71.21% DxD: The King of Dragons / Chapter 47: Chapter 46: Excalibur

章節 47: Chapter 46: Excalibur

A few months passed and Mordred was fighting Scathach. And his new technique definitely impressed the godslayer.

On his sides, Mordred formed arms made of shadows. He looked like an Asura and in each hand were his holy swords.

Gram was on his left hand because it was the strongest one currently. He had an attachment to Caliburn, so it was on his main hand. Though he is ambidextrous.

He wielded Galatine, Kusanagi, Merodach, Arondight, Excalibur Rapidly, and Clarent. Excalibur rapidly was the most useful out of them, so he used it instead of the others which were trash in his opinion.

Scathach actually had to get a bit serious due to Mordred's dubbed Asura's wrath. And it was no joke at all.

Scathach's runes were in full power, blocking the stray shots of magic from the swords.

Galatine's every swing resulted in light that burned everything to a crisp.

Arondight glowed with blue light and its aura was like a saw that even gave one of her spears a little notch after grinding against it.

Caliburn, Merodach, and Clarent were unleashing holy energy like it was going out of style. Tiamat even doubted that a devil could get close to him when she first saw him try that battle style.

They'd disappear faster than a tub of ice cream in front of a fat broad that's having her period.

And it was all possible due to Azi Dahaka's parallel thoughts that were independent to each other.

It's like all the arms have a mind of their own, which was the case. And Mordred's enemies will find themselves feeling like they're fighting eight enemies at once.

His skill didn't dip down after all. And the swords he was wielding were nasty. The majority of them might be holy, but it sure isn't just effective on things like devils and the fallen.

"That's insane, as expected of master though. She could keep up with Mordred and he's gassing out." Masaomi watched intently. Wanting to have swordplay just like his boss.

"I would have been dead a million times over if Mordred saw me in a battlefield and he decided to go after me." Cleria imagined meeting with him in a battlefield and she shuddered.

"He's even using magic while fighting with eight unruly swords. What a monster, Mo-kun is so strong." Lavinia sighed.

Scathach was extra careful with his special magic from Azi Dahaka and Apophis.

Void magic is a natural anti-everything magic. It is the essence of nothingness. And even immortals can die against it.

His swords were coated with it from time to time while shadows were trying to stich her to the ground.

'Amazing! Such martial prowess.' Scathach felt excited as her body heated up.

"Good, Mordred! I would have died already if I was still a mortal." Strings of void disguised as primordial water were wrapping around her shields like a leech.

It absorbed her magic a ton and Scathach would have gassed out much sooner back then. She might be an unparalleled warrior. But everyone has their limits.

And she knew that he was a very different fighter than the majority. When he's determined to win, he'll do tricks that are expected from assassins.

Just like what he did now, absorbing her mana and then going for the kill. Laying traps with shadows and weakening her barriers with Apophis' primordial water.

"You are still too strong Master, I am improving though." Mordred's eight swords crashed onto her spears and she was forced to kneel.

Or the set up traps behind her would stab through her shields and tear her a new one.

Black swords rained from the sky and they made an intricate web of void. Trapping Scathach. Mordred then swooped in to try and defeat her.

But she suddenly thrusted with her spear and the full power of it turned causality against him.

Breaking through his trap and the spear stabbing his stomach as barbs exploded outwards. Making Mordred cough up blood as he shook his head with a smile.

"So that's a glimpse of your true power? I have a long way to go." Mordred took the spear out and his stomach knit itself together.

Their tolerance for pain was out of this world. Due to Scathach's training that is torture.

"That's crazy! That would definitely kill me or something." Ise shuddered, seeing her spear pass through anything in front of him.

"I've made these things to kill gods, do you really think that Mordred can just stop it with a bit of magic?" Scathach huffed, they were her weapons that she made. And she is proud of them.

After that, everyone else had a go against Scathach. But they of course noticed that she was going easy on them.

"Good job everyone, especially you Valerie. You've come a long way." Scathach nodded at the dhampir and she beamed.

She was now the berserker of the group. Enhancing her body to the limits. Because she doesn't really have much talent in fighting.

So she went with pure specs. Everyone then left to teach at their designated schools. All of them are dragons that have been educated heavily to master their magic. So they're qualified to teach.

Le Fay is like the headmaster of all the schools though. Forming curriculums so that students they take in will have the most efficient education about the supernatural.

Normal schools are too slow for them. And the first magic they teach the students is a spell to retain information better.

