The weekend rolled in in a blink of an eye. Heaven and Dominic used the past few days cuddling, playing around, and deepening their affection for each other. They would call their son from time to time, but surprisingly enough, Sebastian seemed to be having fun with his grandparent's company. Therefore, the couple was relieved.
Ding Dong!
Heaven perked up, pausing to wear her thin wristwatch at the sound of the doorbell.
"That's weird," she mumbled with furrowed brows. "Dom will never ring the doorbell."
Dominic went to run a quick errand, and she used this time to prepare because they would attend the Zhu family dinner. Curious about who was ringing the door, Heaven languidly left the walk-in closet to see who it was. She went straight to the monitor mounted on the wall, arching a brow as she caught Tiger standing in front of the penthouse.
Tonight's the last night of the funeral before we lay my grandma to rest. Thank you for all your understanding. Regular release will resume on monday.