58.62% Magical World: Equestria / Chapter 17: 17

章節 17: 17


Darcy sat in a jail cell waiting as the ones in charge of this jail to figure out what to do with her. Both Icy and Stormy been sent to a hospital to recover from what Shimmer did to them. Both be cripple for the rest of their lives, both their eyes are gone, not being able to talk or hear thanks to the boiling oil entering their mouths and ears, also sense of smell. Icy also lost her left hand and most of her right one.

Darcy is scared shitless with what she had seen. That woman Shimmer just went and cripple them, no magic just cold ruthless brutality. She like her sisters had just thought she would be a pushover, someone with money but needs others to do the work. Instead she showed that all that money and influence she has, is backed but raw power and the ruthlessness to use it. 

When she was bond and next to her cripple sisters, she had stared at Shimmer and had the same feeling when she was before, the Ancestral Witches, Lord Darkar, or Valtor, she could feel the intelligent, experienced and cunning coming from her. Also different as Shimmer isn't cold and remorseless like them but can turn from friendly to no nonsense in an instant. The way she handled both Icy and Stormy, no playing around or holding back not caring if they lived or be cripple for life. And she is cripple like her sisters.


Flashback Earlier that Day -

"Seeing how she can still cast magic. She'll be too dangerous to just be place in a jail cell," Sparkle said as she held a strange looking vacuum. 

"What's that?" The Owl ask who held onto his rope which is preventing Darcy from using her magic. 

"A device I created to drain magic after I saw it's possible to drain magic, I created this to drain magic from objects and people," Sparkle said as she turns on the vacuum.

Darcy screams as a beam of energy strikes her and to her horror she felt her magic leaving her. Not just her too low of energy but her magic, her spark that allowed her to use magic in the first place is just gone. She could no longer use magic, she's no longer be able to use her magic on people and make them suffer for fun, she's just like everyone else. 

"My magic, it's gone," Darcy gasped going pale in horror.

"That wasn't suppose to happen," Sparkle said.

"It's for the best. They're the Trix, a trio of witches who have been wrecking havoc across the magical worlds. Stripping her of magic will stop her from torturing people for fun," Shimmer said who is still covered in Icy's blood. "Yes, I know all about you and your sisters."

"No this isn't right you can't just strip me of my magic," Darcy ranted.

"As if you wouldn't be gloating if you did the same with those girls you and your sisters always fight. Now you're just a spiteful witch without any magic and I'm guessing no real skills outside of magic and no money. You'll just be struck behind bars till you're old and die or released and die homeless. But you are still better off then your sisters. Speaking of which, Sparkle drain them too. It be too dangerous to let them being able to use magic in their state and would likely blast the hospital apart."

"Right boss," Sparkle said powering up her machine again.

"You bitch! If I was free…" Darcy growled at Shimmer.

"Owl please release her from your rope," Shimmer said causing everyone to pause.

"What?" Darcy asked taken by surprise.

"Giving you a chance to fight me and end up like your sisters," Shimmer stated looking down at the younger woman. "Or shut up and stay like that and not end up like your sisters. Owl any word from her release her so she can show what she will do to me if set free. Maybe showing that she's stronger and a better fighter then her sisters even without her magic. And not so dependent on magic that without it, she's nothing without it. Or she just stay quite and wait for the police to take her away. Your move Darcy."

Darcy look up at Shimmer who just stared down at her before she broke eye contact and look away.

"Excellent move," Shimmer said walking away.


Darcy knew what would fighting Shimmer be like if she had been set free. A beating and ever more public humiliation than what she already gotten from her. Without her magic she has nothing to back up her bark anymore. (1)

"Hello Stormy," Bloom said as she walks into view with her friends. 

"Here to gloat?" Darcy asked. 

"As if you wouldn't be doing the same," Stella smirks at the now magicless witch.

"And we saw you being given a chance to fight Ms. Shimmer and backing down. We copied the video and sent it to the school including your old one. So by now just about everyone knows that you have no magic anymore and nothing anymore," Flora adds.

"Why are you even here?" Darcy snaps.

