13.92% Fate/Juggernaut / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 (Rewrite)

章節 11: Chapter 11 (Rewrite)


It took him half a day to ride to where he wanted to go. He had been told stories since he was little about the fabled lake he was now looking at.

His mother had come here when she was younger, and so had Lancelot.

Dozmary Pool lay just to the south of Grasso's territory, and to the west of where the Warlord was.

He wasn't all that concerned, as once Lancelot had told Artoria what happened, he knew she would immediately ride to the city of Tyddewi, where Anthrax and Noel had said she was staying to kill the Warlord herself.

Though, Lancelot was marching with an army that didn't have horses, so it would take another day to get to Camelot's capital.

It was now nighttime, and cool mist covered the land for as far as the eye could see.

It was close to midnight as the black water came into view. However, the closer he got to it, the more it began to change. The water seemed to glow as a figure rose from the center of the lake, shrouded in mist due to the cold air.

As the figure approached him, Godrick dismounted his horse and left it to walk to the lakes edge.

Now that he was closer, the water began to have small lights and swirls in it, giving it an ethereal deep blue glow.

As the figure came closer, Godrick noticed that the light was coming from it. Wherever the figure stepped on the water's surface, the swirls of light spread out from where its feet were.

He could see the figure now, as the light had spread through the lake, giving it a deep blue glow. The figure was a tall woman, standing a head shorter than Godrick. She was fair skinned and had long platinum hair that ran down her back and shoulders and wore a white loose dress that was soaking wet, which made it cling to her body.

She had a faint smile on her face, but her eyes were red as if she had been crying. Godrick didn't know if it was tears that ran down her face or just the water from her hair.

He walked down the rocky path to make it to the water's edge, and there he knelt to feel the water. It was a cool temperature, but not too cold as to cause discomfort.

As he stood, the woman whom he assumed to be the lady of the lake finally spoke to him.

"Hello, Aigeus." She said, making Godrick tilt his head in confusion.

The woman seemed to understand, and a sad smile came to her face as more tears began to fall from her eyes.

"My how you've grown over the years." She continued as Godrick noticed her slight trembling.

"I know you must have many questions, but we will get to them in a moment, first, drink." She said as she gestured to the water.

Confused, he knelt down once again and dipped a cupped hand into the water. He brought it to his lips and drank, only to feel a burning in his throat. It was only a small discomfort that passed quickly, and with it the confusion that he held.

"Speak." She commanded.

He opened his mouth, but only a whisper came forth. Trying again, he finally spoke.


Was the only word that came from him. He hadn't been able to speak for many years, and his voice was scratchy and rasping.

"Magic dear child." Was his answer.

"My magic. While you are here in my domain, you may speak freely, but once you leave, the magic will disappear from you." The lady of the lake answered him.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Vivian." She answered simply.

"You called me Aigeus. Why?" He asked curiously.

Vivian hesitated for only a split moment before answering.

"I must have been mistaken. For now we must speak. It is good that you have come here." She said.

"Artoria must not fight the Warlord, or she will die." She said, a somber tone taking over her voice.

His eyes widened as he stepped forward into the water as his own voice took on a concerned tone.

"What do you mean? My mother is the best swordsman in all the land, not even my sister and I can best her together!" He said with a hint of anger.

She seemed hurt at his words, but not for the reason he thought of.

"Simply because she is not ready to face her. If she does, she will die. She does not have the strength to do so at this moment." Vivian answered.

"How do you know that? He asked.

"It's been prophesied that she must not face the Warlord in this coming battle. If she does, she will die." She responded with certainty.

He stopped to think for a moment. If his mother wasn't able to beat the Warlord, then who could?

"Who prophesied this?" Godrick asked.

"Merlin himself." Vivian answered.

This made Godrick think for a moment and ask his next question.

"Where is my sister? If she is with me, we might be able to kill the Warlord in the coming battle." He asked.

"She has been locked away in the north, and her sword has been taken from her. But she is alright. There are a couple of small injuries, but nothing too bad yet." She said.

"Yet?" He asked in his deep voice, which had finally returned to normal.

