonsense I have to listen to from the new Tarnisheds, begging for discounts and more. What a bunch of penny-pinchers. If they want a smiting job that bad, then they had better kill a troll and bring back some runes, or learn to smith themselves. However, that is not why you are here, is it? Show me your weapons!" Hewg demanded.

I laughed at Hewg's complaints, but I stepped forward before I became the new source of his troubles, and handed over the weapons I wanted upgraded, the Grafted Sword, Uchigatana, Lordworn's Great Sword, Bloodhound's Fang, Ornamental Straight Sword, Great Épée and Golden Halberd.

"I hope you have the stones and runes necessary for the job. It looks like you're about to face an army with those weapons." Hewg exclaimed surprised.

"You might say so, considering I plan to go to Caelid in the future and haven't heard anything pleasant about the land." I responded, handing over the runes and stones needed for the job.

"Nothing pleasant would be an understatement. The place is rotting to the bone, with abominable monsters devouring everything in sight, or so they say. It's hard to trust the exaggerated tales of the terrified Tarnisheds returning from Caelid." Hewg shrugged and upgraded my weapons.

"It can't be that bad." I said, imagining that Hewg exaggerated his words.

"You will only find out if you see it with your own eyes. But leaving that aside, how is the hunt for the Great Runes going?" Hewg asked without looking away from the sword resting on the anvil.

"Slow but steady, I have acquired two so far, Godrick's and Rennala's. I am thinking of trying to defeat Radhan, but certain circumstances prevent me at the moment." I responded, watching the hammer strike the steel at a steady pace, kicking up a small shower of sparks.

Suddenly, a series of audible gasps caught my attention. Looking around, I saw all the Tarnisheds present staring at me in surprise, but quickly looking away as soon as I stared back, but that did nothing to hide their whispers.

"That old geezer already has two Great Runes?!?" One of them spoke surprised.

"Godwyn, I don't look that old, do I?" I asked the Demigod while observing my reflection in the gauntlets of my armor.

"A bit, you look like you're leaving your forties and entering your fifties." Godwyn responded nervously, bringing his index finger closer to his thumb.

"Honestly, I don't know my age, the curse prevents me from aging and my memories remain blurred. I could be centuries or millennia old and not know."

"He's talking to himself again, how did this lunatic get this far?" Another Tarnished commented, making me grumble irritably.

"Everything is ready!" Hewg exclaimed, catching my attention and returning my weapons. I thanked the blacksmith and said goodbye to Roderika and him, leaving the room immediately before I attracted any more unwanted attention.

Now to find Nepheli.


It did not take long to find Nepheli in a dark, secluded corner deep within the Round Table. The warrior remained crouched with her head low, making an occasional noise.

However, my footsteps caught her attention, as she turned towards me as I approached, and I noticed her red, swollen eyes.

"Ah, you… Please leave me alone. It's pathetic, I know, but I… need to think." Nepheli murmured, trying to smile and pretend that everything was fine, but her face soon became crestfallen.

I sat next to her, leaning against the wall as I stared at the ceiling, weighing what I should say. Hm… Killing monsters is increasingly easier than comforting a person.

"Gideon told me what happened." I spoke softly.

"…So you already know, right? Yes, it is true. My father kicked me out, for giving in to my emotions, for forgetting the mission. This is punishment for killing one of his pawns. Father…, or rather, Lord Gideon has offered me guidance throughout my life. I would have done anything for him, to place him on Elden Lord's throne. Yet I… Even though it was not my intention… I betrayed him…"

"You did not do anything wrong. Your father committed an atrocity, even if not directly. It would be worrying if you had not felt anything in the village, and besides, you did not act alone, and Rennala and I participated in the death of the Omen Killer. If Gideon wished to punish someone, he should have chosen those with the majority of responsibility, but instead, he chose the one he knew would not fight back." I responded, placing a comforting hand on Nepheli's shoulder.

"I thank you for your words, but I… can no longer trust my father… To think that he would order his men to carry out such a tragedy… Where is the justice he plans to do with this? He once told me that if he became Elden Lord, he would never again allow the oppressed to be deceived. Was he simply lying to me? No, no, no… How could I say that? My father always gave me his guidance… Now… I lost it…"

Guidance… That word again. The people of these lands depend too much on guidance in their lives, whether from Grace or someone else. In addition, when that guidance disappears... Well, Nepheli's current situation is an example.

Nevertheless, I was once one of those people, doing what they told me and heading where they pointed me. Until I found a new path and fought for my freedom.

