The great hall of the Frenzell Keep was spacious and modest, moderately ornamented which fit the station of the provincial ruler it housed. There were simple furniture to accommodate its residents and guests alike, that at the given time, were all currently serving its purpose. Ulricht's Band heeded the summons of House Frenzell to convene, and so here they were, members of each party facing one another in the negotiating table. Nevertheless, the air of doubt and mistrust hanged so thickly it posed a threat to the alliance they both sought after.
Sorry for not uploading since Friday. It's exam week starting next Monday, so I'm busy preparing. Since it's also our finals, there has been a lot of academic papers and projects that need to be submitted, so I'm busy. After next week, however, my SUMMER VACATION will start. Hopefully, I will be able to upload as frequently as back then.