WONHEE didn't expect to see Yejun this way, so she unconsciously put her guard up.
She didn't mean to sound as cold as she did, but it was already too late.
Pain already crossed Yejun's golden eyes.
[But I don't have time for this…]
"Hunter Hwang, please put me down," Wonhee said awkwardly. "I need to Guide Hunter Lee Seodam."
Yejun just nodded politely, and then she carefully put her down without a word.
"Hee-ya, did the System send you here?" Soobin asked after approaching her. "To Guide Lee Seodam?"
"Yes, Oppa."
"We'll come with you," Semi said firmly. "It's dangerous to approach Lee Seodam right now."
Wonhee just stared at her older siblings.
To be honest, she was also upset with Soobin and Semi for the same reason she was upset with Yejun.
But talking to Bitna changed her perspective a bit.
[I just need more time to warm up to the idea.]
sola_cola's thoughts on this chapter: GrahamxYoolxKisoo.
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