97.82% Your love , your curse and my soul ( BL ) / Chapter 45: My love and your soul ( 2 )

章節 45: My love and your soul ( 2 )

The chapter has alot of parts that are involved with psychic powers of our ML . And since it's more than a three person conversation , I'll distinct the person talking by using their own brackets .

Carey - ()

? - [ ]

Henric {}

Please note the brackets when seeing who is talking and no , I'm not disclosing who the mystery character is . That would defeat the whole point . Back to the story.


Carey fell to his knees on the grass in the garden , his face the picture of pain . He hugged himself and leaned down until his head touched the ground and he felt the moistness of the grass .

[ Pathetic , so weak it's pitiful. ] He said inside Carey's mind .

( Quiet . ) Carey commanded with gritted teeth but he just heard a mocking laugh .

[ You are fooling yourself . That child doesn't care about you . He's a mortal , barely worth protecting . ] He said.

( He's the only one willing to help me . Now be quiet ! ) Carey shouted and he pulled the chains on his soul tighter . But unfortunately he was too weak to hold tighter .

This had been going on for two days now . Carey had used up his energy appearing like he did and still being confined in the mirror . It was getting to a level that his soul was being gratted everytime he came out of the mirror and his energy bled from his body.

He couldn't keep coming and going anymore . He either had to return to the mirror or be -

[ Let me out . Let us out . ] He said but Carey refused and gratted the shackles on his soul tighter , tight enough that they both cried out in pain .

[ You're hurting me . ] He said and Carey felt his pain , so deep it drew a tear on his cheek .

( Just get out of my head . ) He said but he felt ' him ' get angry.

[ You're too weak to handle this power. You're not strong enough. You were never strong enough . ] He shouted in Carey's mind .

Above the orphanage a dark swirl of blue black clouds moved and spread out like a veil across the sky . There was no thunder or lightning in the clouds but they were dark and blue tinted . It was a mystical storm of vibrant blue and deep blackness like the abyss and it's epicenter was above Carey .

[ I once had power . I once had it all. ] He said and Carey grabbed the soil with his fist .

( Shut up . I don't want to heart it . )

[ Are you tired from fighting ? Just give up . Give in to me. ]

( I won't . I have to be strong enough . )

[But you know you're not strong enough . Give up , you're not strong enough . ]

( I won't listen to your lies . Not again . ) Carey said crawling on the ground towards the fountain .

[My lies ? You lied and deceived me ! Now we're like this . Weak because of you. Trapped because of you . Helpless because of you !]

( We're toxic . We should not be here . This is something I didn't want . We should not be free . ) Carey said with bitter tears .

[ We should . We can and we will be free . You're too weak to fight for you're freedom . Protecting that weak human mortal . I understand you're love for Obsidian but you and him ? A mage and a mortal . That's sick . ]

( Don't talk about him like that . He's innocent . We killed so many that day . I killed so many . )

[The weak are meant to be crushed , destroyed and eradicated . They all deserved to die . We agree on that . ]

( I do ... I don't ... I-I ... stop it ! I hate you ! ) Carey grabbed his chest and twisted the chains on ' him ' and they both cringed as they were bent in two .

[ Stop or we'll die here . All this pain ,this torture won't stop me . Won't stop us . ]

( Get used to this ... we are Malachite . The demon mage of suffering and pain . Are we not ? ) Carey asked with a bitter smirk.

[ Those same words. Over a thousand years and you still know nothing ! ]

Carey raised his hand and watched in shock as the skin on his arms drifted away like snips of paper. Underneath it , green skin glowed a lovely shade of pasquale and he gritted his teeth as if in pain .

" No , no , no ... " Carey said as the storm clouds grew bigger and the blue tint changed slightly green .

" Carey ! "

The soul turned his head and looked at the garden entrance , where Henric stood panting with beads of sweat rolling from his head . When he saw him , his golden brown eyes changed to a blue tint like the ocean floor and he rose up from the ground .

[ You , pathetic human . ] He thought as he moved towards Henric .

The soil under the grass shifted as he moved his finger in a swirl . Carey's eyes narrowed as his energy , now a different shade of greenish blue floated into the soil as if getting ready . Henric , oblivious to this energy , ran up towards him .

Carey smirked and lifted a finger , and the soil responded instantly , a coiled spoke of dust rose up from the ground and aimed right at the boy's eye , about to pierce his brain.

