
章節 4: Blackfang Down!

As Jack continued to search for an opening, he noticed Blackfang's breathing becoming more labored, his movements ever so slightly slower than before. Seizing his chance, Jack launched himself forward, executing his Thunderous Combo with a rapid-fire series of powerful punches.

Blackfang snarled in pain as each blow connected, his body reeling under the sheer force of Jack's onslaught. He stumbled backward, his eyes wide with shock and fury as he struggled to maintain his balance.

But Jack refused to let up, knowing that this was his opportunity to turn the tide of the battle in his favor. He charged forward once more, slamming his fist into Blackfang's chest.

With a sickening crunch, Jack's fist connected with Blackfang's chest, sending the pirate captain reeling backward. The monstrous wolf-man's eyes widened in shock and pain, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to stay on his feet.

"You think this is enough to defeat me?" Blackfang growled, his voice trembling with rage. "You're a fool if you believe that!"

Gathering his strength, Blackfang lunged forward once more, his claws slashing through the air with renewed ferocity. Jack, his body aching and exhausted, barely managed to avoid the deadly swipes. He knew that his strength was waning, and he needed to end this battle quickly before he was completely spent.

Summoning the last reserves of his energy, Jack unleashed his second level techniques. He started with the Hurricane Strike, a series of lightning-fast punches that created a powerful gust of wind, knocking Blackfang off balance.

The pirate captain snarled in frustration as he struggled to regain his footing, his eyes narrowing in fury as he glared at Jack. "You're more powerful than I thought, boy," he admitted, gritting his teeth. "But it won't be enough to save you!"

Determined to press his advantage, Jack followed up with the Hurricane Uppercut, delivering a series of swift uppercuts that created a whirlwind around his fists. The force of the attack lifted Blackfang off his feet, sending him hurtling into the air.

Jack could see the fear in Blackfang's eyes as he was tossed about like a ragdoll, but he knew that he couldn't afford to let up. The pirate captain was a formidable foe, and he needed to ensure that he stayed down.

Channeling his strength into his fists, Jack launched the Hurricane Rush. He charged forward, unleashing a series of Hurricane Strikes as he moved, creating a powerful gust of wind that knocked Blackfang off balance once again. The pirate captain's body slammed into the ground, his breath coming in wheezing gasps as he struggled to rise.

Jack didn't give him the chance. He executed the Hurricane Cyclone, spinning around while delivering Hurricane Strikes, creating a tornado-like effect that sent Blackfang flying into a nearby wall. The impact was immense, the sound of bones cracking echoing through the air as the pirate captain crumpled to the ground.

For a moment, it seemed as if victory was finally within Jack's grasp. But as he approached Blackfang, ready to deliver the final blow, the pirate captain's body began to tremble. His eyes, filled with a wild desperation, locked onto Jack's, and he let out a guttural roar.

"ENOUGH!" Blackfang screamed, his voice filled with an unhinged fury. "I won't let you defeat me!"

With a sudden burst of strength, Blackfang tore free of the rubble that pinned him to the ground, his body pulsing with power as he activated the full extent of his Devil Fruit abilities. His transformation was even more monstrous than before, his muscles bulging and his fur bristling with raw energy.

"I'll make you pay for what you've done!" Blackfang snarled, launching himself towards Jack with a speed that seemed impossible for his massive form.

Jack, his body pushed to its limits, barely managed to react in time. He raised his fists, preparing to counter with the Hurricane Barrier, a protective barrier of wind that he hoped would deflect Blackfang's attack.

As the monstrous wolf-man's claws slashed through the air, inches from Jack's face, the Hurricane Barrier sprang to life. The powerful gust of wind that surrounded Jack deflected Blackfang's attack, knocking him back and creating an opening for a counterattack.

Summoning the last of his strength, Jack focused on his final second level technique, the Hurricane Fury. He unleashed a torrent of powerful punches so fast that they created a massive hurricane force wind around him. The intensity of the attack was unlike anything Jack had ever unleashed before, and he knew that this was his last chance to defeat Blackfang once and for all.

The hurricane force winds buffeted Blackfang, his monstrous form staggering under the relentless onslaught. He snarled and roared in pain and anger, but the ferocity of Jack's attack was too much for him to withstand.

As the winds began to die down, Jack panted heavily, his body drenched in sweat and trembling from exhaustion. He stared at the crumpled form of Blackfang, the once-fearsome pirate captain now lying motionless on the ground, defeated and broken.

Victory was finally his, but it had come at a great cost. Jack's body was battered and bruised, his energy spent, and he knew that it would take time for him to recover from the grueling battle. But he couldn't afford to rest just yet – he needed to ensure that the captive victims were freed and safe from any further harm.

Staggering over to the terrified people, Jack began to untie their bonds, his heart aching at the sight of their battered and bruised bodies. As he worked, he felt their eyes on him, filled with a mixture of awe, gratitude, and fear.

"Fuck off, now!" He shouted, not wanting to deal with already suffering people.

Jack collapsed near Blackfang, his body trembling and weak from the brutal fight. As he lay there, he felt the defeated pirate's vitality being absorbed into his body, replenishing his energy and healing him slowly. His breaths came in ragged gasps, and he closed his eyes, reveling in the sensation of strength returning to him.

After several minutes, Jack began to feel the healing effects of his opponent's vitality taking hold. His breathing steadied, and his aches and pains gradually subsided. As his strength returned, he opened his eyes, determination burning within them once more.

Forcing himself to his feet, Jack surveyed the area, searching for any treasure that Blackfang and his crew might have stored. As he rummaged through the debris, he discovered a small cache of gold and Berries, likely plundered from the villages they had terrorized. Smiling, he decided to store the treasure in Bead's pocket space, where it would be safe until he could decide what to do with it.

Jack then turned his attention to Blackfang and Kael, who were both still unconscious from their battles. With a grim sense of satisfaction, he tied them up securely and threw them into the pocket space as well. It was time to leave this desolate island and deliver these pirates to the authorities, where they would face justice for their crimes.

As Jack walked towards the shore where his boat was waiting, he felt a strange mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. He had faced a formidable foe and emerged victorious, proving to himself that he was capable of overcoming great challenges. But there was still much to be done, and many more battles to be fought.

Leaving the island behind, Jack set sail for Kano Country in the West Blue. It was there that he would deliver Blackfang and Kael to the proper authorities and ensure that they paid for their crimes. The weight of their bounties would also provide a substantial reward, which Jack could use to continue his journey and hone his skills even further.

As the boat cut through the waves, Jack's thoughts turned to the future. He knew that his path would be filled with danger and uncertainty, but he also knew that he was strong enough to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And with each victory, he would grow stronger, building upon the power he had gained from his fallen foes.

He couldn't help but smile at the thought, his eyes narrowing with determination as he gazed out at the vast, open sea. This was just the beginning, and he was ready for whatever adventures awaited him on the horizon.

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