As if the entire fight on the island were a joke, all of the blue energy just disappeared.
Everything from the electric rain to the rain clouds were swallowed up by the shadow energy.
Murakan burst into laughter, his booming chortles causing the island to rumble.
'I heard that he was much stronger in his prime… but this is only half his power?'
Jin was genuinely impressed.
On top of his baseline spiritual energy, Murakan had been gathering it for ten minutes as well. This wasn't the same idiotic dragon he knew a few months ago.
With the pressure he put on his opponent, truly, he mirrored his past self.
Murakan's body dispersed into black particles and scattered into the darkness.
Then, spiritual energy gathered where he stood, revealing his true self.
[It's not as intense as before, but it's significantly better. This feels good!]
Flap, flap…
Murakan stared Julien down.
Although it looked hard to read a dragon's facial expression, Murakan definitely scoffed at him.
[It's my turn to play, Peitel's Incarnate.]
「Solderet's little fossil talks a little too much. It seems you did not learn a thing after living all those centuries.」
Julien clapped his hands together to prepare his lightning.
Well, he tried to. A spark of blue came to existence, then sizzled off into the darkness.
He tried again, only to get the same result. Julien couldn't do anything.
Murakan just waited for him.
Julien tried multiple times, but his situation looked hopeless. Thankfully, the darkness hid his beet-red face.
Sigmund went silent as well. Anything related to light seemed to be powerless in Murakan's realm.
「This cannot be… There is no way…」
Just like when Jin spoke of Vahn and summoned Tess, this was Peitel's trauma that carried onto Julien.
However, what Murakan gave him was a completely different experience.
Julien had never heard of anything that could seal the power of a God.
[Don't lose your grip. Aren't you embarrassed to self-proclaim a God-given power?]
Murakan threw his fist at Julien. Barely dodging, Julien stumbled backwards. Desperately, he began to crawl in the opposite direction.
Jin couldn't believe that this was an Incarnate.
Murakan revealed his claws.
[You said you won't die even if your body is cut into pieces… Then what were all those Gods who died in the past? Answer me, Incarnate.]
「B-Begone! Go away!」
[You still don't understand! You shouldn't be wailing right now…]
A claw as large as a tree trunk swept across the ground, cutting right across Julien's torso. It was hard to believe that it was a physical attack from a massive dragon.
With massive cuts on his torso and limbs, Julien shrieked. Murakan felt nothing. His claws swiftly went to work, cutting off all limbs and making a log out of Julien.
A few seconds later, the screaming stopped.
Then, the darkness reconstructed and reconnected the severed limbs.
Confused, Julien touched his body then looked at Murakan.
「C-Cease this. Though I physically appear as a child, I am a God. I swear by the storm, if you let me leave—」
Murakan shook his head and interrupted.
[There's no worth to the storm's name. I'm sure I already mentioned it, but keep your honor. Well, I guess it's too late.]
「What do you mean by 'no worth'? I have had feasts with your God!」
[I've never seen a God use their own title as some pass. Be embarrassed, and face the consequences.]
Murakan cut Julien again.
Severing and healing. Over and over again.
Murakan endlessly tortured Julien, and there was no retaliation.
「Stop. Stop… please…」
Jin dreaded the sight. He couldn't even conceive the pain and hopeless being trapped in a worse hell.
Murakan spoke after an hour.
Screams could no longer be heard from Julien. He looked motionless and dead, like a lump of meat.
"Murakan, is it finally time?"
"Is he dead?"
[Nope. He'll never die. Instead, in this infinite torture chamber, hopelessness will unbind the God from the vessel. Peitel will leave, and Julien will become a normal Contractor again.]
"And then?"
['And then' what? That's up to you. We can kill or capture him while he's unconscious. There's no need to send him back to your brother, so it's one or the other.]
"Obviously, we capture and take him back. Not just Julien, but Kuzan and Beris too."
He didn't think that all three would have important information regarding Joshua. However, he still wanted to take what he could get.
[Don't know if they're still alive. They looked like they struggled through Julien's attacks.]
Murakan cut up Julien again.
The resurrection process occurred, and clearly, Jin could see the blue light from his eyes fading away.
A sign of what they were waiting for.
[Time to nail the coffin.]
Murakan's eyes glowed with a black aura.
With his pearly black eyes, the spiritual energy in the island was absorbed into his body.
And the light found its way back onto the island.
All became visible again. The moonlight and stars, the dusk of dawn, and the sprinkling of dark clouds. The trees and rocks presented their true colors, as well as Graham's grave.
Other than the shadow cast by the grave, all other shadows were taken by Murakan.
The black dragon transformed back into a human, and the island regained its shadows.
"Phew, that was fun."
He spoke as he blankly stared at the corpse in front of him.
A body with the absence of a God inside.
"He won't be up for at least another week. Up to half a year."
Jin went past Graham's grave to check on Julien, and Sigmund didn't respond to its brother's presence.
"He's perfectly alive. We should check up on—"
Murakan fell to the ground and began to hyperventilate.
