"Bear, can you punch me in the face and take me to the hospital? I won't get angry. Just make sure you'd knock me unconscious — it'll be nice if I'd be unconscious for three days."
Bear let out a shallow breath as he assessed the helpless look on Heaven's pale and dead face. Heaven had been tired all these months with all the planning, running errands, and then taking care of the children. Having to deal with this bunch who never ceased to argue over the stupidest things after a few chaotic days, was taxing.
"I'm sorry. You are asking the wrong person." He patted her shoulder mildly, offering her a gentle smile in hopes that would give her the slightest comfort.
It didn't.
"Gosh…" Heaven let out another deep exhale, peeling her eyes from Bear to the people around the table with her. She shook her head; they were still arguing.