81.86% Multiverse Stories (Multicross: DC, DXD, Marvel, ETC,) / Chapter 143: To Find Or Lose Yourself Cyberpunk Build

章節 143: To Find Or Lose Yourself Cyberpunk Build

Origins: Ghost/Techie (Drop-In) (+100 CP)

Age/Gender: 21/Male

Location: Watson

Time: A Month Before Gloria Martinez Dies


Cyber Punk [Free]: In a place where the daily death toll is in the double digits before most people wake up in the morning, it'd be pretty stupid to not know how to protect yourself. While no match for more experienced mercs or real legends, you're no novice when it comes to handling firearms or even throwing a punch, more than a match for any common thug you may end up running across.

Bombs Away [Free]: Everybody loves big booms, and few can understand that love like yourself. When it comes to the utilization of explosives, you can draw the most out of them, being more effective against your targets while simultaneously dealing twice as much damage as before.

McGuyver Reborn [Free]: It's a very rare thing when someone in Night City can consistently get a hold of the best tools and the best materials, and as such techies like yourself have learned how to make due with what they've got. You can use literal scraps and trash in order to create stuff that is just as effective as the parts you could purchase at a store.

Lost Soul [Free]: Don't let all the shiny lights and tall tales trick you, this city is a monolith that grinds away at people's souls, turning even the most idealistic into cold hearted bastards, if they don't end up dead first. But you? You won't let Night City change you, no matter how hard it may test you. At the core of who you are, you will always remain you. You may pick up some new skills, adopt a new mindset, but you'll always be able to look at yourself and recognise who you are.

Wandering Fool [Free]: There are countless sights to see in the City of Dreams, and you're going to see them all, or at least die trying. Not only are you amazing when it comes to navigating this urban sprawl and similar locations, but you've got a knack for finding all of the interesting places that are just hidden away or hiding in plain sight.

Sounds of Night City [-50cp]: The city isn't all neon lights and chromed thugs. If you listen closely, you can hear the music of the city, a wonderful mix of industry, vehicles, countless voices and even more gunshots. Though, it is a bit more literal for you, as you may at any time pull up a mental playlist of songs from the Cyberpunk 2077 game, as well as finding new songs or remixes added in over time.

You're Breathtaking [-50cp]: In this artificial age where an entire person's appearance can be modified after a single visit to the ripperdoc, you're one of the few who are naturally gorgeous. You're a solid ten out of ten and can make any modifications to your body work well, only further accentuating your form instead of detracting from it.

Cool Act [-100cp]: When shit hits the fan, as it inevitably does, there are a rare few with the mental resilience needed to find a way to come out on top. Thankfully that's just what you are, capable of keeping a cool head in even the most stressful situations, allowing you to think calmly and rationally even while you've got a cyberpsycho riding your ass. This will also enhance your willpower, helping you hang on just a bit longer.

Blackboxed [-100cp]: Eventually as your tech grows more powerful you Jumper may realize the consequences that could occur if your tech was stolen. To deal with this potential issue this perk allows you to start black boxing everything you can and will create, merging it with the very blueprints. Being just as paranoid as many are you've developed your own equally impressive countermeasures. As a result anything you've created or been involved in will be impossible to replicate or steal. For example, if your enemies managed to get their hands on your technology it would be impossible for them to understand it. You however, may limit this to give your technology to allies while still applying it to your enemies if you wish. 

Human Heart [-100cp]: You're a rare sort, one that none would think to find in a place like this. You're a good person, or at least, you've got an inextinguishable sense of empathy and compassion that refuses to be snuffed out. Not only does it make you just a bit more endearing to others, but you will always be able to form meaningful connections with other people, no matter how long you live or what horrors you've witnessed. You may toggle this on and off.

Honest Businessman [-100cp]: When you've been in the corpo business as long as you have, you've learned that in this den of snakes, there's nothing better than knowing when you're being fed bullshit. It's impossible to lie to you, as you can immediately tell when someone isn't telling you the truth, or at least omitting it.

Coverup [-100cp]: Even though the mortality rates in Night City can realistically reach the triple digits on a bad day, that doesn't mean that everyone killed won't be missed. You're one of the few gonks actually smart enough to hide their tracks, and are skilled when it comes to hiding bodies and any evidence of your crimes. Sure, they may eventually come to light, but by that point you should already be long gone.

Deconstructive Learning [-100cp]: Some gonks think that just because you can tear apart a piece of tech means that you can obviously put it back together. I mean, you can do that, but that's beside the point. Look, you're now capable of learning how to perfectly build something so long as you've been able to break it down to its base components.

Efficient Design [-100cp]: Some manufacturers put in a lot of unnecessary bits and bobs onto their products, only because they bump up the price. It's a waste of space as well as money, especially when you can do better at home. Everything you build is incredibly efficient and streamlined, requiring less of everything while functioning just as effectively as the alternatives, sometimes moreso.

Medical License [-100cp]: You aren't one of those backstreet hacks that just cut out bits of flesh and weld on some chrome. Hell no, you're a licensed professional, with all of the talent and knowledge that one might expect. You can name just about every part of the human body, and can patch up most wounds that your patients inevitably crawl in with. Just don't forget to apply anesthesia.

One Size Fits All [-100cp]: Though cyberware may be produced at an industrial scale, that doesn't mean that the human body can simply accept any piece of chrome without any adjusting. Whether it's high end cyberware or makeshift prosthesis, you can automatically alter them to fit onto any body or build, from skinny kids to the obese elderly to anyone in between.

Chair Jockey [-100cp]: The digital world may be different from our own, but that doesn't mean that it isn't full of its own brand of danger. To the unwitting traveler, the net can be a maze of deadly traps if you venture into the wrong parts, but you're better than that. You know how to navigate cyberspace relatively safely, knowing where you can go and what areas to avoid.

Rest Your Head [-100cp]: One of the biggest dangers of netrunning is not what you'll encounter in the net, but what might stumble upon you in the physical world. Thankfully, you can easily find hidden places to either place your netrunning setup, or protected places to get a bit of shuteye. It won't be impossible to find, but you'll certainly be safer than before.