"Nepheli, I know how you feel. I was once a confused and aimless person, destined to act according to the will of the people above me, but I managed to hold my destiny by the reins, not alone, because a person helped me, and I want to do the same for you. You may feel lost without Gideon's guidance, but you do not realize the freedom you now possess. You are free to do what you want. Following your dreams and goals is no longer a matter of what Gideon wants, but rather what Nepheli wants. So I ask you, Nepheli Loux, what do you plan to do now?"

Nepheli went silent, staring at me with wide eyes, then her expression softened, and different emotions passed across her face, anger, frustration, sadness, until the warrior took a deep breath and responded.

"I wish to make true the lies that my father… No! Lord Gideon has told me since I was a child! I want to fight for the oppressed and offer them the justice they have been denied!" Nepheli responded with determination, making me nod in approval.

"Your words fill me with pride, and I have an idea of ​​where you can start. I am trying to form collaboration between the inhabitants of Limgrave and the Misbegotten of the Weeping Peninsula, to try to end the prejudice and animosity between the two forces. Kenneth Height, Lord of Fort Height, and the Leonine Misbegotten, Lord of Castle Morne and Leader of the Misbegotten are negotiating peace agreements, with Boc the Demi-Human as an intermediary. Maybe you can help. A human showing genuine kindness to the Misbegotten will be a great example for everyone."

Nepheli went silent again, thinking about my words. I expected every kind of reaction, except for Nepheli suddenly standing up, grabbing me, lifting my feet off the ground, and trapping me in a crushing hug.

"THANKS!" Nepheli exclaimed tightening her hug and making my armor creak.

"You're welcome!" I responded, returning the hug before feeling my feet return to the floor.

"I am grateful for everything, but I will leave immediately! I still have a lot to think about, but I can't allow myself to cry in a corner while new opportunities open up to me!" Nepheli said smiling shakily.

"Take as much time as you need Nepheli, you can't force yourself onto a new path." I replied, returning a smile.

Nepheli nodded and said goodbye, leaving the room and disappearing around the corner.

"And there goes Nepheli Loux, her resolve partially restored by the socially awkward sorcerer. You did more for her in a few minutes than Gideon did in his entire life. Have you ever thought about adopting her?" Godwyn spoke, sipping from a goblet of wine.

"Don't even joke about it!" I responded quickly, reviewing the previous conversation and thinking about what to do next, until certain thought appeared into my mind and I widened my eyes in realization.

"Godwyn, what did you say your father name was before he became Elden Lord."

"Hora Loux, why the question?" Godwyn replied, tilting his head and looking at me curiously.

"Godwyn, Hora Loux, Nepheli Loux." I responded, pointing to where Nepheli went, waiting for the Demigod to make the connection.

A few seconds passed as Godwyn swirled his goblet of wine in one hand, and cupped his chin with the other, thinking deeply, until his eyes slowly widened and the Demigod crushed the goblet he held.

"Holy shit…" Godwyn spoke emotionlessly.

"I would use less vulgar words, but yes. Do you think we should tell her?"

"No, we would be acting too quickly. Nepheli has gone through an emotional shock; she doesn't need another one anytime soon by learning that she has Golden Lineage blood in her veins." Godwyn responded quickly.

"Kenneth mentioned that Limgrave is without a legitimate ruler. Do you think Nepheli could take on this role?"

"Yes, but she will only be legitimized if she goes through the rite that all previous rulers of Limgrave have gone through, except for Godrick."

"And what rite would that be?"

"Summon the Ashes of the Stormhawk King, a hawk revered by all others as ruler in the days when the winds of Stormveil were still fierce like no other. However, this ancient monarch is proud and refuses to respond to any summons."

"And where are the hawk's ashes?"

"I have no idea." Godwyn shrugged.


"Do you know where the Stormhawk King's Spirit Ashes are?" I asked Gideon, entering his office.

"And why the sudden interest in such a relic?" Gideon asked suspiciously.

"I discovered something interesting about Nepheli's ancestry, and that something might give her a new purpose in life after what you did." I responded without hiding my contempt for the man in front of me.

Gideon went silent for a few seconds, and then he rose from his hunched position at his desk and retrieved a parchment from one of the several shelves behind him.

"The Ashes are found in the Chapel of Anticipation, you can get there via a portal in the Four Belfries in Liurnia. Just use one of the Sword Keys present in the region on an Imp Statue to clear the path." Gideon replied, reading the contents of the parchment.

