20.93% Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 9: Going Nuclear

章節 9: Going Nuclear

It was utter madness. Never in the history of the Seven Kingdoms, anything like this happened. A single boy with a pack of Wolves is rebelling.

Something like this should be minuscule so that it should not bother anyone. Yet, the North was in shambles, the capital castle had been taken. The King is dead and now everyone is going crazy.

The armies of Crowlands, Stormlands, Vale, and Riverlands were rushing into the interior of Winterfell to capture the boy. Or kill him, as everyone was frenzied.

Especially the Kingsguards. The Commander of Kingsguards Ser Barristan Selmy, this was the third King he has served, and never before he was this angry. As failures from previous times have been piling on his consciousness he wants to bring that boy to justice.

So even if he was old, he was still full of fire to get this done.

Though they didn't expect…traps…traps everywhere.

A tree trunk full of sharp bones rammed into the invading army. It was attached to a rope so it swung with enormous force and crushed people in tens. If not over twenty with a single move.

Some of the greatest fighters died at that moment.

With a tree trunk in the way, the soldiers needed to remove the trunk. Which took time as it started to get extremely crowded in such a small area.

Though this was not only the trap that was on the way.

In the meantime at the back Vale Knights have recovered King Robert's body. Jon Arryn, the Hand of The King and Lord Paramount of the Vale looked at the body of his other ward.

He was devastated. Both of his wards were dead. This was soul-crushing for the old man.

Though he was baffled by the force of the arrow… It has left a hole in the body, a hole big enough to put a hand through it! It was simply…absurd.

This was not normal, not normal at all… Are they dealing with someone who can invoke the magic of the old?

"This is… What could have done this?"

"An arrow," Jon said with a deep frown.

"...An arrow doesn't leave—" The Hand of the King showed an arrow. The arrow was strange as it was meticulously carved from wood. It had knife carving on it and the tip of the arrow was not steel but bone.

"...We are dealing with someone who can use magic. By the Seven… Ned…what did you unleash on the Seven Kingdoms?" Jon was convinced that what they are dealing with is not normal and they don't know what this…Hunter will do…

"...A witch…but they don't do such things…"