"To tell you personally that you're spending the rest of your life in prison once your transfer go through and your sisters will be joining you. They really shouldn't be alive with what Ms. Shimmer did to them," Musa said.

"Really brutal, we have killed before but that's a whole other level," Tecna said as she and the other members of Winx have killed off some past villains and minions but blasting with magic is completely different from holding someone down in a vat of boiling cooking oil.

"She's more than she seems," Darcy said feeling the dread she had when she faced off with Shimmer. "She's like all the people me and my sisters worked with before."

"Sure she is," Aisha said waving it off. "We already know that she has something against the magic world and the reason why she's doing all this. Is so she can make magic so mundane that what makes magic special being only some can use it, be so common that people learning to use magic like us, be nothing but a hobby as the magic tech she wants to make, will make using magic be easy."

"Not that you have to worry about that, seeing how now you don't have magic anymore. No one wants you to have your magic back just so you can use them against others," Roxy said.

"So you're all just going to let her take my magic and let her keep it?" Darcy asked.

"Sure," Bloom said.

"Yup," Stella said.

"That's the plan," Flora said.

"Letting you get your powers back will just allow you to go back harming others," Musa points out.

"And there is no one who cares about that," Tecna said.

"With all you have done who will be demanding you to have your powers back?" Aisha asked.

"The magical world is more concerned that the device that takes away someone magic for good than about you or your sisters who are just hated. Not to mention you're just a coward without your magic," Roxy said smirking.

"Aren't you hero types suppose to be taking the high road?" Darcy growled.

"Nope, not when it's someone like you," Bloom said. (2)


Elsewhere -

Uniscorn step out of a portal created by Elizabeth that exited into a underground complex created by the many Earthbenders who are working for her. Which allowed her to house members of her army out of sight, when they wouldn't be able to blend in because they're not human or just well too known to walk around. Or would just stand out too much because they're not human.

"Hi boss," Tuba a large purple gorilla with two tubas strapped to her back said as she walks by them in the hallway.

"Tuba, how was the convention?" Uniscorn asked.

"It was great," Tuba said.

"We entered the costume contest but lost," Amelia said who is young again thanks to a spell.

"Hazel was running around saying she's a kappa and wants to shove her hand up people's butts to pull out their souls," Alrick said catching up with Hazel in her turtle hybrid form behind him..

"What it's fun," Hazel said.

"So who won?" Elizabeth asked.

"We did for the best theme group," Gabriel Reyes / Reaper said walking with his friend, John Francis "Jack" Morrison / Soldier: 76.

"Of course seeing how popular your game is," Elizabeth said who still can't believe that using the printed scripts for the plot and lore of a videogame, it counts as a book enough for the umbrella to work. The game guides she can understand but the game scripts… well it does work for the scripts for movies and tv shows. 

A green skin man with a beard and yellow eyes appeared.

"Those judges had no idea who, I am. Me Mentok, The Mind Taker who possesses every type of psychic power there is," Mentok said.

"What you mean there were plenty of others who knew who you are," John said.

"Only because of the show I came from," Mentok said. 

"Is everything ready?" Uniscorn asked.

"Yes it's all taken care of, but I had to be real careful seeing how the heroes have mind takers on their team and have devices to cancel mind control around," Mentok said. 

"And how about the rest of the soldiers?" Uniscorn asked Gabriel and John. 

"All are ready," Gabriel said.

"And the last two targets?" Uniscorn asked.

"Being taken cared of as we speak," John said.


Dr. Frakes' Brainasium -

Inside the lab of Dr. Frakes who has been knocked out by drugging her and is tied up in her office. Agatha is working on the portal, helped by Finn, Ratso, Chow, and Hak Foo, bringing her parts and tools she needs to make the portal work right. Going over her notes and the recordings Dr, Frakes has made, allowed Agatha to quickly catch up on how the machine was supposed to work. 

"Alright that should do it," Agatha said and turns to the other member of the group who has been busy at the computer copying and erasing the camera footage. "You're done, I need a big power boost."