"Right, then I will leave immediately." I responded, but Gideon's next words stopped me shortly.

"Thank you for helping Nepheli." Gideon murmured, and I nodded before leaving the office.

Exchanging Rennala's Remembrance for the spell, Rennala's Full Moon, with Enia was the last thing I did before approaching the Central Grace at the Round Table. With everything done, I transported myself to Liurnia.


I stepped out of the Grace, close to where I got my Jellyfish Shield, and saw the Four Belfries on top of a hill. I called Torrent, mounting it, and rode towards the four stone towers in the distance.

It was a short trip, and I found the key Gideon mentioned in a chest at the top of the hill, now I just needed to discover in which statue to use, as there was one next to each tower.

I had my answer when I saw a message shining on the ground near the second belfry.

"Precipice of Anticipation."

I placed the key in the head of the Imp statue, activating the portal present next to it. Therefore, without wasting time, I touched the portal, transporting me away.


When my vision returned, I found myself in a familiar location; the same island where I faced the spider made of limbs, and fell to my unexpected death upon awakening in the Lands Between.

I crossed the arena full of tombstones and the statue of Marika, the rope bridge, and climbed the wooden staircase, stopping in front of the chapel. I did not find anything of interest in the chapel, so I focused on the small door on the right of the building.

Opening the door, I climbed a second staircase and found the Ashes I searched for in front of the entrance arch to the second floor of the chapel.

The Ashes represented a large wild hawk, with enormous feather, and wrapped in powerful winds. I felt the power emanating from this relic.

"Well, that was easier than I expected, considering everything we go through every time we pursue an alternate objective. Any suggestions on what we should do now?" I asked Godwyn, putting the ashes in my bag.

"You possess the Great Rune of Godrick, no?" Godwyn asked with an amused smile appearing on his face, which immediately revealed to me that the Demigod was up to no good.

"Yes?" I responded hesitantly.

"How about activating it and unleashing its true power?" Godwyn suggested as his smile widened, worsening the bad feeling in my chest.


"HA!" I shouted, shaking Torrent's reins and making the steed neigh, riding faster.

Simultaneously, the archer Golems in front of me pulled back their bowstrings, ready to fire the stone monstrosities they used as arrows.

We found ourselves on the large destroyed bridge next to Stormveil Castle, thanks to Godwyn's instructions. According to the Demigod, we could unleash the true power of the Great Rune in the Divine Tower at the end of the bridge, but the Golems made our travel difficult.

I pulled Torrent's reins to the right, dodging a gigantic arrow that shook the bridge as it hit the ground, but I had to act quickly and maneuvered Torrent to the left, dodging a second arrow that collided with the ground with a crash.

The Golems reloaded their bows and I took advantage of this opening to pass between the two and advance across the bridge. Unfortunately, two more Golems waited for me ahead.

I raised my chime and cast Wrath of the Gods, releasing a powerful shockwave and deflecting the trajectory of the two approaching arrows, but I heard the sound of the Golems' bowstrings behind me snapping.

Looking back, I saw two more arrows approaching. I cast Wrath of the Gods a second time, parrying the first arrow, and pulled Torrent to the left, avoiding the second.

I dismounted Torrent immediately and touched the purple portal at the end of the bridge, transporting myself away before more accursed arrows ripped through the air toward me.


I found myself in front of a colossal tower made of stone and extremely adorned. Looking around, I saw that the building stood in the sea near the coast of Limgrave, and I saw Stormveil Castle and the Golems in the distance.

I touched the Grace next to the tower and stepped on the pressure plate in the elevator inside the building, going up until I reached a stone staircase leading to the top of the tower, where I found a destroyed Two Fingers lying on top of a mound of dirt.

"Right, you had fun watching the Golems use me for archery practice. Now how do I release the power of the Great Rune?" I demanded irritably to the Demigod who laughed incessantly beside me.

"Just show the rune to the Two Fingers and they will do the rest." Godwyn replied, catching his breath.

I frowned in distrust. It cannot be that easy. The Great Rune will probably release a wave of energy or something, flinging me away and entertaining Godwyn. I removed the Golden Halberd from my bag and held it sideways, placing the Great Rune lying on the flat part of its blade.

"Alden, what are you doing?" Godwyn asked confused, but I ignored his words.

I distanced myself from the Two Fingers, holding the halberd by the tip of its handle and bringing it closer to the fingers in question.

"Alden, just show the rune to the Two Fingers, nothing bad will happen!" Godwyn exclaimed frustrated.