"Yes, yet. If the Warlord lives through the next battle, she will kill both Artoria and Mordred." She said with a shaking voice, which didn't go unnoticed by Godrick, but he chose to ignore it for the moment.

"So the Warlord must die in the coming battle. Who can kill her?" He asked.

Vivian looked at him for a while before he finally understood his purpose in this coming war.

"I am to kill her." He stated.

"Yes." Vivian answered in a whisper, her voice trembling more than ever.

"But, I've fought her before. I lost miserably. How am I to beat her this time?" He asked, desperation in his voice.

She simply pointed to the water.

"The power you seek, is deep within the water." She answered.

Godrick looked past her to the depths of the black water before looking at the water's surface itself.

"This water, how can it heal me?" He asked

"It's only temporary. Once you leave this place, you will not be able to speak again. The water itself is magical, able to draw out the dormant potential in an individual like Artoria and Lancelot. It will do the same with you." She answered.

"In order to defeat the Warlord, you need a weapon that can match your sister's blade." She said as she walked closer to the shoreline.

"In the lake, you will find it, and you will find the strength to carry you along your path." She said.

"Have faith, dear Godrick." She said to him, using his name now, which seemed to pain her a bit.

Godrick understood what needed to happen and began to undress.

He stripped down until he was naked and began to enter the water. It was colder than before, but not so bad.

Vivian watched him enter, and when she saw the scar that covered his body, tears sprang to her eyes once more. She could only look away when she saw the lash scars and brand on his back, and once he had submerged himself in the water, her mask finally broke.

She began to weep as she thought about the pains he had gone through, the hardships he had suffered to be here this day.

Her son. Her dear Aigeus knew nothing of the life he was supposed to live with her. His real mother.

He was meant to be the protector of the fairies, but Merlin had ripped him from her, and had molded him into a weapon for humanity.

He had come back and suffered her wrath, but had talked about a prophecy of a tall Knight, wielding a double handed sword bringing back peace to the land of Camelot.

Merlin had declared that it was their own son that would do this. But knowing Merlin, she felt that something was off.

Little did she know, the prophecy he had told her was only half true.

Godrick was indeed part of it, but he served a much more complicated role.

As Godrick entered the cool water, he felt relaxed. The healing properties of the water soothed his body, and as he submerged himself deeper, he felt himself grow stronger.

The light began to gather around him as he walked deeper into the lake, allowing him to see in the depths. He also didn't feel the need to breathe.

He could see a faint object farther in the depths, and as he walked closer to it, he finally saw what it was. A sword buried in a stone.

As Godrick was in the depths of the lake, Vivian took this moment to call over his horse.

It came and drank from the water, rejuvenating itself in preparation for the journey to Tyddewi.

The water strengthened it and gave it more stamina, allowing it to grow to its limits.

She looked to Godricks armor and cast a spell that would change it to fit a man much larger than him. Once the spell was done, she looked in the depths to see his progress.

The sword in the stone was a large two-handed great sword. The golden pommel held a blue stone almost matching the stone gems in Godricks armor.

The hilt was blue with golden accents, leading to a golden cross guard with blue accents. The blade was a fine silver color with a gold vein running down the center. Runes ran down the length of it and slowly started to glow as he approached.

He grabbed onto the blade, and as he did, he began to feel his new found strength leave him. He felt his body go weak, and his will began to wane as he struggled to keep hold of the blade. He clamped down on the feelings of weakness and reinforced his will onto the blade.

It finally relented as he won the battle of wills, and it allowed him to pull it away from the stone.

Vivian watched as Godrick walked from the water with his prize. The sword Caliburn had been reforged as a large two-handed great sword.

Originally forged for the king of Camelot, it was broken and given back to the lake. Now, it will serve a different purpose in its second life.

As he emerged from the water, it was evident he had changed. He was much larger than before.

The water cascaded from him to reveal his large muscular form, which was more defined than when he had entered.

His arms were thicker, chest and shoulders more broad, sharper features. He now also stood at eight feet, towering over Vivian.

"What happened to me?" He asked as he looked his body over.

"The magic of the world has granted you limitless potential to grow. You may fight the Warlord on equal footing now." She said, approaching him.