It was a collaboration effort from Lavinia and Le Fay in order to make the turn over of students as quick as possible. Increasing the size of the human population that knows about magic and the like.

After they left, Mordred talked with Scathach about something.

"Mordred, aren't you busy?" Scathach patted his head. She definitely had a soft spot for him.

"Master, I want to combine the Excalibur fragments again. Jeanne actually stumbled on a dragon's hoard in France. She was having an expedition with Irina and Xenovia. The last fragment of it that was missing was found there." Scathach blinked.

"So you want my expertise huh? Thinking that I made the gae bolg?" Scathach raised a brow and she wanted to say that a holy sword was definitely different.

Scathach didn't know alchemy. And Excalibur has been made by Viviane through magic and alchemical processes.

Then she put in as many enchantments on it as possible. Excalibur isn't exactly a strong sword when it was made.

It trumped the other holy swords because of Viviane's enchantments on it with fae magic and runes.

"Pretty please." Mordred asked one more time and Scathach sighed.

"Fine, things I do for my student." She rolled her eyes and Mordred clapped in glee.

He immediately took out the seven fragments and they brainstormed on how to combine them.

Mordred had some ideas, but it was definitely going to be really intense.

"Master, can you please stabilize it with your runes? I'll be brute forcing this process using primordial magic." Mordred looked at her seriously.

"Ahhh, I probably am one of the only ones that could do that. Though Odin can also do so, why not ask him?" Scathach was curious.

"That's easy, because I want to do this with you." Mordred smiled at her and she blushed a bit with his straight forwardness.

'Hmm, he's starting to become less perverted and more skilled.' Scathach snorted and she ruffled his hair.

"Come on, I'll be fortifying the space where you'll combine them." Scathach started forming her runes and the area around them didn't let out any magic.

It was her territory creation that can ward off even Satan class combatants.

"Here goes nothing." Mordred concentrated and his parallel thoughts doubled down on his magic.

Letting out his dense mana that can suffocate even low ultimate class beings. He willed that the Excalibur fragments would combine into one.

And using Excalibur ruler as the core because it was the strongest fragment. They started to float, slowly going to each other.

Mordred was definitely thrilled that it was working. But there is a problem of course, they were taking a long time to do so.

Unlike using alchemy to combine them, it took a lot more mana. Primordial magic uses up a lot more if the intended spell is more complicated.

And Excalibur is a sword that Viviane made. Someone who reached the realm of the gods.

He started sweating and Scathach of course noticed this.

'Mordred is struggling with this, how can I help him more?' Scathach thought about it and she decided to give him more mana.

And due to not being a dragon, she couldn't give it to him like they did. By cycling it through another's body. Making it flow naturally and transform it into their mana.

She might be prodigal in her control, but there's a reason why dragons are the Apex beings.

"Excuse me Mordred." Scathach held his face slowly so his concentration won't break.

He then saw her slowly get closer to his face and she started pouring in mana through the earliest kind of mana ritual.

Using saliva as the conduit, basically turning it into a mana potion. Inefficient, but pretty effective in emergencies.

He blinked, surprised by it. But due to his parallel thoughts. Mordred's concentration didn't break.

But Mordred did thought it was really pleasurable. So he put more effort into it and used his massage technique. It didn't use much mana anyways.

"Hngh~ Mordred, concentrate on your task." Scathach glared at him, but it was a bit weak.

She hugged him tighter so they would have more points of contact. Scathach thought that it was really enjoyable though.

There was never a point in time that she tried to give mana to someone. But it was more intimate than she thought.

She could feel his blazing mana inside of his body. It was hot and viscous like boiling magma. A trait from his dragon soul and will of steel.

The two didn't even notice that Mordred didn't use mana anymore. Instead, he cycled it through her and she shuddered.

Her body felt like it was on fire, a dragon's soul is extremely strong. And his essence was encroaching her being.

Not to mention that Grendel is easily a dragon that is stronger than the current dragon kings except Tiamat. And Apophis is really compatible with her due to Scathach's connection with the land of shadows.

They forgot the time and they just enjoyed feeling each other's presence. Mordred not knowing that cycling mana to others is extremely intimate.

And Scathach haven't experienced something like that before. They separated with a small string of saliva from their mouths.

"Hmmm, that was quite enjoyable." Scathach licked her lips and Mordred nodded.

"Let's do it again." He was about to give her another smooch, but Scathach put a palm on his forehead as she noticed that there was a complete sword beside them that was floating.

And they could feel its ego. "Uhhh, sorry for ignoring you." Mordred apologized.

