90.9% The Psychopath's Reckoning in Game of Thrones / Chapter 8: The Night King's Soliloquy - Power Unbound

章節 8: The Night King's Soliloquy - Power Unbound

General PoV

Amidst the icy solitude of his frozen citadel, the Night King sat upon his crystalline throne, his cold, calculating gaze fixed upon the distant horizon. Here, in the heart of his dominion, he allowed his thoughts to drift like ice flies upon an endless sea.

"Power," he mused, his voice as frigid as the arctic winds that howled beyond his fortress. "It is the currency of this world. The currency of existence."

His eyes, like pools of frozen night, bore witness to the artifacts of his might—the enslaved souls, the towering White Walkers, and the ancient magic that pulsed through his being.

"Personal power," he continued, "is the foundation upon which all empires are built, all destinies forged. It is the foundation upon which I can stand. Like Valyria Freehold, does it become such an empire with allies and tactics? No they simply burned their enemy in dragon fire. In front of true strength, all tricks and tactics crumble. Like Daenerys Targaryen, will she conquer Westross because of Unsullied or Dothraki. No, it will be her Dragons. I must advance myself so much further than them that they shiver in my wake."

He raised a hand, and the air itself seemed to shiver in response. Crystal Snowflakes danced at his fingertips, a manifestation of his boundless authority over ice.

"Magic is a force that transcends time and space," he continued, his voice growing more resonant with each word. ""Magic," he whispered, "is the blood that flows through the veins of this World. It is a tapestry upon which the fates of mortals are woven. To wield it is to become a master of destiny. Not much significance in my previous life, aside from stories and folklore. It's a theory. Working on hearsay. Not any concrete methodology behind it, for someone rational like me."

"Thus I lack its practicality and understanding. Children were never a studious bunch, always treating magic like a third arm. Not exploring its workings. Understanding its magnificence."

He knew that his mastery of magic was already unparalleled, but not enough for his grand ambitions. The means by which he could shatter the Wall, and commanded legions of the undead.

"Time," he murmured, his voice like the whisper of winter winds, "It is my ally, my canvas upon which I paint the art of mastery over magic. I must focus on Ice Magic, before developing in other areas. Ahh forgot about that. I will have to work on that, too. "


Part 1 : Night King's Proclamation

Ice Citadel, Land of Always Winter

For 600 years, the Night King stood in front of his icy citadel, a sprawling fortress of crystalline beauty that dominated the northern expanse beyond the Wall.

Standing near an altar, which is a major step in his plan which he was in dire need of. He prepared it at times resting and not practicing his Ice Magic. It was on stage for something used for the ceremony.

The altar was a massive slab of ice fangs, its black surface gleaming in the moonlight. It stood atop a pyramid of ice, and was surrounded by a circle of twelve ice pillars, tilted outwards. The pillars were carved with strange symbols, and their tops were adorned with the skulls of animals and humans alike.

In the center of the altar was a spiral pattern, carved into the platform. At the center of the spiral was a small bowl, filled with a swirling black liquid.

The altar was surrounded by a group of White Walkers, their blue eyes glowing in the darkness. They stood perfectly still, their faces expressionless.

In the center of the group stood the Night King. He addressed his fellow White Walkers or Others.

"My Kins, the day has come for us to welcome our new family. For what we have been reduced to a feeble number of 13. We were dependent upon the Children's ritual for our Birth. Even if all powerful, I can't create anymore of our kind. I have finally with your help replicated the runes of the ritual. Let us not wait any further." He addressed them in the ancient language of 'Skroth', which sounded like Ice creaking.

The Night King held a baby in his arms. The baby was wrapped in a thick blanket, and its eyes were closed. The baby snatched from the wandering Freefolk mother, who lost her way back.

The Night King dipped his finger into the black liquid in the bowl, and then drew a sigil on the baby's forehead.

The baby's eyes snapped open, and they were now the same deep blue as the Night King's. The baby began to cry, but the Night King simply smiled. He had created a new White Walker.

"For this Child be named as Nox. I will trust its growth to you Elder Imperium. You shall ensure his growth as per the 'customs'." Night King said addressing a White Walker dressed in wolf and shadow cat fur cloak almost looking like Gandalf.