First Impressions [-100cp]: You are the middleman for a lot of movers and shakers, or at least that's how you like to present yourself. When it comes to introductions, you know exactly how to carry yourself in order to make the best lasting impressions, as well as how you want to be seen initially. Some may prefer to look like suave informers, while others prefer appearing as chromed badasses.

Know These Streets [-100cp]: You're not some slack-jawed tourist, just visiting the City of Dreams. Having been born in this city, you know just how to navigate this concrete and neon jungle. You've got a mental map of not only this city, but any you visit, and know how to traverse them with ease.

One Of Us [-100cp]: Despite what some people may conjure in their minds, the streets ain't a place you want to run around solo. Such a thing won't happen to you, though, since your sheer friendly nature makes it impossible to be alone for very long. You've got a natural talent for making all kinds of friends and allies, even in the weirdest places.

Family First [-100cp]: When every corner has some gonk willing to put a bullet through your skull, every handshake a possibility for a knife in the back, there's only one thing you can count on; family. But if you aren't careful, even those bonds may wither and break. Well, not for you, as no matter how long it's been or how little you interact, your relationships will never deteriorate.

Dancing With Brains [-100cp]: Almost every choom you meet can appreciate a good BD, a technology that allows to record and play back someone's experience, including their physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts. You're one of those people who are actually in the business of recording and editing these virtus, making them perfect for any potential clientele.

Blistering Love [-100cp]: The life of a rockerboy is one of the modern celebrities, with all the benefits and drawbacks one might expect. You focus more on the good parts of the gig, which for you seems to be living in excess and debauchery. You are pretty good when it comes to seduction, and extremely good when it comes to fucking, even without a Mr. Studd or Midnight Lady. Thankfully, you'll never have to deal with any STDs.

Shut Up And Drive [-100cp]: If there's one thing that the nomads are good with, it has to be cars. You live up to that stereotype, and have become a master with any form of vehicle you can get your hands on. From cars to bikes to even tanks and helicopters, so long as it counts as a vehicle, you can control it as if it were a second skin.

Cold Blooded [-100cp]: You are one scary motherfucker, and that's a good thing. Not only can you temporarily remove yourself from your emotions while within combat, you are extremely intimidating when you want to be. The dead gaze in your eyes will definitely show them how much you're going to be affected by their blood on your hands.

Threat Assessment [-100cp]: Unless you're powerful or arrogant, it's always a good idea to make sure that you actually have a chance to win a fight before charging in. With a glance, you can tell just how dangerous someone is, as well as how they compare to yourself. There's still a number of factors that could lead to your death, but at least you'll be making a somewhat educated decision.

Stone Cold [-100cp]: In the great corpo rat maze, it's essential to give nothing away to your competitors, even coworkers and underlings who may end up dragging you down just for a shot at getting your position. You're amazing at hiding underneath a poker face, completely masking any emotions you might be feeling while presenting only what you want others to see.

Chippin' In [-100cp]: You wouldn't have gotten into this line of work if you didn't have some manner of talent. You, my friend, have got talent coming out the ass, being a master of at least three different instruments, as well as being a damn good vocalist. You can also pick up any new instruments and learn to use them in half the time.

(Initial Instruments: Guitar, Piano, Drums)

Black Dog [-200cp]: This life isn't all glitz and glamor, with many being drawn into dark places that few can crawl themselves out of. One day, you may fall into that dark abyss, but you are one of the tough bastards that will rise again, always finding ways to better yourself no matter what may happen to you. So long as you're still breathing, you'll find a way to be better than yesterday.

Ripperdoc [-200cp]: You are now a highly talented and experienced Ripperdoc, who is a medical practitioner somewhere between a master surgeon, techie and tattoo artist, who's main focus is installing cybernetic prosthesis called cyberware. That's not to say that cyberware are your only skill, as you are still a fully functional doctor and surgeon with all the necessary knowledge and skills needed for a doctor at the highest level of medical practice. Not only that, but any Cyberware or similar that you install will never be rejected by the body of the receiver, nor will it ever lead to Cyberpsychosis or have any other negatives. If you were the one to install all the cyberware of a person, they would never become a cyberpsycho, even if you installed the Cyberskeleton itself.

The Ballad of Buck Ravers [-200cp]: Some artists may spew nothing but cheap bullshit, sounds without soul, but you aren't anything like them. You're the picasso when it comes to writing songs and telling stories, captivating any who would read or listen to your works. When you truly put your heart and soul into it, your works are guaranteed to move entire generations.

Honed Mind [-200cp]: You aren't some thuggish brute, winning every argument simply because you've got a bigger gun. No, your preferred weapon is your mind and intelligence, which has just received quite the impressive boost. You can come up with out of the box solutions at the drop of a hat, and are much better when it comes to memorization.

Drive By Shooting [-200cp]: When you're in a fight, constantly being on the move is perhaps one of the more important aspects, which goes double when both parties are using vehicles. Thankfully, you've been in quite the amount of high speed shoot outs, and have developed the skills needed to accurately hit any target from atop a moving object as if both of you were standing still. No amount of jostling or turbulence will affect your aim ever again.

Urban Movement [-200cp]: The City of Dreams is a lot like many other metropolises, a steel and concrete jungle that once one understands how to maneuver through, offers an experience unlike anything else. Your innate understanding of movement not only allows you to perform crazy parkour stunts, but you fly across the battlefield like metaphorical lightning, something that is only made worse should you decide to install some chrome.

Harsh Life [-200cp]: Life out in the Badlands is not the same as in the city, requiring more physical effort than just sitting in some cubby all day. Thankfully, you are one tough motherfucker, your natural body possessing more power than even some borgs. Whether it's prying open a locked door, moving heavy equipment, or tanking a bullet or two, no one can deny that you've got what it takes to survive.

