[Third Person's PoV]
All over the continent, monsters and Gates spawned. The monsters had one goal in mind: to kill every single human they came across.
Iris shouted commands to her Knights, "Your first priority should be to escort the citizens who can't fight to safety! Everyone else, follow me!"
Iris covered and enhanced herself with her magic and rushed towards the monsters that had appeared.
'Alexia, I hope you're safe wherever you are.'
She swung her sword towards the green ogres in front of her, but the ogre blocked it with its club and threw a fast punch towards her.
Iris jumped onto its arm, using it as a foothold, and slashed its defenseless neck before she shot off towards the other one.
Iris valiantly led the others in killing the ogres; she ducked under a swinging club and slashed off their tendons, leaving them to the others to finish.
"ROAR!" The ogre's roar was infused with magic, stunning Iris. She forcefully tried to move herself, but before she could break out, another ogre swung his club, hitting Iris and sending her flying.
She rolled and skidded across the ground, crashing into a building. Quickly, she got up and rushed back into the fight.
The more she fought, the more tired she became. "They're endless," she muttered with haggard breath.
An Ogre wearing fury shoulder armor rushed towards Iris while carrying a giant sword. As he cleaved his sword down, Iris had no choice but to block it.
The ground beneath her sank, causing her knees to buckle. She gritted her teeth as she enhanced herself with magic to withstand the Ogre's strength.
She then heard the sound of her sword chipping, 'Tsk, it's growing dull due to their blood. I have to quickly think of a way to get out of this predicament,' she thought.
Watching Iris struggle, the Ogre grinned, showing his tusks. Just as he was about to attack again, Iris saw a flash of golden light appear in the sky above them.
The light descended at a fast pace, cutting the Ogre in two and creating a dust smokescreen.
Iris coughed and wiped her hand over her nose before looking up. Her eyes widened as she saw Cid with a sword over his shoulder standing on top of the Ogre's corpse.
He looked down at her and asked, "You alright?"
Iris smiled as she nodded her head and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks."
She then looked at Cid with worry, "How's Alexia? Is she okay? Do you know where she is?"
"Don't worry, she's okay," Cid assured her.
Once more, Iris let out a sigh of relief. "That's good," she then gave him an awkward smile. "This is the second time you've saved me; I have to think of a way to repay you."
Cid shook his head. "Just get yourself healed before throwing yourself into danger."
Cid didn't wait to hear what else Iris had to say before disappearing with a blur, decapitating the monsters around them as he maneuvered.
"Just how strong is he?" Iris couldn't help but mutter, feeling a bit envious of his strength.
Shadow and Bellion were maneuvering their way through the monsters with great efficiency.
As Bellion whipped his whip-like sword, cutting giant creatures, he looked at Shadow in surprise. "You have a daughter, my lord!?"
Shadow smiled as he created a scythe with his slime, infused it with the elements of death, and threw it like a boomerang.
"Yeah, she was brought into the world a few minutes ago. You should see her, Bellion; she's absolutely the cutest little critter you've ever seen," Shadow bragged as he watched the scythe circle around them, killing everything it touched.
Bellion grinned and let out a boisterous laugh. "Then we can't keep her waiting for long, my lord." Bellion's whip contracted back together, forming his sword. He disappeared in a black blur and slashed through the monsters even faster.
A few minutes later, Shadow and Bellion stood surrounded by corpses. Afterward, Beru and the others appeared with mountains of monster corpses.
Iron presented his kills as an offering to his god. Beru followed his example but offered even more corpses.
"Who are they, my lord?" Bellion asked, sheathing his sword to the side of his hip and examining Beru and the rest.
Beru was surprised to see Bellion and immediately felt that his place was being threatened.
Beru started growling and snapping his mandibles towards Bellion as a warning, but Bellion just narrowed his eyes. "You dare behave this way before our lord?"
"Not now, you two. We have other matters to attend to," Shadow said, stopping the two from continuing.
"Are we going to attack the Monarchs once more, my lord?" Bellion asked.
To which Shadow smirked and shook his head. "No. The Monarchs are our least priority at the moment."
Bellion was shocked to hear that.
"We will wait for the Monarchs to send more monsters our way. It will increase our forces for when we do take them on and defeat them for good. Plus, I don't want to be away for years fighting all of them and miss the growth of my daughter," Shadow explained.
"I see," Bellion muttered in understanding. "So we will use their forces as nourishment to bolster our own. Excellent idea, my lord," Bellion nodded.
Beru practically screeched, "It was an idea our liege came up with; of course, it was going to be excellent," glaring at Bellion.
"My lord, I hope you can give me permission to put him in his place," Bellion glared back.
Shadow just let out a sigh and focused on all the corpses of monsters that Beru and the others had brought. "Arise," he casually muttered.
Shadow saw different types of monsters: Minotaurs, werewolves, High Orcs, snake monsters, undead ranging from Liches to skeletons. Shadow even detected some shadow soldiers being created from the clones he sent out.
Counting Bellion's forces, which were around +130,000, plus all the monsters, which were around +150,000, Shadow gained a total of +280,000. He now had 290,000 in total, including his original 10,000 shadows.
Shadow then stored all of the corpses and turned towards Bellion and the others. "Let's go."
Shadow appeared in front of the others and noticed they were all looking at him with a reverent look, except for one person: Claire.