The complete Excalibur was different from the records of heaven though.

Due to receiving the divine mana of Scathach and Mordred's potent one. It changed just like Caliburn did.

It received a godslaying aspect, courtesy of Scathach's divinity. And from Mordred, it got a trait of being a dragonslayer.

So not only was it a holy sword that is one of his strongest ones. Excalibur also turned into a dragonslayer with slight anti-divinity.

"Master, I think it got improved. Thanks a lot for your help." He gave her a small peck and she snorted.

'This guy's being a little cheeky.' So she gave his ear a little nibble and she licked his neck. Making him shudder at the foreign sensation.

'Heh, he doesn't understand that yet. But soon, he'll go into puberty. I'm surprised he isn't standing at attention. Maybe dragons are different?' Scathach theorized.

Dragons are long lived races. Practically immortal even once they form their mana hearts. And not just biologically immortal too.

It's already proven with Vritra. So they don't really see the point of procreating early. And that is one of the reasons they desire a strong mate.

Because they're similar to spirits. The true dragons are the result of concepts and mana forming a body.

Great Red came from dreams given form. The true dragon that can make them into reality.

While Ophis was born in the dimensional gap. Having a connection with the abyss that is infinite. Though Ophis can't harness it to the maximum.

Mordred was in a happy mood though. Having some skinship definitely made him pleased. Tiamat showered him with love and made him like training.

So he really liked to get physical and he likes fights as much as the next dragon. His human side likes the attention from an attractive person and influenced his tendency to be a meathead.

"Mordred, I haven't taught you some things I'm afraid. And your master thinks that it's about time. You're starting to become a young man." Scathach traced a line on his chest and he felt a bit weird.

'That made me a bit frustrated and excited...' He didn't know why.

"What is it master?" He tilted his head and she chuckled at his serious expression.

"I'll teach you how to properly please a woman. I can't have my greatest pupil be a laughingstock because you're incompetent in pleasuring the female form. They'll tear you apart, trust me." Scathach was dead serious.

Women target insecurities. It's hard wired into their very being. They don't normally get into physical altercations. But they sure as hell will ruin you emotionally and socially.

It was beneath her, but she has seen countless people as a ruler. Women gossip more about their partner's prowess than men do.

A case by case basis naturally, but they do it more. "Is that so?" He perked up at that and she nodded. Shedding her skintight body suit.

"How do you even have latex master? Isn't that invented in modern times?" Mordred had a useless question and she flicked him.

"Here's your first lesson, don't ask useless questions while being with a woman. It ruins the mood." Scathach pinched his cheeks.

"Yesh ma'am." He nodded immediately and she finished stripping her top.

"Now, a sensitive spot's best friend is something warm and wet. Do you have an idea what it is?" Scathach felt a bit apprehensive.

Mordred was still young, he might look like a teen. But he wasn't exactly one.

'Eh, who gives a fuck? I'm immortal for goodness' sake. And he won't abuse this information.' Scathach rationalized and Mordred gave an answer.

"My tongue?" Mordred thought about warm and wet things. His mind wandered towards a vagina, but he doesn't have one.

"Correct, now put it to work. You should know where right?" She sounded strict and professional, but there was some anticipation in her eyes that he didn't notice.

'Will he use his massage technique? I do wonder?' Scathach hummed as he licked her breasts.

He then looked at her face, but he wasn't satisfied with her reaction. Mordred then remembered that Yasaka really liked his new technique. So he started with that.

"Ooh~" Scathach widened her eyes a bit as Mordred's mana filled tongue grazed her nipple.

"I think we'll have lots of fun Mordred." She wasn't really stressed. But it was nice to feel like a woman again and Mordred is more than worthy to touch her body.

'Too bad that you've been born in the wrong era. Even if you did appear in your original time. We wouldn't have met. I'd love to bear such a man's child.' But she thought it was too late.

Divine beings can't have children easily. And more so with Mordred being a dragon. Scathach was sure that she would die in his hands before the stars aligned.

And she doesn't want to wait for centuries to get pregnant. Not to mention that she already put a burden on him that he would definitely hate.

'Uathach... I didn't spend much time with my daughter did I? Mordred would already despise me if he knew that I wanted him to kill me. I can't leave him with a child.' She sighed in her mind.

'I will at least give you some memories Mordred. Ahhh, have I become a sentimental fool?' Scathach hugged his head as Mordred sucked on her chest deliciously. Making her bite her lip in desire.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao

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