(POV Cyrus)
"Oi Lyra this is the place right?" I asked as I looked at the mountains that lay before me.
<Yep this is the last place we spotted the Legiana before they flew into the clouds.>
"Do you think they can hear us from down here?" I asked as I brought out a megaphone.
<They have good hearing but they may not locate you right away so release some ice magic.>
"Alright then…. *Cough* *Cough* Legianas I come in peace for I wish to negotiate with your leader!" I slowly let my ice magic flow freely from my body coating me in a large blue aura that slowly formed ice around me.
Roars and wing beats echoed through the mountains.
(Are those friendly roars?) I wondered as I saw silhouettes form in the clouds.
The clouds dissipated with the mighty beats of a small army of curious Legiana.
"….Lyra explain to me why the fuck there are twenty Legiana on steroids in front of me…" I said in a confused and surprised tone as the Legianas circled skies and observed me.
<Most probably a variant of sorts maybe even a subspecies…> Lyra muttered in an unsure manner.
"how are you unsure aren't you supposed to be all knowing of all creature-"
<Cyrus stick to the plan!> She interrupted me.
"Right..." I grumbled as I took out bathtubs worth of KFC chicken.
"As I sign of trust I bring you a delectable peace offering for your leader!" I spoke to the Legiana who were dazed by the scent of the fried food.
^An offering you say?^ I heard a feminine voice as a giant Legiana coated in armor like structures of ice came into view.
{Think of the same image as before but much bigger, sharper wings, and ice jutting out of the body forming crude armor}
"Are you their ruler?" I said as all the Legiana landed.
^Yes I am the ruler of this colony and who are you?^ She said with curiosity.
"I am Cyrus Ryker and I wish to negotiate with you…" I took off my mask and did a polite bow.
The Legiana returned the bow and eyed the food.
^You said this is a… peace offering whatever that is… what do you accomplish with this gesture?^ She tilted her head like an owl.
"With this gift I want to show that I bring no harmful intent into your territory-" I took a piece of chicken out the pile and ate it.
"-and now you know it's not poisonous." I made a small smile as I saw the surrounding Legiana drool.
^Hmm very well then…^ The Legiana stuffed a handful of chicken in her mouth.
^This... This is amazing!^ She squawked as she nudged the other Legiana to try it.
^Thank you my liege...^ Each of them formed a line and one by one each took a mouthful of the pile before retreating off to the side to eat.
^…Do you have more?^ The ruler Legiana said in an embarrassed and nervous tone as all the fried chicken was devoured.
"Of course but perhaps we should complete negotiations first…" I said as I swiped my hand creating a throne of ice.
^Impressive control you have young one…^ She commented in amazement.
"Thank you now let's begin…" I immediately turned serious as I seated myself.
"Do you know of the black dragon Kuro-zen?" Their leader along with a few other Legiana flinched before turning serious while others looked around with ignorance.
"I'll take that as a yes… You see a threat bigger, stronger, deadlier will arrive on this world with the intent to destroy it along with the strength to back it up…" One of the older foot soldiers immediately fainted on the spot.
"…Is he alright?" I said with concern as a few Legiana face palmed with their wings before dragging him off to the side.
^*Sigh* He's fine just startled easily… But I find it hard to believe that such a being can exist it's impossible…^ She said as she shook her head.
"Very well then let me show you the impossible- with your permission of course…" I said with a grin on my face.
^Very well then prove to me the impossible!^ She said with genuine excitement with a tint of worry.
"Just don't attack me alright!" I said as I walked away from the crowd.
I then turned to them and snapped my fingers opening a tear in space leading to the ice biome in my subspace.
^JUST WHAT DID YOU DO!^ The Legiana leader pointed its ice bladed tail at me in shock.
"The impossible…" I nonchalantly said as I entered the tear.
"Well? What you waiting for?" I said as I enlarged the tear.
^…Is it safe?^ the Legiana said nervously as it hesitated taking a step forward.
"I'm fine in here so you should be too!" I said in amusement at the Legiana's nervousness as I entered and exited the portal back and forth.
^…All of you stand back I'll go in!^ She ordered her army to which they retaliated.
^My liege don't be brash we have to-!^ One of the bigger and more scarred Legiana stood between me and their ruler.
^…Step aside father I'm going in and you all will not follow me…^ The Legiana once again to which they reluctantly agreed.
<Oi Cyrus tell them that you swear upon your honor to not harm their leader, they have somewhat of a sense of chivalry so it will calm them down to an extent.> Lyra suggested.
"*Ahem* I Cyrus Ryker swear upon my honor to not harm your leader in any way and I'm inviting her to my domain purely for negotiations!" I shouted gaining sighs of relief along with judging stares.
^Thank you for calming them down- Cyrus was it?^ The Legiana thanked me as she entered the tear as it closed.