At the computer is Gennai Hiraga a clone of the famous Edo period Japanese pharmacologist. He wields a elekiter on his back that generates electricity and allow him to wield it. He's an I-Jin from Read or Die.

"Finish the download, Finn," Gennai said getting up from the computer table.

"Sure," Finn said.

Gennai began powering up the portal with his power, giving it the power boost it needed to remain open. Agatha activated the portal, and a portal appeared that show the world of the frog people. Agatha pointed a radar like device at the portal and got readings on the portal.

"Send in the drones," Agatha said to the others of the group.

Ratso, Chow, and Hak Foo activated several drones that had brought along for the job. Sending them into the portal and into the frog world where they would spy on the going inside there, collecting data. And once Agatha makes her own portal back at the base, she can collect the data.

"Alright we're done here, put the doctor here and when she wakes up she'll just think that she built all this herself," Agatha said.


Gravesfield Historical Society -

After drugging, Jacob Hopkins who has been posting his findings of the witches and demons online, Yomiko Readman began trying to make sense of his notes. Helped by her friend Nenene Sumiregawa and the paper sisters are outside the office of Hopkins to keep people out. With all the crazy stuff Hopkins believe in, like the witches and demons are from Mars they had their hands full in sorting it all and finding what's real.

"Ok I think I got it," Nenene said having gone over the files while Yomiko read through the notes connected by strings. 

"Good because this is a dead end," Yomiko said scanning the photo of what looks like an owl beast and what looks like a snake creature. 

"Tell me about it, he believes that the Earth is flat," Nenene said bringing up file that shows where the portal is.

"Kirin we have the location where the portal has been opening at," Yomiko said on her phone. 

"Alright let's go and….," Nenene frowns seeing how her friend is looking through the books. "We have IPads and kindle."

"Yes but there are so many out of print books and this is a new world with so many new books," Yomiko said looking through the books and gathering up books. "I just need to look through and make copies before we go."

Frowning Nenene looks outside the office to see Michelle and Maggie going through the books like Yomiko. While Anita is sitting by the door playing a game on her phone.

"Kirin," Nenene said as she phones the other group. "They're at it again, we're not going to be leaving anytime soon."


At the cabin - 

It's nighttime when Kirin setup the Oraculum device he created that's like the one he created to look into the void in his world. But instead locks onto the cracks in reality that portals leave behind. The cracks will fade over time but seeing how the portal to the witch and demon world opens in this spot repeatedly, has left a large crack and where it be the weakest point to reopen the portal.

"Alright you two channel the magic," Kirin said to his magical companions. 

First is Genjo Sanzo a clone of Hsuan-tsang, a Buddhist priest who set out on a journey to bring authentic scroll texts from India back to China which in turned, inspired the popular novel, Journey to the West. The second is a woman, Jade Chan who is a master of chi magic like her uncle and Tao magic thanks to spending time in Towards Star universe. The third is Sadira a sand witch and friend of Aladdin and Jasmine. The forth Wendy the good witch. The fifth Yen Sid the wizard who is the top magic teacher of Disney. 

They all chanted the spell channeling their magic through the machine to force open the crack to the demon world. Kirin activated his drones to see what kind of world the demon world is, and was surprise at what his drones are seeing on the other side of the portal. The demon world is like this world expect that they use magic base technology instead of science base ones, like some of the worlds he has been to using the umbrella. 

"Alright we need to close the portal and just leave it to the drones. The demon world is more advance then we thought it was, they're using magic cellphones over there," Kirin said looking at the footage the drones are sending him.

"We got all dress up for nothing?" said Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra the leader of the adventure group, The Blue Roses. Lakyus and her team made up of Gagaran who uses a large war hammer, Evileye the magic user, the twin rogues, Tia and Tina had all dressed up in their old outfits and equipment. 

They're not alone as hearing about a magical world that would need to be explored, The Foresight group had also signed up for the mission. Made up of Hekkeran Termite the leader and swordsman's, Roberdyck Goltron the priest and healer, Imina a half elf archer, Arche Eeb Rile Furt the magic user and her two younger sisters Kuuderika and Ureirika. Both of whom have been on adventures with their sister and friends in those book worlds. 

