96.55% Multiverse-Crafter / Chapter 28: I need painkillers and a lawyer

章節 28: I need painkillers and a lawyer

Before I begin, I'd like to thank everyone who commented on the site's rules for posting smut in a story that wasn't explicit from the beginning.

The smut is at the end as an omake you filthy degenerates... I love you all.


[Pyrrha Nikos]

When Jaune was suspended, I was appointed by Professor Ozpin as the provisional leader of Team JNPR.

On the day, I thought the action was unnecessary. After all, Jaune would only be gone for two weeks, and we still had plenty of time before the exams started. What kind of work could I have in such a short time...

"Nora Valkyrie!" I exclaimed, my patience already exhausted. "Get out of that bed now!"

I have just one job, to ensure my team attends all the classes.

"Just five more minutes," murmured Nora sleepily.

Last week, Ren and Nora missed the first classes in the morning for three consecutive days.

I tried waking them up earlier and rushing them to get ready so they wouldn't miss the class, but it was all in vain. On the fourth day of being late, I gave up and decided not to try anymore.

Professor Ozpin did not appreciate this idea and threatened the entire Team JNPR, including Jaune, with a week of detention for every day Nora and Ren were late.

"You could at least help me, Ren," I questioned, frustrated.

"What makes you think I have any choice here?" said Ren in an irritated tone.

"You're the one spooning her from behind," I complained, pointing at the two lying together.

"She's holding my arms," he said, trying to free himself from Nora, but his partner was stronger and kept a firm grip on his arms, preventing him from freeing himself.

Since they made their relationship official by breaking Jaune's bed, Nora and Ren have joined their beds to sleep together.

I have nothing against it and even envy-. I mean, I'm happy for them. But it's starting to bother me... just a little... seeing these two's displays of affection.

The way Ren feeds Nora breakfast, the way Nora brushes Ren's hair before bed, and the worst of all, which is causing problems now. Nora and Ren spoon for hours, resulting in recurring tardiness.

"You will be on time," I murmured, threatening the two. "Even if I have to drag you out by force."

Ren looked at me cautiously, worried about my tone, while Nora ignored me and snuggled into Ren's arms.

Frustrated, I approached them and reached out to where Nora was holding Ren's arms around her.


"NORA!" I shouted, horrified. "Did you just try to bite me?"

"Keep your hands off my ninja femboy, you homewrecker!" Nora threatened without moving.

"Femboy?" I questioned, astonished.

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to," Ren said in a tired tone.

"Has Nora been reading Blake's books?"

"Mistralian comics, to be exact," he replied. "Almost pornographic trash."

"How dare you!" Nora declared in a dramatic tone. "Do not insult this distinct form of art."

'Damn,' I complained internally. 'I need to change my strategy.'

Thinking of a new plan, my eyes met those of the green-clad ninja. Ren looked back at me with a raised eyebrow, suspecting I might be plotting something.

'Asking him to go against Nora is a waste of time,' I thought internally. 'So let's focus on Nora and her soft heart.'

"Is there nothing I can say to convince you?" I asked in a heavier tone.

"Nope," Nora replied, all smiles.

Starting my act, I sighed tiredly and turned my back.

"I understand, Nora," I said in a sad tone. "I can't force you to give up your morning cuddle routine."

"Yep," Nora responded, happy as can be.

Even without seeing her face, I knew she was smiling in her beloved's arms. Part of me hates the envy for this.

"I just hope Jaune can forgive me for my incompetence," I said in a dramatic and sad tone.

Behind me, the couple whispered to each other, questioning my behavior.

"I know I've failed as a leader. And Jaune will hate me for my incompetence."

Nora and Ren sat up in bed, worried about their friend's sudden change in mood.

"What are you saying, Pyrrha?" Nora asked, her voice full of concern. "You're the most amazing girl in all of Beacon."

I turned around, pretending to wipe away tears with my fist, still feigning sadness.

"But I can't get you to class on time," I lamented loudly. "And now, when Jaune returns, he will be punished because of me." I finished speaking, bringing both hands to my face while fake-crying loudly.

Nora got out of bed and came to hug me.

"Don't cry, Pyrrha, please," she said, trying to calm my fake desperation. "We won't let you feel this way. We'll try harder to be on time... right, Ren?"