Daemon Forge [-200cp]: Most netrunners you run into tend to stick with just a few quickhacks, preloaded programs to accomplish a certain goal. Sure, they may be easy to acquire, but they can't hold a candle to custom creations. You're an expert when it comes to creating quickhacks or daemons, programming them in such a way that they are typically more potent while requiring half the RAM compared to whatever they're selling.

Professional Lawbreaker [-200cp]: You've picked up a number of skills after hanging around some questionable company, but you certainly aren't complaining. Whether it's picking locks, hotwiring cars or some sleight of hand, you can do it all. Most importantly, though, is your ability to lie, coming up with believable and convincing fictions at the drop of a hat without giving away any tells.

Quick Reflexes [-200cp]: It's not all about being the toughest or carrying the biggest gun when it comes to fights, it's how quickly you can react to whatever gonk decides to make themselves your problem. You're pretty quick when it comes to just about anything, whether it's running to or away from a brawl, reloading your gun in the middle of a firefight, dodging out of the way of incoming attacks, or whipping out your pistol to blow someone's brains out.

Stealth Hack [-200cp]: Some people prefer to throw as much processing power at a problem, hoping to overpower whatever is in their path, when they should be like you and fight smarter instead. Any quickhacks, programs and viruses you use or design are quite difficult to detect, requiring some of the best protections and software to even notice them before it's too late.

Doctor's Orders [-200cp]: If there's anything more annoying for a ripperdoc, it's when their gonks of patients decide that they know better than a trained medical professional. You don't allow any of that idiocy, because when you give your patients instructions, they follow it to the best of their abilities. Instead of immediately rushing off to test some new bit of chrome on some gang members, they'll actually take the time to properly heal and adjust.

Hippocratic Oath [-200cp]: No matter how skilled you are or how good your equipment is, eventually you're going to have someone die on the operating table. It's something that every doc goes through, though you may prove to be the exception. You will find that no patients will pass away during an operation unless you actively go out of your way to make it happen. It's scummy, but some people pay for it, and some agree...

Cyberware Architect [-200cp]: In this age of cybernetic prosthetics, there are few as desired as those who are actually capable of designing their own versions. You are one of those trained in the construction and designing of cyberware, from simple data slots to complete full body conversions made for specific jobs. Any that you design are more effective than your competitors, as well as being less of a strain on those that install them.

Keeping Track [-200cp]: The battlefield can be hectic and confusing at the best of times, but you're one of the few that can handle all that chaos. You're amazing when it comes to keeping track of everything in a given environment, from the number of people and guns to every obstacle to possible exits. You'll hardly ever be taken by surprise again.

Non-Lethal Alternatives [-200cp]: There is a reason why Morgan Blackhand was a living legend, and it's not just because of his skill. Most amazing was his penchant for keeping killing to an absolute minimum, something you've taken to heart. When it comes to performing extractions, deescalating in tense situations, and taking down targets without killing them, you're one of the rare and vaunted few that know how to keep down on the collateral.

Edgerunner Artisan [-200cp]: In the choice between quantity and quality, it's a truly wise man that chooses both. You are a masterful craftsman, everything you create is truly of legendary quality, regardless of what it actually is. Even rush jobs don't hamper the quality of your creations, allowing you to pump out beautiful guns and potent grenades like a one man manufacturer. If you take your time on a singular project, though, who knows how good it would actually become.

From The Shadows [-200cp]: So many gonks think that rushing headfirst into a problem is the best way to solve it. They usually end up riddled with bullets or subject to a mine. You find the other option more preferable, going in stealthy. Not only could you infiltrate a secure sight without anyone realizing before you're on top of them, but you've got a sort of sixth sense for when you've been spotted or about to be.

Off The Grid [-200cp]: As any good fixer or netrunner can tell you, information is invaluable power, so why would you let your enemies have any power over you. You are virtually impossible to get a clear read on, as any who go looking for any info on you will find it an uphill battle, even if it's just figuring out what kind of cyberware you've got installed. Hell, they couldn't even get an accurate read of your location without you giving it to them, or if you're standing right infront of them.

Built Different [-300cp]: There are some like the living legend Adam Smasher or a certain speedy merc who have a natural affinity for cyberware, and then there's you. Your body is something that any megacorp would love to get their hands on, if only because it accepts any modifications done to it as though it were a true part of it from the beginning. This not only makes you immune to the expected negative side effects, such as cyberpsychosis, but everything you incorporate into yourself will become fiat-backed.

Silicone Soul [-300cp]: It appears that you come from beyond the Black Wall, or are at least so close in nature to those digital entities that the distinction is meaningless. Your mind is on par with powerful AI such as what Alt Cunningham was turned into, capable of interfacing with and controlling all manner of technology, even Arasaka Tower if you've got the knowhow to pull it off. Additionally, you can have multiple trains of thought going at the same time, allowing for a truly impressive amount of multitasking. So long as nobody infects you with any sort of viruses, you may as well be the closest thing to a god in this digital age of ours.

Bartmoss' Teachings [-400cp]: The man who practically embodied what it meant to be a netrunner and eventually caused the DataKrash, Rache Bartmoss was one of the best minds of the twenty-first century. Like him, you are an absolute master when it comes to programming, streamlining quickhacks until they only require an eighth of the RAM. Additionally, all of your programs will never experience any glitches or bugs unless you design them into it.

Quantum Mind [-400cp]: Your brain is something else, more akin to a machine than any grey matter. Not only does this allow for a photographic memory and impressive processing power on your part, but you can split your focus in innumerable ways, allowing for nearly unlimited multitasking. Regardless of if it's two trains of thought or a hundred, it would be just as effective if you had given your full undivided attention to the task at hand without fear of suffering boredom or falling to ennui.

Living Legend [-400cp]: Every Night City legend, the real legends, has something that made them special, that put them heads and shoulders above all others. You've dreamed of reaching those heights, and unlike most it might actually be possible to achieve them. You find that you can quickly learn and master nearly any skill, a speed which is only accelerated when placed within tense situations or active combat. Depending on how you play your cards, and how good your luck is, you may even come to be a match for Adam Smasher, a mercenary with nearly a century of experience in slaughtering anything that gets in his way, in just under a year.

