81.75% The Ape From Space / Chapter 121: Legendary, Perfection.

章節 121: Legendary, Perfection.



Trunks, his 'son', not Kron's 'son' was still stranded here in their time. Vegeta, not one for being saying much like a father would but he allowed Trunks to accompany him, Raven and his son Tarble. He began training with the boy, Trunk's strength is impressive and ever since Kron left for his own reasons, he begun to train once more. He gotten much stronger since their bout, Vegeta however knew his power wasn't enough.


Twelve days since Kron left, Kakarot's wife, Winter and that old man were revived, along with those killed by the android Cell and he decided one more to continue his training. He wanted to fight Kakarot, to see their differences but the clown wanted to wait for a while and continue his own training.


Vegeta, in the middle of repelling Trunks own Ki blast towards the sky picked up multiple weakling incoming, his senses told him they were barely worth their presences, but he felt them all the same. He held out his hand to Trunks, more interested in their bout but decided not to attack as they multiple beings he felt were heading his way and fast.


Looking over Trunks shoulder in disbelief, Trunks turned also to gawk at the aliens approaching them, outfitted in PTO armor and scouters. Trunks powered down from his ascended form and Vegeta, seeing these fools either here to try and kill him or possibly here to recruit him for who knows for also powered down from his own ascended form. Hands on his hips, Vegeta snarled at the twenty or so members, aliens of different races as they all bowed to him, fear easily seen in their eyes.


"Whats this then, why have you come? Decide to answer carefully for I would not extend my mercy to you cretins. Frieza, Cooler and Cold are dead. The rest of his pathetic empire does not concern me-"


"-Prince Vegeta… we have been sent on behalf of a Saiyan, a Saiyan named Paragus. He requests your help in dealing with the 'Legendary Super Saiyan-" Vegeta, being impatient and not liking the arrogance dripping from this one's tone, pushed his right hand forward, one finger extended and his thumb upwards as he fired a beam into the alien's stomach. The alien flinched for a moment, before realizing at last that it died, falling to the ground below. Another blast engulfed the falling aliens as its trajectory was to be landing on top of his ship where Raven and Tarble stayed on, his woman Raven's hand extended while her and his son was held in her other hand wrapped in a blanket. She didn't look to be pleased by Vegeta's yelling, but Vegeta ignored her for now.


"You, fish-face, give me your scouter." he yelled out to one of Cui's race, the alien of a similar appearance of his once tormentor pointed at himself in fear as he looked around and swallowed. He took off the scouter and threw it towards Vegeta, who caught up easily in a fist. Putting it on, he clicked a familiar button for the communication as this model scouter was once one he used in the past.


"Paragus! I have heard tell of your arrival here! You have come here why?" he growled out through the device, not in the mood for charlatans. The closest he supposed to be the 'Legendary Super Saiyan' had to be, as much as he wanted to deny it… Kron, who transformed the first out of any Saiyan since their species had taken over planet Plant. At least to his knowledge, the name Paragus though… it sounded familiar too… Perhaps someone who once worked for his father, the late king-


"-I hear you loud and clear my prince. My scouter fluctuates from here. A testament to your strength, I have come to this plant in search of you. The prince-"


"-Your peon mentioned a 'Legendary Super Saiyan' I want to know, who this being is, for I have no doubt as to who that legend truly is. A Saiyan of overwhelming might who I've heard defeated both Frieza and Cooler in a battle… at the same time. Tell me, who is the 'Legendary Super Saiyan' you mention, just know that if you lie, I will kill you, Saiyan or no." Vegeta warned, smirking in no particular direction as he waited for a response.


"...My prince, I have come to implore you to be king over New Planet Vegeta in your honer. Your empire is waiting for your divine rule. A rabid Saiyan however, of immense power has been spotted-"


"-You say you've found the 'Legendary Super Saiyan'?" Vegeta interrupted, not sure but he was definitely interested. To best this Saiyan would bring him one step closer to his goal, to eclipse both Kakarot and Kron in power. That is… if this Saiyan he was speaking to is correct and not jumping at shadows. The Saiyan Paragus replied.


"Yes Sire, he is rampaging throughout the a small part of the southern galaxy with such legendary power I have not encountered before! I'd imagine only a Saiyan of the royal line of our destroyed home could have a chance in beating back this mad beast of a Saiyan!" Vegeta grunted, not looking for compliments. He decided he would meet this Saiyan face to face.


"Wait where you are, I shall speak to you face to face, I don't trust you." he crushed the scouter and then barked out loudly, facing the nineteen alien soldiers left.


"Take me… to your leader…" he smirked, still pleased by their fear. He felt that his 'son' Trunks was following him but paid the boy no mind, he had a mystery to to make sense of.


