75.86% Magical World: Equestria / Chapter 22: 22

章節 22: 22


The Belgaroth asteroid field was an asteroid field located in the the galaxy. The field was known to have ore and to employ DLC-13 mining droids to extract it. In the main mining ship Shimmer is standing in the lounge area of the ship. Where Graballa the Hutt, a Hutt crime lord and Jabba's envious cousin who is constantly kept from pursuing his own ambitions by Jabba's greater influence and who seeks the kyber crystals as a means of gaining power. He is 462 years old, and  has spent 200 of them running a mining operation in an asteroid field,  nursing his dreams of running a beach resort. 

Speaking about Jabba, he has place a huge reward on the safe return of his son Rotta. Who Sunset has managed to rescue and escape from the ones who kidnapped him. She knew that the ones who kidnapped the young hutt would be waiting for her around Jabba's home. So she decided to hand Rotta over to his cousin for safety.

"As we speak we're heading for Nul Hutta where your cousin Graballa can look after your son in the safety of your home planet," Shimmer explains to Jabba on the holo com. 

"Don't worry cousin, I'll be crashing at your place and look after little Rotta here," Graballa said holding his nephew.

"I'll be coming to pick up my son," Jabba said in the Hutt language.

"As for my payment, I need some droids, DUM-series pit droids, ASP-series droids, WED Treadwells, and MSE-series. A 100 of each," Shimmer said. (1)

"You just want a 100 of each of those cheap droids?" Graballa asked surprised as did Jabba. As it wouldn't cost him that much to get those cheap droids.

"Yes those droids are what, I need," Shimmer said. "And after the trouble I went through to rescue the young hutt. It's much cheaper then what, I earned."

"What did you do?" Graballa asked.

"The recording, I made should be making rounds through the holo net," Shimmer said. 


Earlier -

Shimmer after rescuing Rotta, treating him for a fever thanks to the nurse droid she had brought along. The nurse droid floated in the air while carrying the young hutt. That's when the young Jedi Padawan, Ahsoka Tano burst into the room.

"Hand over the huttling," Ahsoka said readying her lightsabers. The woman before her is much older then her wearing gold colored body armor that covered her entire body but her head. She even wore a red trench coat and a wide brim red hat. That matched her long red hair with a yellow stripe. She's armed with a metal cutless style sword and a blaster. 

"Ahsoka Tano," Shimmer greeted the 15 year old pulling out her 

"You know me?" Ahsoka asked. 

"Of course I do, it's just been a very long time since our last meeting," she answers.

"I don't know you," Ahsoka said confused. 

"Well then, I should remind you," Shimmer said putting her weapons away.

Shimmer activated a special feature on the nurse droid making it play music. Ahsoka was confused as music began playing and to her utter confusion Shimmer began singing. 

"Well, Shimmer hasn't always been this glam'

"I was a drab little girl once"

"Now I know I can be happy as a clam"

"Because I'm beautiful, baby"

She walks over and pressed her finger to Ahsoka's forehead as she sang the next verse. 

"Did your mommy say listen to your heart"

"Be who you are on the inside"

"I need three words to tear her argument apart"

"Your Mommy lied!"

"I'd rather be"


Ahsoka jumps back as she is thrown off balance with this strange woman. Shimmer throws open her trench coat taking it off to show off her armor, her gold armor glowed which reflected off the walls of the room. 

"Like a treasure from a drifting pirate wreck"

"Scrub the deck and make it look"


Shimmer held her hand around her neck before jerking it as she sang. 

"I will sparkle like a wealthy woman's neck"

"Just a sec!"

Shimmer spun around to show off her armor. 

"Don't you know"

"People are dumb, dumb, dumb"

"They chase anything that glitters (beginners!)"

Her glowing armor caught the attention of three B1 droids that came rushing into the room. Which she quickly dispatched with three burst of fires from her blaster, with one of them only losing his blaster. 

"Oh, and here they come, come, come"

"To the brightest thing that glitters"

"Mmm, such fools"

Shimmer step up to the remaining B1 droid and blasted it's head off. 

"I just love dumb fools"

"And you look like one yourself"

Anakin Skywalker hearing the sound of blaster fire came bursting into the room with his lightsaber ready. 

"Master!" Ahsoka shouted out. 