"I refuse to fall for another one of your tricks! I'll probably fall out of the tower, be struck by lightning, or something similar!" I responded, leaning forward and swinging the halberd in front of the Two Fingers.

Small golden runes appeared, accumulating in the air in front of the Two Fingers, forming a larger, elaborate rune.

I braced myself for the worst but sighed relieved when I felt no pain and the Great Rune of Godrick floated, absorbing the larger rune and having its cracks repaired, lines sharpened, and glow intensified, then the rune fell to the ground harmlessly.

I put away my halberd and retrieved the rune, feeling the absurd power emanating from it as supernatural winds suddenly blew around me.

"I said nothing bad would happen, but you doubted my words!" Godwyn spoke, standing beside me and staring at the rune.

"Hump! I thought this was another one of your attempts to deceive me for your amusement." I replied.

"And when have I deceived you before?" Godwyn asked with his hands on his hips.

"Do you want me to quote it alphabetically or chronologically?" I asked dryly, and Godwyn had the decency to blush embarrassedly.

"Leaving that aside, how about using the Great Rune and discovering what it does?" Godwyn spoke nervously, trying to change the subject.

"And how do I do that?" I asked, twirling the rune in my hand and analyzing its details.

"Just focus on the Great Rune's power and use it like any other magical item. You are a powerful sorcerer, are you not? It shouldn't be difficult for you." Godwyn replied.

I did as Godwyn suggested and raised the Great Rune, focusing on its magical power as if casting a spell or miracle. Suddenly, the rune glowed in my hand and I found myself enveloped in a golden, shimmering magical aura.

"How do you feel?" Godwyn asked, smiling expectantly as he walked around me.

"Stronger, not just physically, but I feel my magic and faith strengthened as well." I responded opening and closing my hands in front of my face.

"Hm… In that case, I believe that the Great Rune has increased all of your attributes, but do not celebrate too soon, as the power of a Great Rune in the hands of a mortal is merely temporary." Godwyn responded.

I felt some disappointment with this answer, but the possibilities forming in my mind spoke louder. I will acquire an absurd advantage if I combine the attribute-enhancing rings and talismans with the Great Rune and Ash of War of the Grafted Sword.

"I believe I owe you an apology for doubting you." I spoke to the Demigod while smiling slightly.

"Of course you do, and you can start by showering me with praise and glorifying my name." Godwyn spoke arrogantly, puffing out his chest.

"Do not push your luck." I muttered tiredly, passing through the Demigod who remained in the same position, and making my way back to the ground floor of the tower.

"What did you say?!?" I heard Godwyn scream, as I was halfway down, making me chuckle.


I found the location that D marked on my map at the end of the river near the village where I fought a Mariner for the first time.

Some bushes hid the portal, so with a simple touch, I transported myself to where the individual known as Gurranq lived.


The place where I found myself surprised me, a large chamber, probably a temple, judging by the statues and religious symbols around me.

There were six pillars around me, three on each sides of the chamber, with a gigantic statue of a skeletal beast carved into the side of each one. A stone pedestal stood between each pillar on each side of the chamber, with a lit torch burning on top.

Stone carvings adorned the walls, pillars, and pedestals, while pieces of cloth hanged from the ceiling.

However, the figure on the other side of the chamber caught most of my attention, a large, hunched being, wearing light brown robes tied by ropes, concealing his form, but not enough to hide its furry, clawed hands and feet.

"Hm… Have you finished… admiring the… decorations? Or will you stay there… staring at me?" The being asked irritably, its hooded head turning towards me.

"Forgive me for being rude, the exotic architecture surprised me." I responded, bowing politely before approaching, but stopped as soon as the being stepped forward and sniffed the air as it grunted.

"I smell it… Death… Feed it to me… Strange creature… bring more… Death. I will grant you... eyes... and claws. Feed me… more." The being growled as saliva oozed from beneath its hood and dripped onto the floor.

Godwyn and I looked at each other hesitantly. Was this the person D wanted me to meet? For he is visibly unstable, and I considered leaving immediately.

"What are you waiting for? Death… Hand her over to me!" The being demanded.

"Death? Do you desire the Death Root?" I asked, stepping back.

"YES!" The being exclaimed, punching the ground and shaking the chamber.

I looked at Godwyn, asking for his opinion on the matter, but the Demigod stood deep in thought, analyzing the being in front of us. I decided to do what the being demanded and removed a Death Root from my bag while lighting my flame, preparing to fight.

