86.5% Douluo Dalu: 1st Cycle: Dancing Panda / Chapter 97: Two Divines

章節 97: Two Divines

Karni opened his eyes. This was an unfamiliar roof. He tried standing up but couldn't. His body hurt. His skin was especially sensitive. Burns. He had burns all over his body.

"Don't stand up yet. You need to heal."

Karni turned to look at the speaker. He didn't recognise the man. But he could tell he was a nurse.

"Where am I?"

"In the hospital. Along with your friend. She has yet to wake up."

"Sisi- Siduo is hurt as well? How badly."

The nurse replied calmly while starting to check his body. Eyes, reactions, the typical first tests. "Her physical injuries aren't as bad as yours, but her mind seems to be less stable."

Karni focused on his mind. It did have some marks as well. Hopper seemed to still be working on some of the injuries. The crow seemed tired.

"Hop. How bad do you think her injuries are?"

The crow cawed at him, annoyed. "Focus on yourself first. You know how much I've been working on? And I cannot even help with your outside injuries."

Karni just sighed. He was aware, but he still wished to know about Siduo and how the crow thought about the situation.

Hopper sighed. He was tired. "Sorry. I just never felt anything so vile before. Attacked your very soul. Even me and Hope. Solaria is strong, and so is that girl. They'll need a bit more time than you, but they should be fine. Solaria likely did the same as me."

"That is?"

"Fused our origin energies to prevent you from dying."

"Oh." Karni was aware of the consequences. "Hop. Thank you."

The crow just cawed away. "You just focus on healing. My life depends on yours now." The origin energies completely fused, so the two of them could no longer be separated.

Karni focused on the outside again.

The nurse finished the primary tests and went to look for other people. Karni couldn't really do much alone. He could barely move. The only thing he did was start circulating Soul Power. These burns would likely not leave physical damage. They focused more on the Soul than the Body. Meanwhile his Soul was protected by Hop, so everything should be fine.

After only about 5 minutes, two people entered the room. It was Mo Qing and another person Karni didn't recognise.

"Teacher? So you got the message."

Mo Qing sighed but nodded. "Yeah. Though not the way you would expect it. Not that it matters now. Karni. This here is Liu An, the Captain of Heaven Dou City's 1st Mecha Regiment. The man will ask you some questions."

Karni nodded.

The man approached; his face not too serious. "Do you happen to remember the assailant?"

Karni nodded. "He is an Evil Soul Master. He has control over a type of fire that burns the soul. He wore robes that were the same colour as ash, probably still does. But I cannot remember his facial structures too well. Wasn't really a thing I focused on in the moment."

"Mm. Good." The man said as he wrote things down. "Did you children kill him?"

Karni shook his head. "He was too powerful. Soul Emperor. We only pulled him away from the train. Then we lasted maybe two planned attacks before he overwhelmed us."

"You didn't see anyone come to your rescue?"

Karni shook his head.

"Hah. That's fine." The Captain was a bit disappointed. "Final question. Can you explain how you knew that someone was going to be there? We heard you warned your friend beforehand."

Mo Qing looked at Liu An. "We were of the agreement that this will be under Tang Sect's questioning, since it happened before they left Shrek."

Liu An, felt frustrated. "Look. I know, but the other boy didn't say anything, and the girl has yet to wake. I just-"

"Captain." Mo Qing's tone changed. He was a Soul Douluo. The Captain was a Soul Sage.

"Hah. Fine. I'll end it here with the questioning, then. I'll call in Guo Xiaoxu."

Karni called out before the man left. "I'll just say my Martial Soul deals with the future, Captain."

Liu An stopped and turned around. "Well, boy, thank you. If not for you, we would have many casualties. Your warning resulted in only injuries of you kids and the train conductor. Again, thank you." He left.

Karni had lied about a few parts. He obviously remembered Tang San, was also still confused by him. But he also spoke of the Evil Soul Master as if he was still alive, because in his story, it did not make sense for Karni to know about the man's survival.

Not long after, another man Karni didn't recognise entered. Mo Qing turned respectful. "Karni. This is the Tang Sect Shrek branch manager. Particularly of an inner sect faction."

"I'm Guo Xiaoxu." The man was kind. "Now, I already know the details. I just want to know from you how exactly did you know about this."

