80.86% I, Superman's Younger Brother, got the Thanos Template / Chapter 131: Compromise; The Beyonder; Zod

章節 131: Compromise; The Beyonder; Zod



The Guardians of the Universe, who have lived for billions of years, manifested as imposing projections in space. Their ancient and stern faces carried an aura of grandeur and indifference, tinged with a hint of stubborn decay.

"Return the Lantern Rings.

The Lantern Rings selecting you was a program error. You should never have been chosen in the first place."

As Clark gazed at the Guardians of the Universe who had, for countless ages, maintained peace in the universe by forming the Green Lantern Corps, he felt a tinge of anger that they were so ruthless in demanding the return of the Lantern Rings, despite his assistance in dealing with Parallax.

However, he didn't really attach too much importance to the Lantern Ring.

Even if the Lantern Ring could help him protect against meteor radiation.

"Why don't we just give the Lantern Rings back to them, David?"

Flying over to David's side, Clark stared at the dozen or so figures.

"It seems too cheap for them."

David had a similar attitude toward the Lantern Rings.

The Green Lantern Rings were considered the most powerful weapon in the universe. If a Lantern Ring chose someone, they could become a cosmic police officer, upholding order in the universe with great power. 

But for David, the Lantern Rings didn't enhance his abilities at all; they were merely a convenient tool, like a handy gadget. However, it was impossible to hand back the Lantern Rings.

"After using our powers, you want to take the Lantern Rings back and pretend as if nothing happened. It's not that simple!"

His tone was cold.

"Why didn't you show up to reclaim the Lantern Rings before we dealt with Parallax? Why did you only realize there was a programming error after Parallax was driven into the Sun?"

David didn't mince words as he pointed out the hypocrisy of these Guardians of the Universe.

Among the crowd, Tomar-Re, who had not taken action against the brothers earlier, had a slight change in his expression. He pieced together the events and looked at the revered guardians in disbelief through Lantern's eyes.

'Everything does seem too convenient.'

Clark also realized this and had an unpleasant expression.

"Even without you, Parallax would have been eliminated in this starry expanse."

One of the Guardians of the Universe spoke with a tough attitude.

"The Lantern Rings are the only weapon the Green Lantern Corps uses to maintain cosmic order; they must not be allowed to leak out."

Implicit in their words was the fact that the peace of the universe now relied entirely on the protection of the Green Lantern Corps. If the Lantern Rings were to leak out and people found ways to counter them, the entire universe could be in danger.

That your single decision could determine the safety and well-being of all living beings in the universe.

With a wave of his hand, a green light condensed an image. Over three thousand remaining Green Lanterns from the Green Lantern Corps headquarters on Oa, a force capable of sweeping the universe, stood ready in formation, their momentum overwhelming.

At the same time, another image appeared, depicting a living planet enveloped entirely in green light. Massive and ancient, it was even larger than Oa, floating in the void of space.

'Green Lantern Mogo.'

David's gaze slightly narrowed.

Green Lantern energy represents "willpower," which means that anything with self-will has the potential to become a Green Lantern. The Green Lantern Corps consists of various alien beings, as well as some unconventional creatures.

Just like Mogo, a small living planet with self-will, possessing immense power, which the Green Lantern Corps would only use as a last resort, an ultimate weapon.

In the comics, it once effortlessly wiped out a quarter of the Yellow Lantern Corps with a single strike.

"Are you trying to intimidate me, Guardians of the Universe?"

He sneered disdainfully.

David undoubtedly didn't currently have the power to explode stars, even though Mogo's size was relatively small compared to planets. But...

"Today, you won't be taking back these two Lantern Rings, and I might also keep a dozen more!"

He reached out and immobilized a dozen of the Lanterns who had attacked Clark and him most viciously.


Under the immense power, their arms were torn off, and blood was spilled into space.

The Lantern Rings were restricted in one place, flying into David's palm, attempting to break free from his control and return to their original owners, but they struggled weakly, like moths trapped in resin, fluttering futilely.

Dozens of Lanterns quickly moved to protect their comrades who had lost their Lantern Rings' protection. They glared angrily at David, who had harmed their fellow warriors and colleagues. However, remembering the scene when David had previously swept them aside with a wave of his hand, and with the Guardians of the Universe present, they hesitated to step forward.

"You have a lot of nerve, young creature!"

The blue-skinned Guardians of the Universe, with their big heads and short bodies, who all looked quite similar, were furious.

"You're provoking the Green Lantern Corps, which has safeguarded the peace of the universe for billions of years!"

They had just demonstrated the power of the Green Lantern Corps, and David not only didn't yield but also brazenly seized a dozen or so Lantern Rings right in front of them. He was incredibly audacious!

Even though they claimed to have abandoned emotions, this group of little blue smurfs hadn't really turned into emotionless statues.

"You should have thought about this when you were planning to use us."

David's expression remained cold as he spoke slowly.

"If you're not satisfied, go ahead and unleash your Green Lantern Corps!"

