22.22% INVINCIBLE : FEAR / Chapter 8: chapter 8 : Lucas vs Battle Beast

章節 8: chapter 8 : Lucas vs Battle Beast

If Lucas had discovered Saeko's powers, it was by pure chance when he was taking a walk on his way back from Mexico after destroying a terrorist base whose leader was a mind-manipulating telepath, Lucas discovered it killed easily thanks to his double soul which had strengthened his spirit and even he did not know how he was able to resist the telepath so easily.

 While walking along the street, Lucas listened with his sensitive hearing to the sounds of struggles a little further from his position. Once he arrived there flying to make no noise, he saw Saeko fighting with a bad guy, she had a dagger in her hand and was teleporting all around the bad guy to slash him without giving him a chance to retaliate.

 Lucas looked closely at Saeko's opponent and it was Scorpio, a villain who had a tail containing a poisonous dar at the end, this guy lived in the sewers and liked to abuse children.

 Saeko had permission from Lucas to wander around to discover the world around her and tonight, thinking that she was a helpless kid, Scorpio tried to attack her but it was a mistake that would be fatal.

 Lucas saw Saeko fight and was honestly surprised by her close combat prowess, this little one had combat training and it was obvious because even without her teleportation her agility and dagger handling were excellent, her physical prowess were at least 6 times higher than those of normal humans.

 She dodged another attack from Scorpio before disappearing and appearing right on top of him, this poor pedophile only realized Saeko's position when she plunged her dagger into the back of his head. head, killing him directly.

 "(Sighs) It feels really good to have my powers back. I don't know how to tell Lucas onii-san about this, he'll probably be suspicious of me and maybe ask me to leave!" she whispered with a bit of panic in her voice before being startled by Lucas' voice.

 "Or maybe I'll just ask you for an explanation before judging you Saeko" Lucas said calmly as the kid started to panic. She looked in the direction of Lucas who was just smiling.

 Lucas: So finally you speak our language quite well ! How do you explain the fact of pretending not to understand anything ? Even with mom's help, your accent and your articulation had a lot of flaws but in your monologue earlier you spoke our language very well.

 Saeko: I'll explain everything but please don't blame me onii-san .

 She told her story and according to her story, she was an orphan since childhood and when she was 4 years old, her orphanage sold her to SAYAKA INDUSTRIES where they tested products on her and for years, they trained in combat, espionage and assassination like other children elsewhere.

 One day, she was the subject of an experiment aimed at granting superpowers to simple humans, several guinea pigs had died except for a few others but especially Saeko who had survived and was granted the ability to teleport at short distances. in addition to his strength, speed, agility and endurance several times greater than those of normal human.

 She tried to escape several times but the company had a countermeasure for her, a drug that was able to shut down her powers permanently.

 Seeing that she was too much of a problem, they wanted to eliminate her because they no longer needed her and now knew the pattern to follow to succeed in the experiment with other candidates.

 Of course, that was without counting on Lucas' attack who killed them all, freed the captives and Saeko.

 At first, she was wary of Lucas but quickly understood that he meant her no harm and she became extremely attached to him and also to Deborah .

 Saeko also warned Lucas about the true nature of the pills he had stolen from the laboratory. They not only increased people's physical prowess but also granted them random power.

 The medicine was created for a special unit serving the emperor. This unit was made up of some extremely dangerous assassins trained since childhood in all forms of combat and were waiting for the medicine to be developed to take it but when it was perfected, its designer under the orders of the emperor was killed, the manufacturing data destroyed but an unknown person had stolen the long-awaited product while destroying the laboratory.

 Lucas understood you and brought her home where they ate dishes brought from Mexico then played video games, this kid was a big fan of gaming.

 Saeko even asked Lucas if it was possible to take her on missions with him as well but he simply said he would think about it.

 Lucas spent the next few days with Saeko to get to know her better and also see all her fighting skills, she had told him that she wanted to become like him, a vigilante because she didn't want to stop criminals but kill them or spare them according to their facts just like Lucas.

 After thinking for a while, Lucas decided to give Saeko a chance. He allowed her to go out at night to attack murderers, rapists, etc but under the supervision of Lucas himself.

 She could kill them and Lucas saw her skills in action, Saeko was very strong. However, she was not allowed to go out to fight without proper equipment to protect herself.

 Lucas didn't want to contact Cecil about Saeko's case so he called his brother Mark and asked him to take him to the man who made his costume, Art Rosenbaum who he took Saeko to.

 Art was very surprised by Lucas' visit because Nolan had told him about his complicated situation with him.