Karni looked at the man, and then at Mo Qing, who was equally curious. "As I said before, my Martial Soul, Staff of Predictions, deals with the future. It is connected to both Space and Time. Though the connection to time has only showed so far through visions and the brief future I can see, but there is some connection. I saw it through a vision, I just didn't know when it would happen. When I heard Wulin was on the train, well, I realised what was going to happen."

"And why didn't you warn people beforehand?"

"Well, I was going to. Both me and Siduo. But got caught up during the first week of the holidays. I only knew it would happen somewhere around this time. Then with the train, I realised that it was happening, as did my friend who happened to be with me when I had the vision. And my friends little brother ran away and…" Karni sighed. "It was just a bunch of unfortunate events that lead up to this mess. I was also unable to contact Tang Wulin. It was really just a mess of distractions."

It wasn't completely true. Since this wasn't a vision, but meta knowledge. In fact, if it was a vision, it might have been better. Due to this being knowledge he wasn't completely sure of anything. He was more careful about it. About changing the future for the worse. He could ruin the timeline by meddling with it. If Tang Wulin would not have gone on the train, the whole train could have gotten slaughtered because of that. Instead, they somehow, miraculously, bettered the situation.

"Karni." Mo Qing suddenly asked. "Have you always had those visions?" Even in Star Luo City?

Karni nodded.

"Then why didn't you tell us about some of those events? The time Siduo got injured in the restaurant? With those thieves you dealt with?"

Karni raised his eyebrow at Mo Qing. "I didn't know what they were the first time. And Siduo being injured in the restaurant was the first instance. I didn't know what to make of them. The thieves situation was intentionally left under wraps because you didn't want us to meddle in a corrupt police situation. Or at least Teacher Ye didn't. Besides. Would you believe me, when you knew my view of the situation at the time was full of bias?"

Mo Qing was left silent. It was true. Only this kind of situation that just happened would make one believe Karni could see the future somewhat. The other problem would be that this time, he was almost accused of being an insider for the Evil Soul Master who changed his mind last second.

"Well," Guo Xiaxu interrupted. "If not for some higher ups from Shrek Academy, we might not have believed you."

Higher ups? Karni thought. Right, they did break through a bunch of Shrek's defences. Though getting out forcefully was easier than getting in. The distress call they used also helped in not chasing them down. Shrek Academy was probably privy to the situation, since they ran the city. They deemed his claims during the exam about future sight as truthful.

"This is it for me, Mo Qing. I'll be going now. Boy, due to your valiant efforts, Tang Sect will try to vouch for you in regard to the crimes you committed with speeding and breaking through a border, but I cannot guarantee you won't get any repercussions. Good luck and good job on thinking of innocents first. I'll see you soon."

He will see him soon? Karni was confused a bit.

Mo Qing sat down next to him. "You might be looking at a promotion sometime." He smiled at his disciple. "I always wondered how you two found trouble. I suppose I know now."

"Promotion, teacher? In the Tang Sect? Does that mean I'll get to go to the inner sect?" Karni felt a bit of excitement.

"Well, I don't know. I don't know much about the Shrek branch outside of the Science Division. Especially so since, while this is a branch, it is also the Headquarters. The main decisions happen here."

Karni was silent for a bit. He would have to wait and see.

Mo Qing stood up, since they weren't really talking. "Right. I have someone to introduce to you as well. I'll be back soon."

Karni was left alone to concentrate on cultivation again, healing his injuries. It wasn't long before Mo Qing returned with yet another unknown person.

"Karni. This is my cousin. Mo Wu. His daughter is a train conductor and is at this very moment being healed by the Divine Spirit Douluo, Ya Li."

Mo Wu walked to Karni and bowed his head. "Thank you. If not for your group of kids, my little Lan might not have survived. Now at least she has hope."

Karni smiled. "She'll be fine. Your daughter will be fine."

The man smiled. "Thanks for wishing her well."

Karni shook his head. "No. She will be fine. She'll recover. With time. I know it."

Now Mo Wu was a bit confused, he turned to his cousin.

"If Karni says so, then she will." Mo Qing said to Mo Wu. "Karni has a talent of knowing such things from time to time. I trust him. She just has to focus on recovery." It seemed that with Karni's abilities, Mo Qing decided to relax.

