60.86% PrimeTime : Reloaded / Chapter 14: Is there new chaos on the horizon?

章節 14: Is there new chaos on the horizon?

Primetime: Chapter 14


Welcome to Chapter 14 of Primetime.

Tags: Uzumaki Kushina, MILF, Corruption, Cheating, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism

Discord server (Sublime Vectors) invite code: nm8hVrk7zr


Well, here it is, and I hope you all like it.


Thank you to my Discord server members for their valuable feedback and suggestions. I hope you like some of them being taken into account.

If you liked the chapter, kindly take a minute of your time to leave a review. They help me and encourage me to write the next chapter.

Posted on: October 31, 2023


Chapter 14: Is there new chaos on the horizon?

Shizune accompanied her to the boss's office. If she did hear what the men had to say about Kushina, she didn't exhibit much of a reaction to what they said. Kushina remained silent as she walked alongside the ravenette. The words that men had said were still playing over and over in her head.


Reaching outside the boss's office, Shizune reached out and rang the buzzer, alerting the boss. She then gestured for Kushina to go inside. "I will see you later, Kushina-san," and then she turned and walked in the direction of her workplace.


"Come in," she heard Danzo say from the other side of the door.


Kushina muttered to herself, "Let's get this over with," as she mentally prepared herself to meet her boss. Despite her self-confidence, a small part of her feared that he might have noticed some flaws in the 'Meet the Stars' episode or maybe another word from shareholders.

As she pushed open the doors, she spotted Danzo seated behind his desk. It was his customary position. As she entered the office, he turned his head to look at her. She noticed that he was slightly pursing his lips. 'Did he crack a smile?' She thought to herself, 'No, it must be my imagination.' she answered herself.


"Good afternoon, Boss," Kushina greeted Danzo while wearing a broad grin on her face.

"Good afternoon. I hope your day is going well, Kushina." He greeted her back. "It's good that you arrived early today. I was about to call you here when you arrived at your usual time. He then proceeded to speak, getting right to the point. Kushina gave her full attention to what he was saying.


"First of all, I want to offer my congratulations on the successful show you hosted yesterday. No, no, I'm not just referring to the programme from yesterday; I'm also praising the way you dealt with the "after events." He emphasised the term 'events'.


Kushina's mind stopped at that bit. Kushina found herself turning pale as paper as she felt her soul leaving her body. 'Does he know? He can't, Kami-sama. No, this is not happening,' she thought.


"While dancing like that and at a rave party, none the less might not suit your position, but it can't be helped given the occasion," Danzo continued.


'Oh, he was talking about the dance video from the party.' she thought, as her soul must have returned to her body due to how her cheeks flushed red at the mention of the video. 'I hope he does not know more, but that means he also saw me dancing like that?' she thought, her mind imagining her boss watching her viral video. 'This is so embarrassing yet why do I feel some excitement as well?'


"All in all, I hope that you in the future might be a little discreet in your actions, and even if you end up participating in public settings, be a little mindful of your surroundings. But I guess no harm was done. I would say it even boosted your popularity chart." He spoke with a stoic face, but Kushina could have sworn there was some prideful smirk in there.


"I'm sorry, boss, I got caught in the moment. One moment, I was with Taikin-san. Then he began singing, and I do not know what happened next, but I just went with the flow." She sputtered out.


"I understand that; I guess it can't be helped as it was your first time handling a celebrity. But I do hope you will learn and set the 'limits'." Danzo answered to her sputtering, this time stressing the word 'limits'.


'Thank Kami-sama; he doesn't know what happened after. Or does he?' Kushina thought.

"Still a good job." He spoke with a small smile.


"Thank you, boss," she bowed to him.


"Well, now coming to the main topic of why I called you here today," he started again.


'Wait! That was not it?' She thought, 'I still have to ask him about some time off.' She further pondered. As she looked at him, he continued.


"Well, as you have noticed, you have grown immensely popular these days." As soon as he finished speaking, Kushina nodded while reflecting on her Ninjagram and the way the ladies in the elevator had greeted her today.

"Given that your last photoshoot was quite a hit, all the merchandise went out of stock quickly and received quite a positive response," Danzo added with a small smile.


"Really ?" Kushina spoke with a big grin as she felt herself filled with pride.


"Normally, we would have done a new photo shoot with some more promotional material, but as you already know, we are planning to launch KTV unplugged. Given you have already met Jiraiya-san," as he looked at her, Kushina nodded, remembering the tall white-haired man.


"Well, Jiraiya-san was planning a photoshoot with you and Yuuhi-san," Danzo added.


"Me and Yuuhi-san?" Kushina asked.


"Yes, he is a renowned writer and director. He does that when he scouts talent. Of course, he has yet to finalise who out of you two will be cast in the main role for his next project." Danzo spoke with a bit of suspense in his voice.


"Cast in his project?" Kushina spoke, "But I thought I was the new face of KTV?" She asked 


"You are, but it's up to Jiraiya on who he casts, so all the best," he added.