Biological Alternatives [-400cp]: There is much debate over the benefits of normal chrome compared to bioware, a biological equivalent of standard cyberware. Though it may not be as durable or as effective, not only do they not cause cyberpsychosis as quickly, but they can fix themselves over time. Your bioware is a complete upgrade, capable of creating biological alternatives to any of your tech that is just as effective as their metal counterparts, only being more fragile with little to no possibility of cyberpsychosis.

Apocalyptic [-400cp]: When it comes to the art of murder, there's very few who are going to be as proficient as yourself. You are a walking blender, capable of killing damn near anything that gets in your path in as efficient a manner as possible. Whether it's dealing with a whole group of gangsters to a nine foot tall cyberpsycho, you can be guaranteed to find a way to kill it regardless of what you've got on hand.

Way of the Steel Fist [-400cp]: Some people think that bare fists can't compete with big guns and advanced chrome. Those people are idiots that have never met a master of Panzerfaust like yourself. Your martial art is one made to specifically deal with borgs and other beings of metal, utilizing leverage and vibrating strikes to tear apart any metal combatant. Ordinarily only used by borgs safely, you can use it regardless of whether you're made of meat or metal.

Meat to Metal [-400cp]: One of the biggest fears of any ripperdoc is that when the patient wakes up, they'll undergo complete cyberpsychosis and go on a rampage, with the doc as their first victim. Such an outcome is implausible for someone of your caliber, capable of incorporating cyberware and other such additions to a person without any ill effects on them. This also helps to reduce the chance and build up of cyberpsychosis in your patients.

One With The City [-400cp]: Some people may claim to know this city like its the back of their hand, but they ain't got nothing on you. Once you've been in a city for at least a week, you seem to know any and all of the nooks and crannies it contains, being more accurate than any map could hope to be. Whether you use this knowledge to find good hiding places or figuring out the most effective route to take or the closest food joint, you'll never be lost again.

True Freedom [-400cp]: Though people look down on nomads, there is a part of them that realizes that they are perhaps the most free people around, not beholden to any corp or creed but their own. Enviable to the common man, and something possibly terrifying to the big wigs. You know just how to slip through the cracks of a system, finding and creating any weaknesses that you can exploit maliciously. Those smart enough will realize that picking any kind of fight with you is not worth it, while everyone else will learn why painfully.

Profitable Ventures [-400cp]: At the end of the day, megacorps will do anything so long as the profit margin keeps going up, even if it's at the detriment of everyone else. You would be invaluable within this department, possessing something akin to a sixth sense for when something could be a profitable venture for you and your company, as well as knowing when to cut off any and all assets before they turn into liabilities. When people follow your lead, the eddies are guaranteed to roll in.

Deal With The Devil [-600cp]: There is nothing more evil in this world than a lawyer, or someone who knows how to bend the legal system overwhelmingly in their favor. When it comes to dealing with you, though, you might as well be evil manifest. Any and all deals or contracts that you engage in will be supernaturally binding for all parties involved, much to their detriment as the terms will naturally favor you more heavily. The loopholes within are also something that only you seem to be able to exploit, no matter how much they may try to figure out otherwise.

Second Emperor [-600cp]: It appears as though Saburo Araskaka has some competition, at least on a personal level. You are easily the equal to the greatest CEOs in the world, possessing the business acumen and irresistible charisma to one day create a megacorp rivaling and even surpassing Arasaka in time, even if you start off with nothing but a box of scraps. Most importantly, though, is the sheer fanatic devotion and loyalty you are capable of instilling within your underlings. Your rule is as inevitable as the rising of the sun.

King of the Streets [-600cp]: It takes a certain type of person to create an empire, especially in territory as hotly contested as Night City. You've got the will, the charisma, and cunning needed to create a gang that can stand on equal footing with the greatest. More than that, though, is the strange effect placed upon your underlings, as the legal consequences of their actions simply don't stick, even the lowest of grunts managing to slip away from the law as long as they aren't complete gonks. Even those who are caught will receive lesser sentences than what they reasonably should.

The Rising Sun [-600cp]: When you're done with this city, everyone who's anyone is going to remember your name. Your reputation seems to grow at a mind boggling rate, going from a nobody to a local celebrity in just under a month if you take things at a leisurely pace. With such rises in popularity, this also means that not only are you more respected the better your rep, but you will receive more lucrative jobs and profitable scenarios that seem to scale with your fame.

Family Man [-600cp]: At the end of the day, it all comes back to family, to having a group of people that you could trust your life with without a second thought. You could easily be the head of one of these families, possessing a magnetic charisma that draws in others and keeps them in with the sense of camaraderie and love you foster. Those that follow you will come to take on and pass down your values and traditions, creating an immortal legacy that will long outlast you.

The Shooting Star [-600cp]: This world is not a gentle one, especially for someone who still holds onto the values of kindness and generosity. It's disgusting, and something that is at total odds with who you are as a person. Your very presence is a light in the darkness, allowing things like hope and love to flourish in a society that dismisses the idea on principle. Act with these virtues in mind, and hold off against those who would push you down and crush you, and the ripples you make may just turn this world into something worth living for.


Starting Gear [Free]: You can't expect to walk around the streets of Night City butt ass naked, now can you? Thankfully, you don't have to. You've got a set of clothes of your own design as well as a replica Samurai jacket, a Lexington pistol, and an Archer Hella EC-D I360.

Account [Free]: One of the ways that Corpos tend to find careless cyberpunks is by noting influxes of sourceless money and similar stuff. The evils of the IRS know no bounds.With this, however, you won't have any trouble, no matter how much money you're moving around. This account is entirely private and traceless, allowing you to store any amount of money completely tax-free. Its contents are transferred between settings and may be withdrawn in whatever form of currency you like.