"You all dress as adventures and carrying weapons would just get you all noticed," Kirin said. "So we're head back to base and my drones gather more information."

"Good, I forgotten how much this pinches," Gagaran said as its been awhile since she wore her old armor. She prefers the new one that covers more while giving her as much movement. 

"Tell me about it," Hekkeran said. 

"And the padding and how cold the metal is on bare skin," Arche adds. 

"The whole romance of an adventures life really wasn't what, I thought it would be like," Jade said. 

"Has ups and downs," Evileye said. 

"But mostly low paying jobs that we have to take many just to make even," Roberdyck said. 

"Now that, I have a regular paycheck. I rather stay with this kind of life then go back to that," Imina adds. "Besides I like having a flushing toilet."

"Come let's go," Kirin said having pack up his gear, helped by Tia and Tina.

"What about the others?" Wendy asked. 

"The bookworms are too busy with the books," Kirin points out. 

"Figures," Genjo said. 

"I'll stay behind then and give them a ride home," Yen Sid who is dress in a long blue jacket and pants with a wide brim hat, instead of the wizard robes and hat. 

"You feel something?" Kirin asked. 

"This place is a natural weak point. Where opening portals to other worlds is easier," Yen Sid said and left like he always does when something catches his interest.

Yen Sid has been with Shimmer for a lot longer then him and been in more worlds with her then him. From what Kirin heard the reason why he agreed to leave his world was to learn about the different kinds of magics there are. Which he did and is a master in magic having spent thousands of years learning all kinds of magic in so many different books. He also built up his body so that he would be able to withstand the strain of the spells and has the stamina to use them. He's the leader of the magic users for a reason, the only one who is even on his level is Shimmer. 

As the others filed into the portal that Wendy open up, Kirin thought about Shimmer. The wonders of the other worlds is the main reason why he left but over time there is also Shimmer, who is his friend. He never thought of friendship much as people just couldn't understand him thanks to how intelligent he is compared to just about everyone else. Shimmer not only understood what he's saying but also understand his works. Shimmer revealed that she has been mentored by many with skills and intelligent that were greater then hers but has surpassed most of her mentors but for one. 

Doctor Doom who not only has the intelligent but also the knowledge of magic that makes him one of the top most powerful beings in the Marvel universe. Kirin learned first hand to never take Doom lightly, no matter how smart or wise he has become. Once Doom realizes what he's dealing with, he always steps up his game, more than once Kirin ended up being sent out of the Marvel book world because of Doom. There is also the Emperor of Mankind but seeing how he's immortal and lives in Warhammer 40K, he has to be just to survive that nightmare. Shimmer only goes there because of how much of a nightmare it is, even if she goes over powered like in those isekai mangas and anime, it is still not enough. Overpowered for other series is just high level for that setting, not to mention that they have so many ways to counter just about anything. (3)

Shimmer told him that she's careful in who she brings to life from the book worlds, for like the Emperor from Star Wars would be a nightmare even if just about all of them have made him into a joke. Once he knows about him just being a fictional character and that Shimmer has a way to bring him to life, he will do what it takes to escape. But luckily he's just too powerful for the spell Shimmer see to work on him and always ends up killing herself and sending her back to the real world. 

As for using stuff in the book world to open a portal to the real world, Shimmer has tried with the help of the likes of Washsu, Doctor Wily, Doctor Light, Doctor Eggman and others which all failed. She even tried with Doctor Manhatten and other reality benders who also failed. Like Q and his race who were delighted in learning that there are other realities as they're bored to death in theirs. But even their super advanced technology that is all but magic to lower races couldn't do it. 

The only reason why he and the others are even alive is because, Shimmer managed to combine a number of different spells to do it. And even then they're just copies of the ones in the books, which resets when they leave the book world with no one in them ever remembering anything. The only time it did happen is when they enter a fanfiction world where people do remember, but only the times written in the story and not anything else that happens afterwards. 

