52.27% Overgeared: Emperor of Midnight / Chapter 45: Goblin Scouts

章節 45: Goblin Scouts

As Vecna, Elysia, and Maribel passed through the city gate, their departure did not go unnoticed by the guards stationed there. Among them was Jay, the young guard who had witnessed Vecna's initial arrival in Como. 

His eyes widened as he caught sight of the trio, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and anger.

Gulping audibly, Jay's gaze fixed on Vecna, who seemed to radiate a renewed vigor. Gone was the pale and sickly figure from the day before. Instead, there was an aura of strength and vitality about him that sent shivers down Jay's spine. 

The captain's stern words echoed in his mind, a stark reminder of the danger that the mysterious vampire represented.

His colleagues noticed Jay's visible trembling and exchanged knowing looks. One of them couldn't resist a teasing jab. "Hey, Jay, looks like you've seen a ghost again!"

Laughter rippled through the group as they poked fun at their comrade's expense. Jay's face flushed with embarrassment, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from Vecna. His hands tightened around the hilt of his sword, a futile gesture of preparedness in the face of something beyond his comprehension.

Meanwhile, Vecna remained unperturbed by the guards' reactions. His gaze was fixed ahead, his posture relaxed as he guided Huginn forward. He paid no heed to the whispers and curious glances that followed their departure from the city.

And so, as the trio left the city and its curious guards behind, they entered the heart of the forested path that led to Summit's Crest. 

The air grew cooler, and the scent of pine filled their nostrils. With every step, they climbed higher into the Travian's Sierra, their journey becoming a steady ascent towards their next destination.

The forest path stretched out before them, a narrow trail that wound its way through the dense foliage. The ground was covered in a carpet of fallen leaves, their crunch under the horses' hooves adding a rhythmic cadence to their journey. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the trees, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

Vecna's grip on the reins was steady and confident as he guided Huginn along the path. The Black Stallion moved with a powerful grace, his muscles rippling beneath his glossy black coat. It was a testament to the bond between rider and mount – a partnership forged through shared experiences and a mutual understanding.

As they ascended, the forest seemed to close in around them, the trees growing taller and thicker. The scent of pine was more pronounced, mingling with the earthy aroma of the undergrowth. Birds flitted among the branches, their calls creating a melodic backdrop to the journey.

Occasionally, the path would open up to reveal breathtaking vistas – sweeping views of the valley below, the distant outline of Como City, and the rugged expanse of the Travian's Sierra. It was a reminder of the vastness of the world they inhabited, a world filled with untamed wilderness and unexplored territories.

The trio's progress was steady, the horses moving at a comfortable pace. The journey was not without its challenges – uneven terrain, fallen branches to navigate, and the occasional skittish encounter with wildlife. Yet, with every obstacle overcome, there was a sense of accomplishment that propelled them forward.

Hours passed, the forest path unfolding like a tapestry of ever-changing landscapes. The sun continued its ascent, casting a warm golden hue over everything it touched. Shadows lengthened, and the air took on a cooler edge as they continued their climb.

The forest path stretched ahead, winding its way through the lush wilderness. The horses moved with a steady rhythm, their hooves occasionally crunching on fallen leaves and twigs. 

The trio navigated through the uneven terrain, occasionally steering their horses around obstacles like fallen branches and rocks.

"Careful, Elysia," Maribel called out as Elysia's horse sidestepped a particularly tricky patch of rocks. "The last thing we need is for you to twist an ankle out here."

Elysia shot her a wry smile. "Don't worry, Maribel. I've had my fair share of adventurous excursions. I can handle a little rough terrain."

Vecna's gaze remained fixed ahead, his expression focused. He occasionally leaned slightly to the side, guiding Huginn with subtle movements of the reins. 

The challenges of the path seemed almost insignificant to him, his experience as an adventurer evident in his confident control over his mount. Well, you could say that Huginn was too intelligent for a horse, being able to feel Vecna's intentions.

Huginn was truly a lucky find by Vecna.

As the sun continued its ascent, the forest around them seemed to come alive with the sounds of nature. Birds chirped and rustled in the trees, their presence a testament to the vibrant ecosystem that thrived in these woods. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves, carrying with it the soothing scent of pine.

With each passing hour, the shadows grew longer and the air cooler. The journey was becoming more than just a simple ride – it was a venture into a world untouched by the hustle and bustle of civilization. The trio was immersed in the tranquility of nature, a respite from the chaos they had left behind.

As they continued their ascent, the forest occasionally gave way to small clearings that offered glimpses of the surrounding landscape. Valleys stretched out below, rivers winding through them like silver ribbons. 