Apartment [Free]: Everybody needs a place to rest their heads, and you aren't any different. For [Free], you've got a standard, pretty crappy apartment. For [100], or free if discounted though, you've got one of those high rise penthouses.

Datashard Collection [Free]: The world is a big place, with uncountable hundreds of interactions going on every day in just Night City alone. This collection of shards will not only inform you of the history and actions of this city, but as well as different interactions between its inhabitants.

Militech BD [Free]: Despite what some macho gonks believe, it isn't smart to throw a newbie into a live firefight without any training. For those with brains, this BD is custom designed to help sharpen one's skills in combat in a relatively safe virtual environment. It comes in a number of levels, from absolute rookie to Night City Legend, each more challenging than the last.

Job Search [Free]: Most mercs can't do anything but perform gigs, loving the lifestyle that brings in fame, eddies, and a glorious death. Perhaps you're one of those suicidal mercenaries, or you're legitimately in it for the eddies. Either way, this website is perfect for those hard working individuals, offering up a number of gigs, ranging in difficulty and rewards offered. When you complete these gigs, your rewards will be delivered directly into either your bank account or your Warehouse.

Bounty Board [Free]: No matter where you go, there are those who rebel against the current system, labeled as criminals by those in power. Of course, some of those are less rebels and more assholes and monsters. This database contains a comprehensive catalog of these criminals, as well as a reward for their deaths and or capture. Upon completion, your rewards will be delivered directly into either your bank account or your Warehouse.

Wardrobe [-50cp]: If you want to fit in with the people of Night City, then you're gonna want to look the part. This collection of clothing is as extensive as they are preem, randing the whole of what could be found in the City of Dreams. Whether you want to look like a sophisticated corpo, an archetypical street kid, or some homeless whackjob, there's bound to be an outfit in here that's perfect for you.

Yellow Jacket [-50cp]: A yellow jacket was previously an emergency medical technician jacket that was worn by a famous edgerunner, altered with a green symbol on the back. It may not be the most fashionable or the most protective, but wearing it will always give you a sense of comfort, as though a loving mother was giving you a hug. Your life may not be playing out how you want it, but you can more confidently run towards tomorrow while wearing this.

Crafting Components [-100cp]: You can't exactly be a techie if you ain't got nothing to tinker with. Sure, you can work with what's already built, but what about if you want to build something new? Now, you'll never run out of these high quality mechanical resources, from high quality circuit boards and quality scraps of steel, all of it will replenish over time.

Sweet Ride [-100cp]: If You're gonna be somebody, then you need a ride that proves it. With a single purchase, you can receive any civilian vehicles one could purchase in Night City. This ranges from motorcycles like the Kusanagi to sports cars like a Rayfield Aerondight, though you could absolutely go for something a bit more inconspicuous. Either way, you won't ever need to purchase fuel again, and it can be summoned to your location without any of the damage you've accumulated.

Diving Suit [-100cp]: There might not be a lot of places worth exploring underwater, at least near Night City, but does that mean it's not fun to go diving? Of course not, you cry out, a statement backed up with your purchase of this suit. Not only will it allow you to stay underwater near indefinitely, but it will also protect you from radiation and any toxins that may be contaminating the water. Hmm, maybe there's a reason more people don't dive more often.

Netrunner Station [-200cp]: Even if some netrunners are content with just relying on quickhacks to get the job done, there will be a time when they need to fully dive into the net. This set up, complete with an ice bath, is perfect for any netrunner, keeping them from overheating as they traverse the net. Through this, you can enter even the most bizarre of internets, and interact with the systems within.

Ripper Clinic [-200cp]: You can't exactly install cyberware in any old hole in the ground, requiring a number of instruments and tools that are nearly impossible for the average joe to get their hands on. This clinic is a remedy to that problem, filled with everything you need to start your work, be it installing new chrome or patching up some hotblooded gonks. It also comes with a number of cyberware to install, as well as the means to get more, or specific ones depending on your client's tastes.

Soulkiller [-200cp]: A Black Program written by Alt Cunningham, it is used as a way to store the consciousness and memories of dying individuals, one that was turned into a weapon by Arasaka. Yours is more beneign than the corporations, creating and storing these engrams without harming the target if you wish. What you do with these engrams, though, is ultimately up to you. Will you give them a second chance at life, or sift through the secrets of the dead, or something else entirely? Either way, so long as you can get to them in time, you can offer someone a twisted form of immortality along with schematics to make more.

Workshop [-200cp]: Sure, some might be content with a toolbox and their kitchen table when they get in the mood for tinkering, but you're someone with higher standards. You've managed to get your mitts on this out of the way building, one that has a wide array of specialized tools needed for all kinds of mechanical pursuits. Thanks to the size, you can work on anything and everything from pistols to ACVs. There's even a machine in the back meant to break down anything you put into it down to its base components, even if they were absolute shit.

Akashic Records [-300cp]: There are countless wonders to be found in 2077, as well as countless horrors and injustices. Still, you shouldn't dismiss any advantage you can get your hands on, especially something like this. You now possess a massive database detailing the various technological achievements found up until 2077, from basic cyberware to advanced weaponry to space stations to everything in between, as well as the differing versions that inevitably arose between the competing corporations.

Blackwall [-600cp]: One of the most important things that keeps the threat of mad AIs in the Old Net, the Blackwall has stood strong for decades, or at least that's what people want to think. The version you're getting is actually the idealized form of what this software could be, capable of cutting off entire sections of the Internet and other similar digital structures, making it nearly impossible to get from one side to the other, at least if they aren't you. You could also use this as an unbreakable/unhackable prison for any Artificial Intelligences you may run across.

Corporation [-600cp]: In this world, power is the only true thing of importance, and while tasteless to some, one cannot deny the power that money can bring, especially someone like you. You now claim ownership of a corporation of your own, on par with Biotechnica or Arasaka, though there is definitely room to expand. Not only will it be a constant source of immense wealth even if you don't do anything with it, it is specialized in one market, and will consistently be one of the more successful no matter what world you go to. Be it robotics or mining, home appliances or weapons, none would be foolish enough to ignore the economic power you wield.

