Days had passed in a blur for Heaven. Her days passed by with her staying in the private ward, Axel keeping her company for a few hours, and when it was time for him to leave, she would be alone again. Bear would visit her from time to time, keeping her updated on what was going on outside. Most specifically, the members of the family's condition.
She heard Ria was doing well now as she had regained full consciousness. Axel was already discharged but was living in a hotel nearby. Lionel was still in a coma, but he had shown signs of regaining his consciousness just yesterday. Meanwhile, Sebastian and Riley fully recovered from everyone's united help. Bear didn't give her full details of the rest, knowing Heaven wouldn't even process it.
"And yet... he still hadn't come," she whispered, caressing her stomach as her back rested on the headboard. "That jerk."
Author sips tea, eyes gliding to the corner.
"Don't look at me like that. Go to the next page."