16.94% IN Harry Potter With a System / Chapter 19: 19. A Talk with mom

章節 19: 19. A Talk with mom

Confident of my mind's defense, I walked in front of my mother's portrait with firm steps. Before even greeting her, I did what I had stopped myself from doing always- using my observe (lvl max) ability.

I had a sneaking suspicion about things being different from what they seem to be and that suspicion intensified when my mom asked me to have a sufficiently strong mental defense but I still did not use my ability or interacted with her more because I knew my mind's defenses were not strong enough.I knew I'll be a prime target of mind reading by various powerful individuals.

And As I had thought, things are much more complicated than I could have ever imagined.

What I see now in front of me is not just a magical portrait, it is actually a container that is keeping my mom's soul in it. I could have found it out earlier but I did not use my observe ability on her or as a matter of fact at any woman till now because this ability is absurd. It not only shows me the general information, it displays many other things like: their current mood, their sexual preferences and fantasies, the body's measurements and every other detail.. Which makes it awkward for me. I might be in the body of a little boy but my understanding of these matters is not so little.

"Hey mom!!" I greeted her making her give me a big smile. I winced at the thought of how hurtful my actions must have been but I was also helpless.

"Harry!! How are you baby? Do you need anything from me? " Lily said happily.

"I'm sorry mom. I have hurt you with my actions.. When we met the first time I just ignored you and... I'm sorry.. " My voice cracked a little..

"It's okay Harry.. It does not matter, you don't need to blame yourself.. Did something happen baby?"

Wiping the corner of my eyes, I said" Actually mom, I already know that this is not just a portrait.. I know that your soul is in it. I had a suspicion from the start, that is why I did not come to talk to you properly as I was not confident of my mind's defenses." By now even she had tears in her eyes.

"That's right Harry. I do have a piece of soul contained in this portrait. When I heard about the prophecy I knew Voldemort would come and we could not hide forever. I devised a ritual. I separated my soul into three unequal pieces, one I stored here, the smallest of them was stored in your body and the last was still in my body.

When Voldemort tried to kill you, I came in front of you, sacrificing a part of my soul and body to cast protection in your blood. When he again cast that curse, it wiped my soul piece from your body and my blood protection started fighting against the after effects of dark magic being used on your body.

Nobody knew about this plan and I had only told about my portrait being here to Alice Longbottom- my best friend and your godmother. I asked her to tell you about this portrait and to train you in the occlumency from a very young age.

But, here I was waiting for you, for I don't know how many years. I had lost all hope and thought I'll not be able to see you ever again.. I was always so worried thinking that if you are safe, what happened to alice, did my protection work... " I couldn't help but shed tears listening to her..

"Mom... Frank and Alice Longbottom were attacked by death eaters. They were tortured to insanity and are still in st. mungo.

When Voldemort cast a killing curse on me, he was attacked by the protection you weaved for me, destroying his body.."

"That's a relief.. " Lily exhaled in relief.

"No mom, Things are not that simple. Voldemort's body was destroyed but his soul separated in two parts , one fled and the other latched onto me, residing here.. " I said touching my scar.. Mom was shocked by horror..

"but how.. ? " She asked not being able to comprehend.

"He had made several Horcruxes so his soul was already very fragile. During the war he killed many and then Killing dad, you and then your soul piece in me... all this caused his soul to fracture."

"Harry, please tell me that you have gotten rid of his soul in your head" She cried already knowing the answer..

"No mom.. Unfortunately not, It's still here....After all this Pettigrew came, seeing Voldemort's destroyed remains he took his wand and just as he was thinking about killing me, he heard the sound of apparition. He took his animagus form and fled the scene.."

"Pettigrew... " mom roared in anger. " He was our secret keeper.. He betrayed us.. It's good that Severus came in time.."

"Yes mom snape came and that saved my life but do you know that it was actually snape who told voldemort the prophecy. "

"Harry, what are you talking about? "

"When Dumbledore was interviewing Sybill Trelawney for the post of divination professor, she made a prophecy.

*The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...

Born to those who have thrice defied him,

born as the seventh month dies...

and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal,

but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...

and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...*

Snape heard half of the prophecy before Aberforth threw him out. Snape said that half prophecy to his master- Voldemort, causing him to come after us.."