"-Father!, your going to follow these g-guys, father!" Trunks called out, though once more, he ignored the boy. He grunted, powering just a little under these guys so he could keep in pace with the slow P.T.O aliens, their fear radiating off them even now.




Sighing, Goku had laid back into the homes tub and he closed his eyes in contentment. The heat of the water and the size of the tub made for an excellent way to relax after a hard day of training with Gohan. Relaxing now, he found excitement at the prospect in fighting with the androids Sixteen, Seventeen and Eighteen as he never had such a chance while inflicted by that heart virus.


Another ten minutes spent washing himself like Chichi had shown him years ago, he got out and headed inside the house, towel wrapped securely astound his waist.


"Hey son, I sensed your arrival, how was your training? You're looking to be getting a hand on the transformation." he said blinking, his son seen him and his eyes so focused and concentration of his face gave way to surprise. He powered down as he replied.


"Father, I uh… just got back, Bulma made another remote. She wanted to ask what our plan was with the remaining androids." Goku looked at his son, thinking. Truth be told, as long as they didn't kill anyone nor terrorizing people, like the versions of them that Trunks had told him about when the young Saiyan first arrived, he was content to let them live in peace. Who knows, perhaps one day they would become allies, sparring partners or both. He patted his son on the head once, smiling down as he spoke softly.


"I'll discuss it with Bulma, if she's worried about them, I will explain to her why I believe they are here to stay and won't cause trouble. I still want to fight them mind, I missed the battle with that Cell android too, you too Gohan, your strength has… surpassed mine, I'm proud son." Goku gave Gohan's hair a playful swat, as Gohan laughingly waved off Goku's hand, Goku then tensed at the thought of such a monster, his eyes narrowed in thought though he quickly stopped and gazed at his worried son before he continued to speak.


"Go for a bath son, we have plenty more training tomorrow-" Chichi came into the room out from the kitchen, he caught her blush as she gazed upon his almost naked form and Goku blinked, having forgotten about his need to dry himself and get dressed. Chichi extended the house phone to him as she blinked, trying to only keep her eyes on his instead of roaming his body.


"Here, it's the young man Trunks. He's asking for you Goku. Here." she handed him the phone and Goku replied into it, surprised.


"Hey Trunks, what's going on?" he asked, Trunks replied while Chichi left and Gohan looked towards the bathroom but still he lingered here.


"Goku, my father is getting involved in something, I am not sure and I don't trust these people. Father as you know, has been restless ever since Kron left. He said something about a 'Legendary Super Saiyan' somewhere in the southern galaxy and his heading there on the word of some suspect individuals, I might need help to get father to listen, and if nothing else, backup encase things go uh, south." Goku replied, interested to face such a being.


"Gohan and I can come and back you two up, if that is what your worried about. With Piccolo and Kron gone for now, those androids being peaceful too, I'm in need of a challenge." Goku smiled, listening as Trunks sighed. Trunks then replied.


"Thank you Goku, I knew I could count on you. I will ring some of the others to meet me, I will flare my Ki constantly so you all will know where I and Father are heading or at. See you then." Trunks hung up and Goku looked towards his son.

"Gohan, how are you feeling? You interested in helping Trunks, Vegeta and myself?" he asked while his son blinked, replying.


"Ah… sure dad, let me have a quick shower and I will get out of these rags." Gohan bounded off, heading for the bathroom and Goku headed for his own room, in order to dress in another fresh set of his Gi.




Continuing on using the ocean currents to get around, he kept his power low still and used his senses to feel out the hundred or so new arrivals. One in particular felt strange to his senses. Like this being was hiding his own power, he definitely has experience for that so feeling another doing so here and a stranger at that…


Reaching the surface of the ocean in a small outcrop underneath a sea-worn cave, he jumped out of the sea waves, not even feeling their boundless strength of such powerful waves in trying to smash him against the cliff rocks as he continued to rise upwards. Making his way up, he landed near an old lighthouse and entered inside. Finding somewhere to lean on, he then continued to feel these strange beings' energy signatures, also it seemed the Vegeta was heading towards the strange ones Ki…


"...Strange, though this might be a gift for me. These newcomers have come for some such reason and Vegeta's, he seems interested in them. Though this just might be another advantage to my finding my wayward prey and taking them into me… kekek…" Cell laughed, heedless of the overreaching storm that begun to renew its aggression upon this part of the land.




Making another remote was much quicker than the first time, she was glad she saved the designs for them as she concentrated on assembling it together once more. Her first remote was lost by Ren, he accidentally dropped it during the 'Instant Transmission' Winter used to save most of them before she was murdered by the madman Gero's monster creation.


