"Milady, should we go after them? ", Laura asked me.
"No, leave them alone, they will be back. Besides, we need all of our forces if we are to seize Espheus."
" And besides even if we follow them, we can't leave Espheus without the mark. Breaking through the barrier will take time and by then they would be gone. "
I looked at them as they flew away from Espheus. I undid the second barrier.
The entire army that was trying to get to the Council ring came at us. I activated the weakening spell on all of them.
Laura handed me the microphone to speak to all of Espheus.
"I am Claudia, and I have taken over Espheus. If you are hoping for your Council to help, they are no longer in this dimension. Their children have also escaped from Espheus leaving you all here to suffer."
"As from now, no one is allowed to leave or enter Espheus and I have assigned some guards to achieve that purpose."
" You must obey me. It is a rule you would do well to remember. "
This chapter is in the POV of the leader of the witches. I named it X because I didn't want to name her yet. Yes, I know I later named her in the chapter, but I felt it would have been better to name the chapter X for now.
I also named the other witch Laura, because I thought it would make more sense for Claudia to know her subordinates name, so I didn't call her a witch but rather Laura.
And yes, Iris has a mark that allows her to leave Espheus. She was given off screen. This is the mark, ¶. I made it that because it's the most befitting symbol in my phone's keyboard, so if there's a new and better one, I would use it.
I hope you all enjoy the book.