38.88% INVINCIBLE : FEAR / Chapter 14: chapter 14 : Out of my way

章節 14: chapter 14 : Out of my way

As Eve left alone at the cabin finally got her hands on her cell phone, she saw all the unknown missed calls and immediately called the number back.

 [To GDA]

 "Sir, Atom Eve wants to contact us." One of the operators quickly reported the fact to Cecil.

 Cecil: And what are you waiting for to answer ? The new Year ?! MAKE CONTACT.

 Operator: Yes sir.

 Eve: I can find out who you-(interrupted)

 Cecil: Miss Wilkins, this is Cecil Stedman from the GDA, we have no time to waste. WHERE IS MARK?!

 Eve: You...?! But how did you get my-(Interrupted)

 Deborah : Eve please tell us where my son is, the situation is serious.

 Eve: Mrs. Grayson ?! Hum Mark just left to inspect something. There were two huge bursts of light in succession a little further from our position and he went to look not long ago. Is there a problem Ms. Grayson?!

 Deborah : Listen to me carefully Eve, there is a possibility that Mark will fight someone of titanic strength and great damage may be expected. We know where Mark will be and we'll be able to contact him but you'll have to go find the Guardians to stay on standby and prepare to help the civilians, above all don't intervene in this fight otherwise you'll be killed . YOU UNDERSTAND ?!

 Eve: Mrs. Grayson, is Mark in danger?!

 Deborah : Whatever happens, I'm sure his opponent won't dare kill him. NOW PLEASE GO EVE. (hangs up)

 Cecil: (Sighs) Thanks for your help Debbie, I know you're stressing about your son too.

 Deborah : I just lost one of my sons Cecil, you can't even imagine how scared I am for Mark but like I just told this little girl, Mark won't die. Nolan He wouldn't dare kill him, I know it and I feel it.

 Cecil was once again deeply impressed by Deborah's composure, attitude and handling under these circumstances and was even wondering if he should recruit her into the agency but he would never dare.

 [At Eve's]

 "Ms. Grayson ?! Mrs. Grayson?" Eve asked into the phone before realizing that the other end of the line had hung up, she felt some stress about all of this and changed to quickly fly towards the Guardians of the Globe HQ.


 Mark was flying at high speed when he arrived near the site of the two explosions where from the air, he heard the sounds of combat before seeing from afar a huge green Kaiju fighting with a silhouette that he recognized from afar. but also robots that were familiar to him, these were Sinclair's cyborgs.

 Nolan was fighting against them and had no difficulty handling them (He's an adult Viltrumite anyway, the animated series did anything at this level). Only three cyborgs remained as the rest had been blown to pieces by Nolan.

 Using his hand as a blade, he immediately decapitated one of the three cyborgs leaving only two but as he disposed of the other two, the Kaiju threw a punch at him.

 "They improved you but you remain a miserable insect before the power of a son of Viltrum" he said with disdain before countering the monster's strike with his own punch and the shock created a large wave for a terrifying result, the Kaiju's arm was completely broken and pieces of bone were sticking out everywhere.

 This monster was far from being physically weak but was worthless against Nolan (Remember that in one of the episodes where he teaches Mark how to deflect a meteorite, Nolan boasted of having repelled a meteorite from a size proportional to the state of Texas. Even if the concept of weight is not the same in space, you believe that a miserable Kaiju or even Mark who can barely lift 700 tons would be able to accomplish the same feat ?! NO)

 The monster let out a huge cry of pain but while Nolan wanted to follow up with another blow, the last two Cyborgs tried to hinder him from behind but Nolan didn't even have to face them because with great brutality, Mark landed on the back of one of the reanimen to completely break it in two before also dealing with the other Cyborg with a simple punch that literally exploded his head.

 Nolan: Mark! I finally found you son.

 Mark: I know these weird robot zombies, I stopped their creator recently. Why are there others?! 

 Nolan: Mark, we need to talk about important things but first we need to get rid of this monster. Are you thinking what I'm thinking, son ?

 "Yes Dad" Mark replied with a smile which Nolan returned. At a terrible speed, Mark and his father flew towards the monster with their fists forward and in a bloody mess, they pierced the Kaiju in the Thorax area for Nolan and the abdomen for Mark.

 [To the GDA]

 Cecil: For heaven's sake, what is this young idiot doing ?! 

 Deborah : Mark acted completely normally, he knows absolutely nothing about the situation but saw his father being attacked. How should he have acted ?

 Cecil: Tsk, everything is moving too fast, much too fast.

