20% A New Challenge (Naruto) / Chapter 2: The Hokage

章節 2: The Hokage


"Ah, Fugaku-kun! I was so happy to see your name on my list of appointments for the day and this must be little Akari?" I don't actually blame the Hokage for being a little confused on that last bit. Outside of my physical features being very close to my new mother's, I didn't exactly look Uchiha, with my streaked silver coloring.

The Hokage who was currently sitting behind his desk had a near overwhelming presence. Warm fire, safety and comfort, a strong, crisp breeze bringing the scent autumn leaves. The barest hint of danger hiding in the shadows between flames. Soft smoke and gentle light guiding you home- It was a good facade. If I hadn't known he was the military dictator that held one of the strongest of all shinobi villages for nearly three decades and through a war, if I couldn't feel the sharp intelligence hidden deep behind the face of a gentle old man, I would have been fooled.

I stare seriously in his direction, sensing him out. From his aura, he isn't actually bad. He seems to genuinely care about the village, and even us Uchiha. That… I don't know if that makes it worse or better.

I knew his type. Old people who weren't evil, who loved those that looked to them, but had lost touch with the important things: The lives they played chess with. It's not always their fault. When you are in charge of people who might die on your orders, you have to detach yourself or it consumes you. Hell, I walked that line plenty myself. So, no, Hiruzen Sarutobi wasn't a bad man. He was just a human who was currently making some mistakes that were about to have ridiculously long reaching effects, horrifying ones. His love for others was his greatest strength and weakness. I have to move first or I'll loose my opurtunity. If he is pitted against our clan, I'm not sure I can stop the massacre, so move now, before Danzo can manipulate him further..

"Sarutobi-sama," Oh ho, Father, is that genuine affection I hear in your voice for our dear dictator who may or may not let us all die because of the bro code? "I'm happy to see that you are well. I was hoping you could spare a bit of time to meet my heir and discuss something with me. In private."

Our venerable-ish Hokage straightens immediately, alertness pulsing through his aura. Fire grows hotter, sparks catching on dry leaves and crawling up trees as the wind begins to growl- I sigh, pulling myself out of his aura, settling my head tiredly on my father's shoulder. I was able to activate my visions to prepare for the meeting, but while I was able to have multiple at one time, my brain feels like mush afterwards and I'm tired all the way down to my bones, even several hours later. I only was able to confirm two things, really, but they were the most important things. They were that the Third would keep his shinobi's secrets if asked, and that he would do his best to protect his people, and that was all I needed.

"I see," he murmurs, voice deep and a bit raspy as he…puffs a pipe? Using chakra? What the hell- Lord Third does something with his chakra, flaring a pattern or code, and suddenly the people, (Anbu!), hidden around the room disappear, making me twitch. I nod at my father, letting him know silently that we're good, and he carries me forward, closer to the Hokage's desk. "One moment, please." And then Llrd Third taps something, a mark made out of chakra and the room suddenly feels encased in a bubble. I cringe, confused by the weird muffling sensation, remindly oddly of cotton balls in your ears. "I've activated a privacy seal. It is rather remarkable that little Akari-Chan managed to sense it."

I groan, tucking my face into dad's weird high collar. Shit, I gave myself away too easily. I'll need to work on it. My father just sighs, patting my back, consolingly.

"Don't feel too bad, Little One. You did very well, but I am known as the God of Shinobi for a reason," The old man chuckles warmly, and it does make me feel a little bit better.

Deciding it's time to get down to business, I hold my hands out to the Hokage, who sets me on his knee without hesitation, grabbing a lollipop from…somewhere and handing it over. I instantly shove it into my mouth, scowling around it. This guy is pretty difficult to dislike.

"Now, Fugaku-kun, did you simply wish to show me your clever heir? Or did you come to request help with her formidable sensing ability? It could be dangerous without training, and while I'm not our best sensor, I did learn from Lord Second himself." I blink, curiously fiddling with his tent hat thing. Was The Second a sensor? Who was he again? I brush away the thought, not wanting to trigger a vision at the moment with the line of questioning when I could just figure it out later.

"Hn." That means "no" here in Uchiha speak. "I came to inform you of something. My daughter was gifted. She was born with her Mangekyō active," Shock, alarm, pity. A sympathetic man, but a cautious one, nonetheless. "She wished to relay a few messages."

