Eloise gazed at the tall blond-haired guy. Somehow she saw a bit of red shimmering in his eyes. 'is it cuz of the candlelight? Why does his eyes appear red... even Raymond's eyes appear red at times?' Inquisitively she gazed at him.
Louis looked her way as well and cast a seductive smirk. "looks like your little lady is interested in me/ why don't you come my way little bird? I can give you all the riches you want and make you the happiest lady in bed." He winked.
Eloise snapped out of her dazed state and backed up behind Raymond. "no thank you."
The man looked stunned. "wow you have got your hooks in her. Did you hypnotize her? I thought you won't do that to your woman." The man patted his shoulders.
Raymond gripped his hand tightly. "don't you dare talk about her that way!!!" he growled anomalistically.
Eloise tightened her grip on his shirt. "Raymond…" let's not fight…"
She came out to have a fun night not to fight with this guy. it was better to avoid him altogether."
She grabbed him by his hand and pulled Raymond out the door pushing the annoying guy out of the way.
Louis chuckled loudly. "you're a gutsy little prey~"
She turned over and held up a middle finger.
Lous intimidated her move and held up his middle finger with a questioning gaze. "What does it mean?"
"it means I really find you annoying. Stay away from us," she dragged Raymond who was usually stiff out of the bar.
Coming here was a mistake.
She gazed up at him hesitantly. I'm sorry."
"What for? You did nothing wrong, Eloise.... it was him. How dare he take about you in that way! you are to be my wedded wife. How dare he disrespect you! Completely unacceptable." he turned ready to throw fists.
Eloise hugged his hand even tighter. "ray~ won't you listen to me."
Raymond froze. his head slowly turned over to her way. "What did you just call me?"
"ray... please can we go now?"
"y-yes…" blushing Raymond moved closer. Only then did he realize Eloise was actually hugging his arm to her bosom. Her soft fleshy mounts gently rubbed against his arm.
His silent heart started to beat once again pumping heated blood all over his body. "ahem..." he subtly tugged at his arm but Eloise tightened her grip even more.
"let's go," she dragged him whilst hugging his arm.
Raymond tried his best not to think of anything promiscuous, but he couldn't help it. he was a man too. He had been abstinent for so long and the one person he loved was hugging his arm. It was too much stimulation for him.
His member hardened instantly. He subtly pulled away from her. "lets hit the main street. Sun is about to rise." He whispered gazing up at the sky.
Others might not be able to see it but he could.
The sky was brightening up.
He can't stay out even in the gentlest sunlight.
"is your sunburn so bad?" Eloise casually whispered.
Raymond stumbled around to find a good way to disclose it. after all he had only mentioned it to madam Ayles it's an illness. But he had never explained about his deadly weakness In clarity.
"I... I get burned badly."
Eloise poutingly gazed up at him. "Sunscreen doesn't help? Oh, I forget it was not even invented." She said with a small chuckle. "I can try to make some sunscreen for you, but I'm not sure if it will work or not."
Raymond knew there was no cure for his situation even so he agreed to Eloise's kind offer with a smile.
"let's first locate Fred and your maid and get a room in a nearby hotel. We'll start or journey back by nightfall tomorrow."
Eloise nodded. her gaze was always on his face. His face was stained orange but his neck was very fair. 'Is he that scared of a tan? Why he would look good with one?'
Raymond looked pale as a pasty but weird so it looked good on him. His black hair contracted his pasty white skin, giving him a youthful emo look.
'What is sunscreen made up of? I know it's zinc but where is It found?'
She only knew of this because when she went to the beach the lifeguards had warned her not to wear sunscreen into the ocean because the zinc in it would destroy the coral reefs.
As for the other ingredients, she was unsure of.
'Well, I have to do some research on it. at least as his fake wife this is the least, I can do.' Eloise nodded to herself.
They had returned to the maid street and after roaming around lit they spotted Odette and mister Fred by a grilled chicken stall. They both were talking seriously while chewing on their food.
Eloise smiled. "She seems fond of mister Fred."
"Hmm he is a very impressionable guy," Raymond said in a dull tone/
Eloise chuckled. "Let's get them and get going," she dragged him over to the stall.
Odette gazed back with a bright smile. "Miss, you have to try this. it's so good~ try it!!!" she handed a stick.
She took a bite of it. "Hmm it's so juicy!" exclaimed she plucked it off her hand and ate the whole thing. "Mister Raymond you must try one." She gestured to the stall owner for another one. She took the freshly cooked meat and handed it to him.
Raymond awkwardly took It from her with a small smile. "I… I'm not hungry"
"But you can try to taste it."
"I don't eat anything spicy." He whispered softly.
Fred jumped in and took the stick from her hand. "Raymond gets sick when he eats when he is not hungry,"
"Oh god, I'm so sorry Raymond." Eloise felt so bad that she even offered it to him. 'What was I thinking? I don't even know anything about mister Raymond. Only his lover can know best.'
She suddenly didn't feel like roaming around anymore.
"Is our hotel reserved?"
"I have booked two rooms for us already. The hotel is that way," Fred added, pointing to the right.
"Miss, the rooms were so spacious and has a great view. I already talked to the innkeepers to prepare a bit of hot water for you. I even found a few ribbons for you." she pulled up a bunch of ribbons from her small pocket. Then te maid gazed at her peculiarly. "Miss, what is on your face? Gasp! Your face!!!! oh my god!!"
Odette squeezed her face and pinched her skin.
A bit of the clay she had smeared on had stuck to the maid's fingers.
"miss what have you done?"
"I just used it to camouflage myself. See even mister Raymond is wearing it." she pointed to him.
Raymond smiled and bowed slightly at Odette.
Odette silently pouted. "I didn't pack our Lilly soap. How are we going to wash it off?"
"it's just clay. It will wash off.
"But it will stain your skin," Odette said pouting even more. "why did you even smear it... and why are you wearing maid's clothes?" she gazed at Raymond. "Sire…. Where did you both go?"
Her miss had changed clothes and so had the duke. It was quite suspicious. Very suspicious.
"its not like what you imagine. We just didn't want to be recognized. So, this setup." Raymond said, wiping his sweat.
He could see the way the maid was looking at him. It was like a mother who was glaring at the guy who was trying to settle her daughter.
"Yes, we just walked around," Eloise added calming Odette down. "What are you guys doing?" she changed the subject instantly.
Odette giggled. "We ate so much miss. I didn't know so many different kinds of food existed. I even got a few recipes. I'll ask our cook to make some~ oh and mister Fred here paid for it all. Thank you so much~"
Mister Fred smiled and nodded. "No thanks needed. I really did enjoy my time with you,"
Eloise peered at him peculiarly. Weirdly so mister Fred seems happy.
'Would a person be happy if your liver ditched you and went with someone else? I would be fucking jealous... but Fred doesn't seem to be affected at all. Why is that? I need to know right now… should I ask? Is it considered rude if I ask? Maybe I shouldn't try to.'
She suppressed her impulsive thoughts and ate the chicken Odette shoved in her hands again.
"Where is our luggage?"
"We sent off the servant to the inn already so that they can arrange our stuff for us." Odette said chewing on the tasty meat.
"Ohh.... that's great,"
They finished their lovely dinner at that street stall and roamed around even more. Soon The sun was rising I the horizon and in every passing second Raymond appeared to be anxious and so did Fred.
So they hurried along to their inn.
But what happened there was unexpected.
Their luggage got stolen and their inn was not actually booked.
They were left cashless and abandoned in an unknown city.
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