31.25% DC: I am Dr Doom / Chapter 15: CH : 13 My World Shattered

章節 15: CH : 13 My World Shattered

Don't forget to comment if you want more chapters. As I will compare it with ReZero one!


As a former I have extensive experience when it comes to loneliness but this is much worse than anything I've ever seen before.

Anything past 50 hours in a white/black room like that can lead to permanent psychological damage.

And I have given Marissa about 168 hours.

There is a very high chance that she actually starts to lose her mind and go into something called psychosis.

And it can cause permanent damage to her.

- Is this much harder? It's Much harder.

She doesn't have social contact. If your brain doesn't have information coming in, it generates craziness.

It generates hallucinations, it generates paranoia, it generates fear.

It's like one of those YouTube video challenges some extreme YouTubers do. But much much worse.

As there is no light she has no idea of time or how long she is there. There is no bed to sleep on; heck she can't even sleep.

No water, a toothbrush or a bar of soap, no toilet to use. She isn't even capable of doing that, no bathroom or sink for water.

She has nothing, can't even move, she can't close her eyes and she can't speak. She can't get hungry thugs making time even more unstable for her.

She has literally nothing to work with.

She can't even get basic brain stimulation.

It's interesting how when you take everything away from a human, something as simple as a metal plate can be as fun as an iPhone.

She's going to get agitated by way of boredom. This is a very dehumanizing experience.

And it is going to take a very long time for her physics to recover.

So here I was in her home prepping a good treat for her after all pain and pleasure or reward and punishments are the part of the progress.

I have seen her even if she couldn't see me but the moment I glanced at her I knew there was something broken in her mind. Yes she was a crazy cultist before but that side of her is lost in her mind as now what remains is a broken shell of her former self.

Indeed, if released, her recovery seems imminent. In just a few days, there's a possibility she might not only recuperate but even experience improvement. But even if I'm not getting crazier, it would count as an 'improvement'.

Anyway that is why I am here, her God.

So how does one become a God?

The easiest way is to just find a god to sponsore you just like in many other worlds.

Bu what if you don't have a patron deity who conveniently thinks you should be granted immortality and divine power well luckily in such universes there's usually some sort of literal mechanism for this a process you

can follow an artifact you can activate a Guffin

of some kind that will grant you what you seek if only you can find it.

So how do you become a god perhaps the answer to that question is as diverse as the gods themselves

Win a game find an artifact drink a potion ask another God very nicely but if none of that is

working for you if you're having trouble finding a deity to sponsor you or an artifact to Grant

You Godly Powers maybe consider the f it till you make it approach after all sometimes all it takes to become a God is for someone to believe in you. After all, if killing Gods by depriving them of belief and worship can destroy a God, why shouldn't adding worship create one.

Of course it might be a little easier

to convince people if you did have Godly powers.

Sadly for Marissa I have all the power I need and that's why before I put her through the isolation I showed very peak and all the possibilities of my power.

"Imagine, I now possess the power to end hunger! To abolish disease! To eliminate crime! To establish a perfectly content, perfectly ordered world, all under the benevolence of my will!"

And it's enough of a reason to be a god.


Days Later.

Aware that she transcends normalcy, I dedicated myself to reviewing the past seven days' recordings at a brisk 12X speed. This meticulous cross-check aimed to ensure today's significant stride wouldn't be jeopardized by the unexpected release of her with a potentially violent disposition. Vigilance remains key in safeguarding her progress.

Observing her actions over the starting two days, it's evident that little has changed. She persistently struggles, attempting to free herself, inducing extreme heart rates, yet her efforts prove futile. And soon she stop struggling.

Notably, her heart condition may be linked to my actions. I am yet to modify any inner workings.

As while working on her If I were even one thousandth of a percentage off I would have crippled her! More times then I remembered as

Altering muscles affects your nervous system, which can then affect all things brain.

The human body isn't suited for the enhancements, there's no immediate issue. But if you wish to continue enhancing oneself then you must make sure your organs can withstand the strain.

People with enhanced power, strength or speed or what have you, have enhanced physiology to keep up with their power. Like their lungs can take in more oxygen and their heart is stronger.