"We are in the North, where Old Gods are still strong."


~~~~~~With Raynor~~~~~~

"Kid no hard feelings but you killed the King and Lord Commander, I need to put you down." An arrogant and quite braggart voice said from behind me.

I slowly turned around and saw a man dressed in white armour, he was blond with green eyes.

"Jaime Lannister, I see, so this is why she was insisting on killing me."


He was confused.

"As a Greenseer I see things many would think of as dreams. Targaryen had their Dragon Dreams, and we here in the North have Greenseers.

You see, I was wondering why Cersei was so persistent in trying to kill me. Now I see why. It appears she will be extremely angry if I am to kill you."

"...Then it's a good thing I won't die here today," Jaime said arrogantly.

"Oh? Are you sure? You might be the Hero who saved King's Landing from all that wildfire but can you do the same in this place?"

His eyes widened to a large degree, I do love this kind of expression when one reveals things.


"You are not dealing with an average KID, but someone who made North dance on my palm. And now I will deal with you and then I will deal with your bitch of a sister."

He narrowed his eyes and lunged at me but that moment my Claw Sword intercepted, well more like cutting his steel sword. Though he was good as he took a step back quickly enough.

"You are good. Your reaction speed is top-class. But prey is still a prey." As I said his red cloak guards and support died as I threw my Ivory Knives in that short exchange.


He was shocked by what just happened.

I swirled my claw sword before proceeding with attacking.

Since he could not intercept my weapon all he could do was dodge and let's just say he is not that fast to compete with someone who has improved speed from my gear.

Before long he had a bunch of cuts all over his body and I cornered him.

Though I was wasting my time as more people were rushing to my location. Me standing on the highest tower and all the traps on the stairs have slowed them down but…

"Hmm… I am out of time… I suppose I am not used to hunting lions. Here is your reward for surviving."

As I said that I threw a human wooden carving at Jaime who caught it…he was confused about what it was.

I didn't explain as I leaped from the tower and with a spin I stabbed my claw sword to slow my falling speed. It lasted for a bit before.


The whole tower shook and stone blocks started to fly off from the tower.

Yep, I gave Jaime a gift in the form of rigged Northern Souls.

The poor blondie is on a one-way trip to be used as a bomb as well.

Hmm, should I give that bitch his wooden carving before I detonate her fancy castle?

Well, I have time to think about how I will deal with her.

As I was thinking, I pulled my claw sword out and activated Bear and Wolf totems at once. At that moment my muscles and frame expanded as I landed like a mountain. One could say that my weight increased several times.


Furious coalition soldiers said that to me.

"I have nothing to say to someone who is shaking from fear."

I said with a snort as they saw how my landing had caused a small crater and I was fine after landing like that.


The guy lunged at me with a spear which I caught with my free hand and lifted the guy.


This caused everyone to gasp and then I used him to make a whirlwind I am pretty sure all his bones broke but regardless it was enough for me to make some space before I threw him with his spear and then jumped on another guy's head and then kicked off to jump and land in front of Main Hall doors.

"My thanks for watching this show. Now I need to bid you all goodbye." After doing a theatrical bow I dashed into the main hall.

Inside the keep which is full of corridors and more of my traps.

Let them think that I am fighting to keep this castle for myself.

The more they believe this the better.

"Chase that freak! Corner him! There shouldn't be a way for him to leave!"

I could hear angry rants behind me, did they forget about the fact that I just landed from the highest tower without any issues?

These uneducated primates are truly one of a kind.

Regardless they rushed in after me while I proceeded to take sharp turns and eventually lose them. Once that was done I proceeded to enter a room and then open the wooden windows.

Once I did that I proceeded to climb the castle up. To the highest place.

The best part is that I am in a blind spot, even if the army which should have surrounded the castle could see me no Archer could hit me. As there is a large wall separating us.

After reaching a high level I rushed towards a place where I prepared my getaway. A rope connected to a wall. Crossing is not hard as I just slide to the other side before cutting the rope off.

Once again I was on a wall.

'Not much left, those idiots are flooding into the interior of the keep.'


I shot an arrow and hit my mark. The guy dropped from the wall and right down to the cold ground.

After dealing with him I proceeded to descend from the wall using my claw Sword.

The fools already saw me from the encirclement and proceeded to dash towards me.

Yeah…well…a mistake…

As I pulled out my glowing arrows and proceeded to shoot with them.


A single shot not only created a crater but scared the shit out of the horses.

Causing many to drop from them or run away.

Creating a hole in the encirclement.

More than enough for me to leave…


"My Lord Hand. The castle is empty, there is nothing there, except for some sort of wooden carvings—" A soldier was reporting to The Hand of the King before all sound disappeared and the whole of Winterfell turned white before a massive explosion consumed everything.

The only reason why Jon Arryn and the rest were alright was because of the distance.

Even then they were blinded and turned deaf as the volume of the explosion was insane…

Everything was blasted away, and the shockwave vaporised around 98% of the whole army as the only ones who were alright to some extent were people in the empty campsite.

When Jon Arryn slowly stood up he needed to remove the tent from his face. Even then he didn't know where he was, he could not hear anything and his vision was blurry.

After some struggle, he was able to take the tent off his face.

He looked around…his gaze eventually ended up where Winterfell should have been.

The key word…should.

"By the Seven…"

He was pretty sure he said 'By the Seven' but he could not hear himself. His ears were still ringing.

Eventually, he turned his gaze away from the massive crater towards where the remaining Starks and their guards were standing and looking utterly dumbfounded by what they saw.

Their home is a massive crater.

Jon walked over to the family. Thankfully none of them were hurt. Lady Stark, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon. They were just standing there and looking at where the Castle was.

"...What just happened!? what did that Wolf Boy do!?" The red-haired woman asked with disbelief. How will her son rule North when the castle is not even there!?

"Gods know… We need to regroup… the blast destroyed almost the whole—"

Jon's eyes widened, he understood what this was!!!

A cold chill washed his whole body.

'Of course!!! How did I forget? We all call him Wolf Boy but he is a Hunter! What kind of tactics would a hunter use!?'

'A trap!!! He turned the whole castle into a trap to deal with the overwhelming amount of soldiers we have!!! Even all that baiting he did… He wanted to invite everyone into the keep!'

At that moment Jon got weak in his knees… He looked around, completely ignoring Catelyn Stark's words. How many men does he have left!?

There are a handful of Vale Knights left, all of the Stormlanders, Crownladers, and even Riverlanders are gone… Edmune Tully the Heir to Riverlands was dead too… Jaime Lannister, Ser Barristan Selmy…

The boy killed all of them!


The moment he heard the howls… He knew this was it… The boy got them.

Before long wolves from all sides swarmed around them pinning them down.

Jon's knights and Stark guards formed a protective layer around their Lords.

This was it…they were surrounded, they were like prey before a predator.

Though the wolves moved aside allowing the main perpetrator to reveal himself. He looked like nothing had happened to him. His leather clothes and hood, which were covering his face, were in pristine condition.

"...Here we are. Meeting properly for the first time. The domesticated half-fish wolves, the old falcon… It's good to see you all survived my trap."

"... What's your name? I want to know the name of who killed my wards. Blunged the Kingdoms into another war and brought instability to the Realm." Jon said with a frown.

"Gods. You sound like it's my fault all this has happened." The boy said while shaking his head.

"IT'S NOT!? You killed my husband!!!"

"Of course I did. He threatened to take my freedom, he didn't even ask what happened. His Guardsman's word is gold where mine would be copper at best. The man thought that he could do whatever he wanted. He tried but I made sure he can't do that anymore."



"Be a good fish and let men talk."

"You won't speak to my mother like this!!!" The red-haired boy said with fury as he pulled out his sword.

"Or what? What a half-fish like you can do?" The hunter asked with an amused tone.


"Stop him!" Jon swiftly ordered his knights to stop the boy.

"So much for the discipline of the ruling elite. Pampered domesticated half-fishes.

Is this what you Northerners fight for?"

"Don't listen to him! He is provoking and goading us to attack so that he could kill us with the least amount of effort!" Jon said with a terrified look.

He knew…he knew…what this is… The boy is a predator in human flesh. He will butcher all of them the moment they waiver!

"..Hoh? Finally, Gods… I needed to kill thousands before your slow mind catches up. This is disturbing. You people are weak. Castle life truly has softened you into sheep." The boy said while shaking his head.

"...Maybe it has. However, you did not answer my question."

"...Hmm… Why do you think I would answer it?"

"Then why are you keeping us alive then?"

"Amusement mostly. I wish to hear what kind of offers you will offer. That Flayed Man offered to adopt me so that I could be the next Lord Bolton. The man offered things he can't even give. What about you Jon Arryn? Will you offer some castle? Lord titles so that I could let you go? Or some sort of deal that I would spare the lives of the Stark kids?"


"I am? Your Lord Father wanted to strip me of my most valuable asset. He even wanted to know why I look like a Stark."

As he said that he removed his hood.

Jon and the rest were utterly shocked to see this kid looking like Stark!!! Hell, he looked like a small version of Rickard Stark! Cold grey eyes and obsidian black hair!

"Regardless… It appears you have nothing more to say."

As he said that he pulled out a wooden carving of a small human statue the size of a hand.

"Here… At least enjoy my art before you all go."

His words have confused the hell of everyone. Jon caught the statue and inspected it…

It looked like Ned…

"Not bad—"



Raynor for a second closed his eyes. He sighed internally, he knew this would happen. This is why he wanted to avoid the Lords and all the nonsense. But his Pride against Noblemen Pride…

They will never see eye to eye. This is why…

He will purge everyone who will stay in front of his Freedom. He never bowed to anyone.

The only exception is his parents and his family but they are not here…so he won't be going to rest.

"Next is the blonde bitch…"

That moment whining spread through his wolves…

"Well sorry that nothing has been left from them, but you boys can look for something to snack on. I need to write a letter to that bitch. I expect the red carpet treatment if she doesn't prepare for me…well, I guess I will blow her up as well."

The last part mumbled to himself.