"Anakin Skywalker," Shimmer chuckles. 

"Who are you?" Anakin asked pointing his weapon at Shimmer.

"It's been too long, desert pod racer," Shimmer said. 

"She claims she knows me," Ahsoka said.

"Who are you?" Anakin asked using the Jedi mind trick to see if he could get her to reveal more. The woman knew where he came from and what he use to be.

Shimmer just stared at him with a smile. 

"Who are you?" Anakin asked again failing to do anything as even with a strong mind he would had felt something in the force. He just felt nothing when he tried using the force on her. There was something but it wasn't the force.

Shimmer just smiles, singing again in a different tone as she pulls out her sword. 

"Well, well, well"

"Little Skywalker's having trouble with the force"

"You little semi-pod-mini-Jedi"

"Ouch! What a terrible performance"

Anakin jumps back as Shimmer rushes at him with her sword ready. And to his shock as well as Ahsoka when he tried to cut the sword, the sword wasn't cut and just deflected the strike. Shimmer points her hand at Anakin who was lifted up into the air. 

"Get the hook (get it?)"

"You don't swing it like you used to, man"

Shimmer spun Anakin around and threw him the wall across the room. 

"Yet I have to give you credit for coming this far"

"And trying to hide your pain, by painting yourself to hide it"

"For just like you I made myself a work of art"

"I'll never hide; I can't, I'm too"


Shimmer made herself glow again but brighter than she was before. 

"Watch me dazzle like a diamond in the rough"

"Strut my stuff; my stuff is so"


Shimmer blocks the strikes from Ahsoka's lightsabers with her single blade, dancing around as she effortlessly blocks all of the young padwan's attacks. All awhile not even looking at her. Shimmer blocks both of Ahsoka's lightsabers locking them to her blade, with her free hand she blast Ahsoka's with her blaster set to stun. Sending the youngling falling down, just as the clone troopers are running down the hallways that lead to the room. 

"Send your armies but they'll never be enough"

"My shell's too tough"

The clone troopers open fire on Shimmer who just stood there as a force field appeared around her blocking the shots. Shimmer blasters the tops of the doorways with her blaster causing rubble to fall and block the troopers. Without looking she blocks Anakin's strike with her blade. 

"Anakin man, you could try, try, try"

"But you can't expect a desert racer turn Jedi"

Shimmer blocks all of Anakin's strikes and disarms him with a chop to his artificial hand that held the lightsaber. Followed by an upper cut that sent him falling to the ground.

"To beat an alicorn (look it up)"

Anakin managed to grab his lightsaber but was knock away as Shimmer slam into his side, with her foot making him drop the lightsaber and Shimmer kicked it away.

"You will fail, fail, fail"

"Now it's time for me to take apart"

"Your aching heart"

With her blaster, Shimmer blasted the lights in the room making the room go dark, while blue highlights on her armor glowed. Shimmer glowing blue as she grabs Anakin in her unseen hold lifting him into the air. 

"Far from the ones who took you in"

"Chasing the love of those"

"Who made you feel wanted, after losing the one that you held dear"

Shimmer spun him around the room. 

"You tried to be tough"

"But your armor's just not hard enough"

Shimmer tosses Anakin up into the air before catching him before slamming him into the walls and dragged him across it. 


"Now it's time to kick your"


Shimmer drop Anakin and before he hit the ground she kicks him on his butt, sending him sliding across the room.

"Ever seen someone so"


"Soak it in 'cause it's the last you'll ever see"

"C'est la vie mon ami"

"I'm so"


Anakin crawled across the room and tried to reach his lightsaber but was grabbed by Shimmer by his leg who flung him across the room. 

"Now I'll finish you, so prepare your final plea"

"Just for me"

Shimmer towered over Anakin, looking quiet intimidating as she reached for him. 

"You'll never be quite as"


"You wish you were nice and"


Shimmer blasted Anakin with her blaster on stun knocking him out. The clone troopers finally blasted their way through the rubble only to find an empty room with two knock out Jedis inside. 


Jedi Temple -

"Well the entire fight… song is now spread out through the holo net," Obi-Wan said to the Jedi council. 

"How is young Skywalker and Tano?" Yoda asked staring at the image of the young woman and couldn't help but feel like he should know her.