"I will not disappoint you. My King." He said taking the child in his arms.

"My kin," began the Night King, his voice a frigid whisper that resonated through the altar's surroundings, "We stand on the precipice of a new era. An era defined by the strength of ice, and the unyielding power of our kind.

"Long have we been known as the White Walkers, some call us 'Others'. As if we are not meant to be or someone beneath them." he continued, his voice unwavering. "But today, we shed that name, a name burdened by the past. Today, we embrace our true essence. From this day onwards, we shall call ourselves Nivaliths, of descendants of your king, Varago Rexperia, I. This will be the Kingdom of Nivalith." Night King addressed his subjects in grandiose fashion.

The Night King, now naming himself Varago Rexperia stood upon a dais carved from pure ice, his figure imposing and regal. Before him lay an elaborate tapestry, veiled in mystery, bearing the new sigil—a Frost Crown. The crystalline pillars of ice emerged from ground beneath around the altar surroundings and throughout the Citadel, reflecting the pale blue glow of the sigil, creating an ethereal atmosphere.




The frigid winds swept through the heart of the carrying with them an icy hush that befit the solemnity of the moment. All 13 Nivaliths, once known as the White Walkers, had gathered in their crystalline citadel, their pale eyes fixed upon their sovereign, the Night King, Varago Rexperia.

At the center of the grand hall, The Nivaliths, their gaunt faces concealed by icy masks, stood in reverent silence, awaiting their leader's words.

"Nivaliths, We are the children of winter," he declared, his piercing gaze sweeping across the assembled Nivaliths. "We are the sovereigns of the frost, and We are the Nivalith Kingdom—a kingdom forged in ice and sustained by the eternal winter."

He raised a gloved hand, gesturing to the sigil of the Frosty Crown now on the roof of his grand hall. It gleamed with an otherworldly radiance, symbolizing their new identity.

He paused, allowing the weight of the moment to settle upon his audience. As the murmur of approval rippled through the assembly, their icy masks shifted imperceptibly as they acknowledged their new identity.

With a sweeping gesture, the king unveiled a grand tapestry, depicting their sigil—the Frosty Crown. It stood as a symbol of their dominance, a diadem of frost adorning the royal visage of the Nivaliths.

"And this," he proclaimed, "is our emblem of authority, our Frosty Crown—a symbol of our rule over the icy expanse, a testament to our mastery over the cold."

The Nivaliths gazed upon the sigil with reverence, their masks reflecting the icy light that bathed the hall.

As his words echoed through the crystalline hall, the Nivaliths raised their icy gauntlets, staff, swords, spears in a show of unity and allegiance, their silent approval resounding in the frozen air as they knelt in front of their King and shouted.



It was a moment of transformation, a moment when they shed their old identity to embrace a future defined by their icy dominion—the age of the Nivaliths had dawned.




Part 2 : Elder Council of Frozen

Within the heart of the crystalline citadel, beneath the shimmering ice spires, King Varago Rexperia assembled his trusted Nivaliths. Thirteen figures, still standing after 2 millennia veiled in frost and mystery, had been chosen to form the Elder Council of the Frozen. Each held a unique role, and their meeting would determine the future of the Nivalith Kingdom.

The council chamber, bathed in an eerie blue light, was adorned with intricate ice sculptures and carvings depicting their history and dominion over cold. A long, ice-carved table stretched through the center, where the councilors took their seats, their icy masks reflecting the room's spectral glow.

"My Kin," the Night King began, his voice like a chilling breeze, "Today marks a turning point in the history of our race, the Nivaliths. We have named ourselves, we have claimed our kingdom, and now we gather to shape its future. Although I can control your actions, for you are your own mind. I don't wish for mindless puppets as by subjects. For that you will be a part of the great future of our Kingdom."

'I have made this council to ensure a civilized kingdom, as I even if it can sense and control action of White Walkers (From now Nivaliths), must have form an efficient form of rule." The councilors nodded in silent acknowledgment, their eyes fixed upon their sovereign.