Still in Nora's hug, I lifted my face and gave Ren a cynical smile.

He widened his eyes, astonished at my performance, but didn't expose me to Nora.

"Of course," he replied, confused by the whole situation.

I pulled away from the hug, trying not to let a triumphant smile form on my lips.

"Thank you," I said, pretending to still be emotional. "It means a lot to me."

I got up and left the room, happy with the result of my performance, but knowing this was only a temporary solution.

'Hope it lasts until Jaune returns,' I thought hopefully.

Nora has always been stubborn, but what surprises me is Ren being more permissive lately with her erratic behavior.

'What could he be gaining by letting Nora do whatever she wants?' I questioned internally.

[Ruby Rose]


I walked around the room, not knowing what to do. My thoughts were a whirlwind of guilt, anger, and sadness.

'Do I leave Blake alone or do I go after her?' I think with uncertainty.

After a few minutes I went back to my bed and sat down, defeated. The silence of the room was deafening, thank goodness I had Yang to help me.

"Good morning sis." Yang said finishing getting dressed.

I'm so inattentive that I hadn't noticed when Yang had woken up.

"Any plans for the weekend?" She asks, trying to cheer me up.

Yang knew I was depressed, so she was trying to distract me to cheer me up. But more important than improving my mood was Blake's whereabouts.

'And that's what I'm going to do.' I thought clenching my fist determinedly.

"I do have a plan." I replied getting up with a new spirit, now that I remembered what was most important. "We're going to the city to look for Blake."

There's a missing member of Team RWBY and I can't stay in bed all day depressed, I need to find her.

Yang blinks her eyes in surprise at my answer, but she sighs in relief as she processes my statement.

"Understood." Yang replied, smiling cheerfully. "Two sisters walking around the city looking for their runaway teammate-."

"Weiss is going too!" I added cutting Yang off.

Surprised by my tone Yang swallowed hard and turned to face Weiss who had stopped brushing her hair when I mentioned her name.

"I think Weiss could stay out of this." Yang says with a weak smile.

Weiss watches us from the corner of her eye interested in the conversation, but without showing any emotion.

"She's going too!" I say imposing myself in an authoritative way. "Regardless of internal conflicts, Blake is a member of Team RWBY and now she's alone in the city, maybe needing help."

I finished speaking by grabbing my weapon and cloak only to turn to face Weiss and Yang who were staring at me open-mouthed.

"She's right Yang." Weiss comments standing up. "Let's bring Blake back first, then we can talk and resolve our differences."

I smiled confidently with my BFF agreeing with me and turned to Yang once more who answered me smiling and nodding positively.

"Great, then get ready, we'll leave in 5 minutes."

Since the two of them were already dressed, they just needed to grab their gear to go.

'Don't worry Blake.' I thought silently. 'By the end of the day you'll be back on Team RWBY... even if I have to drag you back by your hair.'


"Ouch," I groaned softly as I woke up.

Opening my eyes, I was immediately greeted by a wave of pain radiating from every muscle fiber in my body. The muscles in my pelvis and abdomen, in particular, felt like they were on fire, a painful reminder of last night's delightful activities.

'That woman was desperate for a long time… but I'm glad I could quench her thirst.'

Yesterday, I went all out. Actually, it was Audra who went all out on me. If it weren't for my training with Professor Port, my awakened Aura, and the super soldier serum, I don't think I would have survived, let alone kept up with her pace.

The intense pain made me question the sanity of my decision to submit to such an exhausting snu-snu that broke the bed and cracked the floor.

'Who am I kidding?' I mentally questioned myself. 'I'd do it again without a second thought… I just hope my Aura can mend my fractured pelvis.'

I tried to turn in bed, but even this simple movement caused a series of sharp pains in my abdomen. The pain also throbbed in my legs, pulling from my hips down to my ankles. My groin felt like it had been crushed by a hammer, and my abdomen protested with every breath.

'At least I don't need to be hospitalized. Take that, Ren! Your bed-wrecking prowess is no match for mine.'


A feminine murmur next to me caught my attention, making me turn and contemplate the sleeping barbarian goddess beside me. The sight of her lying there with a satisfied and relaxed smile was a trophy for my 'performance' the night before.