Kirin shakes it off and leaves with the others with the portal closing behind them. And far from the abandon cabin hiding behind some trees, Vee had watched everything that happen. She had sense magic being used and got out of the house and zeroed in where it was coming from. She was too far away to hear whatever they were saying but she saw them opening a portal to the demon realm. 


France -

Mirage, lead both Yun Lin, and Mavilla to Ms. Shimmer's office to talk about the attack by the Trix. Mirage had some past encounters with Shimmer during her visits to the states and arranged a meeting with the two magic users. Inside Shimmer's office is a large painting that Shimmer had done for her, that caught Mirage's attention. Not by one of the painters whose works hang in public galleries. But several artists who draw fan works for a living of fictional characters. 

The painting has Doctor Doom standing with, Scrooge Mcduck, Hank Scorpio, Gandalf the Grey, Emperor of Mankind, Washu, Wonder Woman, the force wielders, Father, Daughter, and Son, The Bendu, the 1st Doctor, The Designer, the Lion Turtle, Sherlock, David Xanatos, and Dr. Henry Killinger. There is also a strange white creature that kind of looks like a bird with a white top hat, a coat with no pants, and a cane. 

"That looks like Excalibur from that manga?" Mirage said staring at the painting.

"Yes it is," Sunset said making a face. (ﺧ益ﺨ)

"You really don't like him," Mirage said.

"Of course not but if one can stand being around someone like him, they're bond for greatness. There's a reason why in the series Arthur is called the greatest king ever," Shimmer said. "All of them in the painting are ones who I learned and was inspired from." (4)

"Doctor Doom?" Mirage asked.

"He's a supervillain and a iron fisted tyrant, but he is one the only villain I can think of when he takes over and rules the world. He does a pretty good job at it. All the other villains if they takeover, are better conquers then rulers," Shimmer said and turns to the two magic users. "And you two are here to talk about the magic that got those witches the Trix to attack."

"Yes those three have been a terror for years now," Mavilla said. 

"Which, I took care of, two of them took a bath in cooking oil and are deep fried, I'm going with them not only losing their eyes, but their hearing, being able to smell, and voices. Then all of them losing their magic thanks to Sparkle's magic draining device," Shimmer said. 

"That is also something else we want to talk about," Yun Lin said. "The news of you having a device that can strip a persons magic abilities from them has already spread."

"I'm guessing there are already ways to strip magic users of their magic already. If so I see no reason to be scared but then again if so why did no one ever just strip them of their magic before?" Shimmer said.

"We do but only use those spells on the worse criminals and the spell is a ritual one that can't just be use like that device," Mavilla said. (5)

"Then I save you the trouble and the heroes have a way to depower magic users. Like those wizards of the circle or whatever. They can be depowered for good and no longer be a danger to others at the level they were with their powers," Shimmer said and turns to Mirage. "I'm already having, Sparkle make one for you heroes to use when you need to, also after some testing if you reverse the device you can give back the magic taken."

"Really?" Mirage asked.

"Used it on an object. Also the magic taken from the Trix has already been stored away to be used for Sparkle's experiments," Shimmer said.

"We also came to ask about the magic used to power the device. The Trix said it's Equestrian magic," Yun Lin said.

"Must be from the magic stone," Shimmer said.

"Magic stone?" Yun Lin asked.

"Yes it's a stone that can erase random memories when anyone touches it. Sparkle couldn't remember what an orange was and thought it was a new kind of fruit. Seeing how dangerous it is, like if someone forgets they need to breathe for example. It's now inside a tube and used as a power supply," Shimmer explains.

"A stone that erases memories?" Mirage asked. 

"And why it's to be kept and used as a power source. It's just too dangerous. If you don't use a tong to hold it even with gloves one like Sparkle had on when she picked it up will cause you to lose a random memory," Shimmer said.

"What about a robot?" Mirage asked.

"Yeah that would work," Shimmer said.

"Can we see this stone? If it is from Equestria it be a very valuable," Mavilla said.

"You can see it but I'm not going to be parting with it. It's too valuable as a power source to give it away. And saying it's better in the hands of you magic users who would just put it in a vault and it just collecting dust would just be a waste," Shimmer explains.