"Messages?" The Hokage is more than a bit concerned now, as he turns to me.

"Her right eye can see possible futures, although the chakra drain is very hard and dangerous for her current body." Sarutobi-sama freezes, a gasp passing his lips, and I'm careful to keep the satisfied smirk on my face. Ha, I shocked a God of Shinobi. How's that for badassery?

"Incredible," his hand settles gently between my pig tails, courtesy of my mother. "I suppose your clan's dojutsu does have limitless possibilities, but are you sure? This is a bit unbelievable even for the Mangekyō."

I give him a flat look, because really? He's seen some crazy shit inhis life time, and this is what he thinks the line is at. I sigh, looking at where I think his eyes are. "Rotten roots kill the tree."

The room freezes. I can feel my father's alarm and confusion, but neither the old man or I break our pseudo staring contest. A dangerous rage starts trickling into the air, and it might have scared me if I wasn't who I am. I stopped fearing Death so long ago and I've faced bigger and badder. Besides, it's not me he's angry at. I use my chakra to lightly coat just below my skin, brushing off the deadly aura like an annoying fly in the background. Fire burns, spreathing through the forest and searing the air even as the ground rumbles dangerously, wind howling its rage- I reach out and poke him in the nose. "Stop, Papa worried."

And he was. My father was stiff as a statue. He hadn't moved a muscle, his chakra was rolling wildly. Sparks fly, flames leaping high, smoke thick and suffocating- the Hokage pulls back his dark intent abruptly, shame and regret soaking his aura. "My apologies. I did not mean to lose control. My ire is not at either of you. Are you alright, Little One?"

I nod, unconcerned, but a bit apologetic about starting a commotion. "Hn, sorry."

Sarutobi-sama huffs, shaking his head. "No, I needed to know. And I know for a fact that your father does not know of that information. Few at all do. That is enough proof of your abilities for me." Hmm, good. That went well. I'm now a verified psychic to him. And the seed of doubt about his best bro is officially planted. A risky move, but the only one I could think of at the moment that I knew would pay off…without being branded crazy or a traitor…I need better plans in the future, though.

My father gives a stiff nod of acceptance, but still steps forward and carries me several feet away from the Hokage, who just feels tired and sad now. I almost feel bad. It's not easy to have to doubt those you love the most. Deciding to change the subject, I wave my hand. "Not important right now. Just proof."

"Then…what else?"

"War. 2 years at most." I tell him solemnly. The Hokage slumps, head dropping to his hands, exhaustion and greif weighting across his shoulders like a man trying to hold the weight of the sky. He only stays that way for a moment, and then I see the man that became this village's leader and that rules over incredibly powerful ninja with only his power, his will, and force of character. He straightens up, hands folding in front of him. "Is there anything we can do to stop it."

"No," I answer abruptly, and it's true. "I want something."

"Oh?" He's curious, even as he keeps his voice steady and flat, thankfully not offended by my bluntness.

"Sakumo Hatake," I state as best I can before tapping my silent father. Frankly, trying to properly form words in a toddler mouth is fucking difficult. I simply don't have the dexterity to participate in long complicated conversations. So, yesterday, I relayed Sakumo's fate to my father in bits and pieces, and he put it together into a comprehensible format. Now, at my signal, my father relays that story to the Hokage.

Sakumo, a true shinobi hero of the Leaf, would be sent on a mission that could potentially keep war from starting. Spoiler; War would come for Konohagakure regardless so this was actually pointless, something I confirmed myself, part of the reason I was so chakra low these last few days. On the mission, Sakumo would give up on the mission to save his comrades, and that would cause the village, and even his ungrateful team to turn on him. Shinobi, war veterans in particular like Sakumo, aren't the most mentally stable, obviously. Under the strain of the whole village's scorn, Sakumo would end up killing himself, leaving the village without an incredibly honorable person, a very skilled hero, and his son, without his father.

The Hokage listens, silently devastated. When my father finishes, I wiggled tugging on his collar until he reluctantly sets me down. I make my way back to the Hokage who gives me a weak chuckle, but sets me back on his knee much to my father's hidden worry and dismay.

"I don't want this for him," I tell the Lord Third.

