63.88% Ol' Big Ears / Chapter 23: Day 5Bx4 - Grizzly / My Superstar

章節 23: Day 5Bx4 - Grizzly / My Superstar

"Give me the child, Moon."

At the end of the room emerged Freddy. The same Freddy that carried Vanessa and Gregory out of the burning building before collapsing himself. The same one that had been Gregory's partner in crime that fateful night a year ago.

At least, that's who it appeared to be.

Between the twitching eyes, poor posture and contorted, possibly sadistic expression it was not the Freddy the two had known up till this point. Like Roxanne and so many others tonight, he had become a victim of the 'corruption'.

Gregory and Moon were on full alert.

Moon stepped in front of Gregory, ready to attack. In all his time he'd never seen Freddy act like this. There was something seriously wrong. But, despite the scene in front of him he was confident. After all, they'd already defeated Roxanne. And she was the 'strongest', as she often said.

Gregory on the other hand felt an immense sadness. He didn't want to hurt one of his best friends. He couldn't. He didn't want to believe Freddy could have gotten corrupted. He withdrew his knife.

There had to be some other way to solve this. How could have fallen like this? He was immune the first time around. What was different? Why was he waiting for them? Did he/they know about the plan?

Freddy was twitching, making small but erratic movements. Though he didn't breath, his stature looked as if he was panting heavily. His head rotated slightly as his eyes fixated on Gregory. The boy could see a mixture of uncertainty and rage bubble in the bear's eyes. "G-gregory, is that you? Y-you have *bzzt* come with m-me. Now. We need to go....back...to the underground." His voice was out of tune and distorted. There was a lot of insecurity in his voice, that he was having trouble believing his own words.

Then it hit Gregory. The state of the room, Freddy was struggling. He was still in there, fighting to take control of himself. He went to the one place he knew he could be repaired.

So it wasn't the same incident that happened a year ago! Freddy was still in there!

Freddy stepped forward, never breaking eye contact with Gregory.

Now Playing...

Artist: Fred Yaddaden

Song: Silence

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX0fIkpCWGI

"Y-you aren't yourself Freddy. Don't do this." Gregory said, worry increasing in his voice.

Freddy stomped. "N-No. This is not up for discussion, Gregory. You w-will come wi-i-ith me. NNnnow." He continued to 'breath' rhythmically. Finally noticing Moon's presence he looked at the attendant.

Moon had drawn his scarf, ready for any sudden movements. His eyes narrowed. "You..." Freddy pointed at the attendant. "You are keeping me from him. Give me the child, Moon."

Moon held steadfast. "I will not. I am protecting the boy." Moon stepped forward. Freddy growled at in response. "First you try to h-hide (Y/N) from me. N-now this. Y-you have overstepp-ped your bounds, M-moon."

Gregory interjected, hoping to reach Freddy's good side. "Freddy, I-"

"Quiet you!" Freddy stomped in anger. "You've been a b-b-b-b...bad...boy. You and YOU ARE IN TROUBLE" He shouted at the two of them. He struggled to call Gregory bad. He knew that the real Freddy had to have been still in there.

"Freddy! Listen to yourself! That's not like you."

"It is." Freddy said, growling in response.

Gregory took a step closer to the band leader. Before he could go too far, Moon put a hand on his shoulder, gently pulling back.

"What are you doing? He's mad!" Moon said to Gregory. The boy brushed off his hand. "I-I can fix him." Gregory drew the microphone out. Moon let Gregory go on but had his scarf close just in case.

Freddy was acting irrational, Moon did not trust him. But, if there was anyone who could fix Freddy, Moon figured it to be Gregory.

Gregory closed the distance between him and Freddy, albeit with extreme caution.

"Do you remember this? I know you're in there. You gotta remember it." Gregory declared. He presented the microphone to him.

Moon watched with intent. Any sudden movements, the scarf would go flying. Slowly he unravelled the scarf, all it took was one good throw and he would snatch Gregory.

Freddy looked at the microphone, still twitching. "I...I remember. I-i-i-NO. I CAN'T! TH-there's no going BACK!" Freddy snapped, he swiped at the boy, Gregory just barely dodging. Freddy moved closer, ready to grab him but Moon reacted.

With a perfect throw the scarf wrapped around Gregory's torso. Moon yanked back, pulling Gregory into a hug and out of danger.

"Gregory. I-i-i *bzzt* sorry. You need *bzt* RUN." Freddy struggled to say. It sounded like there were two different voices emitting from the bear. His head shook as he tried to focus.

He emitted a guttural roar. It echoed across the room, reverberating off the walls. Moon and Gregory had never heard him scream like that before. It was blood-curdling. Gregory knew that the real Freddy was in there, fighting for his life.