"Oh, so when is the photoshoot boss?" Kushina asked again.


"I'm not sure on details, but it should be scheduled most probably on this weekend." seeing her about to speak again "Don't worry, there is only one episode of Meet the Stars this weekend, and Yuhi-san has already completed formalities for the show."


While she was a bit disappointed not to be able to do the show's next episode, she was still feeling a bit thankful that she wouldn't be overloaded with this task this weekend, which meant she could have some free time with her family, most importantly her husband.

"So no 'Meet the stars' for me this week?" She asked just to confirm.


"Yes, but do be prepared to travel. Jiraiya-san is not your typical director. He has some peculiar tastes in the types of events he does. I'm sure he will pick some location outside of Konoha for the photoshoot." Danzo spoke, crashing all her plans.


"Travel boss?" Kushina again spoke sceptically. 'I had thought the shoot would be the same as others previous photo shoots,' she thought.


"Yes, travel, Kushina, and you should now be accustomed to travelling anyway. This photoshoot can be a very important point in your career, Kushina. It's one of the reasons I pulled you off the broadcast roster for this weekend. While I'm sure Yuuhi-san will also do well in Jiraiya-san's show, I believe you will do it better, Kushina." Danzo spoke, emphasising her name. It spoke all but the amount of trust he was laying on her. His tone implied he accepted nothing but her getting the lead role in the upcoming project on KTV Unplugged.


While a bit giddy at her boss's confidence in her, she couldn't help but feel like she was back at school, where her guardians expected nothing but top grades from her.


"Thanks for having confidence in me, boss, but why me?" she asked.


"Let's just say I have my reasons, and I have seen you breaking the limits, and you haven't disappointed me so far," Danzo added.


"Thank you, Boss, but I had planned some activities with my family this week. My husband just came home from a trip to the US." She left the rest of the sentence hanging. And it seemed Danzo understood her dilemma.


"Well, Kushina, if everything goes as per plan and you get cast, I'm sure you will get free time next Monday," Danzo added with a smirk. "I will even give you some more days off."


"Ok, boss, I will try my best. '' Kushina spoke while she wanted to ask more questions and ask what would happen if she failed, but quickly suppressed the thought, knowing fully well that failure was not an option. 'I have to one up Kurenai-san' she thought.

"Good. You will receive more details in the coming days. Now you better prepare for tonight's show.

She bowed and slowly marched out of the office with Danzo's eyes on her swinging ass. 'She will have to learn how to use that and when to give in if she doesn't want to be rolled over and used by hawks,' he thought. 'Though I won't mind having a piece of that,' he further thought as he looked at his screen again.

Outside the office, Kushina opened her phone. "It's still 3 p.m., and I have nothing to do now except prepare for tonight's show," she muttered to herself. "I better get to Shizune and ask her for today's outfit before going to my room. Maybe I could take a nap as well. Guess I still haven't slept on this new bed till now," she grinned as she casually walked towards Shizune's office.


Reaching the destination, she found the door to Shizune's office open. The ravenette was working and looking at her laptop, seemingly busy. Smiling a bit, Kushina knocked a couple of times, which immediately got the attention of Shizune.


"Oh Kushina, you are back?" Shizune spoke with a smile while looking at the redhead.


"Yeah, Boss gave me updates on my schedule for the week; anyway, do you have my outfit for today's show ready?" Kushina replied.


"Yes, I have; in fact, they should be all in the wardrobe in your lounge," Shizune answered with a smile.


"They, as in more than one?" Kushina asked


"Yeah, your wardrobe should have at least 3-4 different outfits now; you can wear what you like from there," Shizune answered.


"Oh, thanks, Shizune; you are the best," Kushina replied with a big grin.


"Thank you" Shizune nodded and then looked at her phone. "It's time for my tea break. Want to join me for some refreshments? I wanted to talk with you regarding Taikin-sama's afterparty," Shizune asked.


"Sure," Kushina replied while not really wanting to talk about the party, but she couldn't just refuse. She then smiled and said, "Why don't you come to my lounge? We could order something there and talk as well; I haven't spent much time there." She added.


"That sounds even better. Those lounges are one of the best. I have often seen Kurenai-san using hers for days when she is on hard and tight schedule." Shizune said.


"For days? Really?" Kushina asked in a surprised tone as they both made their way towards the elevators.


"Yeah, it's true her schedule has become quite hot to handle. I did see her spending weekends here in the studio, living in her assigned lounge room. Shizune whispered so as to avoid being overheard by people moving in the corridors.


"Doesn't she have a family or boyfriend?" Kushina asked as they finally reached the elevators, and Shizune pressed the button.


"She is engaged, actually; I heard her fiancé's family has some share in KTV as well. But her fiance and his father don't get along much," Shizune whispered.

"Really ? That's like TV soap. Who is he?" Kushina further probed, eager to gain more and more knowledge about Kurenai.


"Well, it's not secret anyway; I don't know the fiance's name, but he's the second son from the Sarutobi family. He has some issues with his father and works in the Uchiha Corps rather than in his father's business." Shizune answered as they both entered the elevator.