"But why only us? there were others born at that time." Lily frowned.

"Mom, the prophecy fit only two people- Me and Neville Longbottom. Voldemort came after us because of one simple reason- he too is a half-blood like me. "

"How do you know all this Harry? " Lily asked looking at her son deeply.

"Later mom, first let me tell you what happened after that.

Snape left me there, injured in the crib. Then Sirius came on his motorbike. He offered to take me, but Hagrid, who had also arrived by then, refused on Dumbledore's orders. Sirius then lent Hagrid his motorbike and went off to seek revenge on Peter.

Peter escaped into the muggle london, staged his death while killing 13 muggles and blamed sirius for everything.

Aurors threw Sirius in azkaban without trial on Crouch sr.'s orders and Fudge's statement. He is still in azkaban.

Dumbledore left me with Dursleys where I lived the life of an abused house elf for the next 10 years.

Hagrid came on my 11th birthday with my Hogwarts letter and took me to Diagon alley saying " You're a wizard, Harry." I told mom some more details of my life.

"Harry you did not answer my question. How do you know all of this? " Mom asked looking suspicious.

"Sign.. It all began just before my 11th birthday, before Hagrid came to take me. I was sleeping on the cold hard floor when I suddenly had a vision. I saw my past life's memories and what my future would be like for the next 7 years. At first I was shocked but then quickly adjusted." I said looking in her eyes.

"Prove it. " she said without any expression on her face..

"How? I'm ready to do anything to prove I'm your son. " I said confidently as I have checked. At first I thought that I transmigrated in Harry's body but after getting the ability-observe, I used it on myself. Only then I got to know that I was actually reincarnated as Harry Potter but due to my wishes, my memories only awakened before my 11th birthday. This is also the reason that my soul was not any stronger than others.

"Come closer and put your forehead against this portrait.

If you are my baby, then you would still be carrying the protection I gave you, which will cause our souls to resonate.

But remember.. If you are not my son, I will destroy you even at the expense of my own soul."

Without saying anything else I did as she instructed. When I put my forehead against the portrait, I felt my soul vibrate a little before calming down.

"Now you believe me, mom? "

"Yes Harry, I believe you. I'm sorry baby, for doubting you."

"No mom, You did the right thing. One can never be too cautious.

But mom, now it's time for you to answer my questions." I said seriously.

Seeing her nodding, I asked the first question that has always been in my mind. " Mom, if you knew that Voldemort was hunting for me then why did you and dad not hide somewhere safe.. Like in some other country or you could have made some house elf or someone with an unbreakable vow your secret keeper."

"Harry, we never owned a house elf and buying one just for that would have made it even more obvious who the secret keeper was. Moreover, house elves are not infallible, they can very easily be deceived.

As for the unbreakable vow, it is not how this magic works. You have to put your trust in the secret keeper only then fidelius can be cast.

Dumbledore offered to be our secret keeper, but after learning that there is a prophecy about you, we asked him for details. Which he refused to give us. After that we could not put our complete trust in him.

Remus was always away and everyone was doubtful of his loyalty. We couldn't risk it.

Sirius was our first choice, but he was too obvious a target. At last we decided that Pettigrew will be a good choice. We knew about his animagus form and therefore his hiding abilities making him look like a perfect choice. He was very cowardly and nobody thought he would have the courage to join Voldemort.

As for fleeing the country, I had thought about this too but as I said, we could not have hidden forever. We thought we would be absolutely safe within Fidelius. And even participate in the war and try to kill Voldemort. Harry, your dad was a true griff and I could not have left him alone.

I was alone and terrified. No matter how competent I was, how cunning and clever I was, I was never a match for Voldemort and Dumbledore in power. When he tore down our wards like they were nothing, I knew I would die. I knew James would die and I knew that if I do not work quickly you will also die. So I threw my wand and completed the ritual by sacrificing myself willingly." her answer finally cleared my doubts.

"Okay. next question- how are you related to founders? Can I be the lord of those houses? "

"No Harry, you can not become the lord of those houses. No one can.. At max. you can become an heir, like myself or Voldemort.