Henric's eyes grew wide but he was too close to back away or dodge the attack . Just as he was about to be impaled , the spike dispersed into its original stare of dust . Henric fell back and landed on his bum , his eyes glued to Carey in fright , and his heart beating frantically.

" No. " Carey said , one eye closed and it was changing color from brown to green frantically as if the two colors were fighting each other in his eyes .

" Carey ... why did you ...? " Henric asked him with frightened eyes that broke the soul's heart .

" I am sorry ... please leave ... I am not safe to be around. " Carey said and his arm shot out as if to grab Henric but he grabbed it and held it back .

" What's going on ? What's the matter with you ? " Henric asked him .

" I am sorry Henric . But I can not . Forgive me . " Carey said and then he shut his eyes and lifted his arms .

Shackles rose from the water of the fountain and grabbed him , encircling him completely and the last thing Carey saw was Henric rushing to him with a look of fear and love on his face . Carey smiled as he was lifted up and plummeted into the water with a splash .

" No ! No ! Carey ? Carey !? " Henric yelled as he reached the fountain . He plunged his fingers into the water , searching frantically for his soulmate .

For what else could Henric call him ? The only being in his entire life besides Sister Cali who cared about his needs and wants as if they were his own . Someone who was there when he was alone and who would protect him from any danger he saw himself in .

Tears flowed down Henric's cheeks as he searched continuously but found nothing . Infact he was still searching when Sister Irene , Stuart and Link found him .


Rain hit the windows of the infirmary like tiny pebbles making the glass rattle and shake. Sister Irene looked out of the window and gave a deep breath out before turning around . She took a wet towel in a bowel of water , twisted the excess water out and smacked it onto Henric's head .

" Ow ! Sister why ? " Henric asked as he cringed in pain.

Sister Irene gave a huff and sat on a chair after giving Henric a deadly glare . She twisted her lips together before exhaling , trying , very hard , to control her temper .

" When Sister Cali said watch over you ,she should have been more explicit in her explanation . " Irene said shaking her head , " To think that not even two months after she has left and how many times have you been in this infirmary ? "

" I - " Henric opened his mouth to talk but Irene gave him a look that demanded silence .

" I thought I could handle it. Handle being a guardian , maybe even form a bond with you and become like a sister to you . " She said looking at him , " Apparently I was a fool . You injure yourself . You get yourself sick . Lay in this very room , bedridden and sweating like a fish , only to get up and leave with little valid explanation . "

" My friends and I were - "

" HENRIC ! " Irene shouted silencing him instantly , she pointed a finger at him , " I am not a fool . And I refuse to be treated like one . You can do that with the other Sisters , that I do not mind , God forgive me . But I , me , was told to watch over you . "

Sister Irene shook with the intensity of her feelings and got up from her chair to look out of the window again . Her heart felt heavy like lead covered with granite . Oh ,she thought , what I have done to deserve this ?

" I think if Sister Cali knew what happened , all of it , she'd die instantly. She'd drop dead at my feet and I'd have no one to blame but myself . " Sister Irene said taking a shaking breath ," It must honestly be amusing to you . Toying around like this ,might give you demonic satisfaction . "

" Sister , I have no demon . " Henric said quietly but it was enough to get Sister Irene to turn around in a flash .

" No demon ? No demon !? " She asked him indignantly , " You catch a fever , nearly drown yourself and claw at the bottom of a fountain like a madman . Now , here you are bedridden with a flu , telling me that you have no demon . I said do not make me a fool in your eyes because I am not one. Do you hear me , Henric ? "

" Yes , Sister . " Henric said with tears in his eyes , he pulled the blanket closer onto himself and tried not to sob.

Sister Irene looked at the pitiful boy in the sheets and shook her head before giving out a growl of frustration and looking away . Too old , she thought , I am too old for this . How did Sister Cali cope ? How did she manage ?

" I apologise Sister . Truly I apologise. " Henric said in sobs ( he didn't manage to hold them in ) " It was an accident. I was only trying to find ... I'm sorry . "

" Henric . " Sister Irene grabbed the back of her chair and moved it until it was next to him , " I am going to ask you one time , only one time. I promised Sister Cali to look after you but if you don't try to look after yourself then I can't help you . So I'll ask you once , what were you looking for ? And I want the truth or I will just treat you as any of the other children . "

Sister Irene gave Henric a hard stare daring him to lie to her and Henric felt a bit squeamish . He bit his bottom lip nervously unsure of what action to take . Telling Sister Irene would lead to alot of complications ... What if she told the nuns or ... the Reverend father ?