"Wow, I didn't know that, and isn't the Uchiha Corps main office on the other side of the city?" Kushina spoke out loud now that both were inside the elevator.


"That it is, but from what I hear, Kurenai-san's fiance is based in Mizu headquarters for Uchihas." I guess we can say Kurenai-san and him don't live much together anyway." Shizune spoke.

As they stepped out of the elevator, reaching their destination floor, Kuhsina couldn't help but think of the information she had just received. 'Oh, it's a lot like my situation, and Minato' Kushina thought of finding similarities between herself and Kurenai. 'And I have to compete with her for the spot' she couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. 'First I took a slot on her show, and now I have to compete for a spot on a new show' she thought. 'It's not my fault anyway; it's my job and order from the boss, and I can't disappoint him' she thought, strengthening her will and feeling less bad about Kurenai.


"Kushina-san key?" Her pondering was cut short as she noticed they had reached the doors of her lounge room. He swelled his chest in pride at the sight of a golden engraved nameplate showing her name, "Kushina."


Fishing out the key from her purse, she quickly opened the lounge room. Entering the room, she turned on the lights. Shizune followed her.


"Wow, this lounge is even grander than Kurenai-san's," she whispered.


Kushina smiled at her awe, and her mind received a generous validation that she was on right path in her career. "So coffee and some snacks?" Kushina asked. Seeing Shizune nod, who was busy checking out Kushian's room, she picked up the phone from the table and quickly ordered some coffee and refreshments.

"You are really lucky, Kushina; this room is, I think, the best I have seen. You should really thank Danzo-sama," Shizune said, finally looking around the room as she took a seat on the couch.


"Thank you, and yeah, I'm grateful to my boss for all the opportunities he has provided me with," Kushina answered sincerely.


"Enough about others, Tell me about last night's party. I saw your dance video. And I heard you dance with Taikin-sama as well. God, you are so lucky." Shizune spoke with a big, wide grin on her face.


"It was good," Kushina quickly answered, almost too quickly, causing Shizune to raise eyebrows.


"Just good. Come on, tell me more. I know you are a fan like me. It must be something different. I have heard so many different things about Taikin-sama. So did you." She stopped a bit. "Did you go for something more?" Shizune shamelessly asked.


Kushina, for a moment aghast at Shizune's sudden personal questions, immediately coloured her face the same shade as her hair when she unconsciously remembered the night. She quickly shook her head and almost spoke in a ghastly tone, "No, it wasn't like that. Nothing happened."


At the blank look she received from Shizune, she added, "Seriously, nothing happened. I danced with him for a while, then we had some snacks and some drinks, and I left for home. I have family, you know! dattebane ! I am married too. Kushina spoke as she pulled up her hand to show the ring to Shizune.


Shizune looked at the ring and shook her head. "Ah, sorry, I just overheard so many rumours in the office from the morning, but I should have known people have big mouths."


"Ah, it's nothing then." Kushina smiled. 'Oh Kami-sama, how much I hoped that it really happened that I pulled away in time and to be with Minato' she thought.


"But did you even consider what possibilities there could have been going with Taikin-sama? Weren't you a bit curious? We have read so much about his affairs. Shizuune added.


"Oh, I was. Don't get me wrong. I'm married, but I'm Taikin-san's fan as well. And we are free to think about what we want. '' Kushina immediately replied with a smirk, but then stopped. 'Oh, got me and my mouth' she thought.


"Thank lord, you were to control yourself in acting on those thoughts then. Given how popular Taikin-sma is and your rising popularity in Konoha, I'm sure it would have been all over social media and news, Shizune added teasingly. "I don't know about you, but I certainly wouldn't have minded the attention," she added with a big smirk.


Kushina gasped "Wow, I never expected you to be so bold. Maybe next time Taikin-san comes, you can go and give it a try," she plainly added.


"Really ? Promise me you will take me to his party's if you ever get invited next time," Shizune spoke.


"Haha, of course next time, whenever it is." She spoke despondently, not really sure how she would face Taikin ever again after last night's events. She really hoped no one ever knew about it. She wasn't even sure if her boss knew or not. There are already rumours flowing through the office. 'I should feel embarrassed even aghast, but why do I feel excited about guys talking about it?' she thought.

There was a knock at the door as one of the support staff members came in with a tray of coffee and some snacks. As they took refreshments, Kushina and Shizune then started to talk about other topics. As they talked, Kushina couldn't help but feel like getting to know Shizune better.


Shizune left, and after some time, Kushina sat in her room.


She stood up as she locked the doors. "What should I do?" she thought. Fishing out her phone, she walked onto the bed and laid down. "I have so much time. What should I do?" she thought.


She opened Ninjagram and saw several thousand more likes on posts by Taikin. She immediately closed it. 'I really don't want to think about it, she thought.


'This bed is so comfortable' she thought as she rolled over the bed. 'I could get used to this,' she thought with a mild sigh.