She reached out and touched the sword. "You have bonded with the sword Caliburn for a short time. When it has fulfilled its purpose, it will return here, to be laid to rest. You have been granted the ability to call forth its magic only once, so use it wisely. You may call forth its magic by saying its name." She said

"But once I leave here, I won't be able to speak anymore." He stated.

"Yes… do you have anything you can take some of this water with you?" She asked him.

He buried the blade of Caliburn into the ground beneath him and walked to his horse. It was much bigger than before, but he didn't give it any thought. He pulled his water skin from his horse and dumped it out. Returning to Vivian, he knelt down and filled it again.

"Remember Godrick. This water will lose its magical potency and will become dull over time." She said

Godrick understood and thanked her for everything.

"I'll return when I've killed the Warlord! Thank you for everything you've given me!" He said as he dressed himself.

Before he left, Vivian told him to kneel before her. She took the sword Caliburn and, holding the hilt, touched his right shoulder before touching his left shoulder with the blade.

She looked deeply into his eyes as tears came to hers. She then drew him into her bosom and started to weep before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Confused, he stood and thanked her again.

As he mounted his horse, she called out to him one final time.

"Godrick!" She yelled at him.

"One Queen must die so that one may live!" She stated.

"What do you mean?" He shouted back, but she would speak no more.

Feeling as if he had more questions then when he came, he departed. Going back to war.

As Godrick rode away, she finally broke down. Falling to the water's surface, she sat as if it were solid and wept.

Soon, a figure appeared from the night and walked over to her.

"Why did you take him from me?" She wept, her voice breaking.

Merlin looked down and gently touched her shoulder, which she recoiled at.

"The world needs him, we can't lose Artoria, and he is the only one that will be able to kill the Warlord." He said, lying to her. In reality, Godricks new found power wouldn't be enough to kill the Warlord and he knew it.

"Artoria doesn't have the strength of character to kill her. If she were to find out who the Warlord was in the middle of a fight with her, she would be killed." He explained.

"But you ripped him from me when he was born and sold him into slavery, just so he could be found and raised by that bitch Artoria! He is MY son, not hers!" She shouted at him, the surrounding area beginning to vibrate at her anger, a testament to her power.

"All because of your damned "Greater Good"!" She shrieked.

The area was now overshadowed by dark clouds, lightning streaking through the sky.

"You return to that damn tower of yours, and stay there. Because if I ever see you again I'll kill you in the most gruesome ways possible!" She screamed.

Merlin was somber, and bowed his head in submission before turning and walking away.

Vivian let him go, though she was overcome by so much grief that she could do nothing but hold her head in her hands and weep.

The only silver lining, what that her son would soon come back to her, and she would then tell him everything.



It took Godrick another day to ride to the city of Tyddewi, a simple city west of Camelot.

It was a smaller town, built around a small keep that guards would have been stationed at had it not been for the war.

This was a small town, and in all honesty, it mattered little in the grand scheme of things, and the reality was that they couldn't spare actual soldiers to guard such a town so out of the way.

Godrick rode his horse into the town, seeing people shuffling out of his way in fear.

He stopped his horse about halfway into the city and dismounted, pulling Caliburn and his halberd from the beast before he slapped it's rear, sending it back the way they came.

Turning back towards the guard house, for that's what it really was, he slowly walked towards it.

He held his halberd on his shoulder while Caliburn was strapped to his waist.

People ran from him, while others knelt to him, asking him to not destroy their homes in his fight, for they assumed that was the only reason he was here.

To fight the other Knight they had seen inside the guard house.

The sun was beginning to set in the west, casting the sky into a soft orange color.

The sun was warm on his armor, but it didn't cause any discomfort at all.

Walking towards the backside of the guard house, he heard a faint scratching noise coming from behind the wall, and walked to see what it was.

There, he found a woman running a whetstone down a silver and red blade which he instantly recognized as Clarent, the blade his sister had stolen. She sat on a stool next to a larger stone in the grass, bathing in the sun's warm rays, and feeling the cool sea breeze on her skin.

