50.84% Naruto: Family System / Chapter 150: Chapter 150

章節 150: Chapter 150

Flames of intertwined black and white erupted suddenly, with the bright glow of the Fire Style appearing. A massive river-like wave of fire surged towards the ninjas!

Kaito's strongest suit has always been his ninjutsu, which is also what people fear the most.

When Kaito replaced the traditional Fire Style with the Black Flames, the resulting terror made one feel absolute despair!

"Is... is this guy even human?"

Looking at the wave-like Fire Style, many ninjas couldn't help but shudder, realizing that such ninjutsu could not be cast by an ordinary person!

At this moment, many of them were internally collapsing. Not only did Kaito possess terrifying physical skills and incomprehensible combat ability, his ninjutsu was also driving them to despair. Could they really handle such an enemy?

"Water Release: Water Formation Wall!"

Compared to the ninjas from the regular clans, the organization and discipline of the Anbu were much superior.

Even when faced with such a terrifying spectacle, they were filled with despair. Yet they could still rapidly form hand seals, trying together to counter Kaito's Fire Style.

However, everything they did at this moment was just a drop in the bucket.

Dozens of Anbu performing Water Style indeed formed a wall of water, but it was no match for Kaito's Fire Style. The intermingling black and white sea of flames instantly swallowed everything!

The Water Style spells simply touched the flames and turned into steam, vanishing without a trace!

At this very moment, as all the ninjas were preparing to turn and flee in despair, a powerful surge of chakra suddenly erupted.

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly appeared in front of everyone, his hands clasped together in a seal, his gaze firmly locked on Kaito.

"Earth Release: Earth-Style Rampart!"

With the surge of chakra, a huge earthen wall rose from beneath Sarutobi Hiruzen's feet.

This massive wall, covering the sky, blocked all the ninjas behind him. He had made his choice—he would confront Kaito head-on!


A tremendous roar sounded at this moment, the resulting shockwave from the clash of two powers was unimaginable.

Visible energy ripples quickly spread out in all directions, nearly all buildings in their path being toppled by this force!


Those ninjas who were originally onlookers, watching Kaito and others in action, turned completely pale at this moment. Then they began to flee with all their might.

Even if their powers were subpar, they could clearly see that if they were caught up in such a force, they would definitely be finished!

Perhaps it is in the face of survival that a person can burst forth unimaginable power—in the blink of an eye, they had run over a hundred meters away.

Looking back at the houses destroyed by the energy shockwave, they felt their blood turn cold at this moment.

They were genuinely relieved right now, thankful that Kaito had handled everything in an orderly manner, giving them a reason and an excuse not to get involved.

Moreover, the power Kaito had previously displayed had left them sighing in their hearts.

Had they been forced to confront Kaito for the sake of the Hokage, would they still be alive at this point?

"The strength of the head of the guard department is so overwhelming. He is still so young; how could he be this powerful?"

Though Kaito was never an unknown, even his repeated rampages in Konoha had not caused such a shock as this!

They never dared to imagine that one person could handle the siege of hundreds and do so effortlessly.

Today, they witnessed it—a battle fought with such elegance, a combat style that would be etched into their hearts.

"Maybe this is the true power of the Uchiha?"

Many thought to themselves. They had seen Uchiha activate the Sharingan in battle, but compared to Kaito, there was a huge difference.

Kaito had taken the combat they had seen to an extreme, reaching an unprecedented level.

However, their gaze quickly returned to the massive Earth Style and the man standing atop it.

Their expressions had begun to become complicated.

What does it mean for the Hokage to intervene personally? Even if they couldn't understand, they knew how severe the situation had become.

"Hokage-sama, I didn't expect you to step in yourself."

Kaito calmly looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, gently shaking his head and sighing.

"But this isn't that surprising. After all, it would be more surprising if you didn't take action at this point. But there's one thing I don't understand."

"Don't understand why I would voluntarily disclose everything?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to know Kaito's thoughts, and he spoke slowly.

"I naturally have my own thoughts and considerations. Maybe you don't understand, but that's not important.

Uchiha Kaito, I want to see just how strong you are.

I want to see to what extent your power has reached; that's the key."

With that, chakra once again surged within Sarutobi Hiruzen.

His hands formed a seal and pressed against the ground. The next moment, accompanied by swirling smoke, a monkey appeared before him.

"What is this?"