Even though he had eliminated Parallax for the sake of emotional manipulation and Earth's protection, these Guardians of the Universe really couldn't expect to reap the benefits of their plans without facing any consequences.

While the Green Lantern Corps boasted of safeguarding the peace of the universe for billions of years, it was not as formidable as it sounded.

In the comics, there were sayings like single combat invincibility, if it exceeds three, it is not as good as a dog. If it exceeds five, it is guaranteed annihilation, about the Green Lantern Corps, as they had been eradicated many times.

"Under the radiance of this star, its gravity is omnipresent. Your planet-sized Lantern, Mogo, if it dares to step into the solar system, I'll throw it into the sun! You can test whether I can do it."

David pointed toward the sun.

The larger the size, the greater the gravitational pull from the sun. In other environments, David might not be able to deal with Green Lantern Mogo. 

But within the sun's gravity field, he could use its power to confront and even kill Mogo!

Silence fell in space for a moment, and the Guardians of the Universe' expressions fluctuated. They didn't dare to gamble with David's gravity manipulation ability.

David's strength was no longer something ordinary Lanterns could handle. Even if their numbers were greater, it wouldn't make a difference. As for Mogo, it was the ultimate weapon of the Green Lantern Corps. Other Lanterns could be replaced if they died, even by the thousands, but there was only one living planet Lantern Mogo.

"You've eliminated Parallax and resolved a crisis for the universe. 

But if we hear news of you using the Lantern Rings for evil, no matter where you hide, no matter the cost, the Green Lantern Corps will hunt you down to the death."

The Guardians of the Universe had gloomy expressions as they spoke, though they had previously not acknowledged David and Clark's contributions to the universe – credit for resolving the Parallax situation was like extending an olive branch.

It made it seem like they weren't afraid of David's abilities but were saving face for their significant accomplishments in the universe.

After delivering a harsh but ultimately meaningless warning, they closed the projection and issued the order for the Lanterns to retreat.

On one hand, they appeared determined not to let go of the Lantern Rings, and on the other hand, their attitude suddenly changed, commanding the heroic and wounded Green Lanterns to leave, making them look like clowns.

However, this was considered normal for the Guardians of the Universe. One of the Ten Laws recorded in the Book of Oa was that Corps members must unconditionally obey the commands of the Guardians of the Universe.

The Green Lanterns, with various degrees of injuries, left with gloomy faces.

Tomar-Re sighed, feeling a mix of emotions as he left alongside the dozens of his Corps comrades who had been seriously injured by David.

"So, it ends like this?"

In the blink of an eye, space was empty, except for a dozen severed limbs and tentacles that had been torn off, leaving Clark in a daze.

He had been clenching his fists, feeling tense and ready for a major battle, fearing that his brother's strong stance would lead to a war and that they would face the full force of the entire Universal Police Corps.

As a result, the outcome was that the opposing side simply walked away.

"Those selfish old guys who've lived for who knows how many years, Compromise isn't new to them when they can't win."

Watching the distant stars where the Green Lanterns were heading, David wasn't too surprised and chuckled lightly.

Years ago, when facing Krypton, it had been the same. Facing Darkseid had been the same. They were always willing to compromise holding their grand banner of upholding universal peace.

Moreover, it was just a mere dozen Lantern Rings.

David intended to use his willpower to modify the program for these dozens of Lantern Rings and give two to Jonathan and Martha.

'This way, Mom and Dad will have some means of self-defense in case of unexpected situations.'

The Green Lantern's lantern still held a considerable amount of willpower, enough to sustain dozens of battles.

The remaining Lantern Rings were stored away for now.

'Kryptonite liquid, the Holy Trident, Green Lantern Rings, Promethium metal...'

David raised an eyebrow, feeling like he could build his own collection room.


"Over a thousand lives killed, the space monster was driven into space by the Purple Light Man and Superman, they rescued the Coast City!"

Headlines in major American newspapers all reported this significant event.

This was the public's first encounter with confirmed extraterrestrial life.

As for Superman and the Purple Light Man being rumored to be aliens, it had been circulating for a while, but without concrete evidence, it remained just that - a rumor.

Due to his prominent performance in battling Parallax even more than Superman, David attracted a lot of attention, even from people who usually paid little attention to him because of his inactivity in fighting crime.

Many people began discussing the normally elusive superhero.

"The title 'Purple Light Man,' in hindsight, seems rather tasteless for a hero who saved an entire city."

"Purple Light Man needs a new superhero name!"

Some believed that the title 'Purple Light Man' was solely based on the fact that he emitted a purple light when he appeared, and while distinctive, it might have been somewhat hasty.

In the end, after intense online discussions, a new title emerged - "The Beyonder."

This title was undoubtedly related to Superman, since he always appeared alongside Superman. Following the idea that superhuman beings are Superman, people came up with a new title for David.

Countless people praised 'The Beyonder' for his heroic deeds alongside Superman.

However, they were unaware of the immense power of Parallax, capable of absorbing the energy of an entire life-sustaining planet. What David and Clark had saved was not just Coast City.