'What was I even trying to do here?' She thought about the first day she had used the room and almost got caught naked here by other KTV staff members. ' But that feeling was so exhilarating; it was so risky—the fear of getting almost caught, she thought as she opened the browser on the phone. Her eyes immediately landed on the last page link she had visited.


"Kunoichi-hub forum?" she muttered.


'I shouldn't open it, at least not now, she thought, 'but I really want to know if they got their hands on any other leaked videos or pictures from the rave' she thought. So she nodded at her reasoning and opened the link. She nearly gasped as her forum page, which before barely had like 3–4 pages, was now almost double in size. Her heart raced with both worry and excitement as she opened the page she had last visited. While there was more speculation on her alleged leaked video from the restaurant, there was not more. She smiled at some comments, and some people even defended her, saying it couldn't be her.


The next page had her picture prior to the show with Shizune and Taikin. There were a few comments, but nothing as such. Then there were some pictures that were definitely taken from screenshots of the show. A mild blush formed on her face as she saw they had posted cropped and enlarged pictures of her from the show. Some of the pictures focused on her exposed legs, some on her cleavage, and some on her ass. There was even a short video of her laughing at Taikin's remark during the show, which had made her breasts jiggle quite spectacularly, and the video editor was focusing on them.

"I said sex on legs." Sexx on legs, a user named Rain wrote. She had noticed this user was quite infatuated with her. She shook her head and quickly skipped the discussion there, which was mostly on fantasies of men commenting on her body and what they wanted to do with her.


On the next page, she found what she had come here looking for; there was a video of her posted some 12–14 hours ago that went viral on Ninjagram. It was posted by a user named Redmilf with the capitalised caption, "I KNEW IT, TO THOSE WHO STILL DENY THAT SHE WASN'T IN THE RESTAURANT VIDEO. This is the proof."


Jonesy: Is her dress wet? I can't clearly see, but it seems like it?


Flex.42: It definitely seems like it; damn, that wet dress clung to her like a second skin. Those who are nearby can see every sensuous curve.


The_chauvanist: It seems like a light effect, but it can also be true. But how would it get wet there?


TheOpportunist: I shot this video while I was at this party. Yes, I can confirm her dress was wet. She was drenched in champagne. I got to say she is such a slutty Milf. The way her wet dress stuck to her body, leaving nothing to the imagination, was a provocative masterpiece. I am sure if she felt the eyes on her, the hunger in every gaze. To be the object of such desire, such unfiltered lust must have an intoxicating power. I am 100 percent sure she was relishing every moment. I don't know what happened afterwards, as Taikin got close to her and pulled her away from men. But I did see her dancing with him in a close embrace.


TemptationTitan: Damn, thanks for your great work, man. The way her wet dress sticks to her body, revealing more than it conceals, is a sinful masterpiece. I can fantasise about running my tongue over her drenched body. Man, I wish you would have shot a longer video.


CarnalConnoisseur: She really is acting like a true slut, isn't she? That wild abandon with which she is dancing is truly intoxicating. I bet on my dick that she loves the attention, revelling in every glance and every desire-filled whisper. I can completely imagine her dress riding up, daring anyone to look away. I'm sure lots of those men surrounding her got quite an eyeful.


SinfulScribe: Damn, I knew from the start she was a slut; that restaurant woman is 100 percent her. @TheOpportunist, you said she danced with Taikin, right? Now that I'm 200 percent sure she got banged, there's no way Taikin would let go of this opportunity. Taikin is a true man. He won't let this opportunity go by. Who am I kidding? By now, she's probably somewhere being fucked to seventh heaven by him


LasciviousLover : Damn her indifference to being soaked in champagne, her wet dress clinging to her. This is pure seduction. I can almost feel the softness of the fabric against my skin as I watch her. Does anyone have more videos from this party?


EroticEnigma: Www, so hot. I don't think there will be more videos, as this was a rave, so there are many acts similar to this all around. People are more into experiencing this stuff than recording it. But I do hope someone recorded our MILF. Damn, I can't wait to see her nude. I wonder if she's aware of the millions lusting after her, each fantasising about what they would do if given the chance to be with her in this state.


Debauched Desire: She definitely knows; there's no way she doesn't know the effect she's having on men. I bet she loves it too. I know she is kind. She feels empowered by the effect she's having, and I bet she is wild in bed too.


ObsceneOracle: Guys, have you considered that she might be drunk and that she is too inebriated to care? It feels like she's not in her right state of mind.


DebauchedDesire: What are you talking about, man? The way she moves—it's so uninhibited—tells the story of a woman fully aware of the desires she stirs. It's as if she's inviting the world into her most intimate fantasies. I bet she is a secret exhibitionist who gets turned on by these acts.


As Kushina read the comments, she could not help but think, 'Am I really an exhibitionist? She thought as she remembered feeling turned on at the restaurant, watching the crowd below while Taikin played with her body. 'No, I can't be an exhibitionist, am I?' She thought, then she remembered last night how she was trying to tear Taikin with her dance moves. 'I knew I was drenched with Champagne; I knew my dress was almost see-through, but I enjoyed it, didn't I?' she thought.