The distant silhouette of Como City was barely visible on the horizon, a reminder of the world they had left behind.

The journey stretched on for about a week, with the trio taking refuge in various villages along the way. 

The smaller settlements welcomed them with a mix of curiosity and hospitality. The locals were intrigued by Vecna's striking appearance and Maribel's regal demeanor, while Elysia's friendly nature seemed to make her an instant favorite among the villagers.

During their stops in the various villages, the trio found themselves gathered around campfires or sitting in quaint taverns, exchanging stories that reflected the diverse paths that had brought them together.

Vecna's voice held a certain nostalgia as he recounted his early days as an adventurer, six months, the equivalent of one year and a half inside Satisfy.

"You know, before I got to this state I'm in right now, I was just a regular human exploring the world. Searching for treasure, taking on quests – the usual fare. But then, fate took me on a different journey."

Elysia's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "And that's how you eventually became a vampire?"

Vecna's lips curved into a wry smile. "Well, yes. An unexpected twist in my tale, you could say."

Maribel leaned forward, her expression intrigued. "And how did you adapt to your new... condition?"

Vecna's eyes met Maribel's, the crimson gaze steady. "It was a struggle at first, coming to terms with my new nature. But over time, I learned to harness the powers that came with it."

Maribel nodded, her demeanor shifting slightly into that of an Empress, listening with an air of regal attention. "Adaptation is key to survival, in any realm."

As the conversation continued, Maribel looked up towards the gigantic mountain that wasn't too far from their sights and couldn't help herself but bring up the topic of the possible Dwarven settlement beneath the mountain. 

Her tone turned serious as she shared her knowledge. "There was an Adventuring Company that sought my seal to explore the depths of the Travian Sierra. Their aim was to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the mountain."

Elysia leaned in, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Did they find anything?"

Maribel's expression grew serious as she spoke about the uncertainty surrounding the fate of the Dwarves. "It's difficult to say what happened to them."

"They could have fallen victim to the dangers of the mountain, or they might have forged their own community away from Talima. But I fear the worst."

Vecna nodded in agreement. "Truly. The challenges of the Travian Sierra are not to be taken lightly. If they encountered an Ancient Dragon or got trapped in a collapsing cave, their fate could have been sealed."

Maribel's lips tightened, but she held a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "The leader of that Adventuring Company, Blueshield, is resourceful. He wouldn't easily fall prey to such dangers. Still, it's a mystery."

As they shared stories, the bond between the trio deepened. There was an unspoken understanding that each of them carried their own burdens, their own histories that had shaped them into who they were. 

Despite Vecna's initial reluctance to reveal much about himself, he found himself opening up, sharing stories of his encounters with the "formidable" Bloodhound.

Vecna's voice carried a mixture of amusement and pride as he recounted the times he had outsmarted Bloodhound. "He's an aggressive moron, always eager to prove himself. But he underestimated me twice – once when I managed to snatch a treasure chest right under his nose during a monster fight, and the second time when I lured his Guild into a trap within these very mountains."

Elysia's eyes widened in awe. "You managed to turn the tables on him?"

Vecna smirked. "Indeed. I may be a vampire, but I'm not one to back down from a challenge."

As they continued to swap stories, Vecna's senses suddenly tingled, alerting him to an approaching presence. He glanced over his shoulder, spotting a group of goblins watching from a distance. Their beady eyes gleamed with curiosity and perhaps a hint of malice.

The goblins, known for their cunning and opportunistic nature, saw the three travelers as easy prey. But little did they know, they had just stumbled upon a force far beyond their comprehension.

"At ease. It's nothing noteworthy."

Vecna signaled for caution, his gaze shifting between the goblins and his companions. Maribel and Elysia understood the unspoken message and slowed their horses. With swift and deliberate movements, Vecna activated his skills – Shadowstep followed by Golden Rush.

Shadows seemed to writhe and coalesce around him as he executed Shadowstep. He appeared beside the nearest goblin in the blink of an eye, his movement so fast that it was almost imperceptible.

With a malicious smile, he lunged at the nearest goblin, his blade gleaming in the dappled sunlight. 

[Goblin Scout, Lunk - LV. 110](45,700 HP) 

"What are you looking for, greenskin ants?"

The attack was swift and deadly, catching the goblin off guard. The strike cleaved through its health gauge, leaving the creature severely wounded. Before it could react, Vecna's Blood Requiem consumed it, reducing it to a mush of gore. 

[You have defeated 'Goblin Scout, Lunk' gaining the following rewards]

[You have received 20,860 EXP]

[3 Silvers received]


Vecna couldn't help but mull over the modest experience points he had gained.