She has the organs of a normal non enhanced person with the muscles and bones of an enhancer. I added quite a bit of weight due to the bones and muscles changes, so it takes more energy to move. If one acquired that kind of weight naturally, like through training, then the rest of your body would have grown to acclimate.

So her organs, specifically lungs and heart, are under more strain.

Not too much, I'd say that she wouldn't notice until she was put through an intense stamina training session which she did in her struggles to free herself.

That being said, she gets tired faster than an enhancer who can keep up with her, and she may suffer consequences if I continue to build her up like this."

Still that being said, "I'll give her a clean bill of health, I just have to make sure everything is working properly.

In the way she did normal things to the bare extreme she will probably die of a heart attack.


< Days Later>

With the well trained Marissa. I again begin with my cancer experiments. Despite my best efforts, the cancer cell remained an unyielding adversary, refusing to submit to my control. The uncontrolled growth forced me to amputate the entire finger, leaving me frustrated but more determined than ever. The path to discovery was proving harsher than I anticipated.


<1 Day Later>

I shifted my focus to the fundamental structures of the body, delving into the nuances of organ tissues and their individual characteristics. Understanding the delicate balance between them was crucial, but the cancer cells continued to defy containment, spreading unchecked and devouring any sense of order.


<2 Days Later>

Progress at last. I began to comprehend the differences between organ tissues—their unique behaviors and interactions with the foreign cells. Each organ possessed its own code, its own rhythm. While the cancer cells still remained uncontrollable, I could feel the pieces of the puzzle falling into place.


<3 Days Later>

A breakthrough, albeit a small one. By trading my energy that powers the whole body for the precise nutrients required by the body and knitting damaged tissues together, I succeeded in healing organs. It was a triumph of sorts, but not the one I sought. This was a workaround, a crude imitation of regeneration. What I desired was near perfection—true, seamless regeneration.


<8 Days In>

Victory came in the form of a single controllable cancer cell. It was no longer the unruly beast that defied my will but a disciplined soldier awaiting orders. I called it the Prime Cell, the prototype of a miracle. The nectar of God's.


<22 Days In>

The Prime cell's potential surpassed my wildest expectations. I watched in awe as the subject demonstrated unparalleled regeneration. Wounds closed without leaving scars, and the body healed with a speed that bordered on the divine. The cells promised immortality, a state free from the tyranny of decay. So much so unless I am forcing her body to remain separated it seems to want to stick together.


<45 Days In>

I escalated the experiments to test the limits of the Prime cells. After teasing my pets. And testing on other animals. I smashed skulls, ruptured organs, inflicted injuries that would obliterate any ordinary being. The results were extraordinary—the subject regenerated within three seconds, their body mending itself as if mocking mortality. Creating new organs even when there wasn't much to craft with.

Then I tried some unconventional things like burning hair fully and watching them grow back with the same length as before cutting hair and even so much so removing the very roots of hair and watching new roots getting created as prime cells changing their own structure to shoot the bodies needed.

Which allowed me to figure out many things.


<67 Days In>

The experiment was a resounding success. The prime cells worked perfectly, granting unparalleled healing and longevity. Keeping the body in shape the moment creates or injects into the body which is similar to saying it's going to keep young and stop ageing fully.

It was time to take the final step. I began extracting the prima cells from the subjects, so I could completely recreate on wimp without much thought and even modify the body with a touch.


<248 Days In>

The prima cells were ready. Every strand of potential was meticulously prepared for the ultimate merging. Last few months flew by as I was focused on my research due to this I wasn't able to focus more on my mother who though our life has changed much she just couldn't get over her nymphomaniac face it's not like I blamed her though after all she had lived most of her live this way it's not like it would change within months.

So just for her safety and her body I was heavily focused with this.

And now today was the day as not only Prime Cells were ready CAHS proteins. I enhanced her hormone production and metabolism while enhancing her sensitivity.

I made sure to create a small filter that filtered the air to have the necessary elements but removed every polluted particle. Marissa was feeling a little oxygen-high right now.

Next was the Prime Cells. Think of your healing factor as an instinctual ability of her body. Its task is to regenerate anything and everything to its correct state. The main force that guides its actions is her genome. It acts like a blueprint for her body and makes sure that her body is healed in the correct spots and doesn't develop any mutation like a third arm or something.