Mo Wu visibly relaxed as well. Somewhat. "Really? You're sure? Oh gods. Thank you. I was so worried when her excellency wasn't sure."

Mo Qing further comforted his cousin. "The boy has the talent to see bits of the future. There must be something that makes him confident."

Mo Wu felt like crying. That was good news indeed. "After all that bragging Mo Qing was doing at our family dinners, I finally see he was speaking the truth. What a strange twist of fate for us to meet this way. Thank you."

Mo Wu put his hand on Karni's. "Thank-"

Karni didn't hear the end of the word. For a split second, his world changed. Gold.

The scenery was wide. Destroyed. A city was destroyed. Like a bomb was released at its very centre.

Karni was shaken out of his trance. He couldn't see any more. What was that. Shrek? Shrek was going to be destroyed. If not then-

"Karni?" An unfamiliar voice sounded. Karni finally focused. It was Ya Li. The Divine Spirit Douluo herself. When did she get here?

"I'm here. I'm here."

"What happened?" Ya Li asked. "Your vital signs were perfectly fine, but you weren't responding."

"I had a vision. When I touched Mo Wu's hand."

"Vision? What was it?"

"It was one of the shortest ones I had so far. Eh, second shortest." He had another in Star Luo City, but that one had yet to even happen. Now he got another?

"I saw a b-" His mouth was stuck. He couldn't say it.

Mo Qing looked at him weirdly. "No worries. We all know here about your visions already. Just say it.

"I saw a b-" He couldn't say it again. This time his throat even hurt.

"Karni," Mo Qing got a bit impatient. "Don't play around."

"I." Karni took a bit breath. "Saw a bom-" He coughed. Coughed hard, trying to stop it with his hands. Ya Li held him, before suddenly activating one of her soul skills on Karni.

Karni stopped coughing, but his hands were bloody. He coughed blood. "Well. Fuck."

Mo Qing did not warn him of his language this time. He was simply distraught. Ya Li led the conversation instead.

"Has this ever happened before?"

Karni shook his head. "With Siduo, it never happened. Though there were instances where I couldn't hear something… I don't know."

Ya Li thought about it for a bit. "Have you ever… managed to change what you saw in a vision?"

Karni thought about it for a bit. Had he? He had seen things happen in visions, but never change those things. He simply survived, or Siduo did, because the vision didn't include those moments. The vision rarely showed the full picture. But this was the first… perhaps second time, when he had a reactionary vision due to something.

The bamboo forest with blood in Star Luo. The ruined city when touching Mo Wu's hand.

"Based on your silence, I'm guessing the visions always happened the way they played out." Ya Li wondered.

Karni nodded.

"In that case, since there are only powerful people here," she pointed to everyone else. The Divine Blacksmith was here. Tang Wulin was here. He didn't notice them before. Mo Wu, Mo Qing. Even Jianyu! "It might mean that you telling us this might change the outcome of the vision. And it's affecting you because of it."

Karni thought about it. If that were true. That would be terrible. He might see or know about a terrible future, and couldn't change it? He'd have to watch it happen? That… That wouldn't be fair. That would be terrible. Would he never be able to change somethi-

"Stop that train of thought." Ya Li knocked his head. She could read him like an open book. "It is likely that this power works in ways where you cannot influence it until you are strong enough. Which means one thing. You need to train in understanding your visions. Maybe one day, you will be able to tell us."

"But then how was I able to tell my visions to Sisi?"

Ya Li made a bitter smile. "Because when you told her, it changed nothing."

That… was a sad thought to think about.

"Relax now. Let me speed up your recovery. We need to return soon."


"Yes. With that girlfriend of yours, Siduo. Tang Wulin is staying here to learn."

"She's not- Doesn't matter. How is she?"

"She's fine. On a speedy recovery after I helped her out a little. Now relax already. I need to heal your body."

Karni relaxed and let Ya Li heal his body. But he was left to his own thoughts. Theories already starting. Like Ya Li said, he might have to become stronger… or he might have to increase his comprehension into his Martial Soul. Either way, he refused to believe that he was forever destined to simply watch the future happen.

… … …

Karni was outside with Siduo. Tang Wulin was with them. They were resting. "Hey Karni, Siduo, thank you." Wulin bowed.