"The First shall be The Frostwarden." The Night King gestured toward the first councilor, adorned with a cape of frozen tendrils. "Niveus Excidium. You were the first man after me formed by the Children. You know of my ambitions and goals. For you have been with me, the longest. Your role shall be to safeguard, most important of all. You will also lead our patrols, ensuring no intruders encroach upon our dominion. Our Home. You will serve me as season leader of council in my absence." (1)

"It will be my pleasure, My King, to serve my kind. It serves us greatly by our realm's boundaries, the Wall is just not for stopping us, it stops our enemies too. Surrounded by the Ice filled Sea on both sides will help us." Niveus Excidium who chose his name, along with others in the grand hall after The Ceremony. Said in a calm and steady voice.

"You say the truth, my friend. But we don't know the 'future', and humans tend to be a greedy bunch." King Varago said almost cringing himself to death at 'my friend'. but his acting still top-notch.

"Yes. My King."

"Next The Cryomancer Gelius Terrores." He turned to another Nivaliths, distinguished by an intricate staff made of pure ice. "Your mastery over ice magic is unparalleled, anyone bar me. You should delve into the deepest secrets of our power, expanding our sorcery and honing our abilities. Teaching the New, Honing the old. Come and consult with me, as I am myself delving in the depths of Ice Magic. Handle the magic users(having more magic than others in them) for the army. (2)

"I am honoured by the praises of my King. I shall continue to seek a path of true magic." Said Terrores.

"Spectra Hiemis shall be The Snowshaper." A Nivalith adorned with an ornate gauntlet adorned with snowflakes, only female in 13 (14 with new child), a blue skinned voluptuous beauty received the Night King's attention. "Your mastery in Ice Sculpting abilities is high. Your task shall be simple, yet tiring, to mold the very landscape of our kingdom. Sculpt our citadels, fortresses, ports, other buildings and defenses from the ice itself, starting from our castle and Its surroundings." (3)

"Yes, my lord. I shall design and oversee the construction of grand ice citadels, fortifications, and architectural marvels within the Nivalith Kingdom. I will ensure that the physical manifestations of our realm are both imposing and elegant" Said Spectra said thinking possible things she will make.

"The Hoarfrost Steward, Nix Imperium, you were from a long heritage of first men, armed with knowledge so rare and ancient, you will oversee the archives of our lore and history. I wish for massive changes in how our race is viewed by others races. You have a major role to play in the future to come. Preserve our knowledge and secrets for the ages." the Night King continued, addressing another councilor wearing a cloak of shadow, who he previously gave the Nox, the newly made White Walker.(4)

"I have already started following your previous will, my King. I have made a 'Database', as you call it. Gather all information from any source." Nix Imperium said with a bow of his head.

"Yes, that shall serve as our knowledge trove. Be sure to make a Restricted Section. You should with Spectra, the Snowshaper, build that monument." King Varago said giving a side eye to his builder councillor, who only bowed in agreement.

"The Eternal Warden" Turning to a councilor with an air of stoic determination, the Night King said, "Eternal Warden, Glacius Animus. Although, my kins, Your life force is fueled by my magic, you are not immortal like me, but it does slow aging having lifespan around a couple of thousands of years. Nivaliths bodies become frail as they age, the body becomes more potent with magic. Sadly, even with my magic more powerful, your souls continue to wither, shredding itself, until death. All of you are coming towards the end. I shall continue to find a solution for it. Until then, your duty is to watch over the souls of our fallen brethren. Guide them into the realm of ice and ensure they serve our cause in death as they did in life."(5)

"The Nightshadow," the King Varago continued, acknowledging a councilor who has the ability to vanish and reappear at will, "Oebis Gelu, you have a changing skin trait, granting your transparency in your surroundings. You will be our silent hand in the shadows. Gather intelligence, enforce our will, and strike fear into the hearts of our enemies."(6)

"Your wish is my life mission, my King." He said with almost madness loyalty oozing out of him, spoke in Skroth, sounding like ice creaking.

