Heaven only heard Miracle cry one time, but then she went quiet. Knowing Bear was looking after her daughter, she felt at ease and took her time in the shower. After a satisfying shower, she went straight to the walk-in closet to change into nightwear and then do her skincare.
Heaven meticulously took care of her pretty face in front of the vanity mirror. Despite having two kids, she wanted to still look attractive to her husband. Even when Dominic told her she was already pretty, she still wanted to make an effort.
"At least, my face isn't swollen anymore," she giggled as she placed down the toner in the corner. Her hand then veered to the small jar of moisturizer, raising her brows as she opened it. "Right. I emptied it last night."
Heaven shrugged as she put down the empty jar, reaching for the drawer to get a new one. Good thing she had a few spares. When Heaven opened the drawer, her brows rose once again before they knitted.