That is why it took so long to fully develop the Prime Cells even though they were nearly ready five months ago. As I used the smart atom concept as the force behind the genome to interact with it even if the brain gets damaged or destroyed it would act as a second brain.

But I didn't stop there, I kept going as the second layer that would filter air, something I got from fish and a few other creatures with my own touch, merged with her nose and the inside of her mouth. After this, It could passively provide her with the air that she needed and she could even breathe normally underwater.

With that, he could passively assist Marissa's breathing even if she was in a completely oxygen-deprived environment, like space.

It could assist her breathing even in an oxygen-deprived environment..

I could do the same with her food-based sustenance. By manipulating and changing the saliva that she produces into a nutritious liquid, it could allow her to sustain herself without eating any food for any amount of time.

I was making some changes to Gwen's metabolism and digestion.

Marissa didn't realize it as she was in deep sleep, but I was basically making sure that her body was able to absorb all the nutrients from whatever she eats with perfect efficiency while also making sure that there was no waste remaining.

Her biology, as presented in her body, converts food matter into energy with 100% efficiency.

Rapid Recovery and Energy Use, Her body converts energy quickly to power their heightened physical activity and combat. Their bodies may prioritize energy generation and healing, minimizing unused or wasted material.

Soon, she would become an optimal being that wouldn't even need to breathe since she would become completely self-sustaining as long as she had energy.

That was something that I was going to do for my mother. Her body would return to perfect condition, immortal alongside him. Especially when she completely merges with it.

Today marked the culmination of my efforts—the moment where I would have a human ascend beyond mortality itself. Yes some subjects were gone, but their legacy would live on in her or anyone I chose to give this. My body, my will, my vision and my power would become the vessel for a new era of life.


I never liked the wailing of sirens. The sound was annoying, almost irritating, and they prevented me from being capable of thinking soundly – thinking logically.

As I was returning home with my superior human experiment nearly finished, I gave her body some much needed rest and time to adapt. On the way just a few blocks away from our house I saw a house enveloped in flames, I knew the family that lived in it, I wasn't very familiar with them but I knew them enough to know that three people who were living inside were burned to ashes.

And looking at the crowd around me I quickly got out of it, as I was in teenage form and I didn't want any Cop seeing me. So I quickly got home and glanced around and got in quickly tuning on the TV playing a Tom and Jerry on full volume and placing my hand on my body and returning to my 3 year old form while the access matter merged with the floor.

Who the hell did blow up their house?

If they had merely killed them and left the house intact, no one would ever have been the wiser. It would have entered a missing cases file, and would have been destined to be forgotten and abandoned. Instead.

With the firefighters, eventually came the police. Once the flames were doused and no burnt cadavers were found, it was only a matter of time until –

I sighed. A small badge icon was right there, approaching my own apartment.


They would have most likely finished questioning everyone in the apartment where the crime took place, before they would decide to move over to the Blue Light Complex in hopes of trying to find out if anyone had seen anything.

The problem, however, was that I was an infant. I couldn't answer the door on my own.




"This is the GCPD – we'd like to ask you some questions, if you would please comply."

I played a sequence of events over and over again in my head. Yet, I realized that no matter what choice I made, answering, or not answering, the results would ultimately end up the same – one way or another.

So, with my best 'innocent' and 'childlike' face, I made my way to the door.

"Hiyah Mistwa Powiceman!"


I'd never been to the Gotham City Police Department before. Actually, I haven'r been much of anywhere before. It wasn't like Eva had a car that would help save my legs the hassle of moving far distances. Or, it wasn't like there was any place she would or could take me. I was too young to board a bus or most public transportation systems without raising numerous brows unless I was in my teenage form, even than it's not like I traveled a lot as there were tree fix destinations for me. I was too busy with what I had my hands in to do much of anything.

The ride in the car had been comfortable, although annoying. Having to actually act my age was a feat I wasn't sure how to properly perform, but by how steadily everyone was acting around me I knew I wasn't far from it as I pretended to be struggling with complex words, and each mispronunciation, I knew that I was doing well. It also helped that I glued my face to the window and stared out at all of Gotham City's exotic looking nightlife with awe that didn't have to be faked.