As much as I wanted to stay in bed and maybe snuggle between those wonderful breasts, I had things to do today.

Yesterday, I spent the entire day at Audra's house without notifying the Belladonnas.

'I hope I didn't worry Ghira and Kali.'

I carefully got out of bed, moving stiffly like a rusty robot. Even though I was already used to the pain, it was hard to move without making any noise.

After a few minutes, I reached the kitchen and put on my Scouter, ready to answer Church while I prepared breakfast.

{{What's up, asshole,}} said a sarcastic digital voice.

'Speak of the devil,' I thought to myself.

Using the Scouter lens, Church projected himself as a miniature hologram on the countertop.

"Good morning to you too… Leonard," I replied, smiling at him.

The tiny image shuddered with disgust.

{{Never call me that again… seriously!}} Even though he wasn't truly offended, his request was sincere, so I nodded in agreement.

While I gathered the ingredients for breakfast, Church informed me that in two days, I would receive the first part of the payment from the contract signed between Weiss and the Kingdom of Atlas. He also mentioned that according to explosions recorded by Vale's police, Team RWBY was going through the events of the end of the first season. Despite Ruby being more confident as a leader and Weiss being less combative about teamwork, the final outcome would be the same as the series.

{{According to our projections, Team RWBY will start acting like a real team from now on,}} Church concluded as I placed bacon in the frying pan.

Relief washed over me as Church finished speaking. The good news, combined with the act of cooking, left me almost as relaxed as I was yesterday.

{{You could make an effort to do that too,}} the AI added in a reproachful tone.

I froze for a second and looked directly at the small avatar that had manifested in front of me, not understanding what he was talking about.

{{I know you're busy as hell at the start of the year, engaging in a shadow war, creating a new energy matrix system for an entire planet, training your pathetic organic body, losing your virginity, and spearheading an industrial/urban revolution for the Faunus takes time.}}

I was stunned by everything I had done in such a short time. I knew I wasn't idle, but I didn't have a detailed plan with all the steps to be taken. At most, I had goals I wanted to achieve.

{{Focus on me, you golden retriever attention span idiot.}} Annoyed by the gratuitous insult, I stared at Church in silence, waiting for him to get to the point. {{What I'm saying is that you need to spend more time with your team.}}

The concern in Church's tone was palpable, even behind his sarcastic personality. He was right; I was getting involved in so many fronts that my attention to my team was falling behind. I took a deep breath, trying to ease the tension forming in my shoulders.

"You're right, Church," I admitted with a sincerity that even surprised me. "Isolating myself won't help in the long run, no matter how tempting short-term rewards may be."

{{That's the spirit, kid,}} the digital voice sounded softer, as if satisfied with my response.

'To achieve this, we'll need to delegate functions,' I thought, finishing up cooking. 'I'll need a team… or several teams to manage Menagerie.'

The aroma of food and hot coffee filled the kitchen, a combination that always brought me a nostalgic comfort. Audra would probably wake up soon, drawn by the smell.

I finished setting the table with a simplicity that contrasted with the complexity of my thoughts. I placed two cups of coffee, orange juice, scrambled eggs with bacon, and some toast. When I was done, I heard soft footsteps coming from the hallway.

"Jaune?" A husky female voice asked from the hallway. "What's that delicious smell?"

Audra appeared, yawning and fixing her hair, wearing a tight-fitting blouse.


{{By the way,}} Church whispered through the Scouter. {{Congrats, kid. If I had a hand, I'd give you a high-five.}}

Audra was still waking up, but she looked more relaxed and less stressed.

"You came at the right time, I made breakfast."

She looked at me in surprise, but I nodded and pointed for her to sit down.

After sitting down, I tried to start a conversation with her, asking about other Grimm hotspots on the island or interesting places to explore. However, Audra only gave me monosyllabic answers or nods. Suspecting that she might want to eat in peace, I stayed quiet and let her eat in silence.

That didn't last long.

"Why did you make breakfast for me?" Audra asked.

Not understanding the question, I responded with the first thing that came to mind.

"Uhhh…" I replied eloquently. "I thought you might be hungry."

Audra's facial expression was hard to read; she looked distressed and distracted, as if caught in an internal conflict.

