She could still remember how, after the initial collapse, many of the surviving doctors had to rely on old textbooks and whatever instructional videos they could scavenge from the internet.
Entire fields of medical science had to be relearned from scratch. Many of the young, aspiring doctors didn't even get the chance to complete their training.
"And then," Su Jiyai continued, her voice bitter, "came the healers."
"When the apocalypse brought about the rise of superpowers, some people discovered they had the ability to heal others with a touch.
They could close wounds, cure diseases, even reverse severe injuries in a matter of seconds."
"So, healers took over from doctors?"
Su Jiyai nodded.
"At first, it seemed like a miracle. People thought healers were the answer to the shortage of medical professionals.
But over time, something else happened—traditional doctors began to feel… obsolete."