I couldn't be sure, but I think I came from a third-world country in my past life. I'd never seen a city so beautiful before, or at least, I couldn't remember seeing one. So, Gotham City was a sight to behold, even if the sight had been from the backseat of a police vehicle.

The police department itself was large, and it was a mix and mash of what I could remember from the Arkham Games, from the Gotham TV Series, from numerous animated films, and from the Dark Knight Trilogy. With hanging gargoyles and elevated platforms, with numerous levels and elevators, and officers patrolling every square-inch – it was impressive.

Those Wayne Industries donations sure helped.

"Aw – who's this cute little guy?"

My attention turned to a female officer who had noticed me.

"Found him all alone in his apartment – opposite the apartment complex that blew up."

A gasp. "All alone?"

A nod. "Poor kid must have been frightened to death."

Curious. "What about his parents?"

Resigned. "His mother's name is Eva Cabrera – she's a local whor – err… call-girl. She's probably 'out' for the night and left this fella here on his own."

Annoyance. "Well that's just –"

"That's not even the weird part. This kid – it's like he doesn't exist. No hospital records, medical records, hell, he doesn't even have a birth certificate. Talked to some of the neighbors – they said –"

I felt my heart rate rise as the police officer, Thompson, stopped. The reason I didn't just turn myself into a teenager or a young man, He turned to me, before he gestured the female officer away, to what they assumed was out of my hearing range.

"It's sick. The neighbors say that his mother, this Eva chick, locks him up in the apartment whenever she goes out to work, and leaves the kid to starve. She abandons him to fend for himself, and often brings back different 'customers' and forces the kid to watch her get it on with them."

My blood ran slightly cold. That wasn't – I had watched to discourage her from – it wasn't –

"That's disgusting!"

"It gets worse," he said. "Supposedly, she often takes the kid to 'work' with her. To strip clubs and other places, where he's put on display and played with by her co-workers with peculiar 'tastes'."

The female police officer, O'Reilly, shot me what she thought was a subtle z

Sa vu look of sympathy and pity, but I didn't focus on it. I couldn't focus on it. My mind was clear. Too clear. Too sharp. All at once, I realized my folly. I realized that I had been living in an apartment where the walls had been far too thin. I realized that from the perspective of people who weren't aware of my own self-sufficiency and independence, of my intellect, they would assume the worst of my mother's actions. Of my actions.

"So – this sicko, where is she?"

"Two of the guys headed out to book her about an hour ago. The way I see it, she's going to go away for a long fucking time. I've already contacted Social Services, I can only hope the guys there can get the poor kid a proper family – with all he's suffered, he deserves it."

This – this wasn't right. No – this couldn't be right

This couldn't be happening.

It was only until I spotted the familiar mop of blonde hair being dragged forward by two police men that reality seemed to sink in.


I sprinted for her, without hesitation. I barreled into her stomach, my small, childlike form tackling her with all the force it could muster. All we needed was an explanation – a valid explanation – one that wouldn't make her look crazy as she tried to explain to everyone that a one-three old was capable of bantering with her, and was insanely smart. An explanation that wouldn't end up with me effectively displaying to a court that I had the intelligence of someone easily three times my age, and as a result, put myself on the crosshairs of everyone from Amanda Waller to Lex Luthor.

I needed a solution. A solution that would make sense. A solution that would work. A solution that would –

"Huuuh? V-VIcky – is that you? Heh – you're – are not planning on sucking my nipples again are you? It kinda felt good last time if I'm being honest – come 'ere and give my babies some love~"

I froze.

She was drunk.

Now of all times! NOW of all FUCKING TIMES WOMEN!

The scene was observed by numerous police officers, and I could already sense the judging and condemning looks they shot her way, as it stood in contrast to the looks of pity sent in my direction.

Irresponsible –

Incapable –

Degenerate –

Whore –

Slut –

Dirty –

Filthy –

Their eyes and postures conveyed the words that their lips would not speak, and I grit my teeth as I tried to make sense of how this could be happening.

My world seems to shattering before my very eyes.


GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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