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-Halo? You mean to use this body as a halo?
-Yes. All four forces will be gathered in the Gaifa Archipelago. Big figures will come as representatives.
-So you don't want to be overshadowed among them, is that what you're saying?
-Right. It's also important to be prepared for any unexpected situations.
- Well, I guess I can do that.
-Anyway, are you ready to go? Come back after helping Gilly, I'll prepare some comments for you to use according to various situations in the Gaifa Archipelago.
-Comment? What's the comment?
-I will tell you later.
A conversation they had just before departing from Tikan for the Gaifa Archipelago.
The reason for preparing the comments in advance was because this place, where the four major factions gathered to compete, was the perfect opportunity to create favorable rumors.
Rumor has it that the 12th flagbearer and his guardian dragon already have great power to the extent that they can be said to have reached the throne of Runcandel.
The need for a halo was not just a word thrown out to please Murakan.
Murakan already possessed every necessary aspect: legitimacy and symbolism that he has been revered as the guardian deity of Runcandel, past grandeur that no one could surpass, and the uniqueness of being the Black Dragon.
There is only one thing that Murakan lacks, the 'present dignity'.
However, even that had been unintentionally hyped by the recent "Black Dragon Incident," so it was necessary to continue with the same momentum.
If he shows his battle prowess a few more times, Murakan will become a halo that shines brighter than anyone else, and Jin is very satisfied that the situation has turned out this way.
'The situation has deviated somewhat from what I expected because Amela was already engaged in battle with the four major factions, and due to the blue flames unintentionally became more fierce, but it's better. To the point where I wonder if there could have been any better situation.'
Just like the Black King incident, it's a perfect stage to spread rumors with a touch of deception. The time Jin had spent considering the phrases to use while holding onto the disobedient Black Dragon suddenly felt rewarding.
'3rd comment?'
Murakan raised an eyebrow.
'Yes, 3rd comment!'
Jin raised his three fingers and squinted his eyes, to which Murakan vigorously nodded. It was as if he understood perfectly.
Then he said in a majestic tone and a low voice.
[Insignificant humans, do you... desire power...]
As soon as Murakan opened his mouth, Jin had no choice but to grab the back of his neck for the first time in a long time.
That was the 33rd comment, not the 3rd.
'Murakan, not 33rd, but the 3rd! 3rd!'
The 33rd comment was meant to be used when the enemies clearly declared their surrender and swore loyalty. Naturally, it did not fit the current situation at all.
Swish, whoosh!
The flame of hell were now at their peak, and the last flames were ferociously burning.
The black tidal wave, the desperate screams of those who wanted to survive, and the destruction of humans, objects, and nature had all reached their peaks.
Therefore, Murakan's mistake was covered up in the deafening noise. Jin was glad that the 33rd comment wasn't meant to say out loud.
'Fortunately, it seems like no one heard it.'
Speaking irrelevant nonsense in such a solemn situation actually diminished one's dignity.
Jin stroked his chest. Murakan seemed to realize something was amiss as he blinked at Jin.
Murakan looked at Jin's three raised fingers again and, soon enough, he seemed to realize his mistake and opened his mouth once more.
[As of this moment, the Gaifa Archipelago is the land of this Murakan.]
Unlike the solemn and low voice, this time it was dignified and full of strength.
Everyone could hear Murakan's voice clearly even in the terrible mess.
'His land? Could it be that the youngest killed Amela, the great mercenary?'
Vigo had no choice but to interpret the situation in this way.
If he merely 'subdued' Amela, he would have to show the badly wounded Amela or at least her corpse.
'As expected, Amela was beaten by the 12th flagbearer and Murakan!'
Latz made the same conclusion.
He also thought that he would have killed Amela if he had been in Jin's place. If he keeps Amela alive and she doesn't show her will to be loyal like the ghost mercenaries or the Black kings, then she would inevitably join another faction and become an enemy.
No one can touch Amela recklessly after she belongs to another major faction. In Latz's view, now was the best time for Jin to kill Amela 'without burden'.
'Also, it's the best time to kill all the witnesses... !'
A scary future flashed through Latz's mind in an instant.
What if only the knights of Runcandel, Jin, Murakan, and Vigo survive in the Gaifa Islands, and all the others die?
So, what choice Amela made, what kind of death she met, and how the four major factions that had been seeking her ended up, were questions that had to be answered.
Even if Runcandel published an article as they wished, the other factions had no means to refute it. Unless there is any witness left who witnessed the fighting in the Gaifa Islands.
'Unlike other Runcandels, the 12th flagbearer is particularly good at public opinion warfare. We have to prevent that from happening!'
In other words, he must survive. He had to somehow survive and tell the emperor what he had seen and experienced today.