(Business Focus: Pharmaceuticals)

Cyberware:[+700cp] (Total Starting Ram: 33)

Basic Cyberware [Free]: With cyberware being so widespread, it would be weird if you didn't have at least the basics installed. It's not too invasive, only the Internal Agent, the cyberware equivalent of a phone, datalink, the neck slots required to insert data shards, and a brand new pair of eyes. This comes with an easy to use interface, one that requires barely any effort on your part to use.

Ballistic Compressor [Free]: Links the user's weapon and optics, offering real-time data-tracking of the weapon's status and preview of ricochet trajectory. Increased ricochet chance with Power weapons, +30% ricochet damage.

Nano-Plated Skin [Free]: +78 Armor, +7% chance to block an incoming projectile. +100% bonus chance after dodging or dashing for 1.7 seconds, or until the next projectile is blocked, whichever comes first. Cannot block more than 3 projectiles in a 5 second span.

Fortified Tendons [-50cp]: Allows you to charge jumps for greater distance.

Heatsink [-50cp]: Reduces Sandevistan cool down by 4 seconds.

Arasaka Software [-50cp]: While Sandevistan is active, enemies take 70% longer to detect you.

Leroy Ligament System [-50cp]: +20% movement speed, increases Armor by 26.

Lynx Paws [-50cp]: +50% quieter movement, +12% crouched movement speed, −20% fall damage.

Reinforced Tendons [-50cp]: Allows you to perform a double jump midair.

Target Analysis [-50cp]: All weapons become non-lethal, headshots do not deal additional damage, and Smart Weapons primarily target limbs.

Threat Detector [-50cp]: Enemies that detect you are automatically highlighted.

Explosive Analysis [-50cp]: Grenade trajectory and area of effect are visible.

Trajectory Generator [-50cp]: Ricochet trajectory is visible when aiming. Requires the Ballistic Coprocessor hands cyberware.

Rabid Bull [-50cp]: Defeating enemies while Sandevistan is active restores 5% health. 

Tyger Paw [-50cp]: Defeating enemies while Sandevistan is active restores 15% stamina.

Fashionware [-50cp]: This age of chrome transhumanism has led to quite the bizarre and eclectic mix of looks, from the mostly human to the inhuman to the fetishistic. Regardless of what others may think about it, you have been given complete freedom to customize the aesthetics of your cyberware without compromising on their functionality. You could be a picturesque catgirl, or a mechanical monster that is more machine than man.

Hygiene Module [-50cp]: You would much prefer to not look like absolute shit, and have taken steps to ensure you never go. This piece of chrome will keep your body and teeth completely clean, as well as keeping your hair in whatever style you put it in. You can even have a number of pre-set styles you can shift through in the blink of an eye, and even alter the color.

Speed Dial [-50cp]: With the world being so interconnected, it can be tough should you find yourself surrounded by retro tech and systems, ones that are not at all compatible with your cyberware. This won't be a problem for you at all, as your Internal Agent can connect with any kind of communication device you may encounter, even things like phones from the 1960's or space age communicators.

EMP Shielding [-50cp]: One of the biggest dangers of extensive cyberware usage is the threats of EMPs, pulses that render your cyberware all but useless. For some, it's going to be an annoyance, for others it is a death sentence. For you, it is a non-issue, because all of your cyberware is protected from EMPs and other means to disable your chrome. It's going to be funny watching their horrified faces when they realize their pulse grenades are ineffective against the likes of you.

RAM Allocator [-50cp]: Instantly recovers 23% Max RAM when available RAM falls to 20% once every 80 seconds, +2 Mac RAM.

RAM Upgrade [-50cp]: +Increases RAM recovery rate by +0.05-0.2 unit(s) per sec, +2 Max RAM.

Electric Blade Modification [-50cp, Requires Mantis Blades]: Modifications to the Mantis Blade cyberware, changing damage dealt to either Chemical, Electric or Thermal. 

Axolotl [-50cp]: -7.5% Cooldown instantly for all cyberware after neutralizing an enemy. 

COX-2 Cybersomatic Optimizer [-50cp]: Allows your quickhacks to deal Crit Hits, 100% Crit Chance with quickhacks, and +4 max RAM.

Camillo RAM Manager [-50cp]: Instantly recovers 23% Max RAM when available RAM falls to 15-20% every 80 seconds, and +2 Max RAM.

Ex-Disk [-50cp]: +6 max RAM, and +35% upload speed for quickhacks

Haming-8 Rotor [-50cp, Requires Mantis Blades]: Increases Mantis Blade attack speed by 45%.

Heal-On-Kill [-50cp]: +7.5% health when you neutralize an enemy.

Blood Pump [-50cp]: Functions as a powerful Health Item, instantly restoring 35% of your health, then stimulating enhanced regeneration for 6 seconds.

Spring Joints [-50cp]: +16% mitigation strength.

Titanium Bones [-50cp]: +62% lifting capacity.

Mechatronic Core [-50cp-]: +15-40% damage against drones, robots, mechs and turrets, +2 Max RAM.

Memory Boost [-50cp]: +1.25 RAM when you neutralize an enemy, +1 Max RAM. 

Thermal Wire Modification [-50cp, Requires Monowire]: Modifications to the Monowire cyberware, changing damage dealt to either Chemical, Electric or Thermal. 

High-Capacity Battery [-50cp, Requires Monowire]: Increases charge damage dealt by Monowire by 50%.

Newton Module [-100cp]: −1.35% Cooldown instantly for all cyberware after neutralizing an enemy.

Quantum Tuner [-100cp]: Whenever another cyberware implant is fully used, Quantum Tuner instantly restores its Cooldown, up to a max of 50 seconds.

Smart Link [-100cp]: Enables the use of smart-targeting in Smart weapons. +20% target-lock duration, +15% crit damage with Smart weapons, +2 max RAM. Directly links the user's optical implant to the weapon's system, offering real-time data-tracking of the weapon info.