"No way, I am turning to be an exhibitionist," she muttered as she felt her cheeks getting redder.


Her attention went back to the forum as she read more comments.


Artemiz: Well, look at her. That slut definitely got wrecked after that slutty dancing. I've heard rumours about Taikin, and usually rumours are true; she won't be able to sit down tomorrow.

Daddy Fairy: Imagine being that bitch and thinking she can be a respectable anchor when she dresses like a whore and dances like a nympho. In the end, she wants to be fucked like the nymph she is.


CanadianWhiskey: Am I the only one thinking that she will start and open an OnlyKunoichis account soon?


Beastrune: You ain't the only one, dude; I bet she has pink nipples. I would love to see those globs without any clothing barriers. I would definitely pay a good amount as well.

"Only Kunoichis, huh?" she muttered. She had known about that site. A site where models and girls shred their pictures. "No, don't think Kushina; that's a slippery slope," she muttered, shaking her head.


She closed her phone. "Those people have some wild fantasies, but they are so true this time," she muttered to herself. She stood up, walked over to the table, and pulled out her laptop. "I better get ready for tonight's show."


With that, she started working on the task at hand; the discussion she had just read made hers somewhat turned on, and she silently planted some seeds in her mind. Seeds that will soon germinate in some ideas


A knock at the doors woke up Kushina; she had dozed off after reading today's script. It was something about women candidates being preferred for elections in the coming elections.


Looking at the big clock on the opposite wall, she quickly got up. "Damn, that was a good nap; I almost had two hours of good rest," she muttered as she made her way to the doors, on the way adjusting her hair.

"Kushina-san" The grinning face of Yami greeted her at the door. 'This is becoming quite the usual thing' she thought as she smiled back. But then her eyes widened as Jin was suddenly pulled out of the way, and her eyes landed on his companion, and she internally scowled. 'Why is he here?' she thought.


"Kushina-san, miss me?" Jin grinned.


"Yami-san, Aikawa-san." She spoke in a plain voice as she nodded, stepped away from the doors, and allowed them to come in. Jin scowled as he heard her taking Yami's name but greeting him with his last name while Yami smirked and internally grinned.


"Kushina-san, how are you today?" Yami asked as he took a seat on one of the couches, followed by his cousin Jin. Kushina took a seat across from them.


"I'm good. What about you?" She asked with a smile.


"I'm also good, but I'm not here to talk about my..." Yami started to speak, but Jin cut him as he spoke.


""We are here to talk about you. You really had quite a wild night with Taikin-san, right?" Jin asked with a smirk. Yami scowled. 'Well, I was about to ask her the same thing.' He thought


All the colour drained from her face, and as her heart started thumping, "What do you mean?" she asked in a straight, annoyed voice.


"Oh, he didn't mean like that." Yami intervened and spoke in a palacating tone ignoring Jin, "Pardon his words; I saw your viral dance video, and given that you are such a huge fan of Taikin-san, it must be a dream come true."He added, internally enjoying the expression on her face. 'Yeah, she definitely got fucked hard given her defensiveness,' he thought.


"Oh," Kushina worded out, "yes, it was a surprise; guess it was the atmosphere that got me moving." She spoke sheepishly. "Guest, I'm lucky to get to dance with Taikin-san."


"Really ? Damn, the atmosphere must be really something." Jin piqued interest in the conversation.


Kushina looked at Jin and just nodded when Yami opened his mouth again. "I can understand; damn, I missed seeing you do those moves. You know I was supposed to be there at that party, but some last-minute plans got in between," Yami added with a grin.


"Really, I didn't know." Kushina lied, 'Thank Kami-sama, you weren't there' She thought, 'Yes, definitely glad you people weren't there' She added thoughts when her eyes landed on Jin.


"Yes, congrats for that, by the way. I can say on behalf of all your fans that they definitely loved to see that side of you. I hope you will post some dancing moves on your Ninjagram," Yami added.


"You should definitely, Kushina-san, It would be so hot." Jin added


"Uh, I don't know. Maybe I would, maybe I won't," she replied politely.


"You should; your fans will love it." Yami pushed


"I will see Yami-san." Kushina spoke 


"You should definitely think about it. But that was not what I didn't come here for. I met Taikin-san some hours ago," he said, stopping speaking as he looked at her face, which again constrained hearing Taikin's name, confirming his beliefs. "Well, he was leaving, so I went there to see him off; he asked me to deliver this package to you," he continued as he pulled out a golden envelope from his coat.


Kushina slowly took the envelope, wondering what could be inside it. "Thank you, Yami-san," she said.

"Well, now that's over. Apart from that dance party, I think you really had a wild night too," Jin said with a smirk.


"What are you talking about?" Kushina spoke in a clear, agitated voice, clearly not linking the implication.