"You have deep distrust with us," Yun Lin said.

"Seeing how you all just hide away and refuse to share knowledge for some reason that I don't care about, for reason that happen in the past means that no matter how much time has pass, muggles will never be ready for magic. So I'm making you all no longer be special, where magic is so common that what made you all feel special, is no longer has any weight. Why spend years learning to use magic when you only have to go down to a store and buy an iPad that lets you select spells to cast. And you all be left behind as the young ones will go with the easy way then how you all teach magic," Shimmer explains. 

"What you're doing is going to destroy many cultures and traditions," Mavilla asked.

"And I care why? The cultures you speak of isolated themselves from muggles and now that someone like me is going to make what you all special no longer only to be used by you, is when you all suddenly start revealing yourselves," Shimmer said. "Mirage and the other heroes have powers and are so common in the states that it's more uncommon thing to see then being rare. Take a lesson from that. Head for the lab and I call ahead to tell them you're coming."

The group left to head for the lab, but Mavilla stop as she spots a photo of a young Shimmer and an old man. An old man that she recognized. 

"Whose this?" Mavilla asked staring at the photo.

"Greg Zae, the man who found me and took me in. He's the only parent I remember," Shimmer said. "You know him?"

"I think I ran into him when I came to Earth in my younger days," Mavilla said before leaving with the others.

"Mirage can you stay, I have something to ask you," Shimmer asked. 

"Sure," Mirage said.


Outside -

'There is more to it isn't there?' Yun Lin said using a mind link spell for her and Mavilla to talk without talking. 

'Yes, I know that man. He's Greg Zarya who is from the noble house of Zarya and would had been heir to the house if it wasn't for the fact that he was born without magic. He was cast out of his house and ended up on Earth. I know because my family are close with his family and I knew him when we were younger,' Mavilla explains.

'I see, the reason why Shimmer is doing what she's doing. She's taking revenge for her father,' Yun Lin said.

'And why she knows so much about magic,' Mavilla adds.

'What about the sirens?' Yun Lin asked.

'Shimmer mind couldn't be read when I tried to use a low level mind spell to see what kind of mood she is in. The spell didn't work at all, she might have a metal plate in her head or Greg taught her how to protect her mind,' Mavilla said.

'Metal plate?' Yun Lin asked. 

'Wearing a metal helmet interferes with any mind spell. Having a metal plate on your skull makes it impossible for any mind reading to work,' Mavilla explains. (6)


In Shimmer's office -

Shimmer felt a low level spell used in her, but held her tongue as she didn't want the women to know she knew a spell was used on her. She's guessing one to see if she's lying or something like that to make sure she's telling them the truth. She already cast a dispell on herself to rid herself of any spell casted on her. 

The magic drainer Sparkle created had really scared the two magic users. From their expressions when she talk about it, was clear that they're scared of it. Something she gotten from being mentored from many Batman's over the years, allowing her to read even micro expressions. 

Shimmer pushed that aside as she has something even more important that her employees found in Ukraine. In front of her is the photo album that they recovered that has pictures of her as a baby. From a manor that was owned by a Dirk Jagod who lived there with his wife Day and their young daughter Sunset Shimmer. All listed as dead, from the last war that happen there. 

From what Shimmer gathered there Day is a part of a set of twins with her sister Celestia is still alive and living in the United States at Ponyvile, the same place where Sparkle is from. There is also another pair of twins, Moon and Luna sisters to the first set. Shimmer brought in Sparkle to see if she knew them when she was still living in Ponyvile. Which Sparkle did know them, both Celestia and Luna work together running Canterlot High a rival school to her old one. For Moon she was a rock star who was hot during late 80s and 90s before she retired when fans drifted to newer stars. As for Day, Sparkle never heard of her but she did know that Celestia was a pair of a set of twins thanks to her brother's wife Cadance telling her about it. 

Shimmer couldn't believe it as Celestia and Cadance both have human counterparts. Luna and Moon reminded Shimmer of the old tale of the two sisters, which made her realize that Celestia is the sister in the story who banished her sister to the moon. Somehow in this world instead of Luna transforming into Nightmare Moon, she's a pair of twins in this world. Which meant that Celestia and Day are just like their sisters, also means she is the heir to the throne. 