" I won't tell a soul . It will be just between us . I'm good at keeping secrets, believe me. " Irene said to him .

" I ... I want to ... but I'm afraid . " Henric confessed , " You might not like what you hear sister . "

" But I'll listen , so go on and say it . " Irene said exasperated .

" Alright . I'll tell you . " Henric swallowed and took a breath . Then he told her everything , from the moment Sister Cali gave him the mirror until the incident in the chapel . He held nothing back from her .

As he carried on , sister Irene got more and more paler but her face held firm as did her eyes . One should give her credit , hearing a teenage boy had fallen in love with a soul trapped in a cursed mirror would have sent many nuns running to the Reverend father but Sister Irene did not . She sat and listened to everything Henric said and when he finished, she reached out and placed her hands around his own , cupping them .

" He should die . The old man should die and God be merciful it will be before the sun goes down . " Irene said looking down and then she looked back at Henric , " I'll start from the top . I'm surprised that Sister Cali gave you ... something like that . Then there's the Reverend father , he should be punished for what he did to you . God he should be punished . I'm happy the ... person in the mirror saved you from him that night . But ... oh my God . My good Lord . "

Sister Irene got up and went to window , this was alot . She needed to see the outside world . The world she knew because her world was being dragged through something mystical and foreign .

She believed Henric , that was true , in the short time she'd been with him , she knew he did not often lie and when he did it was small things. ( Anyone willing to debate that ? ) But right now it was alot . A magic mirror , a ghost in the orphanage and that dead boy found in the pantry ... not to mention that the cook was a witch ! If any of the nuns found out , or God and Saints forbid the church found out about what was going on . The orphanage would be excommunicated and the orphans and nuns would be left homeless , penniless and Irene did not want to see that happen .

" Are you alright ? " Henric asked after a awhile . He had been looking at Sister Irene this whole time , fearing her next reaction . His heart was starting to regret saying anything.

" I am ... fine . " Sister Irene said slowly and then she returned to the seat , " Alright. I won't lie , this is quite the story - "

" You don't believe me ? " Henric asked but she shook her head .

" No , even if you started lying you'd never come up with such a long tale . Which means it's all true and i believe you . " Sister Irene said with a sigh , " But others might not , especially the sisters and the Reverend . They must never find out , we must make sure of that . As for the Reverend ... I will handle that myself . "

" How ... He is the Reverend father . " Henric said softly .

There was a reason that neither Henric nor Stuart did anything after hearing that the Reverend had assaulted Henric , even drugging him . The Pearl orphanage was the main money source for the town sheriff in Yellow Cove . The children found by the sheriff and police were taken by the orphanage that compensated them . This relationship was ancient .

But because the orphanage was the major source of money for the sheriff's office , there were often times when actions done by the nuns and Reverend father amongst children that did not get any attention or if they did , th investigations into them got nowhere . The sheriff didn't thoroughly investigate the nuns or Reverend father if they went to extremes when dealing with the children , infact the only thing that stopped the orphanage from being as harsh and as cruel as the hearts of many nuns there , was because of the press .

A few decades back , a story had leaked about the bad treatment of children in Pearl orphanage and , although the sheriff did a pretend investigation , the story went beyond Yellow Cove , gaining attention in other towns . When the church heard about this , the Pearl orphanage went under a new change , because they were threatened with ex-communcation .

Sister Irene could not report this , because if the Yellow Cove daily got the story , and if it went out of their town , the orphanage would be finished and all the children would be on the streets or taken away from a place they knew as home . But , Irene couldn't do nothing either , especially after hearing how close the Reverend had been from taking the young man infront of her .

" Don't worry , I'll handle it . You just focus on resting for now . " Irene said and then she remembered , " Oh , and I think you and that mirror person should have a talk . "

" I want to but Carey left ... the mirror !" Henric started to get off the bed but Irene gave him a hard slap on the cheek .

" I said rest . Not run about . As for that chat , I didn't mean now . " Irene said giving him a hard look , " You need to talk to yourself first and then to him . "

" Talk to myself ? " Henric asked her confused .

" Yes . I did it all the time as a little girl . Ask yourself things like what you like , who you like and what you want most in the world . Right now , you seem confused about whether you want God or that mirror person - "

" His name is Carey . " Henric said softly .

" - Carey , more . You need to figure out your priorities before you talk to him . Honestly from what you told me , you two seem like a burning flame of dry grass . So bright but can easily start a forest fire . "

" Meaning what Sister? " Henric asked her .