 "Sir, it's not good, not good at all!" Donald came immediately to bring him something.

 Cecil: What is it?

 Donald: The press, press helicopters are closing in on Omni-man's position.

 Cecil: Damn, are these bastards forced to meddle in everything ?! 

 [In a city warehouse]

 The Mauler Twins had just attached the immortal's head to his corpse with what appeared to be special staples before placing the control collar that Robot had given them.

 They began trying to resuscitate the deceased superhero without success when out of frustration, one of the two brothers began to pound the dead man's chest.

 Unbeknownst to them, the Immortal was beginning to wake up, he had a long, long series of flashbacks of his life from the time he gained his powers centuries ago to the day he s is brutally decapitated by Omni-man.

 With this last image, this last fragment of his memories, the immortal regained consciousness with an increasingly angry face.

 The brothers stepped back and tried to operate the necklace but in vain, they realized that Robot was playing them when at the moment, the immortal looked at them with terrible fury.

"Where is Omni-man?!" he asked in a murderous and cold tone.

 Frightened, they began to tremble when luckily for them, the television in the room was broadcasting on a news channel live images of the place where Nolan and Mark were in the air with a disemboweled green monster in full agony below. 

 Without even saying anything, Immortal flew vertically to leave the place because he knew the location shown on television (This guy has been able to fly for almost 1000 years, in 1000 years of aerial travel we manage to master the places and the roads.).

 The brothers looked at the large hole in their ceiling before sighing in relief, the immortal just now had the look of a man intent on murder.

 [Nolan and Mark]

 "You have become even stronger Marky" Nolan said looking with pride at his son covered in the blood and flesh of the monster. Even though he looked proud, you could see a hint of worry on his face.

 Mark: Marky?! The last time you called me like that was to tell me about your origins. Why are you making that face ?!

 Nolan: Son, we need to talk.

 Mark: It sounds serious, I'm listening to you dad.

 Nolan: (sighs) you can believe me Mark, I looked for several ways to be able to tell you everything perfectly but I think you are ready and able to understand everything.

 Nolan began to tell him the whole true history of his people, the perfect civilization they were able to build with the internal massacres to eliminate the weakest and the establishment of their powerful empire in their own galaxy, a powerful and ruthless empire who enslaved other peoples to take their resources.

 He told his son that when he was born The Empire was already expanding beyond the confines of their galaxy and as he grew he grew to become strong enough to join the war effort and soon he is one of the elites.

 However, one day a new method was born, this method consisted of sending only one Viltrumite per planet that the agent would weaken in order to limit its resistance to assimilate it more easily into the empire and Nolan was sent on earth for that.

 Mark listening to all this felt his heart tighten, he was in pain because his whole life, he and his mother had been living in a lie from his father.

 Mark: So the Guardians of the Globe...it wasn't you, right, Dad ? It's April, I think you're kidding me. It's a joke, isn't it ?

 Mark asked with great hope that Nolan would tell him that it was all a joke but Nolan's face remained expressionless and Mark felt a cold come over him.

 Upset, Mark asked him why he hid everything until now and Nolan replied that he couldn't tell him anything until he had his powers. This answer gave Mark horrible chills and he quickly deduced something terrible.

 Mark: So Dad, if I didn't have my powers then I would just be another human that you could oppress?!

 Nolan: It's a lot more complex than that son but it's different now because you have your powers.

 Mark: So what about mom? I know you love her, don't try to lie.

 Nolan: Of course I have affection for your mother but it's more like...for a pet.

 This statement enraged Mark to the depths of his being and Deborah in the GDA's offices who was watching and listening to everything with the others and felt like a blade sinking into her chest.

 Cecil and Donald looked on with great pain as the woman tried her best to keep her composure instead of sobbing pitifully.

 Nothing Nolan could say now was going to match the news of Lucas' passing. She was hurt, very bad even, but wanted to endure it as if to punish herself for having loved Nolan sincerely all these years, a love which apparently was one-sided and full of lies.

 Nolan: You need to understand Mark, our people age much more slowly than humans and you will certainly live thousands of years, everyone you have ever known will be gone before you look like you are in your thirties , the older you get the less you get so humans can be endearing but you have to keep in mind that they are nothing.


 Nolan: Son, Viltrum can help this world evolve! Look at how humans treat each other, they kill each other, get sick easily, destroy their world and are even stupid enough to mistreat others because of their skin color even though there are millions of intelligent species in this galaxy only.

 Viltrum will help them stop all this and evolve, you and I can help them but you have to join me for that.