"...Done, this one is-" her father came inside, interrupted her speaking to herself as she looked at him with a smile. He blinked, taking a puff from his cigarette as he spoke.


"You've finished the new model my dear, baby Trunks has been put asleep, the little rascal." he said fondly as she handed her father the new design for the remote, this one more unique. Bulma smirked, impressed with this new version she constructed. She explained it's new features, the radar-like screen on it was a new addition to its design.


"This one can shut down those androids, also it has the right sensors to track them down, picking up the android's frequency, particularly their form of energy they use. Though it has a short range of uh, roughly 1000km so it does need to be used while they are in range to track them. Also to use the primary feature, to shut down the androids, you'd have to be within almost body-to-body apart, so someone strong enough should have to use this within arm's length." She wasn't happy on that, and the remote she found would not keep them down for long but enough time for them to be destroyed.


"I'll be leaving home dad, take care of Trunks for me. Thanks." she took the remote back from her father, leaving for Winters home. If Kron isn't back, then she will discuss it with Goku.




Landing on the ground, the PTO soldiers mixed in with another force of unknown origin, their apparent leader was the man standing among them, his long strides as he made his way through these peons to Vegeta. Reaching him, this Saiyan named Paragus bowed low, his right knee touching the ground.


"Sire, the Legendary Super Saiyan was last spotted in the southern part of the galaxy, we have an outpost there. I'm sure you would like to begin your search there. The journey there shouldn't take but a few days." Vegeta looked down at him, the Saiyan rose as the men shouted their approval for their 'King' and Vegeta shrugged, boarding the ship. His son, ran over, putting away his cell phone.


"This way Sire, is this your son?" Paragus asked, giving Trunks a once over while Trunks glared at him, Vegeta scoffed, hands in fists and on his hips as he continued up the ramp of the massive oval-shaped ship.


"He is my son." Vegeta continued on board, while Paragus spoke more cordially with Trunks.


"This way prince Trunks." The ship's crew begun the procedures for take off as the grunts got on board, and Vegeta sat on a throne-like command seat and he waited in silence.




Arriving at Winter's villa, she and her son together had landed on the back porch and she headed inside the open door, sighing. She only sensed Kali, and with her eyes glimpsed that old hag Salem as she made her way up the stairs to the second floor, Raven's hair was wet, and Kali threw her a clean dish towel to which she begun drying her son. Moments later, Raven seen Kali return with a clean towel, and she approached her, handing it to her and taking Tarble in her arms while she begun to dry off.


"Where are the rest of them Kali, I wanted to see if I could stay here for a while. Vegeta, that monkey has planned on going into space." She sat down, pulling her red jacket off of her and sat down in only a black-colored singlet on her upper body while she continued to dry off. Kali replied, rocking Tarble a few times while she cooed at him.


"They are still at Capsule Corp, what with everything happening and all. Only I and Salem returned here for now. Blake too with Jaina and Ursula. They are up stairs, I'll put Tarble to sleep? You've fed him, yes?" she asked, Raven stood up and went into the fridge, eyeing the alcohol but she instead grabbed a water, though her eyes lingered on the alcohol before she walked back over.


"Yeah, he's fed and gone for a dump in his diaper, I've changed that before I left. He couldn't sleep on the way here as I flew both him and me here and that damned storm begun as I made it to West Cities regional land. I'm also leaving my capsule set here for Tarble, encase you might need my supplies." she thumbed to the ongoing storm, as Kali nodded.


"I'll put him in Weiss's room." leaving for the moment, Raven could sense as Vegeta's Ki begun to get harder to sense, the man and 'his' son, an alternate version of Trunks heading out into space together. Looking at the phone, she decided to give her brother a call. They talked better these days, still she hadn't seen him in a while. Might as well catch up for a bit, her little brother might be a pain but he's family, she hadn't wanted to kill him since they both left Remnant for here and Salem was neutered... the bitch.




Another planet, this one a fully arctic world, cold and heat sapping but I paid the cold no mind as I powered up. I made more attempts to control my Ape form while in Super Saiyan, on two other planets, each one of them been shattered in the attempt. This would by the fourth planet I found.


"The last planet, I almost got a control of myself but… by the time I did, the planet was ripped apart from the Ki I was pumping and the Ki-mouth beams I launched in rage, trying to control my power. This time… I feel as I am getting close. Just one… more time… I feel it." I said aloud, Ki engulfing me.


The Howling winds never reached me now from my Ki wisp around the area, kicking up ice, rock and snow in a circle diameter around me, and I took a good look at the moon,anticipating the change. Looking up into the moon, the other moon as well and I absorbed double the blutz waves, Gigantification begun as I morphed into the great ape form, golden from 'Super Saiyan'. I felt rage but this time, my mind I kept much more better, I could think more.