'Not much EXP, considering that I have Bonus EXP gain. Still, for the amount of effort given, it's decent.'

With Lunk's demise, panic gripped the remaining goblins. Their grotesque faces contorted in fear, and they cried out in a language foreign to the trio. 

["You monster, what wrong have we committed against you?"]

["We are only doing our job! Don't kill us!"]

["It's dangerous to stay here. Let's retreat and warn the Chieftain. It will be a disaster if this monster would find the location of our Tribe."] - screamed the Goblin called Rax, while Vecna couldn't understand anything even with the benefits granted by the System.

He was after all, a Vampire that ascended from being a Human. His known lingo was the common tongue spoken by the humans.

What he found quickly from their reaction was that the last call was in fact a signal for retreat, an acknowledgment that they had greatly underestimated their opponents.

"I haven't dismissed you green, little bastards."

His Vampiric Agility was beyond the comprehension of those slight agile Goblins, and one by one under his Longsword, their bodies dropped down, turning into ash. 

[Goblin Scout, Drak - LV. 108](42,200 HP)

The second goblin, Scout, Drak, let out a pitiful cry as Vecna's blade sliced through the air, leaving a trail of crimson light. 

The strike landed true, cleaving through Drak's frail form and reducing his health gauge to a mere sliver. 

In his final moments, Drak's beady eyes widened with terror as Vecna's malicious grin met his gaze. With a swift and merciless motion, Vecna's blade found its mark, and Drak crumpled to the forest floor, life extinguished.

[You have defeated 'Goblin Scout, Drak' gaining the following rewards]

[You have received 18,750 EXP]

[2 Silvers received]

Goblin Scout, Thrix, attempted to flee, but he was no match for Vecna's supernatural speed. 

[Goblin Scout, Thrix - LV. 110] (44,200 HP)

With a fluid and almost dance-like movement, Vecna closed the distance between them in an instant. 


Thrix's panicked attempts to defend himself were in vain as Vecna's blade found its mark once more. The goblin's health dwindled rapidly, and in a matter of seconds, he joined his fallen comrades in death.

[You have defeated 'Goblin Scout, Thrix' gaining the following rewards]

[You have received 19,750 EXP]

[89 Silvers received]

'Ohoo, this one was slightly fatter. Next one on my list.'

The fourth goblin, Scout, Krill, put up a feeble resistance, swinging his crude weapon at Vecna in a desperate attempt to ward off his inevitable demise. 

However, Vecna's vampiric reflexes allowed him to effortlessly evade the feeble attacks. With a calculated strike, Vecna incapacitated Krill, rendering him defenseless. The goblin's pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as Vecna delivered the final blow, ending Krill's miserable existence.

["Mercy! I don't want to die!"]

"You think I care about what you're whining about? Learn human speech before trying to save your disgusting life, ant."

In the span of mere moments, Vecna had dispatched three more goblins, leaving only one survivor who would serve a different purpose. 

The forest floor was now littered with their lifeless bodies, and the air was heavy with the scent of blood. Vecna's companions watched in awe and trepidation as he demonstrated the extent of his power, a chilling reminder of the dark monarch they traveled with.

Only one goblin remained, a scout named Rax. He had witnessed the gruesome demise of his comrades and found himself gasping for breath, his life hanging by a thread.

[Goblin Scout, Rax - LV. 102] (12,680/38,250 HP)

"You better don't try anything silly. You've seen how quickly I killed your friends. You could be next, or I might let you go."

"I'll give you a chance if you are smart enough to speak to me."

Vecna's words were akin to the whispers of the Grim Reaper, but in a way it offered the poor creature a way out from this sudden, merciless death.

His presence was chilling for the small goblin who trembled in fear, he could also understand some of the crimson-eyed human, and before he could react it was too late.

'Uncanny Grip.'

Vecna, in a display of dark humor, grabbed Rax by the throat, his fingers like vice grips around the goblin's scrawny neck. The goblin's eyes widened with terror as he gazed into Vecna's predatory crimson gaze.

Vecna's voice was cold and unfeeling as he addressed the trembling creature. "What do you have to say for yourself, green ant?"

Rax could only whimper, his words incoherent. Vecna showed no mercy, using his Uncanny Grip to strangle the goblin further. Rax's vision began to blur, darkness closing in.

As Rax's life hung in the balance, Vecna's grip tightened. The goblin's airway was constricted, and he struggled desperately for breath. Vecna's vampiric strength was overwhelming, and it was clear to Rax that he was at the mercy of a merciless predator.

In a last-ditch effort to save himself, Rax managed to gasp out a few broken words, a mixture of Goblin tongue and fragmented Common.

