Midnight rushed toward me and scooped me up before darting out of the rear hatch and heading straight to the castle in front of us.
I could hear the pounding of feet as the others raced behind us.
GA sprinted ahead, pushing hard against the gates with all his might, trying to get us inside.
But the solid marble doors didn't budge.
"Fuck!" he growled, slamming his hand against the barrier as Midnight caught up to him. "We need to get her inside."
I looked around frantically, my brain foggy with pain and panic. "There," I said, pointing to what looked like one of those scanner pads that would open the door with the correct handprint.
"It won't work," growled Da'kea as he stalked up to it and studied the contraption. "It's not programmed to us."
So, what did he want? For me to lay down on the grass and give birth to four babies, not knowing what type of predators would be attracted to the blood flowing from my body.
Huh. It looks like there is going to be one more 'last' chapter.