Enma, just summoned, was a bit confused, but when he saw Sarutobi Hiruzen standing atop the giant Earth Style and Kaito towering in the sky, his expression slightly changed. Especially when he recognized the pattern of Mangekyou in Kaito's eyes, he understood the severity of the situation.

"Mangekyou Sharingan? Hiruzen, we're in trouble this time."

"Indeed, it's a bit tricky, but this is a fight we cannot avoid."

Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed softly, then he promptly removed his Hokage uniform, revealing his black battle suit underneath.

Hiruzen had not anticipated the potential for combat, so he had not donned his battle armor.

However, the symbolic value of the armor was greater than its practical significance. To Sarutobi Hiruzen, its absence wasn't a great deal.

"Transform, Enma, we cannot let others underestimate us this time."


Enma, looking at the somewhat spirited Hiruzen, let out a deep sigh.

He truly had no reason to reject Hiruzen's choice, all he could do now was accompany Hiruzen through this fight!

"I made you wait."

Gripping the Ruyi Jingu Bang (Staff) in his hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally turned to Kaito. His face maintained a smile, but behind that smile was an inexplicable determination.

"I've heard how despairing the Mangekyou can be. Even though I've witnessed the power of Uchiha Madara, strictly speaking, I've never faced these eyes."

"So, don't let me down!"


Kaito felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen was a bit schizophrenic. After all, his current state was like that.

He had just admitted to all his deeds, as if ready to complete his final redemption.

Yet, in the blink of an eye, he picked up his weapon, posing as if he was ready to fight Kaito to the death, leaving Kaito somewhat baffled.

However, regardless of what Hiruzen was thinking or planning to do, it meant nothing to Kaito.

Since they had clearly identified each other as enemies, there was truly no room for turning back!


Almost instantaneously, Kaito was in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen. The ninjato in his hand was mercilessly aimed at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's reaction was swift. The moment the ninjato nearly touched him, he fiercely raised his Ruyi Jingu Bang, barely blocking Kaito's attack.

But as soon as he blocked it, Kaito directly attacked from the other side.

"So troublesome!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen swiftly blocked Kaito's attack once again, muttering under his breath.

Facing an assailant with flying ninjutsu is absolutely a headache.

One of the reasons Oonoki has remained so powerful at his age is due to his method of combat, which relies on his flying ninjutsu and his unique Bloodline Limit for bombing attacks.

If Oonoki had to physically grapple with an enemy, like Kaito, he would have been killed countless times over!

This unique fighting style and special Bloodline Limit allow Oonoki to maintain high combat strength even at his advanced age.

Although Kaito's fighting style is different from Oonoki's, Sarutobi Hiruzen can see that Kaito has the potential to utilize similar tactics.

Even if, in terms of current power, Kaito cannot be compared to Oonoki.

But Kaito is in the prime of his life, and what's more terrifying is that his speed and physical prowess are breathtaking.

Being caught in such a high-level physical battle would leave anyone feeling suffocated, as there's no guarantee of being able to withstand it.

Especially as he can attack from the air, making it even harder to defend!


Another dull thud rang out as Sarutobi Hiruzen once again blocked Kaito's onslaught. The thick earth barrier under his feet was now constantly cracking.

It had already withstood Kaito's Fire Release, and the fact that it didn't collapse all at once was due to Hiruzen's abundant chakra input.

But it was already unable to withstand more impacts, and the intensity of this fight was simply fatal for it!

"Why would he make such a mistake?"

Kaito naturally saw this scene, under the gaze of the Mangekyou, there are few things that could evade his eyes.

Although Hiruzen wasn't continually adding chakra to this Earth Release, he still chose to fight on it as it was about to collapse.

Such an approach either signifies a problem with his mind or that he has ulterior motives!

While his current series of actions do seem to suggest a problem with his mind, as the Hokage, he must have his own thoughts.

But no matter what his thoughts are, all Kaito could do is defeat him.

Only by completely defeating him and confirming the charges against him can today's mission be considered a success!

"However, it seems like he confirmed his own guilt?"

Kaito thought to himself. His hands were not slow, in an instant, he attacked again from the air, his ninjato aimed precisely at Sarutobi Hiruzen's chest!

Sarutobi Hiruzen at this moment also demonstrated astonishing combat power. He continuously waved the Ruyi Jingu Bang in his hand, forming whirlwinds.

These dense whirlwinds completely blocked Kaito's attacks. After all, Hiruzen is not someone ordinary ninjas can compare to.