["Sp-sp-spare… Rax… will be… good…"] he stammered, his voice a feeble rasp.

'It seems my intuition wasn't wrong. This brat is timid and sharp to be able to understand their situation and issue a retreat. He is also the lowest level among the Goblin Scouts.'

'Maybe there's more to this brat than I can consider right now.'

'Well, let's see what he has to offer me.'

Vecna's crimson eyes bore into Rax's, his expression inscrutable. He considered the goblin's plea for a moment, the power to decide life or death resting in his grip. 

With a sudden release, Vecna let go of Rax's throat, allowing the trembling creature to fall to the forest floor, gasping for breath.

"You've chosen wisely, Rax," Vecna said, his voice devoid of emotion. "You will live, but not without purpose."

Rax's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude as he clutched his throat, relief washing over him.

Vecna continued, his tone carrying a sense of authority. "You will serve as an informant. You will provide me with information about the orc attacks and the situation among the goblin tribes. Fail me, and you will meet a fate far worse than death."

Rax nodded fervently, understanding the gravity of the task that had been thrust upon him. He had been granted a second chance at life, but it came with a heavy burden.

Vecna's crimson gaze bore into Rax's, a silent warning. "Remember your place, goblin."

Vecna's mastery over blood magic allowed him to manifest the Chains of Blood with a mere thought. 

Crimson-blood tendrils coalesced from the surrounding air, swirling and snaking their way toward Rax. The goblin scout, still trembling from his near-death experience, could only watch in terror as the sinister chains wrapped around him, binding his arms and legs.

The goblin's struggles were feeble against the supernatural strength of the chains, and his voice was reduced to pitiful whimpers. He had no choice but to submit to Vecna's will, his fate now irrevocably tied to the enigmatic vampire and his companions.

With Rax securely bound to Huginn that snorted arrogantly at the poor goblin, the trio resumed their journey toward Summit's Crest Town. 

The forested path continued its steady ascent into the Travian's Sierra, the towering trees and lush vegetation creating an imposing canopy overhead. The air grew cooler, and the scent of pine became more pronounced.

As they approached the outskirts of the town, the sight of the formidable stone walls and watchtowers came into view. Summit's Crest Town was a bastion of defense against the dangers of the mountains, and its militia was vigilant in their duty.

The sight of Vecna, Elysia, Maribel, and their bound goblin companion stirred a commotion among the militia on watch. 

Guards peered down from the walls, their expressions a mix of curiosity and caution. They had seen their fair share of travelers, but this group was unlike any they had encountered.

Vecna guided Huginn closer to the town's gates, his crimson eyes meeting the gaze of a senior militia officer who approached. The officer's armor was adorned with the insignia of Summit's Crest, denoting his rank and authority.

[Captain Eldric Thornfield - LV. 175](Silver)

Vecna's voice carried an air of command as he addressed the officer. "We seek entry into Summit's Crest Town. We come at the request of your Mayor from the Guild Hall's side. Along our journey we have encountered a group of goblins scouting the periphery of your town and decided to act upon it on our own."

"This goblin in my custody will provide valuable insights into the recent orc attacks and the state of the goblin tribes in the region."

The officer regarded Vecna and his companions with a discerning eye, his gaze eventually settling on the bound goblin, Rax. He exchanged a few hushed words with his subordinates that made Vecna smile inwardly, before nodding in agreement.

"Very well. You may enter, but we will need to conduct a thorough inspection and questioning of your goblin captive."

Vecna inclined his head in acknowledgment. "That is acceptable. We have no secrets to hide. I can hand this goblin to you, but you better don't kill him."

"Your Mayor might want to hear his words for himself."

"I've heard the Lord saying something about sending a letter to an old acquaintance. Is your group of adventurers capable of handling this problem? Many before you have failed miserably in their attempts at subjugating the Orcs."

"In fact, it only ignited their bloodlust further than we, the Militia of Summit Crest, could achieve without sacrifices."

Vecna then addressed Thornfield's question about their capabilities. "Rest assured, Captain Thornfield. Our objective is to bring an end to the orc threat, not exacerbate it."

He paused for a moment, his crimson eyes locking onto Thornfield's. "As for the letter of your Mayor, we will do our utmost to fulfill that task as well. We are here to assist and ensure the safety of Summit's Crest Town."

Morpheus146 Morpheus146

That Goblin trying to run away with his fat pockets. Those silvers could make him an important figure for the Goblin Tribe he is from.

I wonder from where he managed to get that sum of money. Answer in the comments with what you think is the backstory for the sum of silvers.

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