31.9% Salvatore Saga, Part One:My life with Damon. / Chapter 179: 18. Always On My Mind.

章節 179: 18. Always On My Mind.

The drive went well. Neither of us talked much. Oh, that I was tuned in. We arrived at our destination and this was another very dilapidated looking building that we entered through an obscure back door.

There were arrows drawn on the wall of the building with a magic marker, and we, as werewolves, the hybrid, could see them. Humans could not. There was also powerful magic in the building and no doubt this might not actually be as dilapidated as it looked. It was just a protective device that these clubs used to have. So that no unauthorized person could get in easily. This was an entrance for the fighters. And this is entrance only, there would be exit nearby, where we would then come out and got our victories in records.

The battered door creaked loudly as Adam entered and I was left to wait outside for a few minutes, as usual. This is how did we do this, not go in together. After about seven minutes, I counted the time in my head. I went in, the door creaked again and as I walked down the long corridor. I saw a couple of rats running ahead of me and only the very dry and sarcastic observation of Mimosa that those were too skinny rats to be even decent prey made me chuckle in my head.

But nothing removed my excitement and before I opened the second door, the one that led to the fight club itself, I let the role come over me, covering my excitement and transforming me into a timid young girl who thought too much of her abilities. It is fucking good to be pretender. I should probably invite Jarod to one of these sometime.

I grabbed the door and pulled it open. To a human it would have been heavy but I could move it effortlessly, but I let my role on and looked a little like the door was going to give me trouble.

This hall, the room was now well lit, a little cleaner than normal, but I could smell the sweat and blood, the other secretions of the various creatures as I walked with unsteady steps, my gaze darting around towards the table where I was signing in.

 I walked unsteadily towards the table. A tall thin woman, a vampire and quite old, was there to greet me.

I said, "I'd like to sign up for a wild fight, under the name.. flea,"

I said it like I hadn't decided my name at all and Adam had just yelled to one demon, " Look what the fucking flea just walked in, little girl," and that would have given me an idea.

She looked at me for a long time, her pens raised in the air as if she felt pity for me and wanted to warn me of my fate.

She said, " Listen little girl, are you sure? This is where the killing is, for sure, and you are so young that you want to throw away your life and get killed in a cage somewhere?"

I nodded, biting my lip nervously as Adam got a couple of demons to shout at me. The woman shook her head and wrote my name, flea, pointing to the bench where I went to sit then. Waiting for my turn.

I sat down on the bench. Some fighters were wandering around and chatting to someone, even in the audience. This was well lit so everyone could see and quite close to the very cage I was fighting in. There was a row of benches with clearly finer benches, five of them. I suspected the elders would be there. 

I looked around and saw Nick and Elias and Rebecca sitting in the audience, and no one was paying any attention to them. The bettors were going through the crowd and Adam was first in line. I just noticed that he had at least eight challengers. Well, the lord's Hauptmann would be pretty fucking tuned up in the morning.

The door opened and in walked all three elders, but also Damon and then Brianna. The redhead was looking busty, walked in stoop and looked surprisingly like a cheap whore, obviously not turned to vampire at a young age. I remembered her from our wedding and maybe even from the ship.

The air conditioning was blowing towards me, straight from the elder's, I smelled their old smell; they smelled like something ancient, then I was surprised how strong passionfruit came up my nose.

I glanced at Damon, who was saying something to Brianna, and she winced. She moved away when Damon touched her. Damon was better looking, not so pale, but more like a beastly alert. I'd only seen Damon maybe twice when he was as tuned up as he was now.

From what I could tell as I was passing by watching the Elders, they were bored with Brianna. Clearly, Damon wasn't so popular anymore as apparently the vampire potion had made him useless to the Elders.

I wondered in my mind as I watched Adam getting ready to fight if this was how we would fuck in that animal room and I suddenly had a momentary feeling of being chased. I glanced discreetly at Salvatore and one corner of his mouth turned up in a very slight smile. Oh, there we are in the mood. Boo-hoo. I can think what I want and if he can't stand it, he can stay out of my mind.

Then I watched as one fighter, this one a demon, moved. The man came up to Brianna and kissed her on both cheeks. He was obviously the fighter.

When I listened carefully, I heard Brianna say, "Make that little bitch suffer, rumor has it you can't kill her, but try it, send her to the moon, eventually."

Brianna's voice was like a whore, too. Man looked at me with clear contempt in his gaze.

He said, "It's just a Barbie, she's no match, don't believe every rumor my love, she's just a little girl, she's no fighter."

Brianna nodded and said, "Then kill it, slowly, make it shriek. So Damon will notice."