You might not know but in those times powerful wizards and witches used to have many partners and many more offspring. It was a common custom to increase the magical population. as Witch hunts were at its peak and muggle overwhelmed wizards with their numbers.

Salazar and Rowena birthed two babies, a boy and a girl. The girl was Helena, whose ghost still resides in Hogwarts and is known as the ghost lady. But the boy was unfortunately a squib. Salazar and Rowena knew they can't raise the boy with magicals, so they gave the boy to another squib couple.

Salazar was an expert of soul magic, while Rowena had expertise in Mind magic. From what I know Godric was a master of physical aspects of magic and Helga was the most kind among them all. Helga wanted to end people's sufferings, to provide everyone with food, clothes, shelter and education.

In fact it was Helga's idea to open a school for all magical.

Anyway, we will talk about it later, we are getting off topic. Harry, I was adopted by Evans. That is also the reason they loved me more than their own daughter to not make me feel like I'm adopted. This is also the reason for petunia's jealousy.

When I visited Gringotts during my Christmas break in my first year, I got to know about the inheritance ritual. I immediately proceeded with it after paying some extra galleons to a greedy goblin.

Knowing that I had Rowena's and Salazar's blood in me, I was excited until the goblin told me that it was not a big deal. Most of the British magicals had founders bloodline mixed in. Still, it aroused my curiosity towards the founders and I started searching the castle for clues.

It was during my second year that I stumbled upon a very hidden location, the room of requirements. After a lengthy research I triggered the legacy left behind by Rowena and got to know that they have all left some precious knowledge for those who prove themselves worthy.

Just like that during my whole 7 years I was able to find Salazar's and Rowena's legacy locations. "

"Woah.. What a tale it is... So mom you obtained Complete legacies from 2 founders... That's incredible. " I sincerely praised her.

"No son.. I was only able to gain just some knowledge from them. There are levels in those legacies. I was told to choose one subject from a list of subjects, then given one very basic book on it. After being sure that I have digested the knowledge completely, I had to pass a test with near perfect marks to obtain another book. Like this you will continue not knowing when It will end.

All the books on rituals and potions were obtained from the chamber of secrets and all the books on mind magic and charms were obtained from the room of requirements."

"What about Godric and Helga? You never found their legacies? "

"No.. I think Godric's legacy is in Forbidden forest. as for Helga's, I really have no idea."

So many secrets. So many mysteries. so many wonders. I mentally patted my back for choosing this world.

"But mom, isn't there a basilisk in the Chamber of secrets? "

"How do you know?...." She asked instinctively but then paused and sighed.

"Yeah , there is a Basilisk in there. But it's very easy to solve it-roosters cry..

Harry, what is written in history books is totally wrong. About Salazar and pure-bloods.

I told you that Salazar and Rowena had a squib son. They were familiar with the bloodline theory. Salazar and Rowena wanted to awaken the dormant bloodlines in their son's body. Salazar went off to search for a way to do this, while Rowena also spent her days neglecting everything and searching for ways to make her son use magic. Salazar even succeeded somewhat by assimilating the magical serpent's bloodline in his own bloodline becoming one of the first parselmouth in Europe.

*It was his dream to be able to make Hogwarts an all pure-blood school.... * people interpreted it in the wrong way. He wanted to be able to awaken dormant bloodlines in every child studying in Hogwarts, making Hogwarts an all pure-blood school.

That is also why he was known to be most ambitious among them all."

We talked about many other things. Like It was Helga who saved all those house- elves and employed them in Hogwarts. Salazar selected those who are pure-bloods or those people with inclination towards soul magic. Rowena selected those who have sharp minds and out of the box thinking. Godric always selected those who are ready to fight and those who are good in transfiguration. It is aptly said that Helga accepted the rest. Because what she sought was intent and will power. Helga had faced the most cruelty from the world but she was still the most benevolent of them all...

Listening to my mother's words, I was inspired and in awe of the founders. And I will surely try to obtain the complete legacy of every founder.


Another very long chapter( nearly 2750words).

I hope this chapter will clear many doubts. Thanks to those who were patient enough for the story to progress. I was seriously getting annoyed by some people wanting answers before reading the story or waiting for the plot to finish...

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C19
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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