'Maybe she regretted sleeping with me,' I concluded silently.

Deciding to give her some space, I announced my departure.

"If I'm bothering you," I began, catching her attention. "I can leave."

"Huh?" She mumbled, focusing her attention on me. "What are you talking about?"

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable in your own home, especially if you regret what happened last night."

Audra stared at me wide-eyed in silence, probably shocked that I read her like an open book. Without further ado, I stood up from the table, but before I could take a single step, a strong female hand grabbed my shirt and lifted me off the ground.

"What's your problem, Arc?" Audra huffed, pulling me close to her face.

Stunned, I blinked in confusion.

"Problem?" I repeated, not understanding the question.

She had a stern face and teary eyes, using all her willpower not to cry.

"You stopped me from doing something I would have regretted for the rest of my life, made a barbecue with beer, then apologized for sparing Ilia, carried me home without exposing me to anyone on the island, preserving my dignity, cleaned my house, made dinner, and after a night of sex that broke my bed, you make breakfast and apologize for making me uncomfortable?"

"Y-yes," I stuttered, still confused about what was happening.

A tear of frustration rolled down her face, and then Audra roared, shaking me in the air.

"RAAAARGH!" The growl seemed more out of frustration than anger. "WHAT - IS - YOUR - PROBLEM!" She shouted, pausing between each word.

"THERE - IS - A - CRAZY - REDHEAD - SHAKING - ME!" I shouted back, trying to make her stop.


I fell with a thud when Audra finally let go of me.

"You think I regret last night?" She asked, staring at me intensely.

Still confused, I nodded in response to her question.

"Then answer me," Audra said, stepping on my chest. "Why did you do so many nice things for me?"

"Uhhh, because it was the right thing to do?" I replied, unsure of where this conversation was going.

Audra gave a slight sarcastic smile, shaking her head, but without taking her foot off my chest, she continued to ask.

"Did you do all this as part of an elaborate scheme to get me into bed last night? Or are you regretting what we did last night?" The last question had a heavier tone than the first.

"No to both!" I replied promptly.

Audra smiled in relief and removed her foot from my chest, extending her hand to me. Thinking she was trying to help me up, I tried to grab her hand, but she ignored it and grabbed my shirt again, lifting me off the ground as if I were made of paper. She stared into my eyes with a seductive smile and gave me a deep kiss.

My heart pounded like a drum in my chest when Audra's lips met mine, her touch sending an electric shock through my body.

When she pulled away, she brought her lips close to my ear and whispered.

"The next time you sleep with a woman, let her wake up in your arms," Audra said, putting me down.

"But I made breakfast," I responded in a whiny tone.

"Then you better bring her breakfast in bed," Audra said, sitting at the table. "Not all women are as understanding as I am."

{{I agree with the crazy barbarian MILF,}} Church said in my ear.

"Says the guy who dated Texas," I whispered back.

"Did you say something?"

"No, nothing," I quickly responded, being placed on the ground with my shirt all stretched out.

With a lighter mood, we continued breakfast. Audra asked where we were going today, but I told her I'd spend the day at the Belladonna house to make up for my unannounced absence.

After we finished eating, Audra stopped me from washing the dishes, saying I had already done more than enough. Since she seemed happy and relaxed, I decided not to insist and went on my way.

But before leaving the house, Audra called me.

"Hey, come here for a moment," Audra said, pulling me into a tight and warm hug.

'Hehe, breasts,' my primal brain thought as she cuddled me against her chest.

Little did I know it wasn't that kind of hug.

"You are a wonderful boy, Jaune. Stop putting yourself down."

Her words touched something deep inside me, stirring a mixture of emotions: gratitude, melancholy, surprise, and a hint of doubt.

I've always been my harshest critic, constantly questioning my abilities. But those simple words from Audra had the power to shake the foundations of my insecurities.

"I-I… I don't know what to say," I stammered, my cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and appreciation.

"You don't need to say anything," she replied, her lips curling into a gentle smile.

Her words were like a balm for my soul, soothing the pain of my self-deprecating thoughts. I pulled her closer, savoring the comfort of her embrace.

"Thank you, Audra," I murmured, my voice barely a whisper.