The woman wore black armor, though her head was uncovered revealing her white hair that had three long braids. The thickest one ran down her back, while the other two came to either side of her face.

She stopped mid stroke as she barely turned her head towards Godrick before resuming her task.

"I'm surprised you're not dead. I guess your sister was right about you being able to come back from death's door. But like I told you then. It won't be enough today." She said, the scraping continuing.

Godrick made no moves, seeing his most hated enemy with his own eyes, and yet… he could do nothing.

She turned to look at him, revealing an older face, with many scars on it, though she looked almost identical to Artoria and Morgan.

"Hello Godrick. It's nice to finally meet you." Igraine Pendragon, wife of Uther, and mother of Artoria and Morgan said.

Godrick looked down at her in disbelief, reaching up and removing his helmet.

She then turned back and continued sharpening her sword, which didn't make sense as it would never need it.

Seeming to understand his unanswered question, she gave him a straightforward answer.

"It's the ritual I do before battle. It helps calm my mind." She said before breathing deeply the sea air.

"We might be the worst of enemies, but I wish to sit a while, and watch the sea for a while longer. And I wish for you to join me. After all, this will be the last time you see a sunset as beautiful as this." She said.

Her words didn't frighten him in the least, but he had to admit, if this was his last day in life, it would be one hell of a last sight.

He walked over to the stone and sat before looking out to the ocean.

He reached down and took his water pouch that he had filled at Dozmary Pool and took a long drink of it before placing it down on the ground.

He felt the familiar burning in his throat and planted his halberd in the ground next to him before pulling Caliburn from his waist.

"I have hated you since I could remember." his deep voice said, shocking Igraine.

She looked over to him in disbelief before he continued.

"I'm glad today I get to wipe your filthy soul off the face of the earth." He said with a smile as he reached over and took the whetstone from her hand, running it down Caliburn's length.

He had to admit, it was calming.

She just glared at him before he began to laugh, standing up and tossing the whetstone away.

"That's enough pretend. I'm going to kill you now." He said putting his helmet back on his face.

She seemed to agree with his first statement, standing and walking back to the guard house where she took her helmet, and placed it atop her head.

"You know, after I'm finished with you, I'm going to kill Artoria, and then your sister." She said, holding Clarent low.

He just looked at her with apathetic eyes before he asked one final question.

"Where is she? Where's my sister?" He asked.

Igraine seemed surprised, but she in turn surprised Godrick with a straightforward answer.

"Din Eidyn (The city now known as Edinburgh). A fortress to the north." She said simply.

He nodded once, and walked forward.

He simply held Caliburn's hilt in both hands before bringing it up to the right side of his chest, it's point towards the sky.

Swinging his sword downward, he met Igraine's counter swing, knocking her sword to the side before he brought his sword back, trying to cleave her head from her shoulders.

She backstepped, dodging the swing, only to quickly parry another strike from her assailant. Godrick brought Caliburn low, trying to sever her feet, but she jumped over the attack.

He then spun and brought Caliburn back around in a downward cleave, only for Igraine to roll away from him. He buried Caliburn into the stone beneath him where Igraine was standing a moment before. Ripping Caliburn from the ground, he held it in his right hand lazily.

"I assume Noel and Anthrax are dead. An acceptable loss, though it will take me time to find replacements. But after I kill you and Artoria, it should be easy to cull the rest of the population." She said with a sneer to which he only smiled, though she couldn't see it from under his helmet.

"Anthrax and Noel are fine. They switched sides." He said, seeing her freeze for a moment.

They were circling one another, waiting for the other to make a move.

"That's what happens when you rule with fear. You're only half the woman your daughters are." He said.

As if she didn't hear him, she charged. She swung at him, but he backstepped. Stepping back into range, he brought Caliburn downwards, trying to cleave her in two, but she met his blade with her own. She then twisted to her left, getting behind Godrick and delivered a downward slash of her own, cutting deeply into Godricks right side, drawing the battles first blood, but he made no sounds as they continued to trade blows with one another.

After a while, they disengage, circling each other once more as Godrick waited for his natural healing to begin to stitch his skin back together, but to his shock, nothing happened. He still continued to bleed.