Moreover, he still has five or six years before he's attacked by Orochimaru. At his age, strength generally tends to decline year by year, each one bringing a decrease in power.

However, there are still so many years left before his death, his momentum and his abilities haven't plummeted to the pathetic state they did in the original story.

Actually, even the level of power he had in the original story is far stronger than that of the average ninja. After all, he is one of the legendary shinobi!

The chakra torrent formed by their intense clash spills out all around them, but fortunately, they are far above the ground, not affecting everyone as before.

However, the earth barrier beneath Sarutobi Hiruzen is clearly no longer able to withstand such power. When Kaito once again viciously strikes with his wind-infused ninjato,

Upon clashing violently with Hiruzen's Ruyi Jingu Bang, the massive earth barrier protecting all the ninjas behind Hiruzen finally collapses!


The tremendous roar echoes through the sky as the crumbling barrier swiftly disintegrates into countless fragments, fiercely plunging downwards!

Hiruzen also falls with these fragments, but a glint flashes through his eyes.

He raises his head to look at Kaito, who is still in the sky, and a faint smile appears on his face.

Such a smile causes Kaito to raise an eyebrow, but then his expression slightly changes.

"Earth Release: Earth Flow River!"

Suddenly, Hiruzen quickly forms hand seals. The fallen rocks and debris, which had been formed by his chakra, begin to change rapidly.

At this moment, due to Hiruzen's chakra, they turn directly into a mudslide, fiercely rushing towards the crowd behind Kaito!

"This guy!"

Hiruzen's actions naturally fall into Kaito's eyes. He had been wondering why Hiruzen chose to fight him on the earth barrier.

Obviously, being so high up against him is definitely a significant disadvantage.

And indeed it was. He was almost breathless under Kaito's pressure, but Kaito did not expect him to change tactics like this.

This guy could actually reuse waste, using those shattered barriers to launch another attack.

"Perhaps, this is Sarutobi Hiruzen's ability?"

Kaito silently mumbled to himself, then his whole body erupted with an unimaginable amount of chakra, and the next moment he rapidly forms hand seals.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation!"


"It's the signal, everyone move!"

In various traffic hubs leading to the Hokage's building, the ninjas from the Seven Great Ninja Families are hidden amongst them.

At this moment, their hearts are filled with worry and unease, for what they are about to do could indeed be considered treason to some extent.

However, they do not regret their actions, for they know what they are doing is for their clan, and for Konoha!

Sarutobi Hiruzen is no longer a suitable Hokage, a consensus reached by all of them.

For their beliefs, for their clans, or for the village of Konoha, they must take action!

Seeing the brilliant signal flare in the sky, everyone immediately understands that it's time for them to act.

Even before this, the terrifying chakra torrent had already made them understand just how intense the battle ahead was.

Especially when they saw the towering earth release technique, akin to a city wall, and the figure launching relentless attacks from high above.

They all understood that the Hokage had likely stepped into the fray himself, clashing with the head of the Uchiha clan.

However, when it was really time for them to move, they did feel a bit of tension and anxiety.

They were, in fact, seasoned ninjas, their hands stained with an untold amount of blood.

Many among them had even participated in the Great Ninja War, and such feelings should not exist in their hearts.

But the Great Ninja War and the current situation are very different, because previously they faced external enemies, so their psychological pressure wasn't as high.

Now, they have to confront their own fellow villagers. Attacking their own comrades is very different from facing foreign enemies.

Still, none of them hesitated, because they knew that after today, the entire Konoha would undergo a radical change, and they were the pioneers of this transformation!


Nara Yaneko also silently picked up her weapon among the crowd, but at this moment, a ninja from the Yamanaka clan suddenly asked.

The Ino-Shika-Chō trio each dispatched thirty to forty people, and because of their special relationship, they basically acted together.

Even for tonight's operation, they had formed small teams composed of people from all three clans.

For them, even if they had not undergone specific team training, they were certainly more in sync than others.

Yaneko turned to look at the Yamanaka clansman, then gently shook her head.

"Not exactly nervous, of course I can't be calm either. But I know I should adjust my state to better assist everyone."

"Good attitude. It seems we don't need to worry too much about your condition."

The Yamanaka clansman nodded with a smile, then curiously asked.

"I heard you and Kaito are on good terms. What kind of person do you think he is?"

"You guys really... My uncle asked me the same question several times."

Facing this question, Yaneko seemed somewhat helpless. She sighed lightly, then finally answered seriously.