After a moment, I reluctantly separated from her, the warmth of her hug lingering on my skin. As I walked toward the door, I couldn't help but smile.

Stepping out into the fresh morning air, I took a deep breath, feeling rejuvenated and invigorated. The world seemed brighter, more vibrant, as if the sun shone just for me.

With newfound determination, I headed towards the Belladonna house, ready to face the day with a positive attitude.

"Nothing can spoil this wonderful day."

[Audra Taurus]

As soon as Jaune went on his way, I decided to sleep a little more. After all, I wouldn't need to protect him today, and I could wash the dishes later.

"That kid wore me out yesterday," I grumbled, walking with my legs still a bit shaky from the action I hadn't had in a long time. "Hard to believe he was a virgin."

Slowly, I walked back to the room Jaune had cleaned earlier, which now looked like a war zone. Sheets and pillows were scattered everywhere, and two bed legs were broken. To level it, I broke the other two before lying down.

"One day, he'll make some girl very happy," I whispered, lying alone in the bed.

For some reason, that thought dampened my good mood, but since I was still tired from the night's activities, I stopped thinking about it and relaxed, feeling sleep take over.

"I know I was just a casual fling for him, but maybe he'll marry someone less selfish," I murmured, already with heavy eyelids. "Maybe someone willing to…" I couldn't finish speaking as sleep finally took hold.

Completely relaxed, I had one of the deepest naps of my life, a sleep that rejuvenated both body and mind.


Until a loud noise suddenly woke me from my glorious restorative sleep.

"I'm going to kill someone today," I growled, getting up.

The noise came from the window being shattered.

I quickly got up, a bit groggy from sleep. My heart pounded frantically in my chest as I sat up in bed, adrenaline coursing through my veins, my blood boiling like a scorching river fueling my fury.

"Why does this nonsense happen when I finally get laid?"

Barefoot, I stepped onto the cold wooden floor and left the bedroom, searching the living room for the source of the noise.

That's when I saw them. Three hooded figures, wearing white Grimm masks that concealed their faces.

'White Fang?' I wondered internally.

I took a deep breath, calming my racing heart, my survival instincts and years of experience as a huntress taking over.

With a quick move, I grabbed a cracked mallet from the wall and charged it with my semblance, making it heavier before throwing it at the nearest invader.

The weapon flew straight until it collided with the invader's back, making a blue force field flicker as the man fell forward, stunned and gasping.

The other two looked at their fallen comrade in surprise. Taking advantage of their distraction, I turned to the nearest wall, looking for more resources to arm myself.

My house was decorated with loot from old enemies. I never bothered to maintain these items; after all, they were just trophies, and most had been damaged during battles.

With a dull hand axe in my right hand and a stained shield in my left, I charged, slamming the shield into one of the remaining invaders.


I hit the target's back, sending him flying a few meters and crashing face-first into the wall with a thud.


As he fell to the ground, a green aura flickered.

"Well, well, what do three little awakened-aura Fang brats want in my house?" I asked sarcastically.

"You traitorous bitch!" The last one standing, a woman with a high-pitched voice, shouted. "You were a symbol of faunus strength, only to ignore your own race when the fight got tough," she said indignantly. "Now you lie down like any cow for the first rich human who comes along?"

"Listen here, you brat," I said, addressing the only female invader. "I don't owe any explanations to a useful idiot."

"You old cow," the young woman growled. "How much did you get to let that disgusting human soften your second-rate flesh?"

A vein popped on my forehead. Fury and hatred boiled in my stomach with an intensity I hadn't felt in years.

I started huffing heavily, as if trapped in a low-oxygen room. My vision turned blood-red as I lost control over my reason.


The floor creaked and cracked under my weight, increased by my activated semblance. Although fighting with extra weight was harder and more tiring, I could put that weight behind my blows, causing much more damage.

The terrorist in front of me gulped, taking a step back as she heard the floor groan from my weight adjustment.

The funniest part was that all this rage wasn't because of the insults to me.

"GRAAAWWRRRR!" I roared, leaping at her.

But because of what she said about that goofball with a heart of gold.

My target tried to turn and run, but I landed a precise kick to her ribs, making the invader double over and fly into the wall where her partner had crashed. Unlike her partner, she didn't fall to the ground. I slammed into her with my shield in a tackle so strong we crashed through the wall together.


