75% American Fox / Chapter 27: 27

章節 27: 27


"Everything is under control. The survivors of the crash have all fallen in line after I revealed that, I'm the female counterpart of their Emperor," Empress Barbie reported to her sister Intelligent Barbie by com link.


"Emper... I mean Empress?" Tayson ask as she walks up to her... empress. She and the others on the bridge are still wrapping their heads around that fact. On the bridge are the oldest and highest ranking Sister's of Battle on the ship who all came after learning about their Empress being here. They're all looking over the dataslates she gave them, while the robots that she brought help to repair the ship and keep the engine from blowing up. The robots with screens for faces are broadcasting to the other survivors about what world they're on and how it's different. Like how there isn't any warp or chaos in this world and that the robots here don't go mad from the warp, and only go mad because of how they're programmed. Which eased everyone on the ship and that their empress told them it's ok, then it's ok.


"I get that alot with people like you coming from worlds where, I'm a man," Empress said. "What is it?"


"We have been reviewing the dataslate you gave us and... we seen the data about... you and your family," Tayson said. 


"I have an abhuman and a xeno as daughters. Yes I do have them as daughters," Empress answers causing everyone to stare at her. 


"But they're," Tayson began but was cut off.


"I was wrong," Empress said shocking everyone.


"I was just like my male counterpart in how we ruled once we took up the title of ruler of mankind. All the events that happen in your universe happen in mine but with the fact that, I didn't had just sons but also daughters when I created the Primarchs, which reflected with all that followed. And like what happen with your universe, after my fall and me being kept alive by the golden throne, my imperium changed from what, I wanted. Keeping the same laws and never changing, people didn't invent or dream of new things all was just stagnant because of me. Everyone just became too dependent on me to guide them and my words were twisted by others to suit their own needs and views. It took a greater ruler then, I could ever be to show me how wrong I was on so many things," Empress explains. 


"Who was that?" Maria ask.


"The man who raised me and my sisters, Joshua Abraham Norton the Emperor of the United States," Empress said as she turn the dataslates to show the information about her father to the crew of the ship.


"This man is your father?" Maria ask showing Empress a photo taken of the boarding house before her sisters fixed it up. Her as a young girl with her father standing next to her. 


"Yes and yes that building is where I grew up in and still living in. The royal palace of the royal family of the United States. Befitting for me and my father who in the early days were known as being crazy who declared himself emperor and me the rag princess. Not alot of people were kind to us. But it made me and my sisters who we are today, me and my sisters followed the example our father gave to us," Empress press some buttons and all the screens on the ship showed the iconic picture of Dominate Barbie on the day their father died. 


The screens showed Dominate Barbie dress in rags and huddled in a corner of an alleyway. Its her face that caught all of their attention, the lost of hope and the lost of innocents. The screen also had words written on it. 'The helper seeks to help, because she knows what it's like to be helpless.'


"It's good that we all ended up in this world and not in any universe like the one, we came from. A young girl saying that she has voices in her head with one of them claiming to be the ruler of mankind. One way or another, we would had ended up dead by someone in the Imperium. After all you all are train to kill or capture anyone who was like how me and my sisters were," Empress said looking at the people in front of her who all knew what she said is the truth. "Then there's the fact that the imperium became a shadow of what it use to be."


"In what way?" Tayson ask.


"My male counterpart if he's anything like myself, never wished for mankind to see me as a god or create a entire religion base around me. Not to mention forcing people to either believe in it or die. Then there's the very idea that by improving a machine to work better or safer is something to punish the one who even suggest it, in my name. When that's what, I wanted people to do in the first place, to always improve and make it better. Not to have any knowledge be lock away in a vault where it be forgotten. But like in my world, my counterpart made the same mistake. Most of all my relations with my sons and daughters. All, I saw them were tools to create the future I wanted and not as my children. If, I had treated them better and not hide so much... I'm known as the Empress to my sisters but I lost the right to think of myself as Empress of mankind," Empress explains.


"That's not true, your light," Tayson began but was cut off as Empress made a light appeared around her using her power.