He hums, the stone-like demeanor he adopted softening, "Neither do I, Akari-hime." Damn, I'm starting to see that nickname catching on. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. To be frank, I know exactly what mission this would have been. I believe you, and I trust Fugaku-kun to not lead me astray."

"So, what happen now?" I inquire, and it's a real question. I didn't look farther into the future past this point because once I knew the Hokage would listen, the most important goal of this meeting, I didn't want to waste anymore chakra on my asshole eyeball.

"Hmm, I'm getting old. I've been Hokage for nearly 3 decades. It is time for the new generation to take over, I think. Someone who knows that Konoha is it's people. Yes, someone with the Will of Fire."

I can tell from the astonishment that my dear dad picked up something I didn't because I have no clue what Sarutobi-sama is getting at here. I blink, head tilting, "Huh?"

It's then that my eye activates on its own. Sakumo Hatake stands before the village wearing the fucking Hokage tent hat. I catch a few more things, but end up tumbling sideways, the Hokage easily catching me and leaning me against his chest, him and my father rather concerned as I start to sputter.

"You-you! What?! Him?!"

"Oh, my. That was rather interesting. It activates on its own? If I had any doubts left, that would have been proof to me. I wonder why it's that color. Do the doctors know?"

I forgot this nerd's other nickname was The Professor. I guess this world's snaky immortal wannabe did in fact, share character traits with his senses. I muster up enough energy to give him a dirty look before my body gives out and I fall into the land of dreams.


Later that week, I'm sitting with Kakashi in our garden. We're both sitting cross cross on the side of a thick, hardy tree and trying to use our chakra nature on leaves. I was alternately trying to make mine explode with lightning and catch fire with my dual nature, like my mother. Kakashi was also dual natured, kinda. He had the Hateke blood line with its weird white chakra that I was pretty sure was literally a fucking laser ,and lightning as was common in his clan.

I started to wonder why I feel like I never saw him use the Hatake chakra when I watched some of the anime, but then I remember how much his dad's death messed him up. It made me really relieved that he wouldn't have to go through such a thing again. I knew that the shinobi life was just going to be really traumatic no matter what, and that I can't save everyone, but I had a policy when reincarnating. I'd save everyone I could, everyone in reach, from as much pain as possible. I was no god, and I can't save everyone, but I wouldn't back down from anything that stood in my way. Even if it meant I'd have to hurt instead. After all, there was no pain I hadn't felt already, what's a few more wounds on my soul to spare the ones I cared for. I had a squad cheering for me from the Beyond, and even if I couldn't be with them in the now, I carried their love in my soul. And because of it, there was nothing I couldn't do. As fucking cheesy and bullshit as that sounds.

I discard another leaf as the backyard door opens and Mama calls us in. Inside our ai ring room, the Hokage, Sakumo and my Papa sit, the weird feeling of privacy seals settling over me as we walk over to our respective fathers.

"We have some news, kids," Oh, ho, do tell, Sakumo. "First, I'll be training to become the Fourth Hokage in the next few months." Kakashi makes a very funny squeaking confused sound, and I just cheer happily in between giggles. Sakumo chuckles, but continues. "Secondly, the Uchiha and the Hatake will be entering an official alliance." I almost spit take the tea mother just gave me. Now wait a damn minute, you don't mean- "It won't be a marriage alliance, although neither clan head is opposed, but a political one based on resources and council things." Oh, thank god, that could've made things hard for our future friendship. Arranged marriages tend to fuck up any casualness and comfort between two parties. Been there and done that.

"Lastly, Akari-hime, I was brought up to speed. You saved my life at the expense of your own secrets. The Hateke will remember that." Kakashi, alarm flicking to him, creeps closer to his father, hand tightening on Sakumo's sleeve, his head rapidly turning back and forth between his father and I.

I huff, brushing it off. "Mah, mah. It's fine. You gonna be a really good kage." I already knew that he would be informed of my eye, although not given specifics of his own death, and I gave my permission freely for it. I wouldn't need to worry about the Hatake, ninja contracted to loyal canines summons, betraying my trust, especially not these two kind souls. I could feel it. Hell, I'd seen it.

"Akari?" Kakashi asks quietly, his had reaching out to press into my shoulder in question.

