( November 24th)
It was finally the day of the first task as many Hogwarts students and other guests have come to the arena to watch the champions go against their dragons.
At the sound of the Cannon one champion would leave their tent and face their dragons.
So far, three champions had already went and faced their dragons . The only one who didn't go was Harry Potter who was dreading leave us tent. He already knew which dragon he would be facing, and it was the deadly Hungarian Horntail, All Harry had to do was retrieve a Golden egg from the dragon's nest.
He hoped speaking to the dragon in parseltongue would work like Toxine had said.
And there goes the sound of the cannon meaning he was up next... with a deep breath and staying calm he got up walking out of the tent and head to the Arena to face the Hungarian Horntail
( Meanwhile in the stands)
Hermione and Ginny could only feel worried for Harry, Same for Neville as the Qudditch Team even felt worried for their seeker. Ron was sitting by Seamus and Dean Thomas.
On the other side of the stands was former Professor Lupin and a Black Dog who was watching.
Draco Malfoy And his goons along with a few slytherins hope potter gets hurt.
In the teachers and judges booth you could see they were watching with interest awaiting for Harry Potter.
( Arena)
Now in the arena he came and looked around that was until he saw a golden egg that he is tasked to retrieve from the dragon it was in its nest along with its other eggs, taking a deep breath and step forward pulling out his wand that was until he saw the Tail of the Hungarian Horntail nearly struck him as he had time to dodge and quickly recovered staring at the Winged Beast before him as she snarled glaring at Harry daring him to steal her eggs, however she smelled Harry and blinked her eyes in confusion his scent caught her off guard he didn't smell like a human to her he smelled like something else...
Looking up Harry could tell she picked up His scent and from the look of confusion on her face he knew then she could tell he wasn't human so he did the one thing that put nearly everyone on edge he walked forward towards the Dragon.
( In the Stands)
"What is he doing!?" Said Hermione looking very worried same with Ginny as the rest watched with interest
"What the Devil is he doing?!" Lupin shouted with his dog looking in worry
"Albus why is Potter walking towards the dragon!?" Demanded Mcgonagall
"I am unsure..." He Replied Watching with interest
"Has he lost it!?" Asked Snape with slight horror
Everyone was completely on edge about Harry walking towards the dragon.
Charlie Weasley Who is a dragon handler was also watching with interest wondering what the bloody hell was Harry doing.
( Arena)
The Hungarian Horntail looked provoked seeing him step forward to her as she opened her mouth and breathed a burning wave of fire at Harry as it consumed him.
"HARRY!" Screamed Hermione And Ginny with everyone else looking shocked and horrified he's been burnt to a crisp!
"Oi! Look!" Said Fred Weasley holding his binoculars as everyone looked closer, So did Ron and the others
Malfoy grinned seeing potter getting burned.
Lupin looked shocked as did his black dog.
Mcgonagall nearly had a heart attack
Snape could only have a bewildered expression
Dumbledore watched closely as he watched the flames consume Harry before his eyes started to twinkle.
( Arena)
The fire had died down revealing a unscathed Harry Potter which shocked everyone greatly! They saw him get burned how was that possible!?
The Hungarian Horntail looked shocked as well she couldn't comprehend what just happened! He should be burned!. He walked forward and raised his hand looking into her eyes as he spoke.
"Easy Hungarian Horntail I mean you no harm," Harry Said in Parseltongue shocking the Dragon and the audience who are watching!
"What are you...? You're not human... you're scent is very different... " The Hungarian Horntail Said in a low tone looking at Harry Potter
"I am Harry James Potter, I am a hybrid of a Basilisk and Phoenix, but my alias is The Basilisk King" Replied Harry as the Hungarian Horntail looked surprised as she bowed her head down in respect towards the hybrid as he placed his hand on her snout.
( Meanwhile in the stands)
Everyone was silent and just watched in pure shock and surprise nobody said a word or uttered a sound. Harry Potter is speaking parseltongue to a dragon!? It even bowed to him and is letting him touch it!?
"He's talking in parseltongue again" Said Hermione who couldn't be anymore amazed by this.
Ron could only scoff watching the scene
A slytherin student who is a girl was watching with interest as she could only be amazed by Potter's parseltongue language and he's speaking to a dragon. This girl is Daphne Greengrass the Ice Queen of slytherin who continued to watch.
A ravenclaw student who is also watching, she looked amazed by Harry Potter bonding and talking to a dragon as she stood by Ginny Weasley her friend. She couldn't wait to tell her daddy about this. And her name was Luna Lovegood.
Rita Skeeter was too busy writing down in her notepad of seeing the famous Harry Potter talk in parseltongue towards a dragon.
The Professors along with flich and Hagrid were a bit amazed of watching this.
Snape had stared long and hard with a bewildered expression.
Lupin could only jaw drop with his black dog doing the same.
Mcgonagall was impressed at what she was seeing
Dumbledore's eyes never stopped twinkling as a smile came across his face.
Madam Maxine looked amazed as Fleur who was discharged by ms. Pomfrey to see the rest of the match to see Arry. However she looked surprised at what Arry was doing the dragon wasn't even attacking him when he touched its snout and it's bowing to him? She continued to watch with interest
Igor Kakaroff scowled deeply at Harry in disgust that the boy can speak parseltongue and that he can communicate with a dragon!?
Mr. Crouch looked on in surprise at such a rare sight.