"All I can say is that Kaito is always a reliable person, a trustworthy one, and that's it."

"Well, that puts me at ease."

The Yamanaka clansman nodded with a smile, took a deep breath, and then said seriously,

"You trust him, the Deer Elder trusts him, so we all trust him. Let's get moving, we shouldn't keep everyone waiting."

The Yamanaka clansman chuckled, and then quickly caught up with the departing team, rushing towards the Hokage building.

Yaneko also picked up her weapon and quickly followed, but her gaze was locked on the dark silhouette standing in the distance against the skyline.

She knew it was Kaito, and it seemed only Kaito could achieve this.

However, in the next moment, all their advancing troops froze, because the giant earth release technique that was like a city wall before them collapsed with a loud bang.

Clearly, Kaito had gained the upper hand once again, filling their hearts with joy.

After all, the Third Hokage was once a man known as the Ninja Hero, his combat power unmatched and unimaginable.

The fact that Kaito could take the upper hand against such a terrifying opponent truly gave them immense confidence and motivation!

"Stay alert! Everyone, stay alert!"

But just then, a noisy commotion drew everyone's attention, as other clans' ninjas had already appeared before them.

These ninjas were not only those retreating from the front, but also those supporting from behind, and they had all drawn their weapons the moment they met.

The battle was on the brink of breaking out!


"That Kaito..."

In the center of the battlefield before the Hokage building, everyone watched the terrifying eruption of Kaito's fire release, their hearts filled with emotion.

Ever since Kaito signaled for everyone to evacuate from the central battlefield, they had been quietly watching.

Actually, from the start of tonight's battle to now, the biggest sentiment in everyone's heart was, Kaito didn't seem to be a single person at all.

He bore the brunt of the strongest firepower, but he dealt the maximum damage to the enemy with his most unbelievable physical techniques.

A siege by hundreds of people seemed to pose no trouble to him at all!

Moreover, they all knew one thing - Kaito's greatest strength lay in his proficiency in ninjutsu.

And this was indeed the case, as the ninjutsu deployed by Kaito covered a wide range and was of high quality.

Just watching and feeling such ninjutsu was enough to send chills down their spines. They couldn't imagine what it would feel like to face such ninjutsu directly.

Perhaps by that time, all that would be left in the hearts of those confronting it would be spreading despair.

"But the strength of the Third Hokage doesn't seem to be as weak as imagined."

The fact that Hiruzen Sarutobi is powerful is an established fact, after all, he is the Third Hokage, capable of facing off against the likes of the Third Raikage.

However, time is a ruthless entity, and Hiruzen Sarutobi is not a man like the Uchihas.

His fighting power would inevitably be whittled down over time, an elegy that nearly every ninja must face.

Yet, the fact that Sarutobi still maintains such an exquisite fighting power truly merits admiration.

Moreover, his sense and experience in battle are quite formidable. The heavy landslide that descended from the sky was his arrangement.

Before this, they hadn't expected that a seemingly useless stone wall, only serving as a stepping point, could be utilized to create such a terrifying ninjutsu!

This is the manifestation of battle experience, this is a ninja's mastery over their own techniques, and Sarutobi has clearly reached perfection in this regard.

But Kaito's response was still swift. He may not be as adept as Sarutobi at using his previous ninjutsu to synthesize new ones.

However, being young and strong, he directly used a new, powerful fire release technique to solve the problem, a response that was without any issues.

But this somehow revealed a bit of a deficiency in experience, and in terms of chakra consumption, Sarutobi seemed to have the upper hand.

However, it's not their turn to act yet, not because their strength does not meet the mark, but perhaps those in battle would prefer not to have their interference.

Therefore, what they have to do now is deal with those shinobi from the three clans, and those guys from the ANBU.

Flames continuously burned, and the heavy landslide, roasted by Kaito's black and white flames, finally hardened and fell to the ground.

The burning earth that fell on the ground formed a natural barrier, blocking Kaito, Sarutobi, and the many ninjas outside.

Although due to their positioning, Kaito had to face Sarutobi, as well as a group of their own ninjas.

Yet Kaito did not fear in the slightest. Even though he had been forced to use a large-scale ninjutsu just now, his chakra still remained abundant.

Quietly looking at Sarutobi, Kaito suddenly smiled and said, "Truly deserving of the title of Hokage, this move was unexpected."

"Ninja battles are filled with unpredictability, and the weak overcoming the strong is quite common."