Jin rushed over, and Murakan waved him off.
"Don't worry. It's just some congestion. I guess my body can't keep up."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. Thank Gods this happened after we took him down. It would've been tough if it didn't work. When you fight a God, it's just unfair. Our attacks are infinitely more inefficient than theirs. Well, the guy couldn't even be half of his power…"
"Well, you did great."
"You too. Good thing we got that Compass."
Jin gave him a hand.
Murakan tried to stand, but he looked completely exhausted.
"Man! I can't even stand! Guess I'll take a break. Get Shurry out here. I'll use her as a pillow."
The cat was taken out.
Immediately, Shurry began to paw at Murakan, as if to treat him like a toy. Yet, after seeing the abject exhaustion, she just licked him.
Not long after, he was knocked out.
Jin watched for a moment before proceeding to search for Kuzan and Beris.
'Anyway, Joshua… He pushed the blame for Taimyun's death to me… That rat bastard. A lie that obvious would be uncovered either way. So he tried to turn them against me, huh?'
His hypothesis was on the spot. After making Kuzan and Beris into his loyal dogs, Joshua used them to keep Jin company. He made sure that they wouldn't trust whatever Jin had to say.
However, with Jin interrupting the complete indoctrination process, all of those plans went to dust.
"Kuzan! Beris!"
Jin shouted their names. He couldn't see a thing despite all of the trees and rocks being absorbed into the spiritual energy release.
'Do I have to go all the way to the cliff?'
Jin wandered for a bit until—
—He heard a noise from where Murakan slept.
Shurry was hissing.
That was not good.
Anxiety tightened his chest, and Jin immediately sprinted towards where he came from.
When he arrived…
…He would've never guessed.
Black hair, sharp eyes, and a robe with the Black Sword embroidered on it.
Shurry glared at the intruder, and the man only nodded.
His eyes shifted to Jin.
"What brings you here, Brother?"
Runcandel's eldest son and second flag-bearer.
The prospective successor to the Runcandel throne.
The man who cursed Jin.
Joshua Runcandel.
Joshua looked pretty surprised as well. Jin's eyes shook.
However, it disappeared just as quickly as it came, and a smile grew across Joshua's face.
"That should be my question, Youngest Brother. As a provisional flag-bearer, what kind of business do you have on this island? I don't particularly understand…"
As Joshua spoke, Jin tried to grasp the situation. He wondered why his eldest brother was here, whether he had any reinforcements, how he should react…
He had to think of something quickly.
'It's not a trap. If it were, then he wouldn't have let me encounter Kuzan and Beris.'
He assumed that the two were sent to the island while Joshua stayed at a safe distance. Then, he came to investigate what happened on the island.
After concluding his theories, Jin looked around.
Joshua didn't seem to have brought anyone else. There was only a boat in the distance.
"Anyway, it's good to see you again. I have a lot to talk about with you."
Jin shrugged.
"I don't think we have that kind of relationship."
"I know what you saw and what you want, so don't fake it. Just like how you know my secrets, I know the bastardly shit that you've committed…"
Silence followed.
The two brothers remained motionless. This time, Joshua smirked and shook his head.
"You're really worked up right now. It's not that I don't understand where you're coming from, but your behavior is unacceptable. Doesn't that mean that this brother of yours has to punish you?"
(You will not die peacefully like this man.
- Jin Grey)
After killing Kidard Hall, someone had carved that message onto the wall. Jin brought it up, and Joshua nodded.
"It was a very inspirational message. All kinds of people investigated that case, but no one was able to figure out who Jin Grey was."
"You should've just killed me back then. Had you killed me instead of trying to curse me back at the Storm Castle…"
Jin drew Bradamante.
"I will no longer just fall under your grasp."
Jin chose to kill Joshua.
There wasn't a single underling or witness. He didn't need to be cautious since no one watched. There was no need to over-evaluate the variables.
This was a chance to get his revenge once and for all.
'A head-on duel would be tough, but I have enough spiritual energy left.'
The Bluebird Islands would become Joshua's grave.
"Fufu… That's a little startling. Yeah, you were always like that. I remember when you provoked us siblings when you came to the Garden of Swords."
"Why didn't you bring your knights with you? Just like when you faced Eldest Sister Luna. Traveling alone isn't your style at all. Your guards and the Elders were always at your beck and call to protect you and make you feel safe."
Joshua got tired of smiling.
Meanwhile, Jin engulfed his blade in spiritual energy. He smiled.
"This power is the very thing you've coveted all this time. Your delusion and jealousy kept me alive so you could get your hands on it. If that weren't the case, then you wouldn't have kept me alive in the first place. Am I wrong?"
Joshua fixed his eyes onto Bradamante. He looked almost hypnotized by its black mist, a deep jealousy emanating from his gaze.
"That power was meant to be mine."
He looked bitter.
"Your delusions went a little too far. Take it if you can. You aren't drawing your sword, so does that mean you're scared? Raise your weapon, Joshua Runcandel. Let's end this."