Moon's parental instincts kicked in. There was no reasoning with the bear. Freddy was a threat. Gregory was to go nowhere near him.

Freddy's internal crisis had ended, he stared at the two. Arms out reached he started to saunter towards them.

Gregory watched, butterflies in his stomach at the sight in front him.

"Where is the control room?" Moon asked Gregory, snapping him out of it. "R-right. That way. What about Freddy?"

"We can save him after we reboot the system. I promise." Moon said. Gregory nodded. "It's over here."

The two ran down a hallway, Freddy slowly following them.

Internally, Freddy was split. He was struggling to get free from what had controlled him. He didn't want to hurt Gregory or Moon but it wasn't his choice. He was trying desperately to break free.

Internally he hoped he was winning. Just chastising Gregory was a challenge. I have to be winning, he thought. That the daycare attendant was helping Gregory put him at ease.

It meant Gregory had more of a chance. The thought of losing Gregory and Bonnie are what drove him to fight back.

He would not let it win.

Not this time.

Not again.

He'd already overcome it once. He would do it again. With a free hand Freddy grabbed onto a nearby pipe and ripped it off, swatting his other hand with it.

He focused on the microphone on the ground, trying to remember.

"We'll reboot the system then find somewhere to hide." Moon said as the two ran down a hallway. They had lost Freddy by now and Moon couldn't detect him nearby. The two still hurried, Gregory wanted to help Freddy but rebooting was the only way.

He wasn't sure how he could free him without the reboot.

Now Playing...

Artist: Endless Endless Endless

Song: Distortions

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUorasmWYRY

As they ran down the hallway their noise alerted more security bots. They were encircled, security bots in the front, janitorial in the back. The duo didn't waste as second as they charged forth.

They spoke gibberish, a mixture of different platitudes they had been programmed to say.

Moon vaulted to one, using the scarf to grab upon the bots neck. He landed upon it with ease, and then yanked the scarf. It decapitated the bot, stopping it dead in its tracks. Moon turned behind him, again lasso-ing the scarf. He used it to grab some parts sticking out of a bin. Pulling it back he tipped the bin over hitting the bot. It fell onto the bot, spilling parts all over it and the ground.

Gregory dashed forward and ducked and slid with his running shoes. He kicked the bot in front of him with ease, tripping it. As it fell he grabbed its back and, popping it open, disconnected it. It was a trick he had learned playing with Monty before.

He got up and drew the laser blaster, one shot direct hit the eyes of the bot behind him. Nearby on the ground was wrench he picked up and tossed at the bot. It stunned it further and Gregory ran up, knife in hand. He aimed for a part in the torso and plunged the knife in where the space between the plates was. An instant kill, another trick he had learned from Monty.

If it wasn't for Freddy's crisis of consciousness he would have been seriously enjoying himself.

He withdrew the knife and looked at Moon, also finished with his opponents. The two nodded and continued.

Finally, the two made it to the panel room. Gregory had only been here once before. Moon, never.

It was a large room, containing various computers, consoles, wires and switches. Here the power for the plex could be controlled. A long time ago it was a security room too but that had since changed.

It had apparently been designed to also be used with animatronics as a charging station was present.

They stopped dead in their tracks as they entered.

There, standing at the centre of all the consoles was none other than Freddy. He turned to face them. He had a sad look upon his face.

"You can't run from me, Gregory." He said, menacingly moving closer. He was still corrupted, eyes showing red. "T-there's nowhere to run, s-superstar."

His voice was still glitchy. Two Freddy's were battling, struggling to gain control.

Now Playing...

Artist: C.O.T.A.

Song: Mahayuga

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU4hCSo0yJM

Gregory backed up, Moon standing beside him. They knew they had to do something. They were so close to completing their goal.

Moon nodded to Gregory and whispered. "I'll grab him." Gregory nodded.

Freddy raised his hand, ready to grab Gregory when he got close. With a flick of the scarf Moon swung it and caught the singer's hand.

The two were so focused on stopping Freddy they didn't hear the whirring of wheels behind them.

Gregory ran forward, knife in hand ready to strike when he was grabbed from behind. He dropped the knife in surprise. A security bot grabbed him, holding him in a master lock hold.

Freddy, satisfied at the bots work, grabbed the scarf and yanked forward. With the same hand he grabbed Moon by the neck. "You should have stayed in the daycare." Freddy spat. Moon struggled but couldn't force Freddy's hand open.

Freddy started to squeeze. Moon reached for anything he could, his hand landing on a workbench table. Without thinking he grabbed whatever he could. He picked up a screwdriver and swung it up, stabbing Freddy directly in the eye. Freddy screamed in agony as he was partially blinded, the eye sending off sparks. This did nothing as he grabbed Moon's arm and was about to pull.