Sarutobi calmly looked at Kaito, revealing a slight smile as he slowly spoke,

"In the end, I am old, so my way of fighting is quite different from yours, but my methods are a reflection of experience, something you should learn."

Listening to Sarutobi's words, Kaito couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. His statement was quite interesting.

It was as if a senior was encouraging his juniors to explore and move forward, and to learn from his own experiences.

Normally, it would be acceptable for a Hokage to encourage the Leaf shinobi, but the problem is that they are enemies now, and likely ones who won't stop until one of them falls.

In saying so, it seemed as if he was revealing a loss of his fighting spirit, as if he couldn't possibly surpass Kaito, as if the ultimate victor must be Kaito!

"Sarutobi, what on earth are you blathering about?"

Homura Mitokado naturally detected the incongruity in Hiruzen Sarutobi's words and immediately sought to correct him, his gaze locked on Kaito the whole time.

"Let's kill this kid, we join forces and finish him off. Only then can this situation be settled.

This damned guy who disrupted our peace and tranquility, he is truly unforgivable!"

"Homura, this is my battle. Please do not interfere."

Hiruzen Sarutobi frowned, ultimately sighing and speaking slowly.

"Sarutobi, don't be stubborn, now is not the time for stubbornness!"

Homura's face was still angry, and it was clear that he was filled with dissatisfaction towards Sarutobi!

"Your stubbornness put us in a very disadvantageous position!

To turn things around, we need to solve these problems quickly. Only by killing him can we truly find peace.

Only then can we deal with the remaining rebels and resolve all the current troubles!"


Upon hearing his old friend's words, Sarutobi gave a long sigh.

He turned to look at his old friend, seeing his angry and slightly fierce appearance, he couldn't help but shake his head.

"Homura, have you ever considered why we have ended up like this?"

"Considering all this, isn't it all the work of this damned brat? Isn't it all created by the rebels in the village?"

Homura turned his head to look at Sarutobi, lowering his voice and speaking indifferently.

"But I don't know what you're thinking, and I don't know what aspect of this kid has bewitched you.

Your actions just now were highly inappropriate. Don't forget you are the Hokage, and never forget our clans behind us."

"Clan, Hokage."

Hiruzen Sarutobi gave a bitter smile and slowly closed his eyes.

For a moment, he was uncertain whether his role as the Hokage was more important, or their clan standing behind them.

Because the Hokage and the clan essentially have a conflicting relationship; the Hokage needs to consider the entire village, while the clan, to some extent, draws upon the village's resources.

On reflection, their clan is now far from what it was when they first joined the Leaf Village.

Their clan has expanded exponentially, the scope of their interests is vast, and all of this came about because he became the Hokage.

Slowly, Hiruzen Sarutobi opened his eyes. He gazed at Homura next to him and spoke softly.

"In your opinion, do our powers ultimately benefit the Leaf Village, or our clan?"

"Are you out of your mind?"

Homura stared angrily at Sarutobi, speaking low and harshly.

"Sarutobi, now is not the time to discuss this. You should know what is most important right now!"

"Isn't this an important question?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi said in a low voice, his tone turning somewhat icy. He asked again.

"Do we benefit the Leaf Village, or our clan?"

"Is the Sarutobi clan in a bad situation now?"

Homura, somewhat frustrated by Hiruzen Sarutobi, gazed at him and said softly.

"We must admit that our respective clans have indeed grown considerably since you became the Hokage, but how do we compare to the Hyuga and Uchiha?

Not to mention Hyuga and Uchiha, the clans of Ino-shika-cho, and how about compared to the clans of Inuzuka, and Aburame?

Although our power does indeed bring a lot of convenience to the clan, we are truly fighting for the Leaf Village!"

For the Leaf Village?

Upon hearing this phrase, Hiruzen Sarutobi felt a peculiar sense of irony.

For the Leaf Village, would he now be besieged by the seven major clans of the Leaf?

For the Leaf Village, how many have died in secret due to this, whether because the crisis has reached their status, or because they participated in experiments?

For the Leaf Village, the power of their three houses has expanded rapidly, and their very nature is squeezing the living space of civilian ninjas.

Perhaps Uchiha Kaito, this little brat, was right. He wasn't fighting for the Leaf Village at all, but for themselves, for their own clans.

In fact, Hiruzen Sarutobi had already understood these things. His questioning Homura again was to figure out just how completely they had changed.

He had now gotten an answer, a devastatingly disappointing answer, but also an answer that strengthened his resolve.