" Meaning , " Irene said , " I think Link was right . From what I saw today and from what you've said , I think that mirror person , Carey , is dangerous . "

" He won't hurt me . " Henric said instantly defending Carey . He didn't count the time in the garden because Carey hadn't technically hurt him .

" Ok . Then what about you ? "

" What about me ? " Henric asked .

" What if you hurt him and he doesn't forgive you ? What then ? " Irene asked and Henric thought back to the chapel .

The look in Carey's eyes appeared infront of him again . It was hurt , sadness and anger and Henric realised then that even if he found Carey , he might not be forgiven .


( Secret part of the story , very important )

" We are almost there ~ we are almost there ~ yes we are . " River sang next to Christan who was looking around them incase they had been followed .

The sky was grim and dark now , with a moon and stars to illuminate their path . River had appeared in Christan's room and said he wanted to show him something from his past . On the night when Christan had suggested the game , River had agreed but then he'd disappeared straight after , leaving the wheat haired boy in the garden alone . Christan had waited but he never came back so he had left , feeling low . So it was with a burning glare that he first denied the ghost his request and said he wanted to sleep .

River had gone down on his knees , literally , and begged his forgiveness . Christan had had no choice but to accept and let the ghost lead him into the night . They had left the orphanage grounds and were in the woods near where they chopped wood .

The trees had few leaves , which meant that they didn't move in total darkness as the moonlight illuminated their path. Christan felt the cold , despite his coat and shivered . River looked at him and smiled sadly , he forgot how it was like to be cold .

" Stop looking at me and say where we should turn . There's two paths ahead . " Christan said with a frown even though his cheeks were red from the look River gave him .

" Alright . This way . " River said taking a left turn and Christan followed .

" River ? "

" Yes , Wheat ? " River asked him .

River had started calling him ' Wheat ' after he came back . Christan had felt insulted at first but after hearing that River thought that he ' was like tasty looking wheat bread . I just want to taste it once .' he had ( ahem ) begrudgingly agreed to the nickname .

" Are going to tell me where we are going ? " He asked the phantom .

" When we get there . " River said simply and Christan sighed .

After a few minutes of silence , Christan broke it .

" Why did you stop ? " He asked .

" Stop what ? " River asked .

" You stopped singing . "

" Because , we are near the quiet place . " River said and his eyes grew a bit distant , and if he had been alive he would have tripped on something but he fazed through it all .

" The quiet place ? " Christan asked him .

" This was where I would meet Luis . We would spend an hour together every fortnight . But we had to be quiet so no one would hear us . That's why it is called the quiet place . "

" Oh ... okay . " Christan said softly , he swallowed visibly and looked to the ground . This was the third time that River talked about Luis Lechont, the first Reverend father of Pearl orphanage and it would not be inaccurate that Christan was starting to envy the dead man . But other than envy he felt anger , that River was still waiting for him even though he -

" We are here ! " River shouted and then he covered his mouth remembering that this was the quiet place .

Christan looked up and was surprised to see that they were at his tree . The hollow one in the woods that he had taken Henric to see . It was a dry and old tree that had been there for who knew how long .

" What are we doing here ? " Christan asked him , " What's in this place ? "

" This place , " River said as he looked at the base of the tree , " Is where I'm buried . "

" What !? " Christan screeched .

" This is my grave . "


Henric looked at the mirror in his hands and took a deep breath .

He sat cross legged on his bed , his body almost naked except for a trouser . He had come back into the room after leaving Sister Irene with the other children , promising to rest . The day had been called to be a day of self reflection by the Reverend father and all classes were cancelled .

This meant the children were free to do as they pleased , most of them just loitered around or went into chapel to pray . Henric spent the day in his room , contemplating a d thinking about what Sister Irene said .

After nearly an hour of thinking he went out to look for Stuart and Link , finding them in the kitchen with some children helping with the cooking even though they had recieved a day off . When they saw him , Stuart instantly ran up to him and gave him a hug .

" I thought you were going to be placed into a home . I was so afraid . " Stuart said softly next to Henric's ear and Henric knew he was crying . He patted Stuart's back whilst looking at Link who gave him a half smile to show his relief .

" Are you okay ? What did sister Irene say ? What happened ? " Stuart asked him .

" It's okay . I'm fine . I just got upset after ... what happened. " Henric said to them .

