
章節 2: Chapter 2

Sabaody Archipelago

Shakky Bar

"Next are the newest addition to the supernovas, I think you know them" Shakky paused as he gave them a preview of what was next for the straw hats.

"Do we know them?" Although it was Luffy who asked the question, everyone had the same doubt.

"That's right, listen carefully... Originally from North Blue, former member of CP9 and currently a combatant for the Top Hat Pirates, Jabra • The Wolf •, reward: 120,000,000 Berries" Shakky laughed when he saw the surprised face of Luffy's entire crew.

"The CP9 guys are now pirates?" It was a group exclamation.

"That's right, it seems that after the Ennies Lobby incident they were persecuted by the navy and the government, leading their leader to have to reveal himself and form his pirate group, hilariously he seems to have taken some inspiration from you Luffy, since his Jolly Roger looks a lot like yours, only with a top hat obviously, hence its name" Shakky explained to them while showing them a photograph from the newspaper showing the Jolly Roger made by Lucci.

"The pigeon guy is now a pirate…" Luffy remembered for a moment the toughest fight he has had in his life so far, without a doubt it was a very close fight, he couldn't even move after finishing the fight.

"Now that I think about it, what a great coincidence, the Straw Hat Pirates and the Top Hat Pirates, the captain of one crew is called Luffy and the other Lucci, very similar names, but at the same time two sides of a coin, one being a pirate by choice and who has a completely loyal crew and who protect each other, the other on the other hand served his entire life for the world government but at the first mistake he is betrayed and chased like a rat, being forced to be a pirate" Shakky made a slight reflection on the information he had, making the straw hats also think a little about how those from CP9 were going through, yes, they had been his enemies, they were close to dying because of him, but still Thus, being betrayed after dedicating your life to someone is a difficult situation.

"But hey, let's continue there are still two more" Shakky broke the silence that had formed in the Bar.

"Originally from East Blue, vice-captain of the Top Hat Pirates, • Mountain Wind • Kaku, reward: 240,000,000 Berries"

"I never imagined that that long-nosed guy was from East Blue" Nami was the one who spoke while thinking that she had never seen him, although she was completely unaware that the members of CP9 were usually taken from childhood to be trained.

"Maybe he's Usopp's brother, you know because of the nose," Zoro said before taking a sip of his sake.

"DON'T SAY STUPID THINGS" Usopp rolled his shark's teeth and rolled his eyes while the others laughed at him, Luffy could only imagine a little Usopp and a little Kaku playing with some branches.

"and finally, originally from the Grand Line, captain of the Top Hat Pirates, • Killing Machine • Rob Lucci, reward: 400,000,000 Berries"


"You look good in white Lucci" Kalifa gave a nod as she looked at Lucci from head to toe, Lucci was wearing a bluish white suit with a black coat with a blue lining over his shoulders. (For further reference, it is Rob Lucci's outfit in the movie One Piece: Stampede.)

They were in a shopping center, buying clothes and other things necessary for their trip to the new world.

"Thank you, I wanted to try a different style than before" Lucci was feeding Hattori a cookie.

"What is our next step Lucci, there are still a couple of hours until the boat is ready to go down?" Kaku was the one who asked.

"I've been thinking about getting another new companion since we saw how useful the Kalifa fruit can be, what do you think?" Lucci turned to see a figure walking in the middle of the group, he was covered by a black hood hiding his appearance.

"You know that whatever you decide, I will follow, captain," the man said.


Pov Rob Lucci

We were on the roof of one of the buildings looking down at the street.

People moved out of the way as a large, muscular man walked down the street. His long black hair stands on end and is combed into two split ends. He has a tattoo on his torso and a scar stitched on his stomach. He wears a brown captain's jacket with a gray fur cape, pants with a double brown belt to hold it up, boots, and a bomb necklace.

"HELP ME! Please someone help me!"

"Kalifa, I want to try something, everyone gathers in one of the alleys below, so that no one sees you" I said while looking carefully at the slave who was begging for help, if my memory serves me correctly, that guy was relatively strong, strong enough to He survived the explosion of the necklace and even endured the drugs and sedatives given to him by world nobles.

"YEAH!" Everyone gave a nod and then disappeared with the use of Soru.

I wanted to take advantage before the world nobles approached and with an expert use of the Soru I arrived and took Devil Dias in a fraction of seconds without even stopping I continued towards an alley.

To people on the street it probably just seemed like Devil Dias had disappeared from one second to the next.

When we reached the alley, my team was already waiting for me.

"Lucci, what are you planning, do you know that soon that necklace will explode?" Kaku asked somewhat hurriedly as he looked at the slave's collar.

"I want to try something" was the simple answer I gave.

"Hey what's going on? Where am I?... it doesn't matter! Please help me, I have a wife and a son!" It took Devil Dias a few seconds to realize that he had gone from being on the street to being in an alley surrounded by a group staring at him, but he quickly begged for help.

"I will help you, but in exchange I want you to serve me by joining my crew." Even if he said no, I would try to free him, just to prove my theory, the only thing that would depend on his answer is whether I killed him later or not.