Karni was confused. "For what, Wulin?"

"Not saying anything weird during interrogations."

"Don't mind it."

"Old Tang said I could trust you two."

The two looked at each other, confused. Siduo asked. "Old Tang?"

"I. Hah. This is going to sound crazy. Not even the Working Students know this. You saw me change for a second, right?"

Karni and Siduo nodded. They did. They were going to pretend they didn't, but this situation changed things a bit. Tang Wulin was the one who approached them.

"Well, a sort of person that appeared in my body, somehow connected to my Bloodline. A sort of mind that speaks to me. I trust him. He took over my body to help us survive. He said you saw him, and that he knows you somehow. And that I can trust you."

It was rare to see Tang Wulin genuinely confused and flustered. He usually had such a confident face on.

Karni thought for a bit. He knew it was Tang San. Siduo likely guessed as well after everything he told her. "But how did he know about us?" Karni turned to look at Siduo.

"Actually, I can see why he knew of you." Karni said. She told him she was once a god. It looked like the two were familiar with one another. "But how did he know of me?"

Siduo was suddenly the one that had to answer questions. "Unfortunately, I cannot answer any of that. You will not be able to hear it. And it's probably better that Tang Wulin doesn't either."

Tang Wulin sighed. "Fine. That's okay. I also have secrets." Karni wanted to say: "No, you don't." But he didn't. Karni knew basically everything about Tang Wulin. Even things Tang Wulin didn't know.

"That does make me wonder," Tang Wulin continued. "I heard you have visions. Why didn't you tell about these things before? We could have intervened better."

"I'll be honest." Karni said. "It is not all visions. Some things I just… know. And like Siduo, I cannot tell you exactly why. The same reason I cannot tell you, is why I didn't tell you what I knew. There was danger in changing things."

Tang Wulin was confused.

Karni chewed on how to explain this. "Remember the semester exam incident you went through? Similar to this? In fact, this one is a continuation of that one, isn't it. I knew about that as well back then."

Tang Wulin's face turned ugly. "If you did, why didn't you warn me?"

"I did," Karni took a pause. "In my own way."

Tang Wulin paused. It didn't take him long to reply. "I see. That weird conversation affected it on a minuscule level. You knew it would happen… and this isn't about your visions?"

Karni nodded.

"So if you'd have told me, there might have been casualties, when originally, you knew there wouldn't be. And the tiny conversation served to protect that staff member that jumped at the same time as me. … This incident today also wasn't actually you having visions, but knowledge, and knowing you had to be careful."

Karni nodded again. "So in the future, if I tell you anything, don't ask questions, because I do not want to change your mind too much. Knowing what happens…"

"Might influence changes, so we'd actually have trouble acting upon any bad events." Tang Wulin rubbed his head, getting a headache. He stood up suddenly. "In that case, there's nothing more for me to ask. I'll trust you, as Old Tang told me to trust you. I hope you trust me in the future too."

Karni and Siduo nodded. And they meant it. Tang Wulin showed his maturity. It was worth trusting him with some information.

"See you guys back at the academy." Tang Wulin waved them goodbye.

From the bush, Jianyu jumped. "He finally left!"

Karni and Siduo were surprised. They weren't on guard. Karni wasn't focused on the Sounds either.

"Come you guys! Come! I need to show you something."

Well, if he did hear, the boy didn't care.

… … …

So it would only be natural right? Completely natural that two people, both 4-Word Battle Armour Masters—well respected Titled Douluos—who both had "Divine" in their title, escorted one to a… coffee shop.

Yes. Perfectly normal. Jianyu seemed to be quite chummy with the two of them.

As for how it happened? They had to ask for permission to go out, since they had yet to recover fully. Jianyu pitched the idea to the two Titled Douluos before Karni and Siduo could say anything, and Zhen Hua said he is familiar with the shop. Ya Li decided to tag along, because she was in the midst of a discussion with Zhen Hua.

That was how the Divine Blacksmith and the Divine Spirit Douluo escorted children to the coffee shop.

Karni and Siduo walked behind the group, whispering to themselves. They were confused. It was all a bit odd.

It didn't take them long to reach the coffee shop with the Divine Blacksmith leading them. Once there, Jianyu quickly went in, leaving the four outside. They entered together.