 Mark: Coming from a people who massacred their own fellow , you have no right to give moral lessons to humans. I know nothing about Viltrum and I don't want to know anything more about your world, Earth is my home and I can't let you do what you want to do. You have to stop all this dad or I will stop you myself.

 Mark flexed his fists into a fighting stance and Nolan's gaze turned cold.

"I serve Viltrum above all Mark, it's even beyond our bonds. If you get in my way then I'll be merciless Son. » Nolan said in a scary tone.

 Mark rushed towards Nolan to punch him which created a large shockwave but Nolan didn't even flinch and grabbed Mark's hand. 

"OUT OF MY WAY" He screamed as he punched Mark with a right cross that sent his son flying. 

 In all his life, Mark could never have imagined being hit so hard, the power of this fist was completely unimaginable and so great that he lost consciousness and was thrown tens of kilometers away.

 [To GDA]

 Everyone watched the fight begin and couldn't even follow it all because everything was going way too fast for the cameras.

 Deborah : Cecil, we have to stop this, Nolan is way too strong for him.

 Cecil: I could have sworn this little one would be up to the task, but it seems his father hasn't shown any of his true strength until now. (looks at the agents) Send fighter jets and aerial combat drones to help the kid, Quick!

 "Sir we detect an object or person flying at high speed towards their position."

 Cecil: Establish a visual.

 They managed to get footage and were shocked to know that it was the seemingly resurrected immortal who was flying towards Omni-man.

 Donald: IMMORTAL?! This guy was supposed to be dead right?!

 Cecil: It doesn't matter, he can be a help to the kid.


 (I advise you to put on your headphones and turn on the music [Out of my way – ONLAP], it's for the atmosphere. Thanks in advance.)

 Meanwhile, across the world thanks to press helicopters, video images of the confrontation were being seen and they were only able to film in truth because Nolan allowed it, it was time to bring this planet to its knees.

 He caught up with Mark and gave him a set of multiple punch in the sky from place to place as if Mark were a flap ball.

 Mark during this time no longer understood anything, he thought he had become stronger and faster but did not expect this gap against his father.

 Nolan threw an elbow that brought Mark back to dry land in a large cracked crater.

 With great difficulty, Mark tried his best to get up and saw Nolan already waiting there with bloodshot eyes.

He attacked Mark again but the kid was able to dodge the punch this time to countering his father with a straight left cross before wanting to follow up with a right hook but had a bad feeling and immediately stepped back to take a boxing guard.

 In the sky, he didn't have good control of his supports to fight but it was different on the ground.

 Nolan saw his son back away instead of continuing to attack stupidly and even praised his intelligence as he intended to grab his fist and crush his fingers.

 He rushed towards Mark who exhaled deeply before starting his boxing footwork, it was the only combat sport he had wanted to learn and those who know the comics know that Mark learns combat tricks very quickly .

 Nolan threw a few punches which Mark was able to dodge although with difficulty he sent another swing with his fist which Mark dodged by ducking but instead of attacking he immediately protected his face with his arms as Nolan seeing that he had ducked immediately charged him with a knee strike.

 Mark was able to block the blow but not completely because his father's power was such that not only was he sent flying, his arms felt like they were broken but his head was going backwards with enormous dizziness.

 Nolan wasted no time and attacked when Mark had barely placed his feet on the ground digging a furrow with his feet, he dodged Nolan's blow and managed to land a right hook right on the his father's chin, it was a boxing trick to knock someone out.

 Nolan was surprised to feel off balance for a split second and remembered that Lucas had made him feel the same way with the same blow.

However, Lucas then like Mark now, neither of them had that much strength to hurt him so it disturbed him.

 Mark wasted no time and followed up with a very vicious kick to the testicles. Nolan did indeed feel the blow pass and this time, he did indeed feel pain but this pain was accompanied by a terrible rage.

 Mark saw this and tried to distance himself but Nolan managed to grab him and give him an uppercut which immediately sent Mark far into the clouds as he felt like his head was going to be torn from his body spitting out several of his teeth.

 While Nolan didn't want to give his son any respite, he flew vertically to catch up with him but instant l'y...

"TRAIIITOOOOOR !" he heard a familiar voice shouting after him on his left and saw the immortal come attack him with a punch which he dodged without any difficulty before using his hand as a spear to puncturing the stomach of his opponent who was immediately impaled.

 "When you want to attack someone effectively you avoid shouting first, I don't know how you managed to survive but I don't have time to waste on you." he said before literally tearing the immortal in half with both his arms and once again, he died just like that. (I repeat once, it's an adult Viltrumite)

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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