"Yep that's my name anyways what do you think of this place?" I asked here as I laid down in the snow letting myself sink in.
^It's wonderful! It reminds me of my birthplace!^ She said with a happy expression as she flew around for a few minutes out of pure glee.
"*AHEM* Negotiations?"
^Ah right! Sorry I haven't been to their in a while…^ the Legiana landed back down to the ground.
"That's fine but back to negotiations-" For the next few minutes I explained in detail about the plague and how I envisioned my plan to stop it.
^…can you give me a minute…^ She then walked over to a pillar and started lightly banging her head on it.
"…Should i-"
<Just let her finish her existential crisis…>
"…" I waited silently as the Legiana continued banging her head for the next few minutes.
"You done?" I asked as she walked over to me.
^…I believe you-^
"Great!" I said excitedly as I pumped my fist in the air.
^-But you must prove your strength to me if you wish for dominion over my kin…^ She said seriously as she entered a fighting stance raising her wings, whipping her tail and small amounts off white gas being released from her beak and wings.
<Time to film!>
"…Very well…" I said coldly as I Stood up and put on my mask.
I then entered a stance with my sword and released my all my bloodlust.
"Do you still wish to continue!" I shouted as my hood and cloak fluttered with the cold breeze.
^…Your not the first elder dragon I've faced Cyrus and you won't be the last!^ The Legiana took to the skies instantly before raining shards of ice at me with each flap of her wings.
I immediately weaved through the hail with grace as I made my way to one of the structures.
"OI IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!" I taunted as I hastily climbed the structure jumping every few seconds to dodge beams of freezing nitrogen.
^NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST!^ The Legiana then landed on the structure and stared slashing at me with its tail and claws as I reached the top.
I instinctively parried the slashes with my blade and shielded the rest my gauntlets.
^Quite sturdy for such a small frame…^ She complemented before taking flight and circling as she released freezing gasses from the various vents in her body.
"HAHAHA! THIS IS MUSCH BETTER THAN THAT TIGREX!" I felt my mind being taken over by primal side as the flying wyvern created a vortex of freezing nitrogen around me.
I roared as entered a hybrid state between my human form and the Nergigante and threw the sword to the side as my armor tore.
{Just think of a muscular human but with Nergigante wings, a barbed tail, black scales replacing the skin along with white spikes growing in various areas, white hair, red slit eyes, sharp teeth, claws instead of hands, and the torn up cloak of Neo malware shrouding his body}
^…Interesting^ the Legiana mumbled before ramming into me with its ice spike oriented head.
I savagely screamed as I was blown of the structure before I zoomed at the air born Legiana.
I then punched the Legiana in the face disorientating it before she blasted with her ice breath at point blank range.
*Enter bald eagle screeching*
The Legiana screeched as she wrapped her tail around me before throwing me down to the floor.
I roared in pain as the Legiana slammed onto my chest claws first before head-butting me.
I then grew a large spike out my wrist before lodging it inside the leg of the Legiana.
The wyvern recoiled back making the fatal error of getting off me.
With the Legiana off me I regained a part of my sanity as I stood up.
"Do you yield Queen of the Legiana?" I asked as I grew a volley of spikes on my arms even growing dull spikes around various parts of my body as armor.
<Skill 'Keratein armor-1' has been learned!>
^No chance youngling this is only the beginning!^ She wrapped her tail around the spike dislodging it and threw it back at me.
I flicked my arm parrying it and sending away before I fired all the quills at the Legiana like homing missiles.
She screeched before she flapped her wings sending a heavy gust of wind halting the spike that slowly fell to the ground.
Without giving her time to react I charged at the cover of snow before I kicked, grabbed, smacked, threw the spikes before I fired another set of quills.
I took the air as the quills pierced the Legiana and fired countless more with a blood lusting grin on my face.
*Eagle screech*
The Legiana screeched furiously as it covered itself in a cloud of white gas that spread everywhere.
I growled with shrunken pupils as I eyed the smokescreen for movement.
Suddenly I heard faint wing beats behind me and I weaved to the side dodging the Legiana's charge.
I then drop kicked the Legiana on its back before wrapping my around its neck putting it in a chokehold.
The Legiana tried roaring only for me to tighten my grip and for it to crash onto the ground.
"Do you yield?" I asked the Legiana once more as I loosened my grip slightly for it to talk.
^*Heavy inhale and exhale*…I-*Cough*…yield…^ The Legiana put on a look of shame as I got off her.
"Good now lets heal you up!" I cheerfully said as I returned back to normal and Neo malware repaired itself.
^Very well-*KKKKKRRRRRRRAAAAAA* WHAT WAS THAT FOR!^ She screeched as I pulled out a quill.
"Oh just suck it up! It'll only hurt for a second!"
^I know that but warn me next-*KKKKKAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!*^
To be continued next time…