Joshua's face lit up crimson.
Although he had been taking Jin's comments calmly, Joshua was still the second flag-bearer and a 9-star knight.
He could never be belittled by the youngest son.
"You're the delusional one. Solderet's power, a power that everyone seeks. However, do you really think you're already prepared to fight me? Even Mary isn't this arrogant."
Joshua drew his sword. Covering his blade with a silver aura, he prepared for the first strike.
'Silverblade Sran, the one passed down by our mother.'
Joshua's go-to weapon was 'Blackblade Kainer'. After Barisada, it was the best sword that symbolized Runcandel with its luscious obsidian glimmer.
His sword selection made a significant contribution toward his rise as the prospective successor. People thought that the strongest swordsman would master Kainer and earn Barisada over time.
But the sword selection didn't change Joshua's fighting skill.
"Or, do you have something up your sleeve? Well, I don't care. I'll teach you a lesson. You'll never be able to grab your sword again."
After his little speech, Jin blinked…
…And Joshua's sword was already at his nose. Within a split second, the gap of ten meters was instantly erased.
'I could've even talked about my past life. Almost got too emotional there.'
If he got even a little worked up from Joshua's words, his reaction would've been slowed. Thankfully, Jin could regain his composure before the duel began. He comfortably evaded the strike.
But he didn't just evade it.
Sran rushed past, scratching his cheek.
He didn't stop with merely evading, but tucked his body toward Joshua. It was a response that Joshua never expected. He predicted his younger brother would create distance again.
Due to his expectations of Jin through the media, he underestimated his power.
Shadow Blade, 1st Form: Soul Slash.
The moment the chance arose, he decided to use his strongest attack.
'Since he knows my entire hand, there's no point in hiding anything.'
Photon Cannon, and Tess as well.
The only variable would be Sigmund, but due to his previous fight, his Heart of Light was drained.
Bradamante left a black trajectory as rips through space emerged.
Surprisingly, he parried the attack. On top of that, he canceled half of his first attack to immediately push in another strike.
His sword only moved about an inch after the impact.
And a fairly loud sound ensued for such a small nudge of the sword.
"Is that Shadow Blade? Not bad."
No time to respond.
'So he's the second flag-bearer for a reason.'
Even considering the fight with Julien, Jin felt it from the first attack. The difference in achievement between Joshua and him.
His presence had been buried beneath Luna's shadow, but he was definitely a formidable opponent.
"Do you think I fabricated my whole career just because of low achievements? Just because I'm not as strong as our sister?"
Every time their swords met, light and shadow danced in the air.
"Damn right! If I wanted to, I could've caught up to her! THAT'S RIGHT! You're unaware of the world you haven't seen!"
Joshua pushed off Jin and pointed to the sky.
"Why do you think Runcandel hasn't taken over Zipfel, even with Father alive? Why didn't he kill me off despite being disappointed in me? Even if I don't satisfy your standards, the enemies fear me! ME!"
Jin didn't answer. He breathed slowly and calmed himself.
'This is a little… tougher than I thought… My body isn't keeping up…"
Joshua would've been a tough opponent in the first place.
But with the previous fight lasting from dusk 'till dawn, winning this fight was basically impossible.
Shurry positioned herself next to Jin. She realized that this battle was one-sided.
"It's alright, Shurry. Go protect Murakan."
Jin softly pushed her away.
"What a beautiful sight. I might just cry a little. Do you think I'd hold that useless dragon hostage while we fight?"
"Just from the nonsense you've spouted so far, I think you definitely would."
"Don't worry. I won't take his life before beating you to a pulp. I'll make sure to spare you as well."
"You look a little too confident for someone with no maidens. Everyone who displayed such arrogance always faced their demise. Hopefully, you can incorporate this."
"Aha, I see. You know that I can't kill you… Because if I do, I can never steal your contract. That's why you've been acting so carefree this entire time."
From Joshua's mouth, Jin heard the words, 'steal your contract'.
'As expected… he knows how to do it. Just like Zipfel and Kinzelo."
Jin knew that the method was not perfect, but it had been theorized. If he knew already, then he'd search the entire world just to find him.
"I'll compliment you for even thinking that far. However, nothing will change. You will never be in fighting condition again. That's worse than death for a Runcandel."
Joshua was basically implying he'd capture Jin and take his power.
Jin gritted his teeth.
"So you know what I'm plotting. If you pray for mercy right now, I'll deal with you painlessly. If not, run off. Maybe I'll spare you."
"…What a disrespectful attitude. I see. Joshua Runcandel, I know that you will never kill me."
Jin gathered his spiritual energy once more.
He swung his sword through the air slowly and spoke.
"But the contract isn't the only reason. I have some reinforcements on the way."
"Heh, I ordered all the troops stationed in the area to not let anyone into the islands. How unfortunate."
Jin smirked.
"Oh, no! It's not a dragon, though."
Shadow Blade, Special Form:
Black Light Call.
He swung his sword through the air to cast it.