"A space monster? Heroes who saved the lives of tens of millions - Superman and The Beyonder?"

In a secret laboratory deep underground, Lex Luthor looked at the freshly printed newspapers with a sneer.

"Is it worthy to cheer and celebrate for two alien monsters driving away another alien monster?"

He reflected on past examples, like the brown tree snake introduced to the United States after World War II, which caused the extinction of many native bird and reptile species. Or the cane toad, sent to Australia with the intention of controlling pests but instead resulting in the extinction of various species and a significant decrease in local biodiversity.

"So many examples like these."

"These fools seem to have no idea that whenever they have the opportunity, local species are at risk of destroying the entire natural ecosystem, whether intentionally or unintentionally."

Lex Luthor toyed with the globe on his desk, his eyes cold and ruthless.

He was determined to eliminate Superman and The Beyonder, not only because they forbade him from appearing under the Sun, but also because of the threat these two aliens posed - a threat equivalent to nuclear weapons.

"People only grow when they feel pain."

"In the event of a successful attack on the Coast City, the world will be gripped by a sense of crisis. Nations around the Earth will start researching defenses against alien threats. 

The Sword of Damocles will hang over us, and humanity will have to put away its years of arrogance as the planet's masters. Perhaps we'll even see another technological boom in a short time."

"But now, it has become a farce where short-sighted fools praise other invading alien species."

Lex Luthor held a mocking tone as he casually tossed the newspaper aside and clicked his mouse.

A video he had watched dozens of times, one that excited him greatly, began to play.

It was a video of Superman in a brawl with a painter who emitted a green light. With his keen and intelligent mind, he analyzed the scenes of steel and walls being destroyed in the video and re-extracted and summarized the information.

"A guy with strength just reaching hundreds of tons can knock Superman around and make him spit blood!

Without a doubt, the green light weakens our great hero!

He murmured in a low voice, a sarcasm he couldn't quite articulate, as he took out a can of green-fluorescent battery solution and examined it, stroking his chin.


To think that the radiation emitted by the meteorite, which can give people on Earth mutated abilities, and may come from alien origins can actually restrain you."

He seemed to have discovered a fatal weakness of Superman.


"And then there's that Purple Light...oh no; now it's The Beyonder."

Lex Luthor's lips curled up, resembling a vulture about to leave its nest for a hunt, his eyes sinister.

"I wonder if you are also susceptible to the meteor's restraint?"

Just a couple of days ago, his Typhon plan had been declared a complete success.


A fleet of large, iron-gray spacecraft with a rugged design cruised through the starry sky.

Behind transparent port windows, General Zod, a man with a robust build and a beard like steel needles, exuded the iron-bloodedness and dignity of a military man. He gazed at the boundless galaxy outside, a trace of complex mockery on his lips.

"What an Irony.

We were sentenced to two hundred years in the Phantom Zone by the Council for rebelling against them. When we escaped from the Phantom Zone, we, the 'traitors,' found ourselves to be the only survivors of Krypton."

Just moments ago, Zod and his officers departed from an abandoned Kryptonian outpost in the universe. They received some supplies as usual, but they found no surviving members of their race.

"The universe is vast, but there's no home for us."

Beside him, a tall, beautiful, and heroic adjutant named Faora touched the window, her eyes revealing a hint of melancholy.

Krypton was destroyed, and everything she was familiar with vanished in the explosion. Now, they, the homeless Kryptonians, had become wandering cosmic refugees.

In the vast universe, there was no harbor for them to dock.

"Krypton was destroyed by decay!"

Zod suppressed the emotions that had briefly surfaced, and once again turned with the dignity of an iron-willed general to address the officers aboard the ship. His voice was resolute, compelling, and had a magnetic quality that made people want to submit.

"The decaying Council, the decaying system!"

"They indulged in comfort and satisfaction, they feared our potential and power, and they abandoned the vast territory that had once nearly ruled the known universe, retreating to Krypton. 

In the end, they led to the destruction of both Krypton and its people."

He paused, scanning the excited and angered officers, his tone resolute.

"But I will rebuild Krypton, and The Kryptonian Empire will be reborn from the ashes. Let the mighty Krypton rule this universe again!"

"Rebuild Krypton, Rebuild Krypton!"

Talking of the glorious days when Krypton was so powerful that it made the entire universe tremble, the Kryptonian officers became passionately red-faced, dropping to one knee and pounding their chests as they shouted.

"Rule the Universe, Rule the Universe!"

"Now, let us go retrieve the Growth Codex launched into space by Jor-El. Jor-El discovered the crisis of Krypton but did not warn any of our people. 

He injected the most precious Growth Codex of Krypton into his son and sent it into the universe, preparing him for a new life in a distant galaxy."

"That was supposed to be our new Beginning, Krypton's new Beginning!"

Zod shouted, reaching out like an arrow, pointing towards a certain direction in space.

"Let us reclaim it together, Krypton's Soldiers!"


(~˘▾˘)~Don't forget to send your power-stones!~(˘▾˘~)

TheBoredWriter69 TheBoredWriter69

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