"The Eternal Frost Priest- "King Varago said to the councillor with a fanatic expression, draped in an aura of eternal frost. "The Eternal Frostbringer is the Nivalith Kingdom's high priest ensuring future generations follow my previously established customs and commandments which must be followed, ensuring their loyalty, responsible for rituals and ceremonies that invoke the power of the cold. Your role is to maintain the spiritual and mystical aspect of Nivalith culture, ensuring the loyalty of their subjects." Said to his personal corrupt priest with fanatic loyalty. This responsibility shall be given to you, Gesim Domini."(7)

"Frig Umbra, your physical build gives to an unprecedented strength and vigor. You shall lead our Kingdom to victory in foreign lands in cavalry. Gather an army so large, that the enemy doesn't date to fight us. As you shall be 'The Commander of Night's Army'."(8)

"Haha, you didn't need to worry, my lord. These old bones are still harder than the iron weapon of those humans. I will train and future generations to be the greatest force the world has ever seen." Said the bulking 8 feet Nivalith, who looked out of place from the start, typical brute guy.

"I aspect none less than that from you." King Varago said.

'I will ignore his Brute nature..' Thought with a sigh, the Night King.

"Tenis Frigoris, you have been hunting in Front Spiders in the land of eternal winter. For half a millennium now. You will be in charge of our creature army, dead wights or tamed, the Eternal Pride (pride means 'A group of Lions'). You can also have a cavalry division in Night's Army, with weight horses, for our mobility. I intend for many future additions to possible candidates in this army. For it can be our most destructive weapon." (if you know what I mean). (9)

"I had obtained a Water Magic affinity from the Last War, which can give us unending possibilities of finding, in what could be the foreign land, away from Westross. Noctis Glaciei, you have affinity with air magic, you will have an advantage in the field. I shall bestow upon you to develop a means for us to move across seas and rivers. I have few ideas on this, which I have written in parchments, so you can collect from Steward Nix Imperium. I expect great things from you, our Commander of Night's Fleet." (10)

"Nix Inexor, you have been the most restless of us, in the past 600 years. Your 'exploring the world' has led to several occasions, of our existence being known to Humans."

"I shall apologize once again for it, my King. I simply wanted to-" the said man said afraid of disappointing his King Varago due to his restless nature.

"I know what you wanted, Noctis, that's why I am giving you the title of 'Frost Explorer'. You shall after a few centuries, venture around the world, finding new lands, discovering Mystery and secrets untold and forgotten." (11)

"Yes!! I am forever grateful for this, my King." Noctis was immediately bloomed with happiness.

"But remember, do not interchange restlessness with carelessness, I am not very forgiving to fools." King Varago said giving chills to Ice Creatures, a testament to his scary aura.

"And Custodes Glacialis. You were a merchant before becoming a Nivalith, Right?"

The man in question wearing a shining robe in moonlight, nodded. A rare Nivalith, looking more beautiful than scary.

"Though, our greatest advantage over human or other races is sustenance. We feed and live on magic, which is pervasive. They need to feed off other beings and plants, requiring them to have a currency, leading to pointless greed and treachery. While we don't need something like that, it's important to gather resources, in case of a need to trade with Men.

"Forgive me my King, but why can't we just take from Men, why bother with trade." Eternal Warden, Glacius Animus, Asked feeling conflicted.

"While we may be strong in the face of First Men and Children. We don't know the 'future' and other beings in this vast world. War and coercion is not always the case, my Councillor." He said.

"So, as I was saying. Custodes Glacialis, you shall be the First Night Merchant. You shall also hold the resources earned, as a treasury, for the good of the Kingdom." (12)

"Yes, My King. But with our appearance who will-" said the merchant feeling a little conflicted.

"Yes, I know. It might not be feasible with First Men. But for Beings on other land, We are no different than them. Its First Men who think of us Monsters, for others. We are simply Nivaliths."

"I praise my King for his perception."

"To name our last thirteenth councilor, one who will be the master of our frozen armory, the forger of our weapons, and the guardian of our iron heart. FrostForge Artisan" The Nivaliths in attendance nodded in agreement, acknowledging the importance of the Frostforge Artisan's role. Among them, one figure stood out—an imposing Nivalith known for their craftsmanship, marked by a set of ornate gauntlets adorned with etchings of intricate icicles.