"YEAH! I will join you and swear my loyalty to you but please help me, I can no longer be a slave to the heavenly dragons… it is hell on earth" Devil Dias knelt before me begging me for his freedom.

"Very well, I hope you are of your word, Kalifa, use your skill to wash this guy, making him as slippery as possible!" I gave the order to Kalifa, she seemed surprised for a moment while analyzing my plan and then she gave me a nod along with a smile.

"Golden Bubbles!" Kalifa spread bubbles over Devil Dias' body, draining his strength and leaving his skin shiny and smooth. My intention is to use this ability to easily remove the explosive collar from his neck, since the skin is extremely slippery and also softens the curves of his body.

As we watched Dias' body transform little by little, we began to hear the beeping of the collar.

"Shit, surely the celestial dragon activated it because I lost sight of it" Some pressure fell on me but once Kalifa's technique was completed, with my maximum speed I grabbed the collar and pulled it, Dias's head passed without problem by the collar which I quickly threw into the air where it exploded.

"Let's get out!" I said while taking Dias who was extremely weak, I quickly disappeared with a Soru, immediately the others followed us as we ran towards another grove.

I looked back and I could see a figure looking at me from the top of a building, without a doubt it was Sentomaru.


"So which slave do you plan to free now, Lucci? I didn't know we had become the slaves' superheroes" Jabra complained as she scratched one ear.

"The idea is simple Jabra, we release powerful people who in return join us or at least owe us a favor, although I am sure that the next one will join us, but for that we must go to grove 1 when the auction begins, Of course, Blueno must be prepared immediately to retreat with the Doa Doa, it will be dangerous to stay in Sabaody today longer than necessary." Not being an idiot, I was not planning to fight Kizaru, he would simply kick me to death, the best thing was to get the guy who I want and then flee to the ship and then move on to the new world.

"Lucci, don't you think that continuing to steal slaves will get us into trouble with the celestial dragons?"

"Kaku, from the moment we became pirates we are enemies of the world government, what does it matter if we make the celestial dragons bother?" Of course it was one thing to bother him and another to attack them, I don't have Luffy's luck of being saved by two powerful men like Kuma and Rayleigh.

"You're right, anyway you know that we will follow your orders Lucci" Kaku and the others gave me a nod, Dias included, although I didn't doubt that guy's loyalty, as members of CP9 we were trained to recognize something as simple as a lie., and I can recognize his sincerity in being loyal to me, he surely went through torment under the heavenly dragons.

"Well come on, we have to buy a Den Den Mushi for the boat and we also need to make everyone's Vivre Cards"


We were heading to grove 1 where the auction would be held.

Before we had left the things we had bought on the boat which was in grove 27, we also left Dias to take care of the boat.

I've been thinking about what plan to follow now, we don't have the strength to invade the New World like the straw hat pirates will do two years later, but maybe keeping a low profile while we get stronger can help, the important thing is that I know an advanced Haki training method, such as Ryou.

But well first we need to learn Haki, I need to get someone to teach us.

Soon we could see the auction house, and sitting outside a large man, just the one I was coming for.

"You!" A voice caught our attention from behind us.

When we turned around we could see Franky, who was a little surprised to see us.

"Ah, it's you, Cutty Flam… or do you prefer that I call you Franky?" I gave Franky a smile, which only got Franky's guard up on him in response.

"Are they looking for revenge?" Franky raised his fists at him as he prepared to fight.

"Lucci let me take care of him, I have gotten stronger since the last time Chapapa" Fukurou took a step forward, everyone had a certain feeling of revenge against the Mugiwaras, after all the defeat was recent.

But in one thing he was right, each one has become a little stronger, after that kind of fierce battle like the one we faced in Ennies Lobby even the loser becomes stronger.

"There is no need for such a thing, remember that we must leave soon" I said as I turned around again and headed towards Jean Bart, the others only gave Franky one last look before following me.

"Today is your lucky day Chapapa"

When we arrived in front of Jean Bart I was the first to speak.

"Captain Jean Bart, how would you like to stop being a slave?" That's right, Jean Bart was my other target, of the slaves in this place he was one of the strongest, of course if he didn't include the giant who was at the auction.

"CAN YOU FREE ME? If you do, I will be more than happy to follow your orders." The emotion could be seen in the man's voice; without a doubt, being the pet of the celestial dragons is the worst punishment in existence.

"Kalifa, you know what to do" I gave the order.

Then we did the same procedure as with Devil Dias, managing to remove his necklace but this time we threw the necklace inside a door created by Blueno, in order to avoid attracting the attention of people inside the auction house.

Then we simply poured water on Jean Bart to return him to his normal state.

"Thank you very much captain…?" Jean waited for me to give him my name.

"Lucci, and this is my second in command Kaku, these are Jabra, Blueno, Kumadori, Fukurou and Kalifa" I introduce them all.

"Well now that the introductions are over, let's go." I said as he started walking in the opposite direction of the auction house.

Just then I could see Luffy crash and break into the auction house.