"Argh!" She groaned, spitting blood.

Despite the impact, I didn't slow down. I kept the momentum to prevent her body from detaching from the shield.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH!" I roared, accelerating.

"Please, no," she whimpered, begging.

In my fury, I could hear what was happening around me, and with a great effort, I could calm down and spare her.

But I didn't want to spare her. I wanted to teach this brat a lesson in respect.

Using my semblance, I increased my body weight even more and collided with another wall with three times the previous impact force.


When the sunlight touched my skin, I realized I was outside my house. I slowed my charge and looked at my victim. The invader lay on the ground, groaning in pain as her aura shattered.

From inside the house, the other two invaders came out, and when they noticed their ally on the ground, they were wide-eyed.

Still in a fury and with the extra weight from my semblance, I charged at them, roaring.


I beat the two with my dull axe until their auras shattered.

Even though the fight was quick, I was exhausted and panting. Fighting with my semblance increasing my weight allowed me to overpower any opponent in short fights, but the fatigue felt like I had run a marathon for hours.

With the three Fang invaders at my feet, my blood started to cool as my heavy breathing helped me recover my strength.

As I tried to catch my breath and gather my thoughts, a high-pitched whistling sound cut through the air. I quickly raised the old shield and blocked an arrow. I looked in the direction of the arrow and saw a hooded Fang agent aiming a crossbow at me.

Focused on the shooter, I didn't notice a small sphere rolling on the ground until it touched my foot.

"What the-"


The sphere exploded with a muffled bang, and dense smoke quickly spread through the area.

My eyes burned, and my vision blurred. I covered my mouth and nose with my hand, trying to avoid inhaling the smoke, but the substance was potent, and since I was panting initially, I inhaled a large amount of it. My legs wobbled, and I had to lean against the wall's rubble to stay upright.

"Damn it…" I murmured, struggling to stay conscious. It was as if my thoughts were dissipating with the smoke.

'Fast-acting agent poison?' I wondered.

Two figures emerged from the fog, bathed in the evening light: a man with bat wings and a woman with white hair.

[Image / Not mine]

"Such a shame that someone so strong has such an obvious weakness as this physical exhaustion caused by the continuous use of her semblance," said the faunus with spider-gray veins connecting her chest to her wrist. "Just irritate you a little, and you defeat yourself."

"But your strength is undeniable; you deserve your reputation," said the bat-winged faunus sarcastically. "And it's no use calling for help, the streets are empty, all the civilians are at Jaune Arc's trial."

The voices sounded distant and distorted, as if coming from a dream or nightmare. I tried to identify the direction, but my head was spinning, and my legs gave way, causing me to fall to the ground.

"I... I... will... break…" I murmured, my voice a weak whisper.

I tried to get up, but my body wouldn't respond. Whatever was in that dense smoke was defeating me; each breath seemed to steal more of my strength.

A strong hand grabbed my arm, pulling me back to reality. I was too weak to fight, but the need to resist still burned inside me. I tried to struggle, but it was useless. They lifted me easily, and I felt the world spin around me.

"She won't last much longer," the woman said disdainfully. "Let's take her."

The last thing I saw before everything went dark was the shadow of a cruel smile under the white mask. And then, darkness enveloped me completely.


The morning sun greeted me with a warm embrace, casting a golden glow over my face as I stretched, feeling a sense of happiness wash over me.

'Today is going to be a great day, I feel it in my bones.'

Walking through the streets of Kuo Kuana, I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. Everything seemed so full of energy, a symphony of sights, sounds, and smells that filled me with a refreshing sense of life.

I took a deep breath, savoring the vibrant atmosphere. I was so lost in my thoughts, enjoying the lively environment, that I didn't notice the strange looks I was receiving from people around me. At first, I dismissed it as my imagination. But as I kept walking, the stares grew more intense, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

"Is it just me, or is everyone pissed at me?" I murmured quietly.

{{You might be right,}} Church commented worriedly in my ear. {{Just in case, I'll wake up the boozy Half-Maiden. Until she gets there, don't do anything stupid.}}

I stopped and took out my scroll to check myself in the selfie camera. My face was clean, my hair as messy as always, and I was wearing my usual Huntsman outfit.