The man nodded and came back to the scene of the fighters. Oh, that I played my part well, now I was getting nervous and looking around in panic, almost. It was time to amp this up. My inner killer was ready. I rarely took out my darkness. Adam had taught me to accept it. It was just part of me and if I felt pleasure of killing bad guys, all the better, keeps me motivated. He pretty many times reminded me I am not human, and I should not think like one. 

 Damon furrowed his eyebrows slightly, and Brianna tugged at his sleeve.

She was triumphant as Damon kissed her. Damon was expressionless, emotionless as he sat next to Brianna. Brianna was watching Damon closely now. Oh, this is a test for the Salvatore. Does he have feelings for me or something? Go ahead. I don't care.

The Elders were watching me with furrowed brows too as I let the signs of panic show. I sat still but wringing my hands, looking around. And they totally believed me. I even saw Damon believing in my performance. But inwardly I prepared myself and kept it very carefully hidden. Telepathy was a rare skill, but I could never be sure if someone had that ability, so I had learned to lie in my mind, to doubt myself and my abilities. It is good to have lived with telepath, one learns quite many tricks.

This was a demon night. I had a very peculiar way of weakening a demon that Adam taught me. I have vampire fangs and the more I drink blood, the stronger that side becomes.

Adam likes to use every advantage I have. He and Magnum both taught me you shouldn't hold back on your speed or your strength and if you can get the opponent to power you, then you take it. They both taught me to fight even meaner, even nastier, even dirtier. Rarely when a vampire fights does it drink the blood of his opponent, because a normal vampire wants to enjoy itself and do it slowly, but I don't. 

I was quite a savage beast when I could sink my teeth into someone and I could drink really fast and really brutally, painfully. So I'd sink my teeth into the neck and drink if it was good. If not, then a good carve, messing up the demons quite a lot that someone wicked would eat them.

I had already learned to drink quickly and efficiently. The idea was not to stick the teeth into the vein and drink that way, but I would tear the vein with my teeth and then drink. And quickly, it's an advantage that my stomach was stretched to 10 liters.

Some demons when you got a fucking good buzz. For example, the split demons. The blood always condensed pretty damn fast in our stomachs and I could pull over fifty liters of fucking potent blood a night, I'd been doing it for six months so I was a hell of a lot stronger than the last time Damon had seen me.

My vampire side was pretty much out, my inner killer was getting ready and oh, that pleasure...

Adam was already fighting in his cage, and in mine, the opponents were dwindling. Every time a carcass was carried there, I let my nervousness show, and shortly before it was my turn; I went on the move, being even more agitated and fearful. 

Oh, it was my turn. I did the classics. I'd been walking around the cages unsteadily, glancing occasionally back and forth, admiring Adam's deadly efficiency as I passed. Brianna seemed to comment something to her grandfather about Adam and he turned to take a closer look. Oh, Brianna wants to take all the men away from me. Oh dear, Adam is not a vampire. Well, fine, I guess I'll have to make a proper show after this night is over.

 I had been pacing around the cage restlessly, stopping somewhere, supposedly to tighten my shoelaces, and again, sand and pebbles had slipped into my pocket, when I took a handful of coarse sand and squeezed really hard, I got it a little finer. I had a pretty damn good grip. Like I said, I was stronger and a fuck of a lot stronger.

I got a pretty good idea of the cage as I went along, and the opponents too. Whereas normally when a fighter came to the cage, he would walk confidently into the cage and introduce himself to the crowd, shouting to get the crowd on board. I was playing mouse, not looking at anyone, and acting like I'd been forced in.

Then when I went into the cage almost forcefully it was a good thing I didn't have a panic attack when the first fighter struck.

This strategy wouldn't work if I fought in the same club many nights, but every time we changed clubs, it was nice to put on a show.

I was called into the cage. I saw Nick, Rebecca, and Elias all bet for me. Brianna beat her opponent, but Damon put $5000 in the pot for me. Well, Adam's talk, and everyone had the odds up to a nice 28.4 so Damon would get a nice payout. Of course, he was married now and I believe Brianna had no prenup. 

I walked into the cage, still wearing my denim jacket and looking around uncertainly. This cage had a roof, meaning strong bars, there was gap between them. Well, it might be useful if I wanted to use it. The first demon walked into the cage.

This one was six feet tall, his skin was jet black, his hair white and his eyes bright blood red. This was an elemental demon, meaning it could use the elements if it wanted to, but it was a slow ability and always required recharging. I was equipped for that, too. Luckily, this was not a division demon.

As a weapon, this one had only demon blades, tiny little metal blades that this one liked to throw at his opponent in a wide arc. Sometimes they had poisons, but often not because these had demon blades quite a lot and all of them would put poison would have been probably quite expensive and difficult, especially if the poison would work on these themselves. 

