Sui Luxiao looked at him, in half-doubt as the thought that she really overworked visited her more than once in the short time it took for him to close the door behind him and start moving closer to her desk.
She slowly stood up, seeing the upper part of his figure being illuminated as he passed near the window to the hall and becoming dark again as he moved past it, making her anxious that once he would pass the last window on the way to her he would just not come out of the shadow, making him that was approaching her a figment of her imagination.
He approached her and she circled around the desk while not taking her eyes off of him. As he approached the last window on the way his figure was already slightly lit by the lantern on her desk.
It was the same gaze and same smile that she remembered, that gave her the same feeling of comfort, and care.
"Are you still interested in that answer?"
Thank you very much for reading, commenting, and your great support!!! XD
There is an important announcement in the auxiliary chapter