On that same day, the whale got ready to work, not wanting to waste time. A gigantic mummified body emerged in the center of the realm. It was precisely the now completely dead body of Vrix. With a movement, all the skin was swept off the bones, revealing the skeleton that shimmered like a black diamond.
Inside the abyss, all forms of life that live in it naturally absorb Yin and infernal laws into their bodies. Even their bones, after death, continued to absorb, and that's why they never deteriorated, generating treasures buried in the sands.
Vrix's body bones were nourished for millennia within the abyss, and in addition to that, he was connected to the demonic diagram. And to the surprise of Alm and Bruno, Vrix really managed to find a way to divert some of the life force taken from demons for himself.
And as always, any Golden Tickets and Stones are welcome. ;)