Jin continued to grin as he pointed to her body, more specifically her right upper arm. She was wearing a half-sleeve shirt, and her eyes widened in horror at where he was pointing. There on her upper arm was a significant bluish-black mark. 'Wait, how come? She tried to remember where she got that mark. 'I thought marks were only around my breasts, core, ass, and thighs,' she thought. She remembered that in one of the positions, Taikin was strongly holding her by her upper arms as he pushed in and out of her. Her face immediately tinted red in memory.

 She lied, saying, "It's nothing; a stray pellet from my son's new toy gun hit me."

 Jin continued to smirk. "On both hands at the exact same spot," he added, enjoying the reddening of her face.

"Wha-" she sputtered as she now noticed a similar mark on her left upper arm. 'Oh sh*t, oh sh*t, how could I miss these ones?' she thought.

'I can imagine. I wonder what position you were held in to cause those marks. Damn, why didn't I install the cameras in my suite?' Yami thought.


"You certainly had a wild night, right?" Jin chuckled. While Yami didn't like his cousin talking with Redhead, he liked how he was riling her up. It gave him more time to analyse her reactions. 'Her agitated face is good too; would she make that face when I fuck her?' he thought.


"It's not like that," she said, then controlled her emotions and expressions as an idea struck in her mind. She then released a long breath.

The men immediately noticed a change in her expressions; her previous panic, as if caught red-handed, was now more content and relaxed.

 "Oh, it looks like you got me, Aikawa-san," she said, making an overacted scene of sadness and fake nerves. She put a hand to her mouth, with her fingers doing little to cover the big, huge smirk on her face as she looked straight at Jin. "I guess Minato-koi got a bit more handsy and vigorous. You know he was away for so many days," she said, hoping Jin would catch the bait and drop the subject. 

'Wait, is she implying her husband did that and not Taikin?' Yami thought as doubts started to set in his mind. 'Taikin-san did not confirm anything; even though I know she was there with him at Hyuuga Centre, it proves nothing. She could have all but left soon after. And those marks can be from her husband as well,' Yami frustratingly thought. The same thing was going on in Jin's head as he was teasing the redhead but didn't know what to say before he opened his mouth again.


"Haha, I can understand him. He was away from you for so many days. If I had a wife like you, I wouldn't have patience like that man. In fact, I wouldn't even let you out of my sight for a moment and bang you day and night. And if that was nothing, I would have banged you so much that you wouldn't walk straight for a few days," Jin again added with a big, lecherous smirk, looking up and down at her body, causing her to shudder and unconsciously tilt away.


"Jin-san," Kushina replied with a scowl as her cheeks coloured red. "Do you have to be so rash?" She continued. 'Well, at least he bought the lie. Why didn't I think it sooner?' she thought.


"Jin, stop being so uncouth." Yami raised his hand as he struck Jin's head.


Jin raised both his arms in the air and said, "Forgive me, but I'm not sorry, and I only speak the truth. You are quite a catch, and I would love to bang you day and night if you were my wife."


"I apologise on his behalf, Kushina-san." Yami spoke as he stood up and walked to the doors,pulling a still-grinning Jin with him. 'Damn this, Jin; I could have probed more. Why have I stuck with such a stupid cousin? I shouldn't have bought him here today,' Yami thought.


As Yami and Jin moved out of the doors, Kushina again sat on her bed, scowling at Jin's words. "That useless piece of sh*t," she muttered.


"I hope Minato didn't see it; wait, did he see it? '' she muttered to herself, trying to remember the day's events. "I was thankfully full-sleeved when we made out, and I only teased him when I was dressed in this outfit," she sighed in relief.


"I need to be more careful. I can't let people know about yesterday's event. It was a one-time thing. I will forget it," she continued, muttering to herself. 'But I cheated; I fucked another man,' she thought.

As she walked back to the bed after locking the doors, the guilt again started to gnaw at her. She unconsciously unlocked her phone, and surprisingly, she saw Taikin's name on Ninchat's notifications. 'Taikin-san's message?' she thought.

"Kushina-san, It was such a pleasurable weekend and trip. I hope you agree with me there at least. Well, I'm leaving Konoha as I write this message. I hope to see you soon. I had asked Yami to deliver a memento from my side. I hope you like it Just as I have, I would have delivered personally but I have my schedule cut out. " The message read.

Her eyes travelled to the table where the envelope Yami had passed onto her was sitting quitely. 'What could be it?' she thought. She walked and picked up the envelope. Taking a closer look at it, she saw that it was completely sealed and beautifully crafted. It didn't seem heavy for any mementos she could imagine. Sighing, she formed a small cut along the folds and tore it open. From there, she dropped a couple of rectangular, intricately designed papers that immediately identified tickets to Taikin's concerts. She had been to enough shows to know about the tickets. "Wow, these are VIP passes with backstage access as well," she murmured. But then images from last night again played in front of her mind, damning whatever excitement she was having. "How could I attend his shows now after last night?" she continued.

'The dates are still quite far' she thought, and true enough, the date of the concert was four months away, and the venue was not Konoha as well. "Maybe I can go if I feel less guilty and less embarrassed by then. Maybe Minato could also accompany me," she muttered with a hopeful smile as she placed the tickets in the envelope. As she was placing tickets back in the envelope, she noticed another thing inside it.

