Lily stood outside the door, her frown deepening with every passing minute. It had been over an hour since she started waiting, and there was still no sign of her date. She tried to reason with herself, convincing her mind that maybe he was caught up in traffic or running late. But considering all he had to do was take the elevator down from his room, that excuse seemed less and less believable with each tick of the clock.
Another, more painful possibility began to creep into her thoughts—maybe he had ghosted her. That idea made her heart sink, and she felt more than just a little sad. She had been looking forward to this moment for so long. Caius Frost had been her dream boy for as far back as she could remember. Even when he had been Jasmine's boyfriend, she had harbored that guilty crush, secretly liking the same guy her sister was dating. It had felt wrong, but the crush had never faded.