The Night King's icy gaze fell upon this distinguished Nivaliths. "I name you Nivei Domina. The Frostforge Artisan," he declared, his voice echoing through the chamber to the imposing Nivalith, different from other Nivalith, near reaching near Night King level.(13)

"Your role is to forge the blades of our kingdom, to craft armor that channels the power of the cold, and to imbue our weapons with the essence of frost."The Frostforge Artisan stood, bowed forward, their frosty gauntlets clinking with an air of reverence. "I accept this honor,"

They spoke in a voice both resonant and reverent.

"May my work be as unbreakable as the ice itself, and may my creations strike fear into the hearts of our adversaries and serve the Eternal King, Varago Rexperia." Nivei, the forger said said in his ever thick voice.

The King with a elegant swipe of hand, conjuring a parchments, a design of the parchment, which Forger accepted with bowing head and looked through it.

"This is a-" Forger looked at the parchment in astonishment.

"A sword. No it's a runeblade. I visioned it in my dream of Greenseer. For what it signals is not known. But this blad posseses unprecedented strength." Night King continued. 'Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit.' For our Kingdom greatest sword. Symbol of Eternal Ice. Can you make it?"

"It will be my honour, your grace. It will be my life mission make this sword, and present in at your feet." He said with unfamiliar excitement, as someone who rarely show any emotions.

"I believe you do it."

"What it should be called my lord?" Asked the Frostforger.

"Frostmourne, The Soul Eater."

"With this appointment, our first ever the Elder Council of the Frozen stands complete, each councilor representing a vital aspect of our rule over the eternal winter. In my absence, you all can decide on an action by majority resolution, through voting. Each has one vote. For I am the Supreme Vote. My say always transcends all yours."

One by one, the Night King named the councilors and their roles, each responsibility carefully selected to ensure the strength and longevity of the Nivalith Kingdom.

The discussions that followed were filled with frosty deliberation, strategic planning, and the shared ambition to extend their dominion over the world, keeping it locked in an eternal winter's embrace.

"If I may, My King. Why don't you use, those of First Men, on our side of the wall, to make new Nivaliths?" Asked Frig Umbra, Commander of Night's Army', feeling the shortage in the number of his Brethren.

"I know Frig. But we need humans, for our generation. For which I can't create souls, only change them to Nivaliths. That's why I Prefer babies, as their soul is pure, we can groom them in our ways. If I use all humans on this side of the wall. It will stop us from making more of our of ourselves. Thus we only we need to wait of a thousand years, as humans breed more fastly increasing their number. That's why I have reduced Ice near their settlements for a nice breeding ground for them"

"A wise decision, my lord." Said the Steward Nix Imperium.

As the meeting concluded, the Elder Council of the Frozen dispersed, knowing that their decisions would shape the future not only of their kingdom but of the entire realm, cloaked in icy shadows and eternal frost.

Night King sitting on his throne thought, 'that was more tiring than evading police. Seriously, it was a impulsive decision, taken on a whim. Why? It feels nice to play King sometimes. Order people around.

'But it doesn't hurt to be act nice sometimes, got to maintain a nice mask for people. As a gentlemen, I have keep the act of being charismatic and genuine. It's all a performance to manipulate and conceal my true nature. I shall be a dragon in wolf's clothing.'

'Although I have full control over other Nivaliths, as I don't trust anyone without my full control over them. Thus, the Council will serve me nicely, reducing my workload and personal risk. I shall gain their loyalty through manipulation, rather than forced magic, as it will be tiring keeping everyone in order, after increase in our numbers."

"With this done, I shall finish my Ice Magic, with a battle against Cryomancer Gelius Terrores, his Ice Magic is also very nice."



A/N :-

A big chapter, with many formalities and a big leap in story.

Making White Walker was a integral part of the story. Same scene as in the show, I made White Walker hard to make, requiring a Altar (picture in paragraph comments) and White Walkers NOT immortal, as how can a Baby, like in the Show, grow enough to be bearded and old. Just they will mature faster and other things. Will explore in future.

As well as Naming the Race, Kingdom Night King and Other 13 Original Walker. Don't think Night King will like calling You can look in Auxiliary chapter, I will explain each name meaning and also councillors with name for future convience of reader.

The Council was nice concept for future character interaction, as Monologuing Night King might be a boring interaction again and again.

Hope you like it. Please Comment your thoughts. And forgive me for grammatical mistakes and point out those if possible. I wrote the chapter in hurry.

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