[And since you have invaded my land, not a single person will survive.]
Murakan finished his 3rd comment. Latz gritted his teeth, and Jin let out a sigh of relief.
I will kill everyone without exception.
That's exactly what the 3rd comment meant, but in fact, Jin didn't intend to kill everyone.
A few people would have to return alive for the rumors to spread properly.
'However, I can't spare individuals like Midor Elner.'
Excluding Runcandel, he will spare 5 people per faction, not the key figures. That was the amount of mercy Jin wanted to bestow.
The black tidal wave was fading. The flame of hell was nearing its end.
Eventually, the energy of the flame of hell was gradually dissipated, and what was visible on the ground was a devastated landscape of ashes and death.
No cries and screams could be heard. Jin couldn't even hear the painful sound of someone leaning against someone.
All that could be heard was the sound of burning corpses and the sound of the survivors gasping for breath.
In other words, there were no wounded survivors. Those who couldn't hold out were all dead.
'The 6th comment.'
When Jin gave a new signal, Murakan looked down at the ground.
[Ho, I didn't know there were so many bugs that wouldn't die even though I stepped on them seriously. It's pretty unpleasant.]
The 6th Comment was not all about words.
As soon as the comment was over, Murakan let out his black breath. The breath was shot towards Kinzelo, and one of the best warriors of the White wolf tribe was hit by it and died instantly.
Murakan's strength reached 50%, and White wolfs' stamina was consumed like crazy trying to block the flames, so he couldn't respond.
Of course, even considering those factors, there were not many beings in the world who could defeat the best warrior of the White wolf tribe with such ease.
The tiger king, the lucky survivor of the red tiger tribe, panicked and stepped back. He was terrified once more when he saw only the remaining ankles of the dead White wolf tribe best warrior on the ground.
Now, not only the red tigers, but even the white wolf warriors had a hard time suppressing their fear.
Others who were watching involuntarily swallowed dry spit repeatedly.
'The 7th comment.'
At Jin's signal, Murakan turned his head towards Vigo and Runcandel.
[And Runcandels, leave the island as soon as possible and return to the clan. And tell Rosa Runcandel: I will question her for daring to send clan knights to my land without permission. She must have a proper explanation.]
The eyes of Vigo and the Guardian Knights widened. They could hardly believe their ears.
'No, you just said that this land now belongs to you as of this moment. And you're going to question my mother for sending us to your land without permission? We came here first. What kind of bullshit is this?'
As Vugo thought, Murakan's words didn't seem to make sense, and it was clear that he was blatantly disregarding the acting matriarch.
But Vigo couldn't argue with him.
It was because he did not know what would happen if he dared to fight in this situation. Moreover, opposing Murakan would only worsen the situation.
"... I understand, Lord Murakan. I will deliver your message. But may I ask one question?"
Murakan sneakily lowered his eyes to look at Jin. And Jin nodded his head.
[Speak freely, Vigo Runcandel.]
"What happened to the great mercenary Amela?"
Murakan lowered his eyes again, and Jin showed a gesture of slitting the throat.
[I killed her.]
They had all expected this outcome, but hearing Murakan say it directly left them feeling empty.
They had rushed here to capture Amela, but there were nothing but significant losses.
She was even killed by a black dragon that they didn't expect, and now the black dragon was saying that he would kill them all.
At least, no one died in Runcandel, and it wasn't bad because Vigo and his knights just struggled in vain.
[You might find the ashes of that stupid mercenary if you look carefully at the offshore over there on the way back.]
"...Thanks for letting me know, Lord Murakan."
[Now go.]
"Lord Murakan, can't you give us another chance?"
Murakan narrowed his brows at Vigo's words.
[What are you talking about all of a sudden?]
"There won't be any problems if Lord Murakan slaughters the imperial family and Kinzelo. However, soon, Zipfel will receive reinforcements from the Magic Tower. It's because there is a magic tower master here. So we will help you."
The Magic tower master's staff.
Vigo is the flagbearer of Runcandel, so he was reading information about the magic tower master's staff that had put Jin in danger in Colon in the past.
The ability to call the main division in case of emergency.
Jin shook his head and crumpled his face as much as he could, and Murakan put on the most menacing expression he could manage.
[Vigo Runcandel, you seem to think very lightly of me. You're gonna help me? Just to deal with Zipfel's main division?]
"Lord Murakan, I have no other intentions..."
[If you say one more word, I will kill you too. Get out of here.....]
"I didn't call them!"
Suddenly, someone interrupted Murakan and shouted in a bright voice.
It was Sandra Zipfel. Everyone's eyes, including Murakan, were focused on her.