"No the Imperium was only the shinning light in the galaxy only because everything else was worse. I had plenty of time to reflect on what I did and dream of the horrors that I have done. My father was among the first to help people who like all of us came from other universes, be them human or xeno. They were just people who suddenly found themselves in this world and need help. Like me and my sisters who all shared the same body of Dominate who was nothing but a young girl at the time, while the rest of us were all fully grown who had all died from old age to other. All finding ourselves in the head of one girl who is us, all scared and trying to take control of the only body we had. It was father who help us and got all of us to work together, the good, the bad, and sisters who weren't human at all," Empress explains surprising everyone. "As, I said before, in countless universes you really think that I would always be born as a human? Thanks to father and my sisters, I realized that just going around killing any xeno even when they weren't hostile like the orks, just cause the Imperium to be alone with nothing but self made enemies. Jedi Barbie and other sisters who came from universes where humans had spread themselves across the stars but instead of killing everything that wasn't human, went and extended a hand of friendship to the xenos. Those universes still had troubles but instead of humanity being alone, they had allies to help them making it much more peaceful. While universes that other sisters came from with our kind of mindset, are full of war and the standards of life for most is just being able to live another day. That's why when something like this happens, I come to talk with the ones from universes like mine, to decide what's going to happen next."


"What is going to happen next?" Maria ask. 


"It's up to all of you. I can help you all to make a life for yourselves here or... well my children could always have more bodyguards, seeing how all of you been trained to be soldiers. But remember, I'm nothing like how you all think my male counterpart is like. At this point most people are bowing and praying to me. The book of words that is said comes from me, isn't all true. It happens as people add things overtime to reflect their viewpoints, for money or power. They had their ideas about what I'm like and they projected themselves onto me, using me to justify their preferences, just like you. They used me to claim that their opinions were objective truths, that their beliefs were knowledge. They didn't know where they ended and I began. You worshiped the emperor of the imaginations of ancient people, who not unlike people of any time, used their ideas of me to spread their influence politically, culturally, and morally. You fell for it. In fact it's an insult to me, everytime someone goes and claims they're killing someone who doesn't see me as a goddess or doing some other acts of evil in my name. It's the worse insult to me. How can I even have a relationship with people like that, who think, I'm anything like that where, I would approve them using me as a excuse to be evil, where anyone who doesn't believe I'm a god which I'm not, is to be burn alive. In this world, I can talk with people without all of that baggage. So tell me why should, I help you all to live in this world?" (1)


Everyone on the bridge were quite as they stared at the empress or glance at each other. Tayson took a breath and got to her feet, followed by Maria. Both of them walk till they were standing in front of Empress.


"Because you're not our emperor," Tayson said.


"And we're not scared of you," Maria adds.


Empress who had been still glowing with her power, let it fade away and gave them a smile. "Good. Now we're getting somewhere."




Kingdom of Sundom -


Nigel West Dickens is an old swindler who poses as a traveling salesman when he is really a con man and is purported to have unique miracle cures for many medical and psychological problems, which he calls Nigel West Dickens' Elixir. He is an impeccable dresser and travels in an opulent emblazoned stagecoach. That was till he discovered himself in another world, which took him some time to discovered. He only found out he was in another world as he was chased out of many small towns and ended up in a big city where there were several out worlders who weren't human. 


Dickens tried to continue his traveling salesman thing but found few buyers thanks to all the new products coming out thanks to Spookhouse. Not to mention that the elixir's main ingredient being bat urine. But that's when he ran into Saleswoman Barbie who was going to one town to another, selling the products she has in her horse drawn wagon or giving out catalogs to people and store owners who be able to buy in bulk and sell in their stores. 