 Lucas told him about Saeko and let the girl talk about the details of the costume she wanted, Art told them that they will have the costume in a few days and when Lucas asked him for an invoice, the latter refused because he was a friend of Nolan's but Lucas refused this favor, he insisted and Art reluctantly issued him an invoice.

 Lucas and Mark took Saeko home where he and his brother took time to eat and talk.

 Mark sincerely thanked Lucas for helping him with Eve but because of all this time he spends with her, Nolan was strangely annoyed with him.

 He sometimes ordered Mark to stop going to certain training appointments and told him that caring for the well-being of ordinary people was not the level of people like them but only dealing with large-scale threats. must have interested his son.

 Technically, Nolan was not totally wrong because there are priorities, however there is a time for these priorities which themselves depend on a certain point of view and Mark always managed to respond to the different missions emergency just like Lucas.

 During these months, the two brothers often worked together to stop asteroids, manage flares, stop nuclear terrorist attacks and many other things that helped Mark improve.

 Mark also told Lucas about a case he was currently on, a man nicknamed Titan asked for his help in bringing down his boss, an underworld leader called Machine Head.

 Titan was a thug because of this man and he had already faced INVINCIBLE before by trying to rob a bank to pay off his debt to Machine head. However, this guy was causing too many people suffering and even threatened Titan's family.

 Lucas asked Mark if he needed his help but he refused, it was a fairly simple matter according to him so he was going to solve it alone.

 After Mark left, Lucas and Saeko went to meet Amber at the city's social center.

 Saeko loved going there and helping people, serving food or entertaining other children and Lucas had become a celebrity there, he was handsome, kind, patient and made huge donations to the center.

 Thanks to him, the condition of many people was improved and several women who worked there charmed him.

 Lucas loved his time there and above all, he loved taking care of one little girl in particular, Sally.

Sally was a little African-American girl born sick just like Lucas, she had a heart problem and her parents did not have the means to treat her properly.

 They couldn't do anything until Lucas took an interest in Sally's case and he happily financed everything for her operation and care.

 Today, Sally was feeling better and was extremely attached to Lucas. For his parents, Lucas was someone to whom they owed eternal gratitude but what Lucas didn't know is that Sally's father is Titan, the same one who contacted INVINCIBLE.

 A few days later, Lucas was in the southern United States to stop a white supremacist organization whose 7 leaders known as the Seven Prophets were endowed with superhuman powers and at the moment he was fighting them.

 These guys had fairly weak powers compared to him so the fight didn't last too long and only their leader, Karl, remained.

 Karl: You traitor to your own race! You massacred my brothers, my entire organization fell apart because of you. People like you have brought nothing but problems to our America!!(He said while charging at Lucas with hatred)

 Lucas: Man I'm not a color but a living being, if people like me bring problems like you say it's because people like you act as a thing and more as a human.

 "SHUT UP, DIE !!!" Karl shouted as he threw a punch at Lucas which the latter dodged easily and as if his hand was a spear, Lucas plunged his fingers with a precise gesture into his chest before extirpating the lungs of the supremacist out of his body.

 Karl was quite strong, he had physical strength and superhuman speed but unfortunately for him, Lucas was superior to him in every way and he was one of the people he hated the most, racists.

 As with all the other "prophets" and followers, Lucas ensured that Karl had a gruesome death, he watched him die with an emotionless face before noticing that there was also a very beautiful young woman in the room who hid behind furniture.

 Lucas moved closer to her and saw her crouched on the ground in the corner covering her ears as if it was a nightmare she wanted to wake up from.

Lucas looked at his arms and saw tattoos with racist references or swastikas.

 The girl looked at him in tears and the next moment he came out of the shed with the girl's torn off head in his left hand which he then crushed, in organizations of this kind, women were always more zealous and vicious than men.

 "I can't understand how with all the problems we have in this world, some people think they are superior to others because of their skin color.

 If that were the case for me, with my superior abilities I would have already enslaved humanity. However, I prefer to offer death to haters like them, to psychopathic murderers, to sexual deranged people who abuse the most vulnerable, to religious supremacists and all the other rotten people so that they realize that in the face of death, we are all equal. » He thought aloud as he massaged his temple .

 Lucas wanted to go patrol somewhere else to kill some gangs when he received an urgent call from Saeko telling him that Mark was in great danger because his mission to neutralize Machine Head had gone wrong due to an opponent who was too strong.

The new guardians of the globe also came but this guy is literally playing with them, except for her who was able to escape and call him.