~~~~~~Later, in King's Landing~~~~~~

"...To the blonde…." Cersei skipped the word as she was in a small council meeting. Her eyebrows were twitching furiously as she was reading the letter.

"...I have removed the nuisance which was led by your ex-fat husband. As a gift, I have sent his head to you. I am sad to say that his body was eaten by my wolves.

The issue about your brother and…" The blonde woman didn't say what was written after which made her whole body get cold and then hot. Fury and fear were constantly switching in her mind.

'What is this brat!? How does he know about my children!?'

Honestly, she was horrified. How did the whole army get destroyed!? How did Jaime die!?

"Your Grace?"

"HE…this…brat has killed everyone… Jon Arryn, Ser Barristan Selmy, all the Vale Knights, Storlanders, Crowlanders…H-He even killed Ser Jaime…" As Cersei said that she quickly destroyed the letter. She didn't care what was written after that.

"...Gods…do we even know what we are dealing with!?"

"My little birds in the North said that Winterfell is gone and no one knows what happened there. All the scouts report that where the keep was now it's an empty crater." The bald man, the Spymaster explained with a smooth voice. He didn't tell them that all the Lords are dead. And it's utter chaos in the North.

North has lost all the Starks, Boltons… It's complete madness over there. Not only that but Stormlands, Crownlands, and Riverlands lost a lot of Lords…Edmune Tully was dead as well… The Succession of Riverrun is in question now.

That boy caused so much chaos…Varis is liking this situation.

"I am sad to say my sources are saying the same thing." Petyr Baelish, the Master of Coins, said the same thing. He didn't even need to lie…

"We can deal with this later, Robert is dead. This means my son is now the King. Once he is crowned we can discuss the issues in the North."

"Of course, Your Grace, we can start the preparation for the coronation."


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