"Homura, there is one thing you got wrong."

Hiruzen Sarutobi slowly opened his eyes. His aura had undergone a drastic change, so sharp and so robust.

Even Kaito, far away, frowned at this aura, because it made him feel threatened.

And this kind of aura could only belong to a true Shinobi!

"What's wrong?"

Homura also felt the change in this aura. While he was pleasantly surprised, he inexplicably felt a hint of unease.

"I am Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage of Konoha!"

Sarutobi roared, his voice was so heroic at this moment, his voice piercing the sky.

"Always remember what this means, and remember who I am!"

Having said this, Sarutobi flicked his wrist, his staff darting straight towards Homura.

Homura had no time to react; the staff, with astonishing force, struck his head!

In an instant, Homura lost his breath.

But his eyes were still wide open, as if he could not believe what had just happened to him!

Not only Homura himself, but even Kaito in the distance was somewhat dumbfounded seeing this scene.

What the hell was going on? What on earth had just happened?

Did Sarutobi just strike down his own friend?

Even if the relationship between Homura and Sarutobi was not as good as Danzo's, he was still a member of the Konoha F4, one of Sarutobi's most trusted!

Kaito had no intention of letting him go, but now there was no need for Kaito to take action. Sarutobi had taken him out directly.

"I'm sorry, Homura. As a Hokage, this is something I had to do. But I'll join you soon."

After doing all this, Sarutobi took a deep breath. He looked at Homura who had fallen to the ground and lost his breath, he muttered softly.

Then he lifted his head to look at Kaito. Although there was a hint of sadness in his voice, he still spoke with a heroic tone.

"Come on, Uchiha Kaito, let's continue the battle of the shinobi!"


At first, Kaito really didn't understand Sarutobi's actions or what he had gone through.

But at this moment, he seemed to understand something.

Looking at Sarutobi in front of him, looking at the ninjas behind him who were equally dumbfounded, Kaito gave a soft laugh.

He raised his shinobi blade towards Sarutobi, his chakra surging wildly within him.

"Since it's the Shinobi's request, I won't let you down."

Kaito's words made Sarutobi nod with a smile. Indeed, at this moment, he was a true Shinobi, the true Third Hokage!

And as a Shinobi, what he desired most now was a worthy battle.

The two silently stared at each other. Neither made the first move, but their momentum had already peaked at this moment.


Suddenly, Hiruzen Sarutobi made the first move, throwing his staff directly at Kaito, his hands swiftly forming seals.

Kaito responded quickly. His eyes almost instantly determined the direction of the flying staff, but he dared not be the slightest bit careless.

Because he had not forgotten that this staff's essence was life itself, transformed from the monkey demon.


Kaito quickly swung his shinobi blade, and the staff was immediately blocked. However, the next moment a stout arm suddenly extended from the staff, grabbing hold of Kaito's blade.

At that same moment, Sarutobi had completed his hand seals!

"Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet!"

"Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet!"

Sarutobi released two consecutive ninjutsu, which then merged into one in mid-air and continued towards Kaito.

Kaito had seen such a technique in the original work, and he had also tried it since coming to this world.

But it must be said that the difficulty of this operation was beyond imagination. At least, Kaito had never succeeded.

And the power of this combination of ninjutsu wasn't as simple as one plus one!

"Holding my shinobi blade like this, aren't you overestimating yourself?"

However, facing such an onslaught, Kaito was not panicked at all. He even smiled at the monkey demon on his blade.

In the next moment, a deep blue chakra appeared on Kaito's blade, and the azure edge quickly enveloped Kaito's blade!

Under the terrifying chakra coverage, the monkey demon immediately felt pain, and the arm holding the blade began to redden.

Kaito, forcing the monkey demon to let go of his weapon, fiercely swung his shinobi blade.

The wind blade that had been brewing for a long time instantly rushed towards the combined ninjutsu.


At that moment, a dull roar rang out again, and a thick smoke quickly covered and spread everything around.

Sarutobi quickly raised his hand, summoning back the staff that had been knocked away by Kaito. Then he cautiously watched every movement around him.

Smoke lingered, these were definitely not conditions conducive to his fighting. However, at this point, he didn't care about that.

This battle ignited his long-lost passion. This battle was also his return as a true Shinobi. This battle was the fight he staked everything on.

No matter what, he had to give it his all in this battle, he had to show the world the style of a true Shinobi.

Because this battle might well be his last in this lifetime!


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