Despite the bot holding Gregory it wasn't too strong. Using his weight he tried to fling himself forward and throw off the bots balance. With a kick he managed to do so, toppling the bot over with him. Still being held he tried to get up and draw his gun. As best he could he aimed and shot Freddy, hitting him directly in the other eye.

In an instant, Freddy dropped Moon as he struggled to see. "ARGH! Wh-why are you s-sh-ootin-gme?! I-*bzzt*GREGORY YOU...you need to run! MOON STOP IT!" Freddy adjusted himself and tried to stomp Moon who was lying nearby. Moon managed to roll out of the way, getting up and running to free Gregory.

Protect. The. Boy. Your words echoed in Moon's head. The bot had managed to get up and was about to take Gregory away when he jumped upon it, clawing his way in its insides and forcing it to free the child. Moon destroyed the bot and its arms let go of Gregory.

It slumped over.

Freddy charged them, running hands outstretched, roaring. Gregory got up and stepping back continued to shoot at Freddy. While it slowed him it didn't stun him. He'd been shot enough times that he could brace for it.

Moon got up and thinking quickly ran behind the bear and grabbed his scarf. With a perfect throw he wrapped it around Freddy's leg and pulled. Freddy tripped. Taking the opportunity he jumped upon Freddy's back.

Moon looked at the charging station. He had a plan. He knew it was risky but didn't care. He needed to stop Freddy, otherwise he'd get to Gregory!

"Get the switch!" He shouted to Gregory. Freddy got up and tried to grab Moon off his back but Moon kept slipping away. He steered Freddy towards the charging station. The doors had been left open and Freddy stumbled in, still struggling to get Moon off his back. He started to slam his back against the charging station. He was trying to break Moon, by whatever means necessary.

Gregory had found the correct console and began to flick the switches to reboot everything. The charging station came to life and the doors started to close, electricity rising to charge them.

Freddy shouted at Moon for interfering. The door started to close automatically. With the scarf Moon flung it into the gears above them controlling the door.

Moon jumped off Freddy's back and tried to leap out just as the doors closed.

Gregory turned to the two to see Freddy grab Moon just before he could leave and pull him back in. The door, jammed from the scarf slammed shut, bisecting Moon.

His upper half fell to the ground as the charging doors closed, trapping Freddy inside. He banged on the doors, demanding to be let out, the scarf jamming it from opening.

He was too angry to figure out how to get out. Internally Freddy was fighting still, barely having realized what Moon had even done.

Moon couldn't believe what he had done. He felt a strange calm while doing it, content that he was doing the right thing. He protected Gregory.

"MOON!" Gregory shouted as he ran to the fallen daycare attendant. Moon had realized his lower half was gone, he looked and saw that the power had returned and the lockdown had ended.

"W-we did it."

"LET ME OUT!" Freddy screamed as he banged on the door. Glass shattered as he punched the window through, trying his best to force himself out.

Gregory looked up, tears swelling up. "Moon-w--wwhwhat did you do? I-I" Moon whispered. "He's trapped there. Don't open i-it yet." He sighed. "But-what about you?" Gregory said on the verge of tears. Moon didn't get up. "I-I'll be fine. I did it." He said sombrely.

"I-I protected you." Moon uttered as the lights in his eyes went out. Though he couldn't hear Sun he felt as if Sun would be proud of what he did.

Moon lost a good chunk of his battery. He wanted to conserve what power he had left. Gregory sat there, crying at the daycare attendant. "I-I i'll fix you. I'll-when this is over. I swear."

Seeing this sight awoke something in Freddy. He found a new fervour and continued to fight for control over his body. "G-gregory. You need to get out of here! RUN! BEFORE I--I--I*bzzt* will get you Gregory. Once I-GET OUT!" He shouted.

Gregory knew he could fix Moon. He would fix him. His hands were shaking. As best he could, he pulled out his phone and texted you that the system was online. You replied in broken text, thanks and that you would send the tones any minute now.

"meet bonnie and hide in the my office workshop 3b I left the keys on desk." You hastily text back. You had your own problems going on at the moment.

Gregory acknowledged it. He looked at Freddy, and hoped this would work. Picking up Moon's half he ran to your office. In his head he had a plan.

"Once (Y/N) plays the tones, I'll go get Freddy and fix Moon. Then we'll go to the hall." Gregory said.

As Gregory left with half his friend, Freddy had a moment of clarity. He spoke, though unsure if Gregory had heard.

He uttered one final sentence to them.

"I-I am sorry."

The next chapter will be called Fazbear Safari. The story will now follow Reader and Bonnie's adventure.

The notes have been updated.





odaocer odaocer

That's it for 5B! Let's see what Bonnie and Read are up to.

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