It was the first time Luo Mingyu saw people actually die. She was already familiar with the concept, as she was not a naive girl. But knowing something and actually seeing it happen is very different. Wu Long could ask her to close her eyes or look away, but he knew that it was a very important step in the process of the creation of her own path to comprehending the Dao, as well as her own mental development. The sheltered life Luo Mingyu led prior to meeting Wu Long was what was limiting her own development, and now that she came out of this shell she had to see the world as it was.
Lol, the more you know the more cautious you get, and therefore in a sense could make a lapse of judgment because you overthink. Wu Long basically played on that with the conspiracy masters XD
We are moving on to the next kingdom, the Jurong kingdom will appear later again, but for now, we are leaving that place behind. But even this kingdom is not going to be long since it is conjoined with the southern sea arc, so the actual action in the kingdom should not take too many chaps. XD
Thank you very much for reading, commenting and your support!!! XD
There is an important announcement in the auxiliary chapter