"They're recovering, both were only stunned. But Anakin was put through both a psychical and emotional beat down. This Shimmer knew about his past," Obi-Wan said.

"Could she have known him when he was a child?" Oppo Rancisis asked.

"If she did Anakin doesn't remember her, not to mention she seems to know Tano too," Obi-Wan said.

"Could be," Plo Koon said. "What worries me is the skill and strength she showed." 

"There was no wasted movement, her technique looks to rush in aggressively with rapid stabs and slashes, exploiting every weakness and opening. And how she dueled Tano while not even looking at her, reminds me of old Frek Naja who was born blind and was the best duelist of the order," Mace Windu said.

"According to Anakin it was like she knew how he fights. Her dueling was more like a dance and there is also the force field that she used to protect herself from the troopers. I never heard of a personal forcefield like that before," Obi-Wan points out.

"She didn't used it while she was dueling," Kit Fisto said.

"What is an alicorn?" Saesee Tiin spoke up getting everyone's attention. "She called herself one. Is that her species?"

"I never heard of an alicorn before. Has anyone?," Adi Gallia asked around the room.

"Maybe… long ago in my youth I heard of an alicorn. I also feel, that I know of this Shimmer," Yoda spoke up as he tries to remember but the fog of age and years made it hard for him to remember. 

"There is also the fact that she didn't killed even when she had the chance too. She isn't with the Seperatis, it was more like she was just showing off," Shaak Ti points out. 

"Yes that troubles me too. She just swoops in rescuing Jabba's child and preventing any use of Hutt space for transport. But for what reason remains unseen," Obi-Wan said. "There is also one more thing that Anakin and Ahsoka told me about Shimmer. She wasn't using the force, neither of them felt her using it when she was tossing Anakin around. Both of them felt something but it wasn't the force." 

The room grew silent as the council members took that in. All of them had thought that Shimmer was a self taught force user but if she wasn't using the force, how did she do all what she did. 


Author's Notes -

1 - DUM-series pit droid or a Pit Droid. Pit droids stood at a relatively diminutive 1.19 meters tall and came in many different colors. Their most remarkable feature was their immense strength, able to carry objects many times their own size or weight.  This enabled them to repair automata such as Podracers at a remarkable pace. Their skeletal design and long, thin limbs were dwarfed by their broad-flared, dome-shaped heads. In the center of their head was a large, round photoreceptor equipped with multi-spectrum scanners. The photoreceptor could detect microscopic damage in metals and other solids.


ASP-series droids, also known as asp droids, were general-purpose labor droids manufactured by Industrial Automaton and found throughout the galaxy. Simple-minded droids, the ASPs were strictly working droids and nothing more. Their vocabulary, likely a variant on CBell-1, consisted of only "Yes/Affirmative" and "No/Negative". The most common of these models was the ASP-7 labor droid, which stood at 1.6 meters. Because of its low price, this droid was usually known for being an individual's first droid, and was encouraged by its company in hopes that buyers would buy R-series Astromechs and SE4 servant droids. Because of its two word answering system, affirmative and negative, attempting to gain information from these droids was reported as a maddening game of "guess my secret." 


The WED Treadwell was a four-armed (with additional sockets available) automaton propelled by a treaded base. The droid's photoreceptors were mounted on a long, thin telescopic stalk, from which protruded various tool-tipped appendages. The standard WED droid had sockets to support up to six manipulators, though variants carried eight or more. These limbs were easy to install and replace, and Cybot Galactica actively encouraged consumers to purchase a variety of appendages for their Treadwells. Extending from the body is a telescoping neck, which supports a head made up of a pair of binocular photoreceptors capable of magnifying objects up to one thousand times. The Treadwell has a primitive vocabulator that enables it to warble and hoot in a machine language understood by most other droids. With their long arms, Treadwells can reach areas inaccessible to stubby-bodied astromechs. And the price is hard to beat. Treadwells typically sell for less than similar models, and a thriving pre-owned market exists for used Treadwells and their specialty arms. 


MSE-series was a popular line of MSE "Mouse" droids. These droids were usually programmed with a single function that varied per assignment. Once they were set on the task, they would do nothing else. The MSE-6 are equipped with a data probe and a grasping claw. It was also equipped with a command order tray that held sealed orders.


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