'There's nothing unusual about my appearance,' I thought to myself. 'So why are people looking at me like I'm some kind of criminal?'

Shaking off the discomfort, I decided to ignore them and continue on my way. But as I walked, I noticed people whispering behind their hands and pointing at me. Some even crossed the street to avoid me.

Seeing the negative reactions to my presence, I started to feel nervous as a pit formed in my stomach.

I tried approaching a few people to ask what was wrong, but they just gave me vague answers or ignored me completely. The situation was becoming increasingly bizarre, leaving me more and more confused.

As I passed by a group of young faunus students, their laughter and chatter abruptly stopped when they saw me. They looked at me with a mix of fear and disgust, then quickly moved away.

I was mortified.

'What did I do to make them hate me?' I questioned myself internally. 'Not even on my first day did they avoid me like this.'

Growing more uncomfortable with the situation, I decided to run towards the Belladonna household.

In a few minutes, I arrived at the front of the house, but as soon as the guards spotted me, they pointed their spears in my direction.

"HALT!" one of them shouted. "Where do you think you're going?" he demanded, glaring at me furiously.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused. "I'm Jaune Arc, the human who's been staying here…" Before I could finish my explanation, I was cut off by a shout from behind me.

"STOP RIGHT THERE, HUMAN!" an angry voice yelled at me.

Surprised by the shout, I turned around only to face four guards in armor with lasguns pointed at me. From the side lighting of the guns, they were all powered on and ready to fire, something only possible if a non-White Fang member was using the weapon.

"HANDS UP, OR WE SHOOT!" the same faunus from before shouted, aiming his lasgun at me.

I raised my hands, both confused and irritated. Being arrested is already bad enough, but being arrested without knowing why, by a militia I armed myself, is unbelievably frustrating.


E ai gurizada?

Let's go straight to the comments.


Congrats on pushing out another banger of a chapter, and for having what seems like your very first plagiarizer on FFNet by - - - -, who has 1-1 copied the 1st chapter of this story.


I saw this, thanks for the headsup.


Yellow smile? Is it from the drink?


This one escaped the revision. 

In Brazil, the expression yellow smile means something like discomfort. The logic is that in a situation, a person is uncomfortable or outside his usual environment, they can smile forcibly, trying to relieve their discomfort


Who never wanted to sleep with their enemy's hot mother.


Best comment.


It's from Kim Possible! Dr Draken's truth ray! (I cheated and looked it up)


Yep, look kind of op on the original show. So in the chapter Jaune made a nerfed one, to spend less Aura with.



[AVIP:Unlike usual, I wrote this part in third person.]

Audra's eyes glowed with primal hunger as she pressed Jaune against the wall. Her strong hands held her shoulders. She leaned down, pressing her lips to his ear, and whispered.

"Thank you, Jaune." Thanked Audra smiling. "I need this."

Jaune's heart raced, but he held his ground despite being manipulated like a doll. However, the reincarnated young man gasped when Audra's hands slid down his chest, deftly unbuttoning his shirt.

"Someone's been working hard on that pec." Audra growls in a hungry tone.

Quickly, she lifts the shirtless young man off the floor and carries him to the room on her shoulder like a sack of rice. Then she throws him on the bed with force.

A little stunned by the way he's being treated, Jaune looks ahead to get his bearings and his jaw drops to the floor when Audra rips off her white blouse and skirt. Her big breasts, glistening with sweat and pussy, were on display. Jaune swallows hard, admiring the scene as if it were a work of art.

"Do you like what you see, little calf?" Audra asked in a sultry voice. Jaune nodded, unable to hide his desire.

Wasting no time, Audra straddled Jaune, rubbing her wet pussy on his cock, making them both moan. Jaune got even harder, the head of his cock glistening with the redhead's juices. Audra leaned forward, her nipples brushing against Jaune's chest, and whispered lasciviously.

"Do you feel how wet I am?" She asked with a voice promising pleasure.

Jaune nodded, eyes fixed on hers, breathing raggedly.

Instinctively he reached out to cup her breasts, pinching her hard nipples. Audra responded by moaning loudly, encouraging the young man to explore her tanned body more.

 "Are you ready for me?" Audra purred.