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset . We both didn't. If I'd known you'd be so angry I'd have kept quiet. I'm truly sorry ." Stuart said but Henric just smiled and shook his head .

" No , it's fine . You were just worried about me. I'm grateful for such a good friend like you . " He said and Stuart gave him a funny look .

" Why ... does it sound like you're leaving ? " Stuart asked, " Are you really going to a home ? "

" No, I'm not . I just want to tell you I'm grateful you're friend . Both of you . " He said looking at Link .

" I'm only friends with you because Stuart is . " Link said folding his arms .

" Oh shut it . But Henric ... What are you going to do ? " Stuart said .

" I'm going to talk to Carey and then free him . " Henric said simply and the other two looked at him like had gone insane .

" But the chapel - "

" After what he did - "

" I don't care about that . I know he's dangerous and I know you won't approve of him but believe me when I say this ; I love him . I don't know him , I don't fully know his past but I love him . " Henric said silencing both of the boys .

" Wait , what did you say ? You ... you love a boy !? " Another boy who had overhearing shouted and Stuart and Link winced , remembering where they were .

" You daft fool , that's not what he said . " Link told the boy who was short and chubby looking .

" No , no , I heard him. I hear what he said . " The boy said pointing at Henric and few of the boys in the kitchen turned to them , " He said he liked , no , he said ' loved ' him . A him . A man ! "

" He meant brotherly love . Not romantic love . " Stuart said coming to Henric's defence , " He was talking about one of our brothers . "

" Really ? " The chubby boy said starting to buy it .

" No , I wasn't . " Henric said and the three boys , aswell as those behind looked at him , " I meant what i said . I love him . I am in love with a boy . "

" Jesus !! " The chubby boy screamed and then boys came over to them but before a full riot could come start , a loud voice spoke up .

" All of you , back to your places this instant . I ain't cooking in a room full of parrots now get back ! "

Everyone turned to where the voice came from . Serena stood rigid with an angry scowl on her face , she had a long sleeved light blue dress on , that reached her ankles and brown boots for men . Her hair was tied in a pony tail and she held a knife in her right hand , both of her hands were gloved .

" But he said that - " the chubby kid opened his mouth but Serena threw the knife in her hand and it struck the wall between the chubby kid and Henric , before landing on the floor with a clang .

" I don't care what he said. I am saying get back to cooking . This damned place isn't going to become enchanted and have food magically appear . " Serena said storming into the place and the boys scattered back to their places , forgetting that they could leave since it was an off day .

Serena approached the trio who stood by themselves and pointed at Henric to come with her . Stuart felt uneasy about this because he now knew what Serena really was .

" Don't worry, I'll be back . " Henric said as he followed Serena out of the kitchen , with all eyes on them .

" Oh my stars , that was something . You , you boy , are a wonder . " Serena said when they got somewhere private , a lone corridor in the West wing that was rarely used because it led to dead end .

" How so , Serena ? " Henric asked her and when he said her name she nearly clapped her hands .

" You just said my name and I just saw and heard you confess feelings for a boy . What happened to you ? Where's the scared runt I met , the goody god boy ? Is it that mirror of yours ? Has the soul possessed you ? "

" You know about the mirror and ... Carey ? "

" I'm a witch . You think I wouldn't notice all the strange beings here ? " Serena asked him sounding offended .

" I'm sorry for not telling you . " Henric said and Serena smiled .

" Still a bit of goodness in there i see . " Serena said , " But you need not worry , you owed me nothing . If you have a soul slave it is not my business . "

" He is not my slave ... He is my lover . " Henric said and Serena smiled widely .

" Have you told Sister Irene this ? Or anybody else ? " She would love to see their faces , especially that Sister Becca . Oh , her face would be the best if she heard this .

" No , and I'm not planning to . I already said it in the kitchen . They will soon hear about it and I will be called to answer for my actions. " He said with a sigh , " But it's alright. I'm alright . Only one thing matters to me now . "

" What ? Please do not say the Trinity god or I will walk and let you be . " Serena said .

" He is important but I meant the most important thing to me . " He said and told her .

" That is ... strange . But alright . I'll leave you to - "

" Actually, Serena I have something else to discuss with you . I was going to look for you because I need your help . " Henric said to her .

" With what ? " She asked him .

" Carey , the soul trapped in the mirror has not come back and won't let me in to the mirror , no matter how many times I asked - "

" You went inside that thing ? " Serena cut him off , " Do you know it's a prison for souls ? What If you got trapped too ? "

" I ... did not think about that . Besides , Carey could take me in and take me out . "

" He must be awfully powerful then . But what do you want from me ? " Serena asked him .

