寫檢討I really like the story and that he became a full bakugan I just wish there where more chapters
揭示劇透reminds me of the good old Bakugan i Remember not the new one that's odd keep up the amazing work 😁😁
şimdi 1 fransız 1 rus 1 japon ve 1 türk varmış, fransız demiş ki ben 2 karpuz taşırım. demişler ki nası? o da demişki birini bi elimde diğerini bi elimde taşırım. rusda demişki ben 4 tane taşırım. ikisini elimde ikisini koltuk altımda demiş. Japonda demiş ki ben 5 tane taşırım. demişler ki nası? o da demişki iki elimde. iki koltuk altımda. Diğerinide s*kime takarım. türkde demişki ben 9 tane taşırım. demişler ki nası? o da demişki iki elime iki koltuk altıma. japonuda s*kime takarım demiş.
揭示劇透Dude, you could make a great Bakugan novel, this story about half human and half Bakugan is boring, you have talent, you could make a Bakugan isekai that would be good, PS your character is too angry at some moments, that's exhausting, that's just my personal opinion
this reminds me a little of the past.[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
James, The new owner of the Half Bakugan name, I hope to see him between the two giant mountains of Siren
揭示劇透Finding good and interesting bakugan fanfiction is now difficult, especially with isekai, but here I find an interesting fanfic and with an interesting idea I wish you good luck and mood for its continuation. [img=recommend] [img=recommend]
Let's be honest. If your friend was a writer, you'd give him a 5-point review. Since I'm still not close to the limit of writing a review, I'll say only one thing. Give the book a chance.
Hello friends. It was me, Dio! Just kidding, I'm Moon. Welcome to the remake of Bakugan. First of all, I have radically changed the system - which was my main purpose - and I am editing and re-presenting some issues that readers claim to be uncomfortable with. If there are things you don't like, if you have questions, if you want to express your opinion about the issues that you think are important, you can leave it under my review as a comment.
waiting for continuation of the bakugan fanfic. I'm enjoying reading it, I hope for continuation
I really like the story and that he became a full bakugan I just wish there where more chapters
揭示劇透reminds me of the good old Bakugan i Remember not the new one that's odd keep up the amazing work 😁😁
şimdi 1 fransız 1 rus 1 japon ve 1 türk varmış, fransız demiş ki ben 2 karpuz taşırım. demişler ki nası? o da demişki birini bi elimde diğerini bi elimde taşırım. rusda demişki ben 4 tane taşırım. ikisini elimde ikisini koltuk altımda demiş. Japonda demiş ki ben 5 tane taşırım. demişler ki nası? o da demişki iki elimde. iki koltuk altımda. Diğerinide s*kime takarım. türkde demişki ben 9 tane taşırım. demişler ki nası? o da demişki iki elime iki koltuk altıma. japonuda s*kime takarım demiş.
揭示劇透Dude, you could make a great Bakugan novel, this story about half human and half Bakugan is boring, you have talent, you could make a Bakugan isekai that would be good, PS your character is too angry at some moments, that's exhausting, that's just my personal opinion
this reminds me a little of the past.[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
James, The new owner of the Half Bakugan name, I hope to see him between the two giant mountains of Siren
揭示劇透Finding good and interesting bakugan fanfiction is now difficult, especially with isekai, but here I find an interesting fanfic and with an interesting idea I wish you good luck and mood for its continuation. [img=recommend] [img=recommend]
Let's be honest. If your friend was a writer, you'd give him a 5-point review. Since I'm still not close to the limit of writing a review, I'll say only one thing. Give the book a chance.
Hello friends. It was me, Dio! Just kidding, I'm Moon. Welcome to the remake of Bakugan. First of all, I have radically changed the system - which was my main purpose - and I am editing and re-presenting some issues that readers claim to be uncomfortable with. If there are things you don't like, if you have questions, if you want to express your opinion about the issues that you think are important, you can leave it under my review as a comment.
waiting for continuation of the bakugan fanfic. I'm enjoying reading it, I hope for continuation