She grabbed Jaune's arms, keeping him pinned in place. She positioned herself over him, with the entrance to her vagina hovering above his erect penis.

"Best suspension ever." Said Jaune celebrating being sent out of Beacon for 2 weeks.

"Now let me get what I want." Demanded Audra with feral determination, she sat on Jaune's cock.


They both moaned loudly. Her eyes widened with pleasure, as the milf's flooded pussy squeezed the blonde knight's cock as it throbbed hot and hard inside her.

"Oh my God, Audra." Jaune groaned. "You are incredible."

Audra, smiling triumphantly, bent down and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you Jaune." She said with a caring tone. "But we're just getting started."

At a frantic pace, Audra began slamming her ass onto Jaune's dick, bouncing on his pelvis with enough force to crack concrete.


Audra's eyes were fixed on Jaune as she rode him intensely. She smiled, daring him to join her.

"Are you going to lie down and just enjoy the calf rodeo?"


In response, Jaune grabbed Audra's waist and thrust upwards, trying hard to keep up with the red-haired barbarian's movements.

"Come on, you can do it!" Audra exclaimed provocatively, smiling at the young man's efforts.

Angered, Jaune attacked harder, penetrating deeper, making Audra moan in a specific way.

"MOOOOOOOOOOO!" Audra mooed in happiness as clear liquid ran down her legs and her pussy spasmed trying to milk Jaune's dick.

Jaune stopped moving, surprised. He thought he had hurt her, but the way her vagina was clenching around his cock and how wet she was made it clear that...

"Did you come first?" Jaune smiled.

"We're having sex, Jaune." Audra muttered embarrassedly. "That's one of the goals."

"You came first and moaned like a cow." Jaune laughed jovially.

Enraged, Audra frowned for a second, but her mood brightened with an evil plan that appeared in her mind, causing her to then open a sadistic smile on her lips.

"Ooooh man! Did I fucked up?" Jaune asked in a worried tone.

"You have no idea, brat," Audra whispered threateningly.

Without removing his penis, Audra lifted one of his legs and placed it on her shoulder, only to do the same with the other leg. With an evil smile, she assumes a dominant position on top of Jaune, the Amazon.

With Jaune's legs locked on her shoulder, Audra leaned forward and grabbed Jaune's arms with her hands.

"Hope you're ready for the vacuano rodeo, my little calf." Audra said licking her lips.

"I'm so scaroused." Jaune said terrified and excited.

She began to move with a new intensity.


Each thrust was powerful, as if she wanted to break him.


The room was filled with the sounds of their bodies colliding and moans. Audra's pussy clenched and sucked on Jaune's cock with each movement.


Jaune tried to hold her hips, trying to keep up. But his arms were trapped by Audra and in her position she was the one setting the pace, pumping and puffing on top of him.

"Do you like this, my calf?" Audra teased. "Am I hurting you? Or can you handle it?"

Sweat dripped from the young man's forehead, his heart was beating fast. But even so, he looked the red-haired barbarian in the eyes and dared to challenge her.

"Do your worst you bitch in heat." Replied Jaune in an arrogant tone.

Because of her speech, Jaune expected that he would irritate her and not that she would smile, with her eyes shining.


She increased her pace, her movements becoming even wilder. Her moans grew louder, her body shaking with each thrust. For Jaune, it was a blur of sensations as the legs of the bed thirsted over the intensity of their fucking.


"That's right, my calf." Audra whispered, imposing herself even more on top of him, with an authoritative voice. "I may be the cow, but you're the one who's going to give me your milk."


Finally, Jaune knew he couldn't take it anymore. His body shook as he surrendered to the pleasure, the orgasm overwhelming him.

"THE FUCK!" He shouted, voice hoarse with intensity.


Audra also felt waves of pleasure, her body shaking with each spasm. She moaned loudly, her voice echoing through the room, a testament to the power of the sexual act.


"MOOOOOOO!" She mooed again, feeling the hot liquid filling her.

Then Audra fell on top of Jaune's body, both of them panting.

"That was FUCKING GREAT!" Shouted Jaune celebrating. "We need to do it again sometime."

Audra laughs at Jaune's behavior as she grabs the young man by the balls making him moan loudly.

"Who said it's over my little human calf?"

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