He looked down at his right side as he lifted his arm, getting a clearer look at the wound.

"You like it? I was able to place the same rune on this blade as my own, though it'll run out sooner than later. But now i really only need it for you." She said behind her helmet. Godrick could almost hear the sneer as she spoke, which only angered him.

Igraine took the opportunity to attack, hoping to catch Godrick off guard as she leapt into the air and brought Clarent down on Caliburn.

The swords met, and sparks were ignited, as each of them tried to dominate the other for control. Godrick was surprised that Igrane could keep up with his strength.

She wasn't stronger than him by any means, but her skill with the sword more than made up for it. Lashing out with his left leg, Godrick kicked at Igraine's right leg, able to clip it and send her to one knee.

Using this opportunity, Godrick pressed down on Igraine, trying to get her to buckle. She let Clarent go slack to her right, causing Caliburn and Godrick to stumble to his left.

Using this momentary opening, Igraine slid Clarent off Caliburn and slashed at Godricks right side, as he stumbled past her.

Ignoring the pain on his right side, Godrick spun to his left, bringing Caliburn around, slamming it into Igraine's guard, causing her to fly back ten or so feet. She was able to catch herself and landed with no problem.

"You continue to surprise me. I didn't think this fight would last as long as it has. You've definitely lasted longer than Artoria would have. I would have used the moment of shock when she learned of my identity to kill her." Igraine said, revealing how she had planned to kill Artoria.

"Then again, maybe I could have toyed with her for a little, as she struggled to come to terms with my identity." She continued.

"No matter now. Like you, she will die." She finished as she brought Clarent into a ready guard stance and waited for Godrick to do the same, which he did.

They clashed swords once more in a fury, trying to push each other off balance. Godrick got the upper hand as he forced his sword down, breaking their engagement. He then Spartan kicked Igraine in the chest, sending her flying through the air before she smashed into a nearby tree, breaking it.

She suddenly rolled back to her feet, and lunged at him. He was ready, and sidestepped the stab and bring his sword down on Clarent with all his strength.

To his surprise, she didn't let the blade go, but held onto it tightly.

Letting his anger take over for a split moment, he shoulder checked her straight into the ground before using all his strength to stomp on the ground where she was.

She was able to roll out of the way, but his great strength shattered the ground and sent giant rocks into the air.

Using all his strength, he swept Caliburn to the left with enough force to push the debris and rocks towards the direction he swung his sword.

Igraine was hit with a rock that was her same size, causing her to hit the ground.

Godrick pressed his advantage and ran at her, right hand on the hilt as his left hand grabbed the sword by the ricasso of the blade where it was duller to be able to grip.

He drove it down into the ground, trying to impale Igraine, but missed as she rolled away.

As she did, she dragged Clarent up the length of Caliburn, cutting off all four of Godricks finger at the first knuckle. Recoiling in pain, Godrick pulled his left hand back, but the loss of his fingers didn't stop him from ripping Caliburn from the ground and continuing the fight.

He charged, knocking her blade to the side, only to be met with it from the other. He could tell that if the battle continued, he would lose.

Her skill with a blade more than matched his strength, so he came up with a way that would guarantee an opening. He waited for her to stab at him, and when she did, he placed his open left palm in the way.

Letting her impale it, he dragged the sword to one side. As he did, he swung Caliburn down with his right hand, expecting a clean blow.

What he did not expect, however, was that Igraine had simply cut through one side of his impaled hand. She had pierced through his hand and had then forced it downward through his palm, leaving half of his palm dangling by some skin still connected near his forefinger.

She then simply twisted to her left to avoid his downward slash, to deliver one of her own to his exposed right shoulder and side.

Damn it!" He said through gritted teeth, looking at his left hand.

It had all happened so fast, but now he could feel himself starting to lose control of his anger.

He knew the moment he did that, she would win, as he knew she had no problem dealing with him in a rage.

Dragging Caliburn from the ground once more, he wildly swung it backhanded at her, only to miss as she backstabbed. She then stepped back into range and stabbed her sword deep into his left shoulder, ramming him into one of the nearby rocks that had been pulled from the earth, piercing through flesh and stone as she did so.

