Ten minutes after the courtesan had left did Samantha's client step into the room.
Samantha's mind was occupied with worried thoughts concerning her missing brother when she heard the door click open, bringing her to face the reality that no longer waited at her doorstep.
At the mere sight of the bulky-looking man closing the door behind him, Samantha gasped in full panic, and she quickly crawled to the corner of the room beside the bed and the side table, desperately trying to blend in with the darkness so the man didn't see her.
If it was possible for her to hide under the bed, she would. If she could dig the ground with her bare hands and bury herself beneath the earth she would. That was how desperate she was to escape from here.
Staying quiet, the man's footsteps approaching where she hid made her squeeze her eyes shut in trepidation, the fear consuming all her senses, and she felt unexplainably dizzy.
"Where did the newfound princess hide herself? Is this your way of starting the night?" The man's deep, rough voice made Samantha flinch uncontrollably, and she covered her mouth with her palm to avoid drawing any sort of attention to the darkness where she had camouflaged herself in.
Ba_dum! Ba_dum! Ba_dum! That was the only sound her ears could grasp presently.
"I see…. You're pretty good at this for a first timer. Hiding away like a little helpless prey." She heard the man say with a taunting chuckle, but still made no attempt to reveal herself. "Come out, come out wherever you are. I would have loved to indulge myself in this cat and mouse game with you, but unfortunately, I have no patience for that."
In an instant, he grabbed hold of Samantha's arm, harshly pulling her out from the darkness where she hid herself. An uncontrollable gasp escaped her lips. Samantha froze in her position, her eyes wide in shocking bewilderment as she stared into the lusty one's of her client.
"You are indeed delicate, my type of woman." She heard the man say as his fraudulent gaze swept her up and down, and Samantha tried to force her tiny wrist free from his calloused hand, shaking her head in disapproval and making the man know he was mistaken about her.
"Please don't do this, I was forced to be here, I'm nothing like them I promise. I… I was kidnapped five years ago and was forced to stay here against my will. Please, withdraw your offer or find someone else, but I'm not going to...ahh!"
Samantha's trembling voice cracked when he suddenly grabbed her neck, his lusty eyes narrowing dangerously at her refusal to please him tonight. "You dare?? I paid a good amount of money on your head, and there are no refunds, no refunds including no backing out from this arrangement, so shut your pretty little mouth and get to work! You whore!"
He threw Samantha onto the bouncing bed like she weighed nothing. Petrified to her already chilled bones, she watched the man take off his clothes as he really couldn't wait to get his hands on her, and Samantha seriously wished the angel of death would show up to take her away from here and save her from this crazy man.
What should she do? Should she get up and run? Even if she did, this man had her trapped on the bed, and there was no escaping it. Half bare already, her client suddenly stopped what he was doing, his piercing gaze shooting up at the woman who flinched from the harsh intensity of his gaze.
"Why aren't you taking off your clothes?" He asked, almost demandingly, and when Samantha was too frightened to speak up, she watched his lips curve into a devious smile, and to her alarm, he began to move towards the bed.
"Do you need help? Princess? That would be my number one speciality."
When he crawled for her on the bed, Samantha immediately picked one of the burning candles from the table. She moved fast, giving him no time to react till she had the mouth of the candle pressed against his bare chest.
"AHHH!!!!" A short piercing shriek escaped his lungs when the hot mouth of the candle burned his skin.
Samantha didn't stop, she barely knew what she was doing until she heard him scream out in agony, and she flinched, the candle dropping from her sweaty palm upon realizing what she had done.
"You violent little slut!"
From the raging redness in his eyes, Samantha immediately knew she had dug her own grave.
"I will make you pay for the damage you've done to me."
"Let go of me!! I don't want to do this!!" When he grabbed Samantha's legs and pulled her down, he climbed on top of her, looking ready to rip off her dress with his bare hands and enjoy what he paid for.
She could basically smell his burnt flesh, and he was still concerned about this??
Samantha thrashed wildly in every way possible, trying to save herself from being molested by this heartless stranger, but what she got in return was a slap to the face, an action that sent all her strength slipping from her body as her hands flew to her face, muffling her sobs.
The man who finally had her where he wanted tore her hands from her face, pinning them to both sides of the bed while she continuously sobbed. Samantha knew there was no escaping this, so she closed her teary eyes, dejectedly waiting for whatever that needed to be done to begin so she can get out of this traumatizing predicament.
But before her client could accomplish his dirty plan and do the deed with her, the sound of someone being thrust with a blade made the two of them freeze in a reflex manner, unmoving on the bed as the sound that pierced through the air rendered them immobile.
Something warm splattered on Samantha who hiccuped, making her wet lashes flutter spontaneously, and when she dared to look down to catch a glimpse of what had touched her dress, to her disbelief, her peach-colored dress had been stained with drops of blood.
B... Blood??
Her pupils dilated, and everything else seized except for the loud pounding of her heartbeat.
Where…. Where did it come from??
With a shocking gasp, her horrific eyes moved further up to see a blade protruding out from her client's gut. Not just one, but another blade was sticking right out from the hollow of his neck, his blood gushing out incessantly and spraying at her face, but she could barely get her eyes to blink.
The sight of something so horrendous led her to release an ear-piercing shriek.
Out of impulse, she quickly pushed the collapsed body of her client off her with the little strength she could muster, rolling it to the other side of the bed.
Weak and dazed, Samantha scrambled out of the bed with shaky legs, and she dropped to the ground with a light thud. Scurrying backwards, she watched in disbelief as the life of the man slowly slipped from his eyes till they turned white.
He was dead.
Bewildered and awestruck, she looked up at the entrance to see who had saved her, and to her disbelief, two guards dressed in black held swords that glinted with the man's blood trace on it.
As if on cue, the same mysterious young man who was dressed in white stepped into the room. At the sight of him, Samantha quickly arranged the sleeves of her dress, adjusting them in the right places before hugging herself, and then she met his lingering gaze again.
That was a close call !