Pulling out the item, she saw it was a card-shaped thing with Taikin's name written on one side and his biographical picture on the other. 'What could this be? A collectable?' she thought as she saw Taikin's signature as well on the card. Then she noticed a small 'Pull me' text on one side. She complied and pulled, and then, to her surprise, a small chip-like thing came out of the card. 'Of course it's the flash drive; it must have his songs,' she thought.

She inserted the flash drive on her laptop and was satisfied to see that it contained songs from his top albums. As she traversed through the contents of the folder, she stopped seeing the folder "For Kushina-san'.

"What is this?" she muttered. As she opened the folder to her surprise, it contained some of his unreleased songs, including the one she had danced with him at his studio. 'It was such a nice day, even if I had ruined it by falling all over him,' she thought.

Then her eyes landed on the number of video files in the folder. They were inconspicuously named with numbers. Curious as she was, she randomly selected number five and played it, and as she played the video, her smile turned to horror as she realised what it was.


The wet, lewd, muffled sounds of a woman came out of her laptop speakers as video played. There in front of her on the laptop screen, it was her in the video, completely naked, utterly engrossed in the act, with no clue or care about the surroundings. Hairs dishevelled, her make ruined as she ruthlessly sucked on Taikin's cock as if it were some other kind of candy.

The unexpected content startled her. But most of that shock came from recognising the woman on screen. She looked on with an open mouth and rapt attention as the video played.

"Ouh, fuck Kushina, I will cum again. Where do you want it?" She heard Taikin speak. She noticed that Taikin had also taken himself into the camera and was smirking at her as he massaged her head while she was furiously sucking him.

The video was from yesterday's night inside the Hyugaa Center. She realised it was probbably after the third or fourth round of fuck. 'Kami-sama, how could I be so loose, so casual? I didn't even think about Minato' she thought.

After hearing Taikin's voice, the head of the Kushina in the video tilted up, showing her lust-filled violet eyes. Her lips kept moving around Taikin's long shaft.

"Blow it in my boobs; paint them white." She heard herself speak.

The real Kushina looked horrified but was unable to look away as her video counterpart acted like a complete whore and even began rubbing her breasts when she asked Taikin to cum on her tits. She even led by pointing his cock at her tits herself.

'No, that can't be me' Kushina thought "Oh, Kami-sama, what had gotten into me? Forgive me, Minato." she murmured.

"Haha, you are a complete bitch, aren't you? Take it; here is all the cum you wa-"

The sound was cut off as Kushina muted her computer, pressing the power button with such speed and force that she might as well have broken the button.

"Wh-what the fuck?" She said she was looking intently at the screen. She looked around, and thankfully she was in her room. 'I hope no one heard that' she thought, still fearing that someone might have heard those few seconds of audio.

"I cheated, I cheated, I cheated, Oh Kami, I cheated," she muttered to herself as guilt from last night's event began to lay heavy on her. The video that she just saw increased the amount even more. She lay there on the bed, muttering and cursing herself.


"Wait, he used protection, right?" she muttered.


"Yes, he used protection," she muttered again.


"He used protection," she muttered, her face brightening up slightly.


"So it's not complete cheating, right?" she asked herself.

"I haven't completely cheated!" she muttered.


"I haven't completely cheated!" she muttered again as a smile formed on her face.


"I haven't completely cheated!" she muttered again with a nod to herself.


"I haven't cheated," she said. "Yes, I haven't cheated; I may have fallen and slipped down a bit. I haven't cheated. Only Mina-koi has cummed inside me," she thought. Completely forgetting the acts she did, from sucking off Taikin to getting fucked by him. All that mattered to her was that he had used protection and not cummed inside her raw. She didn't consider he had fucked her and cummed in her mouth and on her body so many times.

As she came to conclusions for herself, she smiled a bit as the guilt that lay heavy on her slowly started to lift off her shoulders. Mind you, it was still there, but the fact that she now didn't consider last night's event as cheating on her part made it not that heavy. She didnt even notice she had become a bit wet once her guilt had lessened.

With that, she stood up and looked at the clock. "I better get ready."

While she got ready to select an outfit for the show, Kushina didn't know Shizune had stopped men from approaching her room, much to their evident disappointment and frustration.


The studio lights came back on, signalling the end of the show. The crew was heard cheering with clapping and whistles every once in a while.


One of the men in the audience said, "That was a great show, as usual, Kushina-san."


Before she could speak more, she saw her boss coming towards her alongside Jiraiya. She had seen them sitting behind production screens, with Jiraiya taking a seat near Danzo.


"That was great work, Kushina-san," Jiraiya said.


"Thank you, Jiraiya-san," she said with a smile.


"So what are your views on women being pushed to run for the top post in the next elections?" he asked.


"huh?" She couldn't help but let out a confused sound at the unexpected question Jiraiya asked her.

