The sunlight gleamed on the water, bathing the residents of Fusha Village. Children played gleefully, while merchants shouted offers enticing customers to their stalls. The laughter of people filled the air until...
"Look at that!" yelled a fisherman, pointing into the distance. "A ship is approaching."
People's eyes followed his direction, spotting a majestic vessel with a skull and crossbones flag. The unmistakable sign of a pirate ship.
"Good heavens! A pirate ship!" a woman exclaimed, clutching her child and pulling him away from the shore.
As the ship drew closer, an uneasy murmur spread amongst the crowd. However, as it docked, a man with silvery hair and eyes hidden by a bandana calmly disembarked. By his side, a woman in red attire with brown hair tied in a ponytail, Mai Shiranui, firmly held her fans. Together, they raised their hands in a gesture of peace.
"Do not fear! I'm a bounty hunter," he declared, his voice confident and sturdy. The crowd eyed him warily. He added, "I'm not here to cause trouble." Although he was lying, his heart was genuine. He didn't want to harm anyone.
In a corner of the square, the village mayor whispered to a friend, "It's better to keep him close. You never know with these types..."
The next morning, in a Fusha Village inn, Satoru sat in a lotus position on the floor of his room, his thoughts taking him to an ethereal place. The white space was tranquil, filled with endless hallways full of compartments.
Cautiously, he approached one of the hallways where rows of vials lined the shelves. Each vial shimmered with a different liquid, like encapsulated memories of sages. He picked one up, labeled "Dr. Gero", inspecting the cautionary note about side effects. On all of them, there were warnings, some clear, others not so much: "Do not consume on a full stomach," "May cause temporary coma - ensure you're in a safe place," "Unknown side effects."
He sighed, "That's why I haven't drunk any yet," he thought, recalling his escape from Loguetown. He definitely needed a calm, safe environment. Hence, he chose Fusha Village.
He continued walking within this inner space, and as he walked, his path grew brighter. Over time, he felt the atmosphere grow denser, loaded with energy and knowledge.
Until he encountered another series of compartments; Upon seeing one marked 'Master Roshi', his eyes lit up with excitement. "This is exactly what I need."
Next to it, a green compartment labeled 'Master Kami (Piccolo)'
Taking a deep breath, he grabbed both vials.
Back at the inn, Mai Shiranui entered the room, noticing Satoru's meditative posture. With a concerned sigh, she sat beside him, her closed fan resting on her lap. "Whatever you're planning," she murmured, "I hope you know what you're doing."