I had encountered demon blades before. Some of them always sank, but they were always fished out of the house. They didn't bother me, they just annoyed me. I was way too much strong them to hinder me in anyway.

The demons are mostly human looking. They have their own form, but it's not always the best in a fight. These are demons from another dimension or dimensions and totally shitty guys. I did the world a favor when I killed these.

This particular elemental demon was delicious, and I felt my fangs drop as we waited for the beep to start the fight. The demon walked around the cage, flaunting the crowd. It took off its cloak, revealing a bare black torso with a few scars. All demons were similar brawlers and would be relatively easy to kill.

Except for the division demons. Oh, how I hated them. A division demon looks like a person with scars, lots of them, and when you get one good punch in it, it splits. Into dozens of little fiends with fucking sharp, curved teeth and a hell of a desire to bite.

The split demon was tasty. It gave you a fucking good buzz for bedtime, but before you can kill all 50 of them that are trying to eat you alive, it gets to work. I never had time, if it was a split demon, to drink it all to death while I was concentrating on crushing and stomping them to death.

A division demon bite is mildly sedating and I don't want any kind of debilitation in a fight, so my policy was to avoid their bites. The best course of action would be to eat quickly before the split demon split, but when the devils split at the slightest strike.

A beep sounded, and the demon flew in an arc with a gigantic pile of demon blades, chuckling triumphantly as they sank into me. My wounds healed instantly, and I was fast.

I struck back. I jumped with lightning speed and kicked a powerful punch right into the demon's sternum so that the force of the kick sent it flying backwards about a meter and knocked the demon to the ground. I landed on it, sank my teeth into the vein, and drank.

I had always fasted before a fight, so I was starving. This was tasty. I drank ten liters before the demon shook me off. Its neck was bleeding and the smell of blood made me even more excited. I kicked a knee out from under it. I slurped every chance I got, then I stuck my fingernails in its stomach, took a piece of its anatomy, and pulled it out. I let inner killer out, let the pleasure show from my face.

I asked the demon, " Oh, was that an important part of you, sorry, hungry..." and I sunk my teeth into its neck again and gnawed.

I didn't need a weapon. I drank what I could get and otherwise chopped it up with my bare hands. Eventually, the demon collapsed to the ground and turned into a puddle of slime, and the crowd cheered. The bettors were happy except when it came to paying Damon, Nick, Rebecca, and Elias. 

Then I moved on. Now I didn't bother to pretend as I took off my denim jacket and moved on to the next demon. Same thing, these were my meals and my toys. I noticed the elders were watching me with great interest and I didn't bother to pay any attention to them as now I took my rage out and let loose.

I wasn't that sloppy, but I made a good show of it. I killed my victim slowly, made it clear to everyone how fucking strong I was, and there was always the next confident demon coming for me. I felt my pleasure as I killed these and made sure it was clear as day. I was beast. 

Oh, when the guy who'd been talking to Brianna showed up. I made a point of it and killed it slowly. It was delicious, and I made it scream in pain when I gave it one or two dental products that made its skin blister. It was tough and tried to fight.

I was having too much fun when I had my vampire claws, and I started flicking it, making it bleed from all those shallow cuts all over its body now and then. Then I went up to it. When it was on its knees on the ground, I pulled its head back, stuck my claw through its neck, slicing its head off, looking Brianna in the eye the whole time. When I finally ripped the guy's head off, I smiled cruelly. Then I took the severed head and threw it right into Brianna's lap. Those bars in the top of this cage were wide enough that to happen. I let her see my enjoyment, Damon saw my expression as well.

I can do something. It was easy, a good punch right through the skin with the claws in the front, and grab whatever you could find and rip it off, a real ripper. And finally, when I ripped its head off. It's easy when you first pull the neck open with a vampire claw and then you just yank really hard. That's how you get the demon pretty much in pieces.

 I killed 16 demons during the night. The last three of them were damn split demons, and I got good boosts from them. The blood of the split demons is another wonderful effect, and I was happy that they were my last three opponents. Their blood fucked and fucked a lot. Adam would get a ride once we got all the way home.

Brianna, who at first looked at me with amusement as I entered the cage, got nervous as the night progressed. By the end of the night, and especially after the death of that one guy, she was angry and furious. Damon had watched mostly in amusement as Brianna had a near panic attack from the severed head.

The Elders watched with great interest, even Brianna's paternal grandfather. Damon was expressionless, but I saw him clench his hands into fists. Sometimes he almost twitched in his chair. 

Adam had killed all his opponents, and he had watched me most of the time, after I had drunk the first split demon, he raised an eyebrow as I waited for the next one, and when there were two more Adam's expression was again so pure beastly and he smiled cruelly when the kill was over. It had been a good night. A fantastic night.

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