She tried to then pull Clarent from him, but he reached up with his mangled left hand and gripped the blade, pulling it back into himself, trying to force her closer.

He then swung at her, forcing her to release Clarent as she did and back away.

This gave him a split moment to bury the tip of Caliburn into the ground and, with his right hand, and rip Clarent from him.

He discarded the weapon to pick Caliburn back up and ran at Igraine. He reached her and, with his mangle left hand, grabbed her by the hair as she tried to dodge him.

He had overestimated how fast he would get to her and, as a result, couldn't effectively swing his massive sword.

So, instead, he decided to bring the pommel down into her face, crumpling her helmet, breaking her nose and other bones from what he could hear.

She pulled a knife from somewhere and cut her long braid, releasing her from Godricks grip.

This allowed her to roll backward and grab Clarent, bringing it up to take the rest of Godricks left hand.

She then stabbed at his face, trying to end the fight, but he was able to turn to his right fast enough not to die, but not fast enough for her to cut cleanly through his helmet and left check.

Watching him recoil from the pain, she smiled. It was a gruesome sight thanks to her broken and bloody nose.

"Now, if you let me cut your right cheek, you'll have a permanent smile!" She laughed as she raised her arms in delight.

He was breathing heavily and knew that if he didn't come up with a plan, she would win.

He felt weak from the loss of blood, something he had never felt before as his natural healing ability was more than enough to keep up with any fight he had been in.

But now she could bleed him dry with her sword, and he didn't know what to do.

Godrick knew he wouldn't win if this kept up. He looked down at his wrist, which was still dripping blood. It hurt, but not as bad as he thought.

"You know, I don't think I've had this much fun since I strapped you to that log and whipped you when you were what? Three, maybe four years old?" She said laughing, trying to provoke him into doing something stupid.

Looking at her crumpled helmet, he decided to use his trump card in the hope that he could finish her in one blow. He raised Caliburn into the air and, with a commanding tone called forth his sword's power.


Suddenly, a blinding golden light shot from his blade, creating a vortex of golden energy. It climbed high into the sky as it ripped through the clouds above them.

Igrain looked up at the golden vortex in utter shock before she suddenly moved. In that moment, Godrick brought his blade down on her, bathing the world in golden light.

The landscape was completely destroyed, throwing rock into the air as trees and streams evaporated.

The mountains behind where he thought Igraine was were obliterated, turning them into molten stone that began to slowly stream towards the base.

Feeling something wasn't right, Godrick suddenly saw a blood red light to his left, and as he slowly turned he saw Igraine slide from the dust as Caliburn slowly died down.

Clarent had red lightning crackling around it before he heard her speak.

"Clarent Blood Arthur!"

With those words, unimaginable power poured from her blade, straight into Godricks chest.

Unthinkable pain bloomed from his torso as the crimson beam hit him full force.


Godrick regained his vision and his awareness, as he looked about him.

He felt nothing but pain, but his immediate thought was of the massive stone atop of him leaving him pinned.

He tried to push it off of himself when he saw Igraine appear over the stone like a hyena, laughing as she looked down on him. She was missing her helmet, as well as an eye due to the explosion of Caliburn. She hadn't been hit by its destructive beam, but the resulting damage from the area had apparently hurt her.

Blood and dust mixed with her crazed feral grin made her look like something from a nightmare. He threw the stone from him with his stump and right hand effortlessly, making Igraine fall to the ground in front of him as he stood.

He looked around for Caliburn, but it was nowhere to be seen at the moment. What he did find, however, was his halberd. Igraine had gotten to her feet and began to run at Godrick with crazed laughter escaping her lips.

Godrick was able to grab his halberd and lift it into the air, just as Igraine lept at him.

She brought Clarent down and cut cleanly through the weapon.

She tried to continue cutting through him, but he sidestepped and used his left stump to hit Igraine in the face.

She flew back from the strike, which allowed Godrick to throw the remaining half of his halberd at her. It was a lucky shot as it buried itself in her stomach.

She ripped it from herself and dropped it in the rubble at her feet, and leapt at Godrick once more.