Surprisingly, the being took the Death Root from my hand and immediately devoured it with savage voracity. Root fragments and saliva flew everywhere as the sound of chewing echoed through the chamber.

Godwyn raised his eyebrows in surprise and crouched in front of the being, looking inside its hood.

Suddenly, Godwyn went stiff in his place, and then the Demigod stood up on shaky legs and walked away, staring at the being with eyes full of terror, and a pale, desperate face.

"Uncle Malekith…" Godwyn whispered as tremors spread through his body.

I jumped slightly at this information, but the being in front of me stood focused on his meal to notice.

Then I reviewed everything I knew about Malekith, he was Marika's half-brother, Godwyn's uncle, the one who defeated the Gloam-Eyed Queen and sealed the power of Destined Death in his blade in the form of a rune. However, he had fragments of it stolen by the Black Knives at Ranni's behest to assassinate Godwyn.

Nevertheless, what was he doing here?

"More… I am not satisfied… Feed me more… Death." Malekith demanded after finishing the Death Root, snapping me out of my stupor.

"These roots are all I currently have." I responded, handing over three more Death Roots.

Malekith wasted no time in devouring one of the roots while holding the others in his hands, repeating the disgusting display from before.

A few minutes passed with Malekith devouring the roots, and Godwyn disappeared, no longer able to bear the sight in front of him, I, on the other hand, drew the Grafted Sword and prepared my staff, as I had no reason to trust the being in front of me.

"Strange creature, what is your name?" Malekith asked after finishing his feast, breathing heavily as he composed himself.

"My name is Alden and D sent me here after I helped him harvest some Death Roots." I replied, preparing myself for the worst.

"My name is Gurranq, The Beast Clergyman. I do not know why D would work with a strange creature like you and recommend you as his replacement. You smell like death, but different. You do not refuse to return to the dead, but you are incapable of doing so. I do not feel the touch of the Death Root on you. However, your efforts deserve a reward." Malekith, or in this case, Gurranq responded.

Gurranq then handed me the Clawmark Seal, a Beast's Eye to find more Death Root, two incantations, Rock Sling and Bestial Vitality, and an Ash of War, Beast's Roar.

I honestly was not expecting all this, but new additions to my arsenal are welcome.

"Thank you for the wonderful gifts, Gurranq." I replied, storing the artifacts in my bag.

"Hump! Let us see if you will continue with this determination after seeing the horrors of the Death Root. Now go, bring me more death, we have nothing more to discuss!" Gurranq exclaimed irritably.

Nodding, I touched the Grace present in the chamber and transported myself away, weighing how I would deal with such a fearsome figure if necessary. If fate favors me, I may never get to this point.


I stepped out of the Grace near Ranni Rise and called Torrent, riding south toward Seluvis Rise.

"That's an impossible task, you know?" Godwyn spoke enigmatically, observing the horizon with a downcast look.

"What exactly?" I asked confused.

"Devour the Death Root, my monstrous corpse lies deep within the earth, with its roots expanding unceasingly. Uncle Malekith is devouring small fragments in vain, probably in a desperate attempt to make up for his failure, but he will not succeed until he devours the source of the root."

"Should we tell him?"

"No! Uncle Malekith was always an impatient and hasty person and a fearsome warrior. He will kill everyone in his path if he discovers the location of my corpse. We will solve this ourselves! Hand over more Death Roots to him if you wish more rewards, but he cannot discover my resting place!" Godwyn spoke immediately, fear and paleness taking over his face.

"You fear Malekith with your whole being." I stated.

"HA! How could I not fear what the one known as the Death of the Demigods? I experienced firsthand a fraction of his power, and look, what I became, a deformed corpse and a ghost!" Godwyn spoke sarcastically, spreading his arms wide in display.

"We'll fix this, Godwyn…" I replied but got no words in return.

I did not know how to respond to these statements, as I had no reference to Godwyn's pain, so we remained in awkward silence for the rest of the trip.

It did not take us long to reach the large stone tower where Seluvis resided. Sending Torrent away and entering the tower, I found the masked man dressed in black and blue robes, with his large colorful hat on his head.

"Well. You took my word for it. Didn't you realize I was just being polite? You provincials never cease to amaze…" Seluvis spoke arrogantly.

I felt him staring at me with disdain behind his mask, but I remained silent, waiting for him to finish speaking. Then I would decide what to do with the monster in front of me.

"Hmm, I suppose you are here now. Maybe I will give you something to do. I would like you to find a woman named Nepheli to administer a potion. Even you can do that, can't you?" Seluvis asked.