 Without even delaying, Lucas propelled himself at his highest speed towards Arlington to save his brother.

He knew that if Saeko called him about this kind of thing it was because the matter was alarming. But as the stress rose within him for his brother, a slight dizziness hit him and he ignored it.

 In a building in Arlington, precisely on the top floor, the entire large office was in total disorder, the result of a fierce battlefield.

 On the ground, we could see motionless and injured people including Mark, Black-Samson as well as the other guardians subdued by machine head's men.

 In the middle of all this was a half-man, half-feline warrior with completely white fur, it was Battle Beast, a mythical warrior recognized throughout the galaxy and recruited somehow by a small gang boss as a machine head on a planet as insignificant as the earth.

 With his club in hand, Beast moved closer to Mark on the ground to finish him off when Black Samson, one of the guardians attacked him with a punch so he couldn't kill Invincible but Beast easily grabbed his arm before breaking it like it was nothing and slamming him hard into the ground before throwing him at a wall, almost killing him.

 Battle Beast turned back to Mark,

 "I was promised a worthy opponent but you are too weak, killing you would even be showing mercy!" he said before bringing down his club surrounded by blades on Mark's abdomen but before Mark was hit, a hand pulled Beast from the back grabbing him by one of the strands of his mane.

 "Let go of my brother right now you bastard!!" Lucas said and before Battle Beast tried to attack him he let go of the braid dodging the blow and tried to fight back but Beast dodged it before wanting to grab him but Lucas quickly distanced himself.

 Battle Beast looked at Lucas with a smile starting to appear on his face as if he had found an interesting toy, "You, unlike these trash I can say that you are doing much better! It'll be fun to break you down little by little!" 

 Lucas: If you want, but I didn't plan on getting broken by coming here, so I really don't know how you'll do it, kitten!!

 B. Beast: Kitten ? Are you comparing me to this pathetic animal?! I AM…(interrupted)

 Lucas: MEOW!!

 "GRAAAAAAAH" Beast in rage rushed towards Lucas and started to attack him but although with difficulty, Lucas was still able to dodge his attacks.

 Lucas couldn't afford to block any of these blows because he instinctively knew that Beast's strength was superior to him so he could only avoid the blows by retaliating if there was a sure opening!

 The others watched as Lucas fought with the one who had literally slaughtered them as if he and Beast were evenly matched and even Lucas dominating seemed to them to have a slight advantage.

 Impressed by Lucas and even galvanized by his combat prowess, they began to get back up, all except Mark and Black Samson who were seriously injured resumed the fight against Machine Head's men.

 Even though Lucas gave the illusion of dominating the fight, that wasn't really the case as his punches didn't really do any damage to Battle Beast whose body was more robust and strong with extremely hard muscles even for a Viltrumite.

But on top of that, Beast was far from truly unleashing himself there and it wasn't because Lucas was dodging his blows that didn't mean he was slow.

On the contrary, he was faster than Lucas but except that Lucas' just monstrous instinct allowed him to dodge blows well before they were sent.

 After another dodge, Lucas tried to hit Beast in the throat but the latter grabbed his arm, it was a dis aster. Beast, annoyed by Lucas who kept dodging his attacks, had finally grabbed him and wanted to hurt him.

 "You little shit!" I finally have you…RAAAAAAAAH!!" he didn't even finish his sentence before screaming in pain, Lucas to free himself had given him a violent knee to the nose but despite all this pain, he didn't let go of Lucas but had even more rage on the contrary.

 In a quick movement, he tried to Violently Bite Lucas and the latter blocked him by grabbing his neck but despite this, the beast's canines continued to get closer to him.

 Lucas was in an extremely dangerous situation and as he put all his will into pushing Beast away, blood began to flow from his eyes and nose as his strength increased almost rivaling that of Battle Beast was currently showing .


 Under a roar from Lucas, little by little, he began to push the mythical warrior away and both were shocked by this fact. Lucas didn't even know how he did it but he did it.

 With pressure that nearly crushed his opponent's throat, Lucas finally pushed him away and the fight resumed.

 With this sudden and unexplained gain in strength, Lucas fought Beast again but it was different because not only was Beast still unable to fight against Lucas who was dodging his blows much more quickly but also doing more damage to him much to his delight of the feline warrior satisfied with his playmate.

 The fight continued and Beast with an even wilder grin also released much more of his strength and speed, as he fought with Lucas he held back less and less.

 They returned blows for blows and Lucas' torso was marked with claw marks and bruises even on his face, unfortunately he had not managed to dodge everything.