"I used my eyes to stop something bad from happening to Sakumo-oji-sama, but it's a secret okay? Don't let anyone know they do that." I can feel surprised pleasure flicker through Sakumo, so I resolve to keep using the impromptu nickname. My parents are a bit worried, but not terribly so about my secrets coming out. They seem to have decided to let me make my own decision on it.

Kakashi, however, seems uncertain, and even lost. "But, you're blind. How could you use your eyes?" I blink, taken aback, but ignoring the sudden chaos the adults are experiencing. Both the Hokage and Sakumo have both gone blank in shock, Sarutobi even choking on his own pipe, so flabbergasted that even their aura's have gone still. Ha. My mother and father had both just sighed, sipping their tea. Hmm, they're adapting rather well to the chaos I bring everywhere I go. That's no fun.

"Kashi knew?" I wonder aloud.

"Of course," He, hilariously, sounds offended at the insinuation. "You always know where things are, but you don't look at them directly. You also turn your head when you feel someone coming even if they are out of sight. I thought you were smelling them like me, because they don't make noise, but you did it even when we were downwind." Huh, okay. Geniuses gonna genius, I guess.

Sakumo groans, finally coming back to his senses, and pinching his nose in disbelief, "I thought she was just too shy to make eye contact. A sensor? Seriously? Is she that good? Wait, if she's blind then how did she see-"

"She can see when her sharingan are active, it's just a matter of how much chakra she can spare. She can't necessarily stop them from activating, so she could potentially be chakra exhausted without being able to stop it. It's why we're having her carry chakra pills around with her everywhere." And damn were those things fucking vile. Plus, they gave me a headache because I could 'see' them go in and put my chakra coils into overdrive, making my body extra chakra. I had to use them twice this week already and I am determined to never do so again until I'm fucking minutes from ending my new adventure.

"What happens if someone completely drains their chakra?" Kakashi asks nonchalantly, but his hand is tight on my shoulder. The adults go silent, unsure how to tell the almost 5year old. I don't have that restraint so I shrug and do it for them. He'll be a genin very fucking soon, they should choose this of all things to protect him from.

"Die," I drag my finger across my throat for emphasis. Worry starts to seep into his aura, sharp and fearful, but I just take his hand in mine, patting the back of it. "Don't worry. It's okay." He nods, but doesn't let go of my hand.

"What have you been doing to increase her chakra capacity?" Sakumo asks, seriously, his own concern thick in his voice. My mother speaks for the first time, sounding grim and weary.

"We've only just started training her. So far we've just been letting her expend her chakra daily, but we're worried she'll get a vision unwillingly and end up hurt because there is nothing left to spend."

"Hmm," Sarutobi sips his tea before he speaks, the others waiting patiently for his wisdom, "meditation should also help to expand her reserves. She lost consciousness that day in my office. Before anything else, making sure her own dojutsu can't harm her should be priority. I noticed you two were doing the leaf exercises. Could you show us?"

Kakashi grabs some and we demonstrate. He humms and gives us pointers before asking us if we can copy him. Lifting his hand, he sparks a bit of lighting out of his index finger. Kakashi struggles a bit, but I nail it. It's not hard when can feel the way he manipulates the chakra in his body.

"You're lightning natured, Hokage-sama?" Kakashi asks.

"No, he fire and wind," I correct absentmindedly shooting sparks like a mini sparkler.

"I hadn't even realized sensing chakra natures was possible," Sakumo chuckles breathlessly, seemingly ready to just accept everything I throw out without question now. Damn, shinobi really do not know how to adapt.

"The Second could, but perhaps not this young. Akari-hime, can you do this?"The Third Hokage pulls chakra to his finger tips before it spills out in thin lines, dense and without a nature. Strings?

I copy the flow of chakra to my index easily enough, but it's difficult from then on. Keeping a nature out of it isn't too hard, it's just raw chakra, but directing it out into thin, dense strings is tough. I'm so focused I don't even notice how much time has passed. "Akari-hime?" Feeling a bit embarrassed that I can't quite manage it, I show the Hokage what I have, frowning at the short fat string of only 3 inches.

"Very well done," Mu father states, pride in his aura, much to my confusion, because my father really isn't one for verbal praise. Sakumo-oji-sama whistles, impressed and nods his ageeement. I frown, but Sarutobi+same enlightens me.