Kiroshi "The Oracle" Optics [-100cp]: Effects active when scanning: Highlights enemies within 19.5m, including enemies behind cover. Highlights cameras and turrets within 39m. Highlights explosive devices and traps near your crosshair and within 29m. These effects remain active for 60 sec after scanning. 10x optical zoom when scanning.

Cellular Adapter [-100cp]: +162 armor, +20% explosion resistance, +10% Tech weapon damage.

Chitin [-100cp]: An extremely durable subcutaneous shell made of genetically modified chitin. Provides +200 armor and additional health regeneration.

Second Heart [-100cp]: Fully restores you to full health once per day. Automatically activates when a lethal wound is taken.

Canto Mk.6 [-100cp]: Unlocks the Blackwall Gateway quickhack. 10 RAM, 4 Slots, 12 Buffer.

Mantis Blades [-100cp]: Mantis Blades allow you to slice and dice your enemies with swift, deadly slashes. Improved leap damage and +20% Bleeding chance.

Monowire [-100cp]: Whip-like monofilament wire with a cutting edge only a molecule wide. The Monowire can be modified with a quickhack. This quickhack will be uploaded to targets that are hit.

Kerenzikov [-100cp]: Constantly slows down the user's perception of time. Can be turned on and off, unlike most others.

Defensikov [-100cp]: +80 armor, +90% mitigation chance for 4 seconds immediately after [Kerenzikov] is deactivated.

Kerenzikov Boost System [-100cp]: Improves Kerenzikov by enhancing the user's speed and reflexes. When Kerenzikov is active: −100% Stamina cost from shooting, and slows time by +15 relative to your enemies.

Optical Camo [-100cp]: +30 armor, -90% visibility to enemies for 7 seconds, making it more difficult for them to detect you outside of combat and hit you during combat. Cooldown of 50 seconds.

Self-ICE [-100cp]: Automatically negates an enemy quickhack and viruses, +2 Max RAM.

Rippler Mk.5 [-100cp]: +15% weapon damage against enemies affected by non-Combat quickhacks, +40% damage with Combat quickhacks when immediately followed by a non-Combat quickhack in the queue, When activating Overclock, automatically upload Reboot Optics and Weapon Glitch to all enemies within 8m. 20 RAM, 8 Slots, 4 Buffer.

Behavioral Imprint-synced Faceplate [-100cp]: Activating a faceplate alters both your physical and digital identity, making you virtually unrecognizable. Outside of combat, you can easily escape the Law.

Netwatch-Grade Cyberware [-200cp]: Netrunning gear might seem unremarkable compared to other flashy setups, resembling only slightly augmented civilians sporting neural boosters and stylish wired jackets. However, this gear is primarily used by field agents of NetWatch, tasked with combating renegade hackers and rogue AI. Despite its unassuming appearance, this hardware achieves exceptional performance and data transfer without requiring a netrunning station. Most notably, users retain full mobility and awareness, enabling remote cyberspace access, direct attacks on enemy netrunners, and the ability to counter unauthorized network intrusions.

Militech "Apogee" [-200cp]: This model of Sandevistan doesn't exist, at least officially. Off the record, there's gossip of secret Militech Lunar labs producing covert cyberware. It was never meant to be mass produced, but an army would only really need a few pieces like this one to dominate their enemy. Vastly increases user's speed and slows perception of time by 85%, +20% headshot damage, +20% crit chance, +20% crit damage. Neutralizing an enemy when active gives +10% extended duration and +22% stamina. Duration of 6 seconds, with a cool down of 25 seconds.

Bioware [-200cp]: A more expensive alternative to chrome, these biological alternatives are specially made for each individual. They are just as effective as the original cyberware, only less durable. This is offset by the fact that you can heal over time, and have a much lessened chance of ever going cyberpsycho while being able to be modified.

The Relic [-200cp]: Within your head, you possess a means for immortality. Ordinarily, the chip would copy your consciousness and memories, storing them until someone places it within a fitting host, and you take over their body. Instead, it will fully heal you in the event that you perish, even if you were reduced to a smear on the wall. Of course, this can only be accomplished once every ten years, but not everyone is lucky enough to have a second chance.

Installable Quickhacks:

Quickhacks can be installed inside a cyberdeck and can be utilized to take out or disorient enemies, and bypass defenses. Each quickhack has a duration, the time the quickhack will be active, an upload time, the time it takes for the quickhack to take effect, and a RAM cost, the amount of cyberdeck RAM is required to infect the target with a quickhack.

Blackwall Gateway [Free, Requires Canto Mk.6]: It's hard to say what exactly makes the deck able to open temporary gates through the Blackwall. It could be a permaflux algorithm, or perhaps even more terrifyingly, its capable of directly communicate with rogue AIs from beyond the Blackwall and somehow persuading them to open these gates. This quickhack spreads to 3 enemies within 20 m., causing lethal damage to cyberware and neural systems. Mechs, robots, drones and turrets are deactivated. Automatically consumes RAM every time it spreads. Each spread has a shorter upload time and a higher RAM cost than the last. But the cost can be cut in half if you're willing to pay in blood. If you have bought the black wall item from the item section, you may use your own personal rogue AIs so you don't need to worry about them going wild.

Bait [-50cp]: Simulates an aid request in the network's comms system, calling the target's nearest ally to their position. Untraceable, when uploaded a second time to the same enemy outside of combat, they will stop their approach and turn back.

Contagion [-50cp]: Did you know most alloys used in cyberware manufacturing contain trace amounts of toxic elements such as lead, cadmium and mercury? And that the safeguards keeping them from slipping into your bloodstream can be broken? Well you're not alone. Infects the enemy with a virus that causes toxic cyberware substances to leak. This deals poison damage over time and can spread to 2 enemies within 8m. Effective against closely grouped enemies. Ineffective against mechs, robots, drones and turrets. +15% damage with this quickhack against each subsequent enemy it spreads to.