Claire had a sad look in her eyes as she glanced at Cid. Cid knew he had to sort out that matter with her rather quickly, but first, he turned towards Aurora, who was carrying Celeste.
"My love, Daddy is back. Come, let me hold you," Cid said with a smile, stretching out his arms and taking Celeste away from Aurora's hand while sitting on the bed next to her.
[??????? POV]
My childhood for the most part was uneventful, if you technically called what I went through a childhood… I don't think I even completed my childhood if I think about it now. Since for the most part of it I spent it in the hospital.
All I've ever known was the hospital, I had something called Leukemia, some type of blood cancer or something, I didn't really understand it.
When I woke up, Hospital, took a nap or ate food, I did that in the hospital, went to sleep, and was done in the hospital as well.
Now for the sad part… I don't think my mother or father liked me very much, I could see it in their eyes, sadness and regret. They regret it, they regret giving birth to me, although they didn't say out loud their eyes spoke volumes.
I'm ashamed to admit this but I cried every time I'm alone remembering their eyes.
They were always reluctant to come and visit me in the hospital, like it was something they were forced to do… like it was a chore for them.
I then learned later that my mother was pregnant once again and it was another girl, once that happened they started visiting me less and less… It was incredibly lonely, I couldn't get up from the bed so I couldn't even make friends with anyone around me or other patients in the hospitals.
My only company was the nurses that came and took care of me and the books they would give to me. Although I would see them occasionally look at me with pity, and I hated it, I hated those pity filled eyes, I… I… I felt so worthless when they looked at me like that.
As for the books… They were so booorrring. I think I would have had a better time ripping out the pages and making origami with them. They were all helpless princess this, helpless princess that, and to top it all off they were children's books. Which are even more boring.
They're basically telling me to lay here helplessly until a big strong man comes and saves the day. Unfortunately this is real life and not some Fantasy.
Well for the most part, it wasn't all that bad, after some point I think my parents felt guilty for not visiting me that they brought me a tablet and gave me a half hearted apology.
I can still remember their words…
'We'Re SoRrY fOr NoT viSiTiNg, BuT wItH tHe BaBy BeInG a NeWbOrN sHe CoUlD eAsIlY cAtCh SoMeThInG'
Please forgive my potty mouth for what I'm about to say but: BULLSHIT. They just don't want their baby to turn out like me, all sick and worthless.
Wanna know why I also know it's, once again forgive me, bullshit, umm well for one: BABY ARE BORN IN HOSPITALS, and what do they mean newborn she's a year old! For crying out loud.
Anyways, the tablet was cool though, I could read things I didn't even think imaginable. There was a story I read there. It was so fascinating, it mentioned reincarnation, which at the time I didn't know what it meant and so Hallelooya for Google.
The idea wasn't something I ever heard of, dying and being reborn with memories of your past life was something so farfetch'd. The story talked about a woman, facing something similar to me in a hospital bed dying and being reincarnated in a whole new world where she was a noble princess and became stronger as the story went on.
I didn't fully understand it, after all I'm only 10, there isn't a lot to understand, but I was hooked. She didn't remain a helpless princess like one of those lame fairy tales, she became strong and stood up for what she believed… She's so admirable.
Those stories sent my imagination into a frenzy. I dreamt of different scenarios where I would reincarnate, become strong, fall in love and fight battles, ride dragons…
Unfortunately I started to grow weaker, sleep more, I wasn't even allowed the tablet… stupid nurses.
A great pain blazed through my body I don't remember much I think I remember convulsing (learnt that word from my stories, aren't I smart)
I knew at the time that I was dying, with reading all those stories I thought that when my time came I would embrace death with open arms… but… but I can't… It's scary…
I don't want to go, I don't want to. Please don't take me. I'll be a good girl I swear… mommy… daddy… I won't be sick anymore. Please help me. I'll be strong. You won't have to worry about me getting my little sister sick because I'll be strong and healthy… so please…
My pleading fell on deaf ears, no one could hear my worthless cries, I felt myself drowning in the darkness that was death and sorrow.
I could hear the sound of my heart monitor beating frantically, which was followed by the noise of multiple footsteps rushing to the room. It felt like I was watching everything from outside my body.
I saw the doctors do everything they could to keep me alive, they really did try their best and for that I'm truly thankful.
But in the end the last thing I heard was the monitor let out a loud beep before I couldn't hear it anymore.
I felt myself being grasped by death… I'm sorry mommy, I'm sorry daddy… for not being the little girl you always wanted.
Everything then went dark
I saw a light at the end of a tunnel. I heard muffled screaming and felt myself being pushed and squeezed. It felt gross, all slimy and sticky.
I kept drawing near the light as I got closer I started to hear their voice much clearer, I still didn't have the ability to process what was occurring.
But as the voices became clearer I heard them. It was like a completely different language, but for some reason I understood them perfectly.
"YOU COULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT EARLIER!" The voice of a woman yelled
"I just need one last strong push, and she'll be out!" another one softly said.
What followed was a loud yell and me being squished and pushed to the white light to the point it hurt and I couldn't help but cry out loud.
"Wahhhh! Wahhhh! Wahhhhh!"
"And she's out! Congratulations, it's a healthy baby girl," The voice of the soft woman said,
Causing me to yell in my head 'NO WAY I'VE BEEN REINCARNATED!?'