 After pushing Lucas back with an elbow to the face followed by a front kick to Lucas 's chest, Beast rushed towards him to give him a club blow which Lucas dodged by ducking, Beast tried to follow up but at the moment when he wanted to take a step forward, Lucas unbalanced Beast's leg which was going to land on the ground with a light kick and once the mythical warrior was unbalanced for a fraction of a second, Lucas spun in the void and grabbed Beast's mane to deliver a powerful knee to the his temple before following up with several blows that were blocked or dodged by the powerful feline.

 The others had already neutralized the Head machine men except Isotope who could teleport and left, abandoning his boss.

 As soon as Machine Head realized that he was now alone, Robot knocked him out (In the series it's Rex who does it).

 Lucas for his part was still fighting against Beast, still trying to push him away when he felt all his strength leave him at once, the inside of his chest became incredibly cold and blood spurted from his mouth.

Lucas knew this feeling, he was having a seizure and it was the worst news ever.

 "No...not now please, no!" Lucas weakly begged as he fell to his knees. Saeko who had just finished helping the others saw this and an immense feeling of stress invaded her.

 Saeko: ONII-SAN ?!


 Beast felt Lucas weaken and with the lack of resistance, he in the zeal of battle grabbed Lucas once again and bit him deeply between the neck and shoulder.

The pain was so strong that Lucas only let out a muffled breath instead of screaming, he didn't even have the strength anymore anyway.

 "ONII-SAN NOOOOOO" Saeko immediately screamed upon seeing this as tears came out of her eyes.

 "Lu-Lucas no..." Half-conscious Mark saw this too before passing out.

 Everyone else was speechless when they saw the scene, Mark was unconscious and Saeko was so distressed that tears just flowed from her eyes, her throat tightened and she couldn't even get a sound from his mouth.

 Beast for his part during the bite, was disturbed that the person who resisted him suddenly had no more strength, he let go of Lucas who collapsed without any strength while he was barely breathing.

 " What is that ?! STAND UP WARRIOR!! Are you already tired ?!" Battle Beast got seriously upset because of what happened to Lucas, he rarely found someone so young but capable of resisting him and just as he was becoming more interesting, his strength left him.

 The others wanted to rush towards Beast to help Lucas but fear paralyzed them, only Saeko disappeared from her position and attacked Beast with her dagger but he ignored her, the poor girls' attacks didn't even leave any marks on him. Beast who remained lost in his thoughts.

 "HE'S SICK, MY BIG BROTHER HAS BEEN SICK SINCE HIS BIRTH." Saeko yelled at Beast while trying to attack him without success while the mythical warrior frowned at what the kid had just said in a burst of understanding.

 Robot also tried to come and help her but he was quickly neutralized by Beast who with a simple slap knocked out Saeko and looked at Lucas with a little desolation before taking his club.

 "You are so young yet so much better than many of those I have fought, it is a shame that this disease interfered in our fight. I couldn't tolerate such a great fighter like you being killed by a common illness, so let me kill you and see you leave with honors!" 

 Seeing that Beast wanted to kill FEAR, the others finally tried to move to stop him but this attempt only angered Beast who had respect for Lucas so he quickly neutralized them with a lot of anger, each of them was seriously injured.

 He came back towards Lucas and with a sharp and powerful blow, he hit Lucas in the chest, the wound was deep and Lucas' heart, who was barely conscious, quickly stopped beating.

 Lucas with the little consciousness he had left was able to see before sinking into darkness Omni-man suspended in the sky calmly watching the whole scene before leaving. He gave a wry smile before his consciousness faded with his last breath.

 Without saying anything more, Beast thought about taking Lucas' head or one of his organs as a trophy but preferred to leave him like that, his worthy opponent was too young.

He activated a space portal and disappeared after muttering something that Saeko was starting to come to her senses heard.

 After a few minutes, GDA helicopters arrived and the agents found everyone seriously injured, missing Titan who had left in stealth.

 The only person they found standing and able to speak was Saeko who they saw kneeling in front of Lucas' inert body, in a daze and tears streaming from her eyes.

 Cecil arrived with Donald and were shocked at the sight before them, he looked at Invincible still unconscious as did the other guardians of the globes except Eve who was unaware of all this and was with Amber at the social center.

 Cecil finally noticed Saeko and Lucas who wasn't even breathing, he saw the deep wound on her chest and he felt that things were bad, very bad.

 He urgently called the rescuers who rushed everyone to the GDA . He just thought about how to tell Deborah and Nolan that one of their two children is in critical condition and the other had just been pronounced dead by doctors.

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