Zhen Hua approached Karni. "My disciple tells me some interesting things about your work. He said, with your blueprints, he more easily understood what you expected from his forging. Same with that girlfriend of yours."

Karni was surprised. He didn't expect the Divine Blacksmith to approach him first. "Yeah, well, Tang Wulin's forging is incredible. He pushed my understanding of how to design with metals in mind. Especially so after he introduced alloys. The designs could have so much more effects added to them."

"Hmm. Yes. That boy's growth both worries and excites me. He's already began using some 6th rank techniques and adapted them to the 5th rank. He is an unusual disciple."

Siduo was going through a similar situation. Ya Li chatted her up. "You know, there is an Elder in the Pavilion interested in you. Especially so after you and Karni showed that little bit of trickery."

"Trickery?" Siduo was curious.

"Indeed. You took some of the exams as little plays for yourself. You created your team, while Karni joined Tang Wulin's. It was an interesting show to watch."

Siduo was silent. She started to sweat. The elders knew about that?

Ya Li chuckled. "There will be some interesting consequences for you two, who rely on each other so much." She looked back. "Now then. My distraction was successful, so let's go to your brother, shall we?"

Siduo just realised. Distraction? She turned towards Karni. He looked at her. Both were confused. Did these two Titled Douluo just… trick them?

Jianyu hopped towards them. Filled with happiness. In his hands, he held… cocoa? A cocoa bag?

"Jianyu? What's this?"

"This…" The boy smiled. "Is a gift." Then his face turned somewhat sombre. "And an apology. For running away last time, as well as causing this mess."

"Oh, Jianyu." Siduo hugged her little brother. "It wasn't you who caused this."

"But you two could have done more if I didn't run. That's why you were telling me to wait one more day, right? I'm sorry."

"Well," Karni took the cocoa bag. "Apology more than accepted. Besides, you're a kid. You're allowed to make mistakes. Just don't repeat them. Learn from them instead."

The boy nodded furiously, before taking out something else. A metal green toy car and a tiny keychain guitar. "I also bought this back then, before I went here."

The two took their gifts. "It's perfect." Siduo took the car. It was of high quality.

"It is." Karni took the wooden keychain. It was quite intricately carved.

"Wait a minute." Siduo finally realised. "Did you hire two Titled Douluos to distract us while you were buying cocoa?"

Jianyu made a pose. "Ta-dah."

"And you went along with this?" Karni asked the Divine Blacksmith.

The Divine Spirit Douluo answered instead. "Well, we couldn't help ourselves. He came in with such confidence and awkwardness. You don't know how rare it is for us, to see people treat us normally and not as kings and queens. We couldn't resist. Not to such an innocent request."

Zhen Hua just nodded. Apparently this Divine Blacksmith had a soft side as well. Though compared to Ya Li, he is the one that is treated the most precious across the whole continent. What with being the sole Divine Blacksmith and all.

"Well, then now that everything is over, we should return tomorrow. You guys have mostly healed as well."

Siduo stretched. "Finally. Get back to training. Jianyu, how about it eh? We do have permission to keep you in my dorm temporarily. You could learn with some Shrek students."

Jianyu became excited. "That would be great!"

"Well," Ya Li interrupted. "That might not be possible."

The three, Karni, Siduo and Jianyu turned to look at her.

"Since your little expedition, Shrek Pavilion has decided you two are not to go out during the holidays anymore."

Siduo raised her eyebrows. "Is this the punishment you were talking about?"

Ya Li laughed. "No, those will be consequences more than punishment. This is for the crime you committed. Forceful training. You should be thankful. Not everyone gets learning from elders as punishment."

Siduo and Karni looked at each other. Excited, instead of sad. Teachings from elders? Wasn't this a gift? Perhaps the Sea God Pavilion silently supported their quick thinking, but couldn't do so openly, since they embarrassed the border guards.

"What about me then? Where will I stay?" Jianyu voiced the question.

"You can stay with Siduo on Sea God's Island. Only for holidays of course. Hm. Actually, you can train with her after all. Just not as she intended."

"Wait." Karni finally asked. "We're staying on Sea God's Island?"

Ya Li looked at him as if joking. "Of course. Where else would you get advice from elders?"

AzKoPo AzKoPo

No author thoughts here.


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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