"That is very impressive for only an hour-" oh, shit. How long?! "-of paractice. Your chakra sensing has the effect of making your control very good because you know what it's sopossed to feel like. Say, Little One, as a way to improve your skills, how would you feel about studying some medical ninjutsu?"


Kakashi decides to learn some with me, and as a result, we both end up spending at least part of the day with each other. A routine came into being in the months that followed. I'd wake up, eat breakfast, spar with Papa or Mama, depending on who was working. Then, Kakashi, who wasn't yet in the academy, would come over to practice medical ninjutsu with Mother and I, (which had been mostly chakra control expertises, and recently, dead fish revival). Biwako-sama, The Third's wife and a medical ninja herself, often frequented our house to join Mother in training us,which, I heard, created quite the buzz in the village. After that, it was meditation and lunch. Any chakra I gained during that time was promptly spent right after by way of studying and using my eyes to memorize pages of information at a time, much of it being the beginner medical information. Then, it was dinner, some family time, and bed. On days that Sakumo was busy preparing for kageship, Kakashi was usually with us most of the time, even occasionally overnight if his father had to leave the village, (thankfully never on that cursed mission).

War preparations were in full swing and even though I didn't interact with anyone outside of my family, the Hateke, and occasionally, the Lord Third and his wife, I knew that tensions were still rising. There was, however, relief at the announcement of the Fourth Hokage being chosen. Sakumo was apparently a very popular choice, even compared to the legendary Sannin, the Third's students.

Tsundae was low key a missing nin after abandoning the village and only her legacy, ability, and position as a student of Sarutobi-sama were the reasons she was left alone to do what she wanted. Bloody nepotism at its finest. Orochimaru was not well liked by the ninja corps for his arrogant personality and overall creepiness and assholerry. Lastly, jiraiya was a giant perve, and, although he was apparently an incredible spy master, he was a goofy dumbass no one saw taking the hat. Sakumo was around the same age as them, and a beloved hero for his actions in the last war. At least, these are things I overheard my father tell my mother… albeit in much more formal wording.

In the end, Sakumo's inauguration would be happening within the next 6 months shortly after my birthday. Today, however was a break in routine. The Yamanka Clan head was having a "get together". In reality, it was a way to strengthen relations between clans and high ranking and well respected shinobi before the war. Apparently, the alliance of the Uchiha with our future Hokage shook things up more than I could have anticipated. It seems we were traditionally isolationists when it came to politics. Or we were before Father took over. When I asked Papa why he changed our normal policy, he was rather straightforward.

"Your eyes are part of the reason," he bluntly states. I tilt my head, not seeing the connection at all. "We won't realistically always be able to hide your abilities, and if someone decides they want them for themselves…" he pauses here, waiting for me to work it out myself.

"We need more allies to support us." He nods, and I promptly give myself a mission.

I spent the next week carefully draining my chakra with my bullshit peepers in preparation for the event. My go-to way of saving worlds relied heavily on three main things: political change, friendship, and magic. As fucking stupid as it sounds, it works. This would be my initial start on the first two and would literally determine the way all of the village's future leaders would see me. Toddler or not, I couldn't afford to be anything but perfect.

I check myself in the mirror, flashing my sharingan. Hair falling in loose waves with a sparkly hair pin on each side, striking black and silver hair and eyes, and a deep blue kimono embroidered with lighter blue and silver flowers. Nodding in approval I tug a soft piece of fabric over my eyes, sharingan turning off under the blue fabric, made to match my kimono..

"Are yo sure you want to do this?" My mother murmurs, worrried. Neither of my parents were ashamed of my fucked up eyes. But the blindfold would be a giant, obvious give away that I was blind. They were concerned about those who would try to use it to take advantage of me. But, as someone who was eternally a disabled person in every damn life, I understand something they don't.

"I won't be able to hide it forever, so instead I'll use it. The smart ones will think twice, and the idiots will aim right where I expect them to. People can only take advantage of something if you let them, and if they see this, they won't think to look further." I tell my mother clearly, reveling in my hard won coherency. My speech has vastly improved in the last few months I spent regularly talking, to my endless relief.

Mama gathereds me close, her scent of roses and something metallic soothing me in its familiar feeling of home and safety. "Okay. We'll be here to support you, my lovely star,"


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