The sudden rush of motion before a hard thud into the practice mat, quickly jolted Taiga from his thoughts. Though he was a little dazed at first, his equilibrium swiftly returned to him. It must've been the hundredth time that Tuzi slammed him onto the cushion. His back was starting to ache a little, and there may be some bruising later.
Yet, the man felt nothing but pure exhilaration from being tossed around by his mate.
A certain part of his anatomy even started to awaken in keen interest. It was due to the close proximity of being around her… Her intoxicating scent entwined with sweat, heat emanating from their bodies with close physical contact, roughhousing, grunting noises, and locking limbs most certainly didn't help Taiga one bit at all, when it came to controlling his arousal.
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