"Lucci, that was the straw hat boy?" Kaku asked, everyone was a little surprised.

"Yes, now we must hurry more, let's run, things will soon get complicated" I said as I started to run, I couldn't use Soru because Jean Bart would be left behind.

"Lucci why are you so afraid to be in Sabaody for a while longer?" Jabra was the one who asked me as she ran to my side.

"Don't talk nonsense Jabra, Lucci is not afraid of anything" Kaku was the one who reprimanded him, without a doubt he had complete trust in me.

"There is no easy way to explain it to you, but Mugiwara will do something so stupid that it will make an admiral come and although it is hard for me to admit it, we are still no match for an admiral" Yes yet, because I am sure that I will surpass them in the future.

"An admiral? The maximum power of the navy would be certain death for all the pirates in Sabaody" Blueno reflected, arriving at a not very erroneous theory, although in the manga Kizaru did not kill any supernova, I don't want to risk it.


We were going from one grove to another as quickly as possible, but after a while we ran into a platoon of marines, probably heading to the auction.

"Take care of them quickly, we can't stop here" With my masterful use of Soru and Shigan I finished off a captain in a second, out of the corner of my eyes I could see how Jabra broke the neck of another marine with his Tekkai Kenpo, Kaku dispatched marines with his Rankyaku in just the blink of an eye, Kalifa took away their forces from the remaining marines, leaving them at the mercy of Kumadori, Blueno, Fukurou and Jean.

After finishing them off we heard a scream in the distance.

"It's awful! The entire archipelago is in danger! "Straw Hat Luffy punched one of the celestial dragons in the Grove 1 auction house!"

"Quickly we have to keep running!"

"Rob Lucci • Killing Machine • 400,000,000 Berries" A somewhat robotic voice made us turn to look at the top of a building.

"Bartholomew Kuma!!!"

"What is a Shichibukai doing here?"

"No, it's not Kuma, it's a pacifist" I knew that going after Jean Bart was a risk, but I would have preferred not to meet a pacifist on the way back, at least we were all together, it wouldn't be very difficult to defeat him.

"A pacifist? But he looks exactly like Kuma"

"They are the new weapons of the government, created by- "I couldn't even finish speaking because I had to dodge a beam of light, which created an explosion behind me.

The pacifist ran towards us, while we all prepared to attack.

"Tekkai kenpo «Don poro»" Jabra transformed into his hybrid form, with Soru he appeared in front of the pacifist and then delivered a powerful punch to his chest, making the pacifist retreat a few steps.

"Kirin hodai… «Kyoku bigan "kirimanjaro»" Kaku transformed into his hybrid giraffe form but retracted his neck towards his body making it smaller. This to apparently act as a spring and then shoot it out as if it were a cannon, his nose crashed into the pacifist causing a hole to form in his.

"Kaiten Door" Taking advantage of the opportunity, Blueno attacked the pacifist, transforming his face into a revolving door "Door Door" Then, taking advantage of the pacifist's disorientation, he created doors under his feet to restrict his movements.

"Shinaru shigan «whip»"


Right after came the attacks followed by Kalifa and Fukurou.

"Kami shibari" Kumadori's hair stretched as if it were a living being, then wrapped around the pacifist, preventing his movement.

"Finish it Lucci!"

The pacifist finally seemed to react and opened his mouth to fire another laser beam, but right above him appeared Jean Bart who, crossing his hands, hit him with them as if they were a sledgehammer, making the pacifist forcefully close his mouth.

"Rokushiki ogi: rokuogan" Using Soru I appeared in front of the pacifist and joining my fists I performed my most powerful attack, which hit his enormous chest, Kumadori immediately released the pacifist who flew away until he crashed into a building.

After waiting a few seconds, we knew that he was defeated because he had not gotten up. Without a doubt our teamwork was difficult to overcome.

"Is that the government's new weapon? I was expecting something more difficult" Jabra, like him, was always the most confident.

"Shut your mouth, your blow didn't hurt him at all" Kaku couldn't help but mock.

"Shut up stupid giraffe, your attack was the weakest"

"Let's go, you can continue your discussion on the boat" I wanted to leave the archipelago quickly.

"This group seems to be quite powerful, to be able to take care of a Pacifist so quickly."

"It doesn't matter; everyone will be eliminated."

Two voices caught our attention, when we turned to look I could see two people.

A very tall and thin man who belongs to the long-armed tribe. He wears a white mask with dark-colored facial drawings and three vertical marks crossing the left side of the mask, as well as a protruding ornament in the form of thick yellow brush strands. He wears an all-white suit with a dark tie and shoes and a floor-length white cape.

The other was a rather tall and noticeably thin man. His hair is dark green and his face is obscured by a large circular light-colored tribal mask that he supports with his hands on an elongated stick. He wears a hat and a white suit with a cape.

"Shit, it's CP0."

End of chapter//

So the chapter was already in my mind, but for different reasons it took me longer than expected to write it.

The next chapter will be mostly about the fight against the two CP0 members.

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C2
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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