" I need help ... magical help to help me . Please . " He asked her .

" Magic is not a game . " Serena said gravely , " You may have a magical item and interest but you are no magician . "

" I don't wish to learn magic . I just want help from the only thing that can help me ." Henric said and Serena twiddled her hands .

" Are you sure ? My magic is not very pleasant as of now . You might regret it . " She said in warning but the man was adamant .

" As long as I get to Carey I'll pay any price and do anything . " He said resolutely but Serena chuckled mirthlessly .

" You say that now . " She said with a bitter smile , " Alright . Come with me and don't say you were not warned . "

" What about the kitchen ? " He asked and Serena gave a shrug .

" What of it ? It's an off day and I don't know what those boys are doing in there . " Serena said as they walked away .

Little did Henric know he was going to regret his decision for a longtime .


" Sister wait , it was a misunderstanding I swear. The other boy heard incorrectly . " Stuart said but Sister Becca just scowled harder and moved faster .

She had been in a meeting with the Reverend father when a chunky fat blob of a boy had come in without knocking. She had raised her hand at him ready to serve punishment until she heard what came out if his mouth .

Sister Becca cringed again as she thought of it . Out of all the most disgusting things these children could do they had to choose that vile and repulsive act ? Boy and boy love , it was disgusting to even think of ! The Reverend had been horrified and told her to bring Henric to him .

She had happily agreed , eager to remove that thing from their orphanage. It couldn't even be called human anymore . To have a man love another man as if they were filthy animals . Horrid !

Stuart followed next to her trying to persuade her to stop but knowing he couldn't . Sister Becca had called him over from the kitchen and asked him to take her to Henric , Link had stayed behind . But both boys were afraid , for themselves and Henric . If news spread of boys in love , then there might be a search and if they were caught -

" Sister Becca , please . " Stuart said breathlessly , the nun could move fast despite her age or maybe she was just filled with righteous rage giving her power .

Finally they turned a corner and reached Henric's room and Stuart decided to do something drastic , he jumped infront of her and blocked her path . His face was red from moving so fast , his eyes were determined and he was biting his lip to stop from backing down .

Sister Becca stopped and looked at him as if he was a fly , she raised her hand and placed it on his shoulder gently , confusing Stuart . Then she grabbed his arm and yanked him aside , almost dislocating his shoulder . Instantly she was infront of the door , trying to open it but it was locked .

" You , boy ! Open this door ! Vile things have been done under the roof of this holy place and you will pay for destroying the purity of our congregation ! " She said banging the door " You disgusting creature ! No wonder that shameful woman looked after you ! She knew your secret ! Open this door and face your punishment! You'll join her on the streets ! And then in HELL !!! "

Sister Becca breathed deeply expecting the door to open but it didn't . She gritted her teeth in rage and then reached into her undergarments shocking the blonde boy who was behind her .

Oh my goodness ! Stuart thought as he saw the horrors under her clothes . He turned away and gagged . The horror , the horror , he thought .

Sister was oblivious to this or she didn't care , but she pulled out a set of keys , that every nun had under their clothing for emergencies . The keys opened everyroom in the orphanage and each nun had to know which was which but it wasn't that hard , there were only seven keys . Since all the locks on the children's rooms and classes had one key , that left little else to unlock .

Sister Becca unlocked the door just as Stuart turned around and aimed to stop her again but he didn't need to . The nun took one look inside the room and fainted on the spot , one moment she was standing by the door and the next , she fell like a tree . A fat old tree but still a tree .

" Huh ? " Stuart looked at the fallen nun confused and then he looked into Henric's room . What he saw made him want to faint aswell .



I'm losing the reason I should finish this novel after it was rejected and with its little popularity . Should I quit ? I ask all of you whether you want something else to read .

(╥﹏╥) Author in sorrow awaits reply

Nixel_Lazuli Nixel_Lazuli

I know I said two segments but this thing is long , and a third party doesn't hurt .

Also sorry for the delay , but I just realised this book is not getting contracted so I fell into the dumps . if anyone has any tips on getting a book contracted please share with me . On Instagram - nikielwvater

Anyway , in a few days it will be a four chapter release day . Why you ask ? Because I love my readers and even if this book isn't contracted they deserve to know how the story ends .

Thank you for still reading . It means alot


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