Saleswoman Barbie caught Dickens barking about his elixir and saw how he's able to draw in a crowd. She talk to him about working for her and instead of selling his elixir which caused people to get sick and got him chase out of town. The products are from the family run business Cookie Corners which is a food factory making food items that lasted long and unlike other food companies, had food safety so that the food stuffs are safe to eat. Which thanks to many Barbie's campaigning for food safety got laws past, so that the foods weren't likely to make someone sick. (2)


For the past several years Dickens has been going around as a spokesman for Cookie Corners. Selling whatever they gave him whenever he stops by one of the company's warehouses or later Norton Corner's stores. He traded his old wagon for a truck that also severs as his home on wheels, along with a protectron, who he named John after a friend of his, to help him as well as drive the truck on long trips. Currently he's selling the new products from Stardew Valley and hearing about a entire kingdom appearing, Dickens was ready to cash in before someone beat him to it. That was the plan anyways.


"Miss Norton you can't just take my entire stock," Dickens said to Sunset. 


Dickens had arrived at Meridian Village that's situated beneath the elevated Carja city of Meridian. The village is home to many of the laborers and traders who work in the city. And seeing how his truck wouldn't be able to travel into the city on the mesa, Dickens set his sights on the lower sector where most of the people of the city lived. That's when as he was about to have John setup his booth to start reeling and dealing the crowd. Is when Sunset with her escort made themselves known to him.


"I'll just call Ginger and tell her I brought your stock and I'll pay her later," Sunset said. 


"She is your boss's sister," Naruto said. 


"But why?" Dickens ask.


"Gifts," Sunset answers. 


"What?" Dickens ask.


"Ms. Norton is standing back and letting Sunset handle being the diplomat between the US and Sundom. And she's been giving gifts to people to help get things going and smoothing out deals," Naruto said. 


"But what will, I do?" Dickens ask.


"Well, I can leave you with some cases as samples to merchants around here. Seeing how you have been wheeling and dealing for years. You'll be able to handle talking with the merchants and showing them what riches they'll be able to make if everything goes well," Sunset said. 


"You want me to make deals with the merchants around here?" Dickens asked.


"I'm already have my hands full dealing with the nobles and upper class on the upper level. You can help me by getting the merchants to be open to the idea of making deals with the US," Sunset said. 


"Alright, I'll talk with the merchants then," Dickens said seeing how he is dealing with Sunset who he remembers when she was still a young girl.


"Good, I'll make the arrangements for a meeting and you can read up on the culture of the Carja so you won't make a scene," Sunset said.


"Also you should know that the money used here are metal shards. So you wouldn't had been able to sell anything unless you traded," Naruto said. 


"What?" Dickens said before shaking his head at the news. 




Elsewhere -


Mickey and Lou twin sisters and leaders of the Hope County chapter of Highwaymen a group of raiders. They believe that trying to restore society is a useless gesture, and so they devote their time to ransacking other survivors for resources and killing anyone who gets in their way. They and their group of Highwaymen found themselves in Hope Country before the bombs fell. They went back to raiding and killing thinking they could still do what they wanted. Only to quickly be cut down by the army unit that was still there to deal with any remaining cultist in the area. Both twins were captured along with many other Highwaymen, where they were shipped out to a military prison. 


There the two twins are strap to wheeled tables keeping them bound unable to move. They had tried to break free and killed several guards already. They're joined by other prisoners who were captured and all brought to the prison. The guards are all robots which are protectrons built to be guards. 


There is Bill Williamson an anarchic mass murderer with the intent of curbing such things as overpopulation, religion, global warming, income inequality and government corruption or just the government as a whole. Gordon Amherst a doctor who was trying to spread a virus he calls the green poison. William Stryker a televangelist who saw himself on a mission from God to save humanity from the mutants, he and his Corrupt Church believed that mutants are creatures of the Devil. He led a Christian militia (the Purifiers), and was not above killing mutant children to see the Lord's will carried out. And others like them.


They're all lined up in front of a metal door of a hallway with a walkway above them. Walking into their view is a Barbie who unlike her other sisters is stone faced as she looks down at the prisoners below her, like she's looking down at ants. Besides her is Bert Riggs who was a lead developer for General Atomics International, who became a robobrain to survive after the bombs fell with the other guests in Vault 118. Now in this world he's working for Mr. House again and lending his talents for the government like he's doing now.