"Heh… now, to further bring up the heat!" I growled out, feeling for some kind of sign I could change even more, for that I used every ounce of my strength with me. My clone on Earth had popped days ago after giving Winter a pounding, so I had yet to send another back to Earth using 'Instant Transmission'. I felt some kind of change enact within me, something 'snapped', and I cried out, howling to the heavens as the planet continued to shake by my overwhelming power, huge chunks of rocks begun to rise and ice, and snow turned to water in an instant, flooding the area. Fissures opened up nearby and I eyed them, there was heat pouring up from the crevices and steam, then larva begun to flow. The very planet, at first freezing and dark, begun to heat up and glow, from myself and the rivers of larva that begun to flow out like oozes of puss. Shouting a final time, the planet broke apart even more, huge landmasses around me begun rising and breaking apart and then-


"-This must be it!" come on… Push!! my Ki glowed golden much fiercer, huge bolts of light-colored blue ran up me randomly, these bolts turning a fierce red, I begun to shrink in size as they Oozeru form begun to transform. My ape-like grunts and my voice receded from ape-like to my normal voice as I continued to yell out. I felt it happening now, I also felt… calm, the rage didn't dissipate but it… mellowed out somewhat.

Warrior988 Warrior988

Disclaimer - I don't Own RWBY OR DBZ.

Mc is getting stronger, for the brother gods who are coming, Broly is going to be a 'problem' to deal with and Bulma has made another remote... one with a tracking system...

Give me feadback if you want, I'll try to use it. Until next time.



?? = powerlevel is rising after training but not checked.

?-? = Suppressed.


(Battle - Powers)

-Kron/MC = 18,648,000 Base Form. -I- Oozaru(X10) = 186,480,000 Wrathful State(X10) = 186,480,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) = 932,400,000 -|- Super Saiyan(X50) X Kaio-ken(Max Limit(x12)) = X600 = 11,188,800,000 | Super SaiyanII(X100) = 1,864,800,000

-Trunks(FUTURE) = ? - Super Saiyan(X50) = ?

-Jaina(FUTURE) = 2,800,000 - Super Saiyan-I(X50) = 140,000,000 - Super Saiyan-II(X100) = 280,000,000

-Yang = 1,964,800 Kaio-ken - X24 = 47,155,200

-Goku = 3,744,460 - Kaio-ken - X20 = 74,889,200 - Super Saiyan(X50) = 187,223,000

-Winter = 1,064,780 - Kaio-ken - X17 = 18,101,260

-Krillin= 1,846,584 - Kaio-ken - X25 = 46,164,600

-Pyrrha = 2,346,480 - Kaio-ken - X23 =53,969,040

-Gohan = 1,988,640 - Oozeru(X10) =19,886,400 - Kaio-ken - x12 = 23,863,680 - Super Saiyan(X50) =

-Jaina - ??

-Vegeta - 16,674,000 Super Saiyan(X50) = 833,700,000 - Super Saiyan Grade II (X75) = 1,250,550,000

-Raven = 1,642,486 - . Kaio-ken - X12 = 19,709,832

-Blake = 644,340 - Kaio-ken - x7 = 4,510,380

-Weiss = 616,638 - Kaio-ken - x6 = 3,699,828

-Yamcha = 1,440,160 - Kaio-ken - x19 = 27,363,040

-Tien = 1,620,800 - Kaio-ken - x26 = 42,140,800

-Chiaotzu = 1,042,800

-Ruby = 45,000

-Piccolo = 350,000,000 (Weighted Clothes) - Kaio-ken = x2 = 700,000,000

-Chichi = 420

-Raditz - Dead. (R.I.P)

-Nappa - Dead. (R.I.P)

-Sixteen - 880,000,000

-Seventeen - 640,000,000

-Eighteen - 560,000,000

-Cell - ??


(RWBY Characters still on their planet.)


-Jaune = ?

-Junior = ?

-Twins = ?

-Roman = ?

-Mercury = ?

-Emerald = ?

-Adam = ?


Known KI-Move's Kron Knows.


- (Tyrant’s Wave) - Strong AOE Ki Technique.

- (Royal Spear) - Strong Ki Technique.

- (Double Sunday) - Ki Technique.

- (Aura Sphere) - Passive.

- (KI manpiulation) - Passive.

- (Kaio-Ken) - Power Multiplier Technique.

- (Tri-Form) - Ki Manipulation Technique.

-(Instant-Transmission) - Teleporter ability.

-(Spirit-Control) - beter control with Ki.

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