"I didn't activate the magic tower master's staff. So, the great Black Dragon, please stop playing the puppet. The hidden puppet master, Jin Runcandel. How about you come forward for once?"
I really wanted to meet you once.
Sandra continued with a smile.
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[T/L: Join $29 membership on my "buymeacoffee" page and read 55 chapters ahead and daily 1 new chapter update. I have introduced new memberships, and you can read upto 75 or 85 chapters ahead.]
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Murakan did not forgive Sandra Zipfel for her rudeness.
He didn't need special permission from Jin, nor did he need to choose his words carefully.
He just has to make her pay the price for being unpleasant.
The remnants of shadow force and blue flames near Sandra swayed according to Murakan's will.
Silently, the remnants took on the form of awls.
Then, like a descending hawk, they rushed toward Sandra.
There were eight of them. Most of the Zipfel mages were on the verge of exhaustion from dealing with the flames, so they couldn't even react.
Some mages, including Midor, recognized Murakan's attack, but did not act.
It was because they didn't know what kind of trouble they might get if they helped her.
Surprisingly, Sandra avoided three out of eight awls. She showed agile and light movements that were uncharacteristic of a mage, and she offset three with a protective shield.
However, the remaining two were a problem.
One pierced Sandra's shoulder, and the other went through her thigh. Even at a glance, it looked like a serious injury, with flesh and fresh blood splattering.
Murakan looked down at Sandra, who was trembling as she fell.
Murakan severely injured a pure-blood Zipfel without thinking for a second.
It was possible only because he has such battle prowess to support his action and it means he could engage in an all-out war against 'the whole of Zipfel'.
At least the members of the other major factions watching Murakan couldn't help but think so.
'He said he would question the acting matriarch, Rosa Runcandel, the Black Panther... Could it be that Murakan holds the actual power of Runcandel, not just a guardian deity? More Power than an Acting matriarch?'
'In fact, the acting patriarch of Runcandel may be the black dragon Murakan.....'
'Then, what will be the rank of the 12th flagbearer?'
'Anyway, Sandra Zipfel is finished. She is doing this even after seeing the best warrior of the white wolf tribe die in an instant with only ankles remaining.... Has she become so numb to fear after living as a Zipfel?'
The special force had such thoughts.
Kinzelo's White wolf and the Red Tiger had no thoughts at all. They were just running around in panic.
'It's not just Sandra Zipfel who is finished. We also won't survive without Zipfel's reinforcements....!'
Latz's eyes were trembling.
Not a single person could survive. Latz was convinced that what Murakan had just said was not a bluff.
The current crew members here couldn't even deal effective damage to Murakan, let alone fight him.
Because of this, Latz made the decision that they had no choice but to surrender themselves to Zipfel in order for them to survive.
Sandra did not activate the magic tower master's staff and was seriously injured by a single blow.
She will die soon.
Latz felt the urge to shout.
The master of the Magic Tower is not Sandra but you, Midor Elnor. Activate the staff, Midor.
[The reason why I didn't kill you instantly is because I'm curious about where this arrogance and heaviness came from. A puppet? Puppeteer? Say it again, Zipfel.]
The cold and low voice gave goosebumps to the members of the major factions once more.
"Hu, Hu."
Sandra picked her breath. It was natural to think that her breathing had become faster due to the terror of death.
But in reality, she was simply a little surprised by the intensity of her pain.
Clank, clank...
Everyone heard the sound of gears turning out of nowhere.
IIt was coming from Sandra. Those who were watching her couldn't help but doubt their own eyes.
It was because her pierced shoulder and thigh were healing rapidly.
'Hey, she is regenerating. A human!'
The white wolves and the red tigers had never seen a human perform a high-speed regeneration.
On the other hand, Latz and his team stared wide-eyed, taken aback.
'Has Zipfel's living golem experiment already advanced that much? It's on a level comparable to the Majin treatment received by imperial guards!'
Living golem experiment.
Zipfel, Vermont, and Kinzelo have been experimenting with living beings for a long time.
Zipfel wants to make a perfect living golem, Vermont wants to make a Majin, and Kinzelo wants to make a Plutonian-type golem.
Recently, Vermont had been confident that they were clearly superior living golem experiments. There were still many unstable aspects to their experiments. Just like when Rick Helter, the leader of the Imperial guards team in the past, lost his sanity after turning into a Majin.
However, Sandra's high-speed regeneration is at the similar level to that of Majin, and she retained her sanity.
Latz thought that achieving this level of high-speed regeneration without the use of living golem surgery was impossible and that it was superior to the Majin developed by the Empire.
'There may be someone inside the empire who leaked information to Zipfel. It's quite possible...'
While Latz was grinding his teeth, Jin also observed Sandra's regeneration a beat late.