Shimmer looks at the photo of her human counterpart with her human father and mother. Made her wonder what happen with the Celestia she knows all too well.

"Is that you?" Mirage asked looking at the picture on the desk.

"It seems so. I need you to call Doorman and have him take Sparkle back to America and see some women who could be my aunts. She knows someone who knows them, I'm doing a DNA test first before I meet them," Shimmer said.

"I get on it," Mirage said knowing that Shimmer never talks about her past or family. 

"Thanks," Shimmer said watching Mirage leaving her office. 

Once she was gone, Shimmer looks back to the photo of her human mother holding her human counterpart, around them are her human aunts. All of which has revealed things to her that Celestia has kept hidden from her, after all the tale of the two sisters and Nightmare Moon are stories that are as old as Celestia is. Enough time for her to twist and hide the truth from all but for long lived beings like her, which Shimmer figures to be a few ancient dragons and Discord. After all she did that in many books that spanned centuries. 

Shimmer open her desk and pulled out her journal that she had kept with her. One that's connected to the one that the Celestia of her home world held. During the first year she wrote with whatever she could find to write with, begging for help, to reopen the portal, for her teacher to save her. She filled the entire journal with her pleas for help, till there was nothing left for her to write on. All that time not once did Celestia answered her back. 

Shimmer kept the journal as a reminder of how cruel and uncaring Celestia is. And now thanks to her discovery she know that she's more then a student. Of course she did had to be sure, that she is the daughter of Celestia. Shimmer opens the first page of the journal where a lock of Celestia's mane is still taped to it. She had cut off a piece of Celestia's mane when she first got the journal after Celestia had told her she could put keepsakes in it like locks of hair, which she did by cutting off a piece of Celestia's mane. 

"Now to make sure you are who I think you are, mom," Shimmer said looking down at the multi-colored mane.


Author's Notes -

1 - The Trix are powerful magic users but without their magic they're nothing as I really don't remember them being able to handle things without their magic backing them up. Also one mute spell in the Winx Club series would handle much of the problems in the show has. And seeing how unlikely they actually did any training and how they are very thin meaning little muscles on them. They wouldn't be much in unarmed combat. 

As having a thin but tone body is completely different from having thin bodies like all the girls in the Winx series have and any display of strength is probably due to magic. As I really don't like the whole someone who is rail thin and weighs 90 pounds when wet is super strong and able to hit someone bigger and weighs more then they do, is able to throw them around and punch them across the room.

2 - Outside of the real life reason of allowing the villain to keep their powers if there's a way to take it away, is that the villain is needed to keep the series going till the end. Why wouldn't you take away someone's ability if you could when they just use it to do harm. It be like letting a serial killer keep their weapons even after they're arrested.

3 - Warhammer 40K is insane by any standards, grim dark where it's evil vs evil, overpowered means nothing when facing off against entire war fleets of more dakka or more firepower, that would be insane by any other series. Is nowhere enough for the setting of Warhammer. Even the cast of Dragonball would be hard press in that setting.

4 - Thanks to being Excalibur's wielded Shimmer is able to handle all the people she has befriended and got to join her, is because of him.

5 - Best reason why I can come up with why spells that strip away magic from a person isn't used in the shows. The spell takes time and is a ritual kind that can't just be used in a fight. 

Not without making the magic users really dumb as they would rather have evil magic users be able to keep their magic then stripping it away from them because it's wrong. Where it's perfectly fine for the villains to use magic to kill people but when someone tries to strip the villains of their magic, is seen as a even worst crime. And do whatever they can to protect the villains.

6 - Shimmer is immune to all forms of mind control because of the fact to having Doctor Doom as a mentor. Giving her the will power to withstand any mind control, copying how when the villain Purple Man was connected to a machine that increased his mind control powers on a planet wide scale, that Shimmer was completely immune to his control because of her will power. And she also has her bones laced with metal alloys that not only makes them stronger but also makes her immune to mind attacks.


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