Cripple Movement [-50cp]: Disables enemy movement and cyberware that supports movement and dodging, +15% melee damage against affected enemies. +5% health and +2 RAM after neutralizing affected enemies.

Cyberware Malfunction [-50cp]: What better way to discourage an enemy than by making them carry around literal pounds of dead weight? Disables enemy cyberware for 10 seconds and increases all damage against the affected enemy by 5%. Stacking the effect permanently disables enemy cyberware. At maximum stacks, enemy cyberware overloads, dealing massive damage. Cyberware Malfunction cannot be used on the same enemy again.

Emergency Brake [-50cp]: Forces the vehicle to use its handbrake, and triggers its alarm. Floor It [50]: The affected car will rapidly accelerate with limited steering capabilities.

Memory Wipe [-50cp]: Untraceable, prevents the targeted enemy from noticing you for a short time. −25% trace progress when uploaded outside of combat, and forces all enemies to exit combat state.

Overheat [-50cp]: When your bodily fluids begin to boil, it becomes pretty difficult to focus on much else. Sets the enemy on fire, dealing damage over time. Uploading Overheat to an enemy already affected by it will extend its duration. Attacks on the affected enemy also deal Thermal damage equal to 10% of the normal physical damage.

Ping [-50cp]: Some of the oldest, most basic functions in computing may never outlive their usefulness. Untraceable and reveals enemies and devices connected to the local network. Highlights devices and allows you to quickhack them through walls.

Reboot Optics [-50cp]: When you pay for expensive optical implants, you leave behind your worries of dry eyes, allergy irritation and pink eye. But not blindness. Resets detection progress of target enemy. In combat, it reduces enemy accuracy. Neutralizing the affected enemy via headshots or weakspot resplenishes +3 RAM units and spreads the quickhack to the nearest enemy.

Request Backup [-50cp]: Simulates an aid request in the network's comms system, calling the target's nearest ally to their position. When uploaded to an enemy affected by [Bait], up to 4 enemies will be called over. Has a range of 30m.

Self-destruct [-50cp]: Causes the explosion of the targeted vehicle's engine.

Short Circuit [-50cp]: Overloads an enemy's microcircuits, producing a devastating electrical current of almost 2 million Volts. Increases the duration of all Control quickhacks affecting the target by 3 seconds when hit by Short Circuit. +20% damage against enemies below a High threat level.

Synapse Burnout [-50cp]: Causes the brain to suffer from stroke-like symptoms: paresis, visual and speech disorders, and even loss of balance. Deals heavy damage. Damage increases by 10% for each RAM unit currently spent, with a max of +300%. When Overclock is active, the damage bonus for Synapse Burnout (based on spent RAM) increases by 100%. Neutralizing an enemy with this quickhack extends Overclock's duration by 3 seconds.

Sonic Shock [-50cp]: Emits a high-pitched frequency inside the target's skull. Some say that if it lasts long enough it can induce a psychological break. One version of the program written by netrunners from the Glen is known as Banshee's Wail. Uploading Sonic Shock to an enemy already affected by [Memory Wipe] and [Reboot Optics] will cause them to lose consciousness.

Take Control [-50cp]: Sets the status of drones, mechs and robots to friendly, making them turn against your enemies. Enables remote operation, allowing you to take direct control of turrets and other devices.

Weapon Glitch [-50cp]: During the Unification War, Militech soldiers feared little more than the chance their weapons might jam in the heat of battle. Jam's a target's weapon, rendering it temporarily unusable. Causes a weapon malfunction that reduces enemy accuracy and disables Smart-targeting and cover-penetration. Locking onto the affected enemy with a Smart weapon will extend Weapon Glitch's duration until target-lock is released. +6% Crit Chance with Smart Weapons for 10 seconds whenever you upload this quickhack.

Cyberpsychosis [-100cp]: "If cyberpsychos are an invention of the tabloids, then who was behind yesterday's massacre of 76 people at 7th Hell?" Op-ed excerpt, Night City Herald. Forces the enemy to attack the nearest friendly or hostile. If no one is nearby, they will commit suicide instead. −6 RAM cost for a short time after applying a stack of [Cyberware Malfunction] or an EMP effect. +25% duration and +25% damage dealt by the affected enemy for each other quickhack affecting them.

Detonate Grenade [-100cp]: Especially popular with South American mercenaries, believing they were doing their enemies a favor by helping them "go out with a bang." Instantly forces enemies' grenades to go off on their person. The explosion and its effects depend on the grenade type they have equipped. Can also detonate weakspots on robots, drones, mechs and turrets. −10 RAM cost for a short time after exploding an enemy, vehicle or device with a quickhack, though it only stacks twice.

Suicide [-100cp]: "Suicide note not included." Emmalicious, purported author of the first suicide program. Forces the enemy to put a gun to their head and pull the trigger, neutralizing them. −10 RAM cost for 30 seconds after neutralizing an enemy in melee, though it only stacks twice. +10% Health from neutralizing an enemy with Suicide.

System Collapse [-100cp]: The magnum opus of a corporate netrunner who believed most problems could be solved by simply turning off whatever is giving you trouble. Untraceable, knocks out the enemy without making noise by crippling their nervous system. −12 RAM cost for a short time after reducing trace progress, though it only stacks twice. Neutralizing an enemy with this quickhack reduces trace progress by 20%. Neutralizing an enemy netrunner this way removes all trace progress.


Glory Days [+400cp]: You may be more familiar with the Night City of 2077, but that doesn't mean there was nothing happening beforehand. From the days when Morgan Blackhand was running around to the Night City Holocaust to the Reunification Wars, there's a lot happening in the history books. By taking this option, you can instead start your time anywhere from the year 2020 to 2076.

Never Fade Away [+22,000 CP]: For every twentieth purchase of this drawback your time here is extended by half a year. Just be careful this world has a number of dangers even to those who stand at its peak. Staying here may give you some more opportunities, but it also carries many perils. (15 Years For Total Jump Time)

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