 "Ah, I'm not much of a political person. But I do think it's good for women's empowerment. Women do need higher representation in leading our country. Though I'm pretty sure these new reforms won't be implemented for at least the next two years," Kushina replied.


"Hoh, why do you think so?" Jiriaya asked curiously.


"It's just that these things really take time for the parties to be in agreement." Kushina replied.


"Good, you are quite smart and inquisitive. I like it; it would be fun to work with you," Jiraiya said.


"Thank you, Jiraiya-san." Kushina replied 


"Well, I hope you are ready for this weekend. I am eager to see how the event goes." Jiriaya added with a smile.


"I am Jiriaya-san." Kushina replied.


Jiraiya nodded with a big grin as he walked to the exit, with Danzo following after him, not before giving her a nod much to Kushina's relief.


Looking around, Kushina too immediately walked out of the studio and marched to her room as she put on her wedding ring. 'I still have lots of time; I can't go home this early; I have no reason to deny Minato,'she thought.


"Guess I will spend some time in my room," she muttered to herself. Fishing out her phone from her purse, she quickly sent Minato a message about her being late and not to wait for her. She then also asked her cab driver for the same message.


She smiled at the staff members in the elevators, answering their questions politely. Thankfully for her, the more talkative ones were still in the studio working at their jobs. 'While I like their antics, I don't think I want to deal with them now, especially with how they think of me,' she thought.


"Even though it felt good to hear those comments, I don't why?" she muttered as she walked out of elevators.


Soon she was in her room, and she immediately laid on the bed. 'This really is relaxing. If I didn't have to go home, I would have slept here for the night,' she thought.


Lying on the bed, she unlocked her phone and received several notifications from her Ninjagram and Ninchat. Opening the ninchat, she saw a sad emoji from her husband, and she replied to him with the same sad emoji. 'I'm so sorry, Minato, but this is to protect our marriage. This is for our future,' she thought.


Looking at the next chat, she was surprised to see the name in her Ninchat: "Mizuki-Sensei". It was a message from Naruto's mathematics teacher. 'I hope it doesn't have any bad news,' she thought.


"Namikaze-san, this is Touji Mizuki. Naruto's mathematics teacher We met sometime back. We had talked about Naruto's progress, especially in my subject, last time. While I shouldn't directly talk about this with you, I'm concerned, and you are a popular figure in our city. Naruto is not studying the subject; in fact, he seemed distracted. Today I conducted a test for Naruto's class. I regrettably say that Naruto failed to solve even one question. It's like he is not even understanding some of the concepts. I hope to hear from you soon and maybe set up a meeting in person to discuss more about this. The message read:

"Naruto," Kushina muttered.


"What am I going to do with you?" She spoke to herself, "Maybe he's suffering because of a lack of attention. I may be at fault here," she continued as she thought about the lack of time she was giving Naruto.


"Thank you, Mizuki-Sensei, for bringing this to my attention. Let me know when you want to set up a meeting," she replied.

She then stood up and walked up to her changing area. 'Thank goodness these are still here. While I like these show outfits, I don't think it would be okay for me to wear them daily back home,' she thought, looking at her hung jeans and shirt.


She quickly pulled off her coat as her eyes "Thank goodness no one asked me to remove the blazer today; it would have been awkward.' She thought, looking at the marks on her upper arms and some on her cleavage. Quickly pulling the tight shirt, she blushed, seeing her still bruised and pasties-covered breasts. "Minato never sucked them so hard," she murmured.


As her hands glazed over her breasts, she shuddered at the sensitivity around her breasts. "Have they gone darker?" She spoke out loud as her hand touched a mark on her right boob.


"Ahh" voice came out of her mouth as he pulled the pasties away from her nipples. "I don't know why Shizune provided these to wear under this outfit, and why are they sticking so hard on my nipples?" she murmured. Soon both pasties were off, and she stood topless in front of the mirror, admiring her still reddened, bruised nipples. She scowled at seeing them getting hardened in cold air from air conditioners. "They never felt like this in ages," she said as her finger traced one of her nipples. She quickly pulled away her fingers as she felt a stinging sensation on the nerves around her nipple. 'That was not so bad' she thought.

Soon she pulled her skirt and her thong down her legs as well. Now standing nude, she scowled, seeing marks around her thighs and around her core. "Damn Taikin-san, how am I supposed to hide these from Minato? And how much time will it take them to disappear completely?" she murmured.

She then quickly pulled on her underwear and put on her jeans and shirt. After looking at herself in the mirror, she nodded at herself. Just as she was going out, her eyes landed on marks on her upper arms, which caused her to frown. 'Damn, I almost forgot about them' she thought.

She then picked up the discarded blazer and put it on. "This should do the job." Satisfied, she picked up her clothes and underwear and marched outside of the changing area.

After spending (ahem, read-wasting) some more time in the room looking through some fashion magazines placed on the book stand and browsing through some news, she finally called Katzo the cab driver and started her journey back home.


'Few more days, Minato,' she thought as she marched out of her room.


Ok, here's chapter 14 of Primetime. What do you think? What should I do next? What happens next?


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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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