Godrick had found Caliburn laying among the rubble, but by the time he had gripped it, Igraine was already on him.

He raised his stump to protect him as he fell backward onto the rubble, but she cut cleanly through it and his shoulder as she buried Clarent deeply into his left shoulder.

She then ripped the sword from him and then drove it straight into his unarmored chest, pinning it into a rock behind him.

She got close to him, staring into his eyes with her own that had gone insane.

She grinned as she saw his grimace of pain and felt his right hand that had let go of Caliburn come up and grip Clarents blade, cutting his fingers as he tried to pull it from his chest.

She didn't let it go anywhere as she felt his strength waning. They stayed like this for some moments before she finally let the sword go, leaving it in him as she stepped backward laughing to the sky.

He tried to pull the sword from him, but he just couldn't.

He felt so tired. So weak. So useless. He had tried to save Artoria from the Warlord, but now, seeing her in front of him, he knew he couldn't give up.

He knew Artoria would falter if she was forced to fight her own mother.

"No." He said to himself, using his anger and hate to give himself strength as he looked at the woman who had tortured him and hundreds more.

He wouldn't fail his mother again. Never again.

This was his moment. A single moment to prove himself worthy of becoming her Knight. To push past everything, and kill the Warlord.

In the midst of her celebration, Godrick had been looking around him. Trying to find a way to win. He had seen a jagged rock behind Igraine and knew he had one single chance at victory.

She had finished her celebration and had begun walking to him. Once she got to him, she placed her left hand on his head forcing him to look up at her while her right hand gripped Clarent's handle.

"I'll make sure Artoria suffers before she dies. And I'll make her know it's thanks to you." She said with a smile full of blood as she began to pull the sword from him. The moment he felt it was out of the stone, he released all the kinetic energy from his armor, throwing her and the blade from him once more. The blast had kicked up a lot of dust, so once Igraine landed, she could no longer see where he was.

Appearing from the mist like a wraith, Godrick let his anger take over, and threw himself at Igraine.

She recovered quickly as she stood, sliding under Godrick outstretched right arm before cutting at the back of his leg.

He turned, and lunged once more, finally catching her in a bear hug.

She quickly stabbed Clarent into his chest once more, but he didn't care in the slightest. He only cared for one thing.

Her death.

With a roar, he held her close to his chest, and leapt straight towards the jagged rock.

The two landed on it, and Godrick felt Igraine's back break before it's jagged tip impaled both of them.

She let out a gasp and tried to scream but couldn't as she thrashed around, trying to free herself.

Godrick stood, pulling himself off the jagged piece that had impaled him before he stopped for a moment, pain overcoming his senses.

He left Clarent in his chest to stop some of the bleeding as he walked over and picked Caliburn up from the ground.

He then walked slowly over to her and raised his sword.

"No!" She gasped out, raising her hands to stop the unstoppable.

"Weak." He said to her before he brought Caliburn down on her neck.

With one clean strike, he separated her head from her body, letting it roll on the ground.

He slowly leaned over and picked her head up by its white hair before throwing it as hard as he could towards the ocean, intent on taking this secred with him to the grave.

It was done. The Warlord had been killed. Godrick took a moment to take in her broken body once more, before hobbling over to a large stone he could sit against, as he watched the ocean crash into the Cliffside of the land he loved so dearly.

He once more felt the warm sun on his face as he sat and looked towards it, basking in its rays for a moment before he suddenly had the strangest feeling come over him.

All his life he had dealt with the stress of being a "King's son" and everything that came with it.

All his life he had lived in fear and hatred of the Warlord.

The only moments of rest he had were with his sister on the hill overlooking the Castle of Camelot, but now?

For a moment he was back atop that hill, his sister sitting next to him, complaining about her day.

He looked to his right to see her, but all he saw was the Warlord's headless and broken body.

"I'm gonna be ok, Godrick." He suddenly hear Mordred's voice say.

He blinked, and knew he was starting to hear things. But he was fine with it.

He looked into the sky and knew he wouldn't survive the night.

But that was just ok. He had accomplished his goal. He had saved his mother, and hopefully his sister as well.

"Is this… what serenity feels like?

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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