Koa led the way to their cabin, a masterpiece of merman craftsmanship. The exterior walls were covered in iridescent pearls, meticulously arranged in intricate patterns. Everything is so beautiful that it doesn't look like right after arriving at the South Merman Tribe Astri is already facing hard times.
She ignores the looks of the people towards her and her spouses, and whispers of females to other males:
"Why is that hot guy carrying that little female? Is she so weak he needs to carry her?"
"She must be a very weak female for not being capable of walking by herself."
"She must be ashamed of her body. Look at her clothes, covering most of her body."
All of Astri's group are furious hearing those whispering. Koa is too but he's also ashamed that his people are treating the Goddess like this.
He jumps on a big rock so everyone can see.
Thank you for reading!