Nepheli? My opinion of Seluvis could not be lower, especially after learning about his disgusting interests. However, what should I do? Accept and discover what happens. Alternatively, end it all here and now?

I hesitated with the last option, as Seluvis was in Ranni's service, and I could unleash her fury if I killed one of her servants for no reason. I needed proof.

"Yes." I responded biting my tongue to hold back an insult as anger burned in my chest.

"Perfect, I will now hand you the potion in question. Find Nepheli and make sure she drinks it. I hope for good news soon." Seluvis replied, walking towards a shelf, taking out a vial, and handing it to me right away.

I held the vial in front of my face and analyzed its contents, a blue-black potion surrounded by a dark mist.

"Thank you, I will soon return with the job done." I replied, keeping the potion in my bag.

"Let's see if your words are true." Seluvis replied, walking towards a table full of vials and papers and reading some notes. I did the same and left the tower, calling Torrent and riding north.

"I hope you have a plan because I will torment you for the rest of your life if you give Nepheli the potion." Godwyn spoke with a dangerous tone in his voice.

"I wouldn't dream of it. Seluvis's twisted desires, and hatred for Gideon extend to the point of involving his rival's daughter, but we cannot act hastily." I responded, sending Torrent away and stopping at the top of a hill overlooking Seluvis Rise.

"And what will we do?" Godwyn asked, sitting on the ground and facing the tower as he rested his head on his hand.

"We will wait." I responded, removing my binoculars from my bag and casting Chameleon, transforming myself into a bush similar to the local vegetation.

"Oh, we'll be here for a long time." Godwyn commented, throwing himself back and lying down on the hill.


It was approaching noon when Seluvis left his tower, and I saw all the way he walked to a set of ruins near Ranni Rise. I crept towards the ruins in my bush form, blending into the landscape around me, keeping my distance from Seluvis, but not to the point where I lost sight of him.

That is until Seluvis disappeared upon entering the ruins. I hid behind a partially collapsed wall and dispelled my spell. Godwyn and I exchanged a nod and approached the ruin in question.

I drew my Uchigatana, as I did not want to use a huge weapon in a place so full of obstacles, and stepped into the ruins, looking for Seluvis, but he was nowhere to be found, as if he had disappeared into thin air.

Suddenly, my foot sank into the ground, but I regained my balance, and saw an illusion dissipate, revealing a staircase leading downwards. Descending the staircase with slow and careful steps, I sharpened my senses in search of a trap, but my descent stayed uneventful.

I arrived at a dark basement full of doll-like figures, Seluvis' victims, and raised a surprised eyebrow upon seeing their eyes following me. Was there still some fraction of consciousness left in their bodies?

Finally, I found the person I searched for on the other side of the basement, muttering something as he worked on a puppet lying on top of a stone table.

"Well, apparently Gideon was right about you." I spoke, making Seluvis jump and turn towards me as he leaned on the table.

"GASP! Why are you here?!?" Seluvis exclaimed surprised, scanning his surroundings.

"I just wanted to confirm some strange rumors I heard about you." I responded, removing the Crushed Eye Orb from my bag and pointing it at Seluvis.

The eye moved erratically, pointing at Seluvis as it glowed bright red. That was all I needed to know, and the existence of this place will serve as proof of my actions.

"You long for a puppet, don't you? Well, normally someone of your stature would never receive one, but perhaps I can make a very special exception." Seluvis spoke hopefully.

"Don't compare me to people like you." I responded, moving forward in a burst of speed and closing the distance.

Seluvis shouted an insult and pointed his staff in my direction, magic pooling at the tip, ready to cast a spell, but I did not allow it. I made a vertical slash, hitting Seluvis's wrist, and severing his hand from his arm.

"AAAHHH! WAIT!" Seluvis screamed, watching the severed limb and staff fly away as blood gushed from the wound.

I did not pay attention to his words; I pulled my Uchigatana and thrust it forward, piercing his heart with ease.

Seluvis let out a series of choked words, but I paid no attention to his attempts to save himself. I removed my blade from his chest with a yank, swung it above my head, and made a horizontal slash aimed at his neck.

Blood stained my armor as Seluvis held the wound in his neck, gargling wetly as he fell toward the ground. The man fell to his knees as blood ran from his throat like a river, painting the ground red.

I then stepped aside, allowing Seluvis to fall to the ground, where he remained for a few seconds before disappearing into souls and runes.

"Well, that was anticlimactic. I expected you to give a heroic speech about justice or something." Godwyn shrugged.

"You speak as if such a person deserved some kind of explanation before his death." I responded, wiping the blood off the Uchigatana with a swing and sheathing it right away.

"Hm… You're right."

"I'm glad you agree. Now let us see what Seluvis planned."


I regretted giving Seluvis a quick death after reading his notes and searching the basement, as I found an active puppet of Sellen next to a bed behind an illusory wall.

As if that was not enough, I found papers detailing Seluvis's victims and the process used to turn them into puppets, along with the ingredients for the potion he prepared for Nepheli.

Unfortunately, Dolores was one of those victims, and her puppet remained in the corner, staring at me along with the others. Although Seluvis did not keep a diary of his thoughts, he did have notes of his plans.

He planned to create a new puppet, better than all the others did, but he would need a more powerful potion to do so, using a fragment of Amber Starlight, an item capable of controlling the fate of Gods and Demigods, or so the stories say.

It was uncertain information, with a high chance of it being just rumored, but that did not change the image that formed in my mind, as there was only one Demigod close to Seluvis, Ranni.

"Hump! Why don't you finish Seluvis' potion and have Ranni drink it? That would make us even." Godwyn commented irritably, sitting down on the stone table.

"I wouldn't do anything like that without a good reason, besides, there's no guarantee that the potion would work, as it's never been tested before." I responded, gathering up all the papers, books, and parchments I could find and placing them in my bag. I believe I have enough evidence to justify my actions to Ranni.

"Almost always thinking before acting, that's something I like about you, but there's something else I'd like to discuss." Godwyn replied, observing the puppet lying on the table.

"Say it."

"Could you utilize Seluvis's knowledge and create a puppet body for me to inhabit?" Godwyn asked softly, surprising me.

"You're not suggesting I turn some poor innocent into a puppet, are you?" I said, looking at the Demigod.

"No, nothing like that! However, you could, I do not know! Put the medallion around your neck on a puppet for me to control, or something! You are the sorcerer here, not me, so I need your opinion on the matter." Godwyn responded quickly, shaking his head in denial.

"I would argue that it would be impossible, as Seluvis' notes stated that it was necessary to possess a soul to be transformed into a puppet, the soul in question would serve as a power source, but the Puppet Soldiers Ashes exist, soulless beings, but who became spirits."

"So you can do this?!?" Godwyn asked excitedly.

"I can try, but I would have to mix my sorcery with that of the Lands Between and reinforce the vessel you will inhabit to withstand even a fraction of a Demigod's power, however, I would still need a soul as a power source, otherwise you would find yourself trapped in armor, unable to move. Unless…" I said, thinking about the possibilities.

"Unless what?" Godwyn asked, looking me in the eye.

"Unless if I create one." I replied, lifting my head and staring back.

We had to pay a visit to Seluvis Rise and Hewg's forge to borrow some tools, but after that, we had everything we needed to proceed with our project.


It was a relatively peaceful night in Liurnia, birds returned to their nests, fish swam quickly in their rivers and lakes, and monsters and creatures fell asleep, temporarily reducing the number of conflicts in the region.

However, something unusual happened in the ruins near the Carian Manor, the hitting of a hammer echoed through the silent night, while the light of a flame shone softly on a dusty staircase hidden in a forgotten ruin.

The staircase led to a murky basement, where an undead sorcerer with long red hair and beard worked in a makeshift forge, hammering a skeletal-looking armor with his blacksmith hammer.

Flames surged from the sorcerer's right hand, enveloping the hammer and intensifying the power of its blows, the sorcerer breathed heavily as his muscles tensed, and each hit created a hellish flaming explosion, but harmless to its creator.

A pile of materials unknown to the Lands Between, but familiar to the sorcerer, stood beside the forge, a type of sparkling white ore, and petrified bones.

The sorcerer wielded these materials with his free hand, using them to improve the armor, while the heat from the forge hit his face, leaving his hair soaked and sticky with sweat while his skin reflected the light in front of him.

The once golden bones that adorned the armor turned a pure, unblemished white, and the night-black metal turned into a sea of ​​rocky brown scales.

With the first part of his work finished, the sorcerer picked up the armor pieces one at a time with pliers, dipping the scalding orange metal pieces into a bucket of water and raising a cloud of boiling steam, before laying each piece on a stone table in the center of the room.

Arranging the armor as if someone wore it, the sorcerer wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded at something beside him, but there was no one there.

Then the sorcerer removed the peculiar medallion hanging from his neck and placed it in a socket on the armor's breastplate created by taking the precise measurements of his neck adornment.

The sorcerer retrieved his staff resting in the corner of the room and returned to the table, muttering a few words as the rings on his weapon rotated quickly, glowing an intense blue.

A thin magical beam came out of the staff while the sorcerer walked around the table, watched by the attentive eyes of the puppets present in this ritual, and drawing a line on the stone floor.

When the sorcerer finished, a large magical sigil surrounded the table, glowing faintly. The sorcerer picked up the blacksmith's hammer and approached the table again, reaching into his bag and removing a luminous white sphere.

The sorcerer placed the sphere on top of the medallion in the armor and raised his hammer above his head, dragging his staff across the tool, enveloping it in glittering magic and pure crystals.

Then, with a cry of effort, the sorcerer struck the sphere. A metallic boom and the sound of breaking glass echoed through the basement, crystal shards fell like a luminous rain, and a blinding blue flash consumed the chamber.

However, the sorcerer did not stop; working like a machine, the sorcerer removed a sphere from its bag with one hand, and struck it with the other in a constant rhythm, obtaining results similar to the previous one, increasing in intensity.

An unearthly wind blew through the dark and dirty basement, a place where atrocities had occurred in the past, but now something unimaginable happened.

Books opened and leafed through on their own, small objects flew and remained floating in the air, with larger furniture coming soon after, and the puppets widened their eyes upon witnessing such magical power.

The sigil on the floor glowed brighter, becoming a wall of light, and the stone floor violently split open, giving way to unknown transparent light blue crystals.

However, the hammering continued. Becoming deafening as magic flowed through the armor. Shortly, two tiny blue dots glowed in the helmet's empty sockets, and the fingers of the gauntlets twitched.

Something happened outside, in the fields covered in ruins. Small floating blue orbs flew above the ruin where a blue light and gale emanated from a staircase.

Simultaneously, the spirits of the dead gathered to watch what happened, warriors from times past, sorcerers consumed by their studies, war animals, and all those who still relived their past battles before returning to the Erdtree appeared in a single location.

The colossal full moon shone its intense blue in a dark sea full of monstrous stars. Everyone watched attentively, because with destiny forcibly stopped, it was impossible to predict what would happen.

Suddenly, the hammering stopped and silence took over the night until a buzzing echoed in the distance. This buzzing became louder as the blue light coming from the stairs shone dazzlingly.

Then a massive torrent of magic gushed out of the staircase, rising toward the heavens in a sparkling spiral. It was something beautiful, wonderful, worthy of remembering and witnessing, like a river of purest water flowing towards the stars.

The orbs that floated above the ruin joined the magical torrent, bathing in its power. The spirits watching did the same, participating in that warm communion.

Soon the torrent filled with those who had nowhere to go, as the afterlife still denied them, their forms becoming visible in the spiral until the moment it reached its apex, plunging into the void at its center and returning from where it came.

A few seconds passed with that majestic vision, but soon everything became silent again. In the now destroyed basement covered in unknown crystals, the sorcerer watched his work, waiting for a result.

This result came in the form of the armor moving, the arms rising, and the legs kicking the air. Then the armor slowly stood up, sitting on the table, and facing the sorcerer, with magic burning in the helmet's sockets like two blue flames.

The armor looked from side to side, and at his gauntlets, slowly opening and closing them. Then the armor uttered its first words that reverberated through the walls in a tone that demanded respect.

"Godwyn, The Golden, walks among the living again."


VonLeporace VonLeporace

Well, this chapter took a while, but I believe the size explains why. That aside, what did you think of the DLC? Because the new revelations ruined my plans for Miquella, but nothing impossible to solve with a little bit of creativity.

Alden has expanded his arsenal, and you can be sure he will utilize his new resources, and he gave Nepheli some fatherly advice to set her on the right path. Maybe he already has experience with this. Memories of the past perhaps?

I wonder how Godwyn will react to meeting his brothers and sisters, and nieces in the Lands Between, talking about the Demigod, he will finally become more active in the story, and Alden's training will become hellish from now on.

Other than that, Seluvis stopped being a problem for everyone, and Malekith, or in this case, Gurranq joined the story. I think we all know this will not end well.

Finally, where is Rennala? I will probably reveal that in the next chapter.

That is it for now. Leave your comments and opinions about the chapter! Comments and suggestions are welcome! Until the next chapter!

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