Jin had just escaped the core of the muddy aura, erasing his presence as much as possible with his shadow force.
He thought it was necessary to check the outside situation in person.
'....She healed? High-speed regeneration?'
Jin never imagined even in his dreams that he would see high-speed regeneration being used by Sandra, especially after witnessing it in Amela. As Murakan said while looking at Amela, high-speed regeneration is the specialty of inner core demonic creatures or demons.
Amela had a special power of chaos and muddy aura, which had been fully amplified, so it could be so.
'Is Sandra also born with chaos? If that's the case, I don't think she would have suffered so helplessly from the muddy aura.'
Contrary to Jin's thought, Sandra is an ordinary human who is not stained by chaos.
And others don't even notice it but in Jin's view, Sandra's high-speed regeneration was somewhat different from the way he had experienced it so far.
'Sandra's high-speed regeneration doesn't look like healing the wound itself, it's like the time of the wound is turned back.'
Jin wasn't sure. The wound healed too quickly, and she was too far apart for him to get a closer look.
Sandra Zipfel.
Jin had never been involved with her in his present life.
However, in his past life, he had encountered her purely by chance.
He had been waiting for Valeria at the campus fountain when they had a casual conversation about magic
-Matthew Morniyac's classification of magic into three stages? Wow, you are reading an interesting book. It's hard to come by.
-Who are you?
-I mistook Matthew Morniyac for Matthew Worniyac, so I was once scammed by a con artist. I guess you are the type of person who doesn't get scammed easily.
- Do you know me?
-I'm not so bad in the head as to be taken in by scams all the time, but sometimes I do get tricked even when I know about it. Cute, isn't it?
'I didn't find out that it was Sandra Zipfel until about a year later.'
Jin thought she was just a typical mage lounging around in the park, but he had been taken aback when he confirmed her face in a news article.
'Looking back, I wonder if she approached me with some intention. She must have wondered how miserably the exiled Runcandel lives, and why he was strolling around the mage's area.'
That was all the interaction Jin had with Sandra.
Thus, in his present life, he didn't dwell too much on her.
It was because she wasn't making a name for herself as a mage or contributing to her clan as a tower master like the other children of Kelliark.
Just looking at the mages of Zipfel who came to the Gaifa Islands right away, Midor Elnor is the master of the 7th Magic Tower, and had the highest rank externally.
In other words, she was a pure-blood Zipfel who held a rank equal to the second-rate flagbearer of Runcandel.
Jin could tell from Sandra's demeanor and Midor's gaze that Sandra held more influence in reality.
'Did she deliberately hide her power and skills like Octavia Zipfel? I thought Octavia wouldn't be the only one, but Sandra is really unexpected.'
The reason Jin thought so was because he found out through the 'marriage' news article that the woman who spoke to him at the fountain was Sandra.
In Jin's past life, she had an arranged marriage with a lower-ranking member of the Vermont imperial family.
This was a common practice that various powers, not just Zipfel, used to their advantage. The "spare" second generation were tied up in political marriage and used as hostages, or used to solve something else.
'If Sandra was a powerful person and hid her power in my past life, she would have had to retire or live in seclusion like Octavia, but I can't think of any reason for a political marriage.'
The moment Jin thought that far, Sandra opened her mouth.
"Ouch, this hurts so much. Uh, I just don't understand. Did my words make you upset? Lord Murakan."
"I was afraid that the 12th flagbearer and Lord Murakan would get into trouble, so I stopped the bastard from trying to activate the tower master's staff. I just wanted to meet Jin Runcandel and have a fight, I didn't know that would make you feel so bad!" Sandra said sincerely.
She thought there was no problem with the expression of a puppeteer or a puppet. For her, it's just a fact and she didn't say it in a sarcastic way.
(If others were to hear this) What she said to Midor was also in a similar context.
"To be honest, even if you receive praise, it falls short. I know Black Dragon is strong, but I think it's best to avoid troublesome things, right?"
At that point, even Murakan was speechless for a moment.
Sandra's calm way of speaking left no room for anything but thoughts like, "What's going on here..."
"Well, you're not wrong."
Jin revealed himself and spoke.
Forcing Murakan to continuously deal with her would rather undermine his dignity.
That's why he decided it was better to deal with her himself. He needed to confirm the details of her regeneration.
"Oh! Jin Runcandel!"
Sandra shouted with her eyes twinkling.
"Do you want to fight me?"
Their eyes met. And just as Sandra was about to nod her head and say yes, Jin closed the distance in an instant and thrust his blade into her collarbone.
"I think you are a little short for that, Sandra Zipfel."
Before he even pulled out the blade that stabbed her collarbone, Clunk!
The sound of spinning gears scratched Jin's ears.
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