Alastor Moody watched also whirling his magic eye madly at the sight of Harry speaking in parseltongue to a dragon
Cornelius Fudge the English ministry of magic could only have a look of disapproval that Harry is speaking Parseltongue which only Dark wizards could speak it seems he would have to talk to Harry.
( Back to the Arena)
"You may rise Hungarian Horntail," Harry Said in parseltongue tongue as she rose up looking at him eye to eye sniffing him, she could smell the blood of a Basilisk and Phoenix running in his veins.
"What is it you want King of Serpents? What do I owe the pleasure of speaking to you?" She Said lowly not wanting anyone to hear that she could talk.
"I have come to complete a task without fighting you, one of your eggs that you're protecting are false and it's my objection to retrieve the Golden egg" Harry Replied with a hiss as he watched her turn towards her nest and look over at all of her eggs, she leaned over them smelling them all as she smelled one that didn't smell like the rest of her eggs looking convinced she turned back towards Harry.
"You have my respect Serpent King, you may take the false egg, I wish to serve under you as your loyal guardian and protector," She Said bowing her head with him smiling a bit.
"That can be arranged then. " Harry Said as she risen up.
"Hold Still, Serpent King I will bind myself to you." She Said breathing a white blinding light around her and Harry as it consumed them both as everyone's eyes were blinded by the sight as it died down.
"The binding is complete, I am yours to command Serpent King" She Said letting him pass to take his gold egg as he looked at her.
"Do you have a name?" He Asked
"My name is Kardia, Kardia the Hungarian Horntail." She Replied Back with a smile of her own as Harry himself smiled
Now having the Golden egg and has bonded with a Dragon He turned towards the stunned crowd.
( Stands)
After watching The Whole thing everyone's jaws had dropped as Fred and George started clapping slowly as their clapping began to get louder along with everyone else's as everyone clapped and cheered for Harry!
Ron could only look stunned and shocked at what he saw his former best friend did.
Hermione cheered louder as she kept clapping along with Ginny and Luna.
On the Slytherin side Malfoy and his goons didn't clap for Harry. But much to their shock, Daphne greengrass was the only slytherin clapping for Harry as they turned to her, they even saw her smile!?
"It seems Harry Potter and I need to talk," She Said in Thought still having that curved smirk on her face to say she was impressed.
Everyone roared and cheered for Harry.
Lupin could only smile as he clapped.
"That Boy is something else isn't he Padfoot?" He Said towards his dog who barked in approval
Hagrid couldnt be anymore proud and happy for Harry.
Snape on the other hand felt a small smile etch on his face.
Mcgonagall looked very proud of her lion though she still felt some type of way about him speaking parseltongue but proud that he has won and was unscathed!
Dumbledore smiled as his eyes still were twinkling madly
"Amazing... Harry my boy, you not only won the first task and mange to win unscathed, but from what I saw you have bonded with the Hungarian Horntail which I never saw coming" Dumbledore Said grinning
A hour later the judges have decided who was first place on the first task and it was none other than Harry Potter he was rewarded 10 points from Dumbledore, Maxine, Mr. Crouch and 5 from Igor.
Cedric came 2nd with Fleur in 3rd Krum was 4th.
It was official to everyone that the Hungarian Horntail now belongs to Harry along with her eggs. Since she has become fiercely loyal to him and refuses to leave his side she will take refuge up in the dark forest mountains making it her temporary home and nest for her hatchlings.
( Meanwhile in the gryffindor Common Room)
Gryffindor students held a party for Harry Potter and cheered for him as Fred and George raised him high in the air cheering him on.
Harry felt somewhat happy feeling all of his fellow gryffindor's support him again and no longer sees him as a cheat. Though there was one person who still felt that way about him. And it was Ron as he saw his former best friend in the far corner glaring at him.
Harry didn't care though as He was tackled by a hug from Hermione and Ginny he hugged them back.
And much to the shock of everyone they both kissed him on the cheeks making him blush then Hermione punched him in the shoulder.
"What was that for!?" He Said looking at her.
"That was for worrying me Harry James Potter! You nearly scared me and Ginny to death when we saw you consumed in flames!" Hermione Said as she hugged him tightly and started crying, he held her and stroked her hair.
"I was fine.. Mione I really was besides I wasn't hurt by it." He Said calmly as he leaned to her ear whispering to her.
"I have something to tell both you and Ginny... meet me at the chamber of secrets the same time we met last time okay?" He whispered as nobody heard him but her she nodded
Ron was in the corner just balling his fists in anger and hatred seeing Hermione give Harry so much attention and affection! She even kissed him on the cheek! It wasn't fair Harry is practically stealing Hermione away from him! And he couldn't allow that!
"May I have your attention please" Said the stern tone Of Mcgonagall making everyone turn to her.
"Mr. Potter, Professor Dumbledore wishes to see you, he says you have company" She Said Seeing him nod.
"Thank you Professor I'll be there to him" as he started to leave his common room.
( Dumbledore Office)
"Ah Harry how nice of you to join us, lemon drop?" He offered Seeing the teen shake his head then turn towards Former Professor Lupin as a Black dog stood by him and shifted into a human revealing Sirius Black.
"Sirius!?" Harry Said in excitement running over to his godfather and hugged him.
"It's nice to see you too Pup! You worried me out there!" Sirius Said ruffling his godson's hair.