"All of you are here because of the danger you all pose. Some of you like you twins in your post-apocalypse world, your group the Highwaymen as a whole are actually self-sufficient. They have reliable food and water supplies, enough electricity to blast their music into the world 24/7, and all that ethanol the chapters need. Taking all this into account means that you twins chapter rape, pillage, and burn because they like it, not because they have to," Barbie said and frown seeing the sisters smiling. 


"Yeah we had fun," Mickey said before one of the protectrons used its tazer on her, along with pepper spraying her face making her scream in pain. Lou started screaming for the robot to stop only for another robot to taze and spray her too. The protectrons continue to shock them till their sensors told them the sisters would died, so they stop. Leaving the two sisters crying in pain as they recover, leaving the other prisoners suppress seeing what would happen if they talk. 


"Bill Williamson you are an anarchic mass murderer who just want to bring down everything, not caring about what kind of world that would create. The same goes for you, Gordon Amherst thinking that humans are evil also not caring that the virus you unleash would do as you simple don't care the world you would create. You two have your heads so far up your asses that neither one of you can even accept the idea that you two are wrong. Thinking that with all the things that allow people to have the living standards that they're use to be all gone, that it be easy for them to rebuild, instead of how it would really turn out with people struggling to survive where nothing works anymore. But seeing how you two would just kill yourselves so that you wouldn't have to live in the world you want, you two are cowards as you two don't want to live in the very worlds you want," Barbie said looking down at the two who held their tongues seeing what happen to the sisters. 


"William Stryker you found yourself in this world and still brought with you, your belief that mutants are creatures of the Devil. And with how so many outworlders are not human or have abilities that's normal in their world. You tried to recreate your corrupt church in this world to kill everything that isn't human. Even if your god was in this world, your god would be mortal with no powers like all the other gods and demons that end up in this world," Barbie said. 


"Killing me won't change anything," Stryker said. 


"Who said about killing any of you," Barbie said. "No you all are going to be sealed away and forgotten."


"You are all been sentenced to life with no chance of parole. And are the first to be imprison in the most escape proof prison ever created, where there is no way for any prisoner to ever be able to escape from the inside. And even then it wouldn't matter," Mr. Riggs said.


"You are all going to be just like Mr. Riggs here," Barbie said as she points to the glass container that held Mr. Riggs brain inside, causing the prisoner's eyes to widen in horror. "But unlike him none of you will be getting a robot body or have a brain case that can be fitted inside one. Your brains also won't be persevered like his so that your brains will aged and died but only after years have past by. And please don't go saying you have rights as none of you even bothered to become citizens of this country in the first place." 


"What kind of Barbie are you?" Stryker ask having been in this world long enough to know about the Nortons.


"In my world my full name is Barbie Lecter or for the ones who seen the movie or the books. My male counterpart Hannibal is just like me expect for being different genders. Does that explain things for you?" Barbie ask looking at the prisoners.


"The empress has someone like you in her head?" Stryker asked as the doors open to reveal a machine that would remove brains from bodies inside.


"Worse then me which my sister keeps inside, unless they're needed. We're the ones who take care of the dirty jobs like, I'm doing with all of you. While you all be nothing but brains in jars. All of you can still see and speak when I turn on your voice boxes. Where, I can pick at your minds to see how you all tick," Barbie Lecter said as the robots began pushing the tables into the operation room where the prisoners brains would be taken out and place in jars, as the struggle to free themselves from their fate.


"You're a monster!" Gordon shouted.


"That means nothing coming from you or anyone else here. I'm a monster so that monsters like you can't harm others," Barbie Lecter said as she walks to a door on the catwalk followed by Mr. Riggs, leaving the prisoners who held no value on life to suffer a fate worse than death. 



Author's Notes -

1 - I like some fans of Warhammer 40k think that with how the Imperium became without him, he would hate what mankind had become.


2 - Before the food safety laws were past many food companies put lots of dangerous things in foods in the US.


First appearances of fictions in this chapter -